God of Destruction

Chapter 3832: Undercurrent

Chapter 3832: Undercurrent Surging

The world is changing, and the world is changing. When General Moro has a headache, the major forces hidden in the dark are also having a headache. They don't know how to deal with this change, and they don't know how to stand in line. As for the real delusions The imperial family who took the opportunity to seize the benefits were just ignorant ants. The truly powerful forces would never make a decision at this time. Before they truly understood Xing Tian's true power, no powerful force would be willing to give it a go.

The Great Tribulation of Heaven and Earth is not a trifling matter. A slight [reading at zero point] awaiting them is death and destruction. The imperial families that jump out at this time are just families with no background. Really powerful families will not act rashly. They will not gamble on the life and death of the entire family, and the consequences of failure are beyond their tolerance. As for the imperial family, they can only endure the same. The border is too far away from DìDū. They don’t know the true power of Xingtian, or the potential of Xingtian. They don’t know if Xingtian comes from the supreme chaotic world. Before all this is clear, They dare not act rashly!

For the Tianjiao who descended from the supreme chaotic world to the boundary battlefield world and those who reincarnated in reincarnation, they have different reactions. For those who are like Xing Tian, ​​who reincarnated in reincarnation, they will not be here. It’s time to show up because they don’t have Xingtian’s terrifying opportunity and background, and they can master powerful power in such a short time. They are still very weak and very weak, even if Xingtian caused this terrible upheaval, these people There was a little thought of acting rashly in his heart, and he didn't even think about going to fight Xing Tian.

Compared with the old reincarnation powerhouses, those Tianjiao who have entered this realm battlefield world can not bear it, knowing the terrible thunder punishment of the border and the amazing omen. After that, each of these arrogances were ready to move, and they all wanted to take the opportunity to fuel the flames and promote the general trend of the world.

Soon, the Tianjiao of the major forces gathered together according to their respective sects to discuss the sudden change caused by Xing Tian. For them, this was a challenge and an opportunity, and it was also a big danger, because no one knew about Xing Tian. The true origins of Tuangan people also know why Xingtian is so crazy to stir the general situation of the world, so they need to discuss!

"Everyone, if today's terrible catastrophe has already begun, everyone knows the terrible heavenly punishment before. Now we need to make a decision about what we should do with this person to cause such a terrible thunder punishment, or it is due to the catastrophe. The sons of the reincarnated world are either the old monsters that reincarnate, and the old monsters who have regained the memories of their previous lives. For this person, how should we deal with this person, whether to use the power of the empire to destroy him, or continue to hide, Don't treat him as the same thing?"

"Destroy him, even if we can use the power of the empire now, but are we capable of destroying such a terrible murderer? You know this is not a child's play, this is a war, an endless war. Together, we will There is no retreat, there is only a **** battle to the end. You must think clearly about this battle, life and death are in your own hands!"

"Everyone, in my opinion, we don’t need to care about this sudden adversary. We don’t care about his existence. Whether he is an aboriginal in this area of ​​the battlefield world, he is not an outsider with powerful power like us. His existence does not pose too many threats to us, at least there are too many threats to the liver at the moment. We don't need to fight such a madman at this time and under such circumstances. This is not good for us!"

"This is not a question of whether there are benefits, but our plan cannot be blocked because of this. His presence threatens our plan. We have to respond. Don’t say that you don’t have the idea of ​​fighting this world’s luck. You still have this idea in your heart, this time we must teach each other a lesson, or wait for this kid to gain a foothold in the empire, then none of us will be able to move him, and it will be difficult to shake the general trend of the empire!"

"It's not so exaggerated. He is just a small child. No matter how talented, no matter how powerful, he can't shake our general situation. After all, we are dark, he is bright, and wants to shake our plan. This is impossible!"

"Ignorance, stupid, the previous victory made you forget who you are. Do you think that you can dominate the world? Do you think that no one can match? You can't do it, and I can't do it , All of us can’t do it. Don’t be fascinated by those previous victories. We are not much better than these natives. If you have been holding this mentality, it’s better to leave the team early. I don’t want to be ignorant of you. Implicated!"

Ignorance, the other party is indeed a little ignorant. In this world, everything can happen. A little carelessness may ruin all of your own advantages and even your own life. After all, this is a catastrophe of heaven and earth, even if it is just The terrible calamity of the realm battlefield is not controlled by these'ants'!

"I remind everyone, don’t just because there is no threat of the battlefield of the realm, don’t think that our previous plan was successful, it is a little arrogant, that is self-defeating, for us, risking our lives to enter this world. The purpose of the domain battlefield world is to let yourself go further, rather than ignorantly laugh at other people. Can you guarantee that the other party is incapable? An enemy that can provoke the world and mine punishment, and an enemy that can make our plan fail, will be a simple one Human? If you have this kind of power, if you can do it, if you can't, just put away that arrogant heart for me!"

"Yes, we really can't be arrogant. This is a terrible calamity, and no enemy can take it lightly. Although the opponent is very young and has not practiced for a long time, it is definitely not ordinary people, not those who are immortal. Reincarnation is the reincarnation of the strong in this world, and even the son of the world in this world. No matter which possibility it is, we must pay attention to it, or it will only be us who will fail in the end. I would like to mention this time. We will try our best to stop him, even if we pay a little price, if such an enemy joins the empire, it will be a catastrophic threat to us!"


"Block! How can we block, just rely on those ignorant and stupid disciples of the family? Their little power can complete our plan. This is impossible. Don’t forget, there is also the queen of the empire over there. Empress, with her, those disciples of the aristocratic family can't make waves!"

"Things are man-made, don't make such a conclusion first, those disciples of the aristocratic family can't turn the waves, but if we push him secretly, it is not necessarily the case. The disciples of the aristocratic family have limited abilities, and indeed cannot break the overall situation, but if they die at the border, That's different. Even if the queen of the empire is there, the army at the border will have to pay a heavy price!"

"Hey!" At this moment, everyone took a breath. Everyone was shocked by the words. Kill the children of the imperial family, even if they are not very powerful, even if they are only second-rate. Aristocratic family, but so many disciples of the aristocratic family died at the border, the empire must have an explanation no matter what, then the whole world will be turbulent!

"Okay, this plan is good. We will do our best to mobilize a group of people and let them take action. As long as these people take action, the plan will be successful. No matter whether we can achieve our wish, the enemy will be greatly affected. Impact!"

In this way, insidious and vicious plans are taking shape. Such situations are not only happening in one place, but such shocking changes have occurred in many places. It can be said that Xingtian’s thunder punishment has inspired almost the entire world of battlefields. Those who descended from, they all desperately wanted to kill Xing Tian, ​​the enemy who messed up their overall situation. A terrible wind and epoch was formed frantically, and they were heading towards Xing Tian quickly, making the whole world tremble in this storm. !

When you make your determination, these hidden enemies move, and the whole world is turbulent again. Many forces are affecting the support army without a sound. Countless lurking enemies are acting one by one, and they are pushing frantically. When this storm comes, they are frantically mobilizing all their influence, doing their best to destroy Xingtian, even if they can’t destroy Xingtian, they must prevent Xingtian from being integrated into the empire to prevent them from being destroyed. Calculate!

At this time, Xing Tian is practicing in retreat, retreating to realize himself and refining the heart of the world. He has no idea that a terrible storm is condensing from the outside world, which is slowly attacking himself, but even if Xing Tian knows it, it is useless. , Can’t prevent all of this from happening. In fact, when Xingtian provokes thunder and punishes him, he has already thought that he will face such a day. In Xingtian’s view, as long as he is strong enough, he can let his secret enemy No matter how sinister and vicious, he can't stop his advancement, and any conspiracy and tricks are not withstandable in the face of absolute strength!

The storm is slowly forming, and the imperial reinforcements are getting slower and slower. The slower they are, the more disciples of the family will continue to join the support army, and their appearance once again slows down the movement of the army. The speed of the army was slowed down. Fortunately, the frontier battle was over. Otherwise, with their procrastinating behavior, when they arrived at the border, the defenders had already died and had been destroyed by the enemy.

The reason for this situation is precisely because the children of the aristocratic family all know the news of the border victory, and it is exactly the same. They will participate in this frantically one by one under the enticement of those hidden enemies. In the support army, they all want to gain a piece of military merit in vain, and they all want to take the opportunity to show themselves in front of the empress, and fight for themselves!

The idea is good, but the reality is cruel, without strength, and blindly wanting to make opportunistic tricks. Not only will it not bring benefits to themselves, it will bring benefits, but on the contrary, they will plunge themselves into a place where they cannot be restored. When such a greedy thought appeared in my heart, when I was affected by greed and joined the reinforcements, my own destiny was no longer determined by myself. I was plunged into a terrible storm, and all of them would face death!

The advancement of reinforcements is getting slower and slower, and the pressure on General Moreau is increasing day by day. Such a terrifying pressure makes Moreau's heart extremely annoyed. Know that the more so, the more dangerous General Moreau's situation is, especially It is that Xingtian and Tongtianhe Water God still have no signs of leaving the customs, but they have no sufficient reason to warn each other!

"Damn, you can't go on like this anymore. Otherwise, if you don't wait for those **** **** to appear, my general will be overwhelmed by the army. It's time to discuss it with the empress, and if you continue like this, you don't need enemies to attack. The empire army itself will have great chaos, and will directly part ways with the empire!"

When thinking of this, General Moreau stopped hesitating and went straight to see the Queen Empress. When Moreau appeared in the Queen Empress’s camp, the Empress Empress couldn’t help showing a faint surprise. I don’t know this time. Moro is looking for something to do with him, know that Moro is under tremendous pressure now!

Without waiting for the Queen Empress to ask her own intentions, General Moreau first said: "Manny, we can't wait for such a long time. Those **** don't even have the intention to support us. They delay again and again. The time of the march has already caused dissatisfaction with my army. If this continues, I will not be able to control the army. After all, no soldier is willing to work with such reinforcements. Their existence has already insulted the name of the soldiers. I hope you can stand. Come out to stop the behavior of these bastards, let them speed up and reach the border at the maximum speed, or let them go on like this. I don’t know how many children from the family will enter the army. At that time, no enemy will be used to attack, the empire army He collapsed, and no soldier was willing to accept such a result! If these **** are allowed to successfully mix into military service, it would be an insult to the army and an injustice to the soldiers. With this wind, the empire army will go back to fight!"

General Moreau said it right. This example is not true. Once such a situation occurs in the empire army, there will never be any soldiers desperate for the empire and loyal to the empire, because the empire betrayed them first and allowed their military achievements to succeed. A big joke, if the military system of the Imperial Army collapses, the entire empire army will also collapse. Counting on those disciples of the aristocratic family and expecting them to fight for the empire is just a joke, a big joke!

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