God of Destruction

Chapter 3833: Festival crazy

Chapter 3833 Crazy

What if you are not reconciled? How can General Moreau want to stop all of this, just in the name of the empress, can you really suppress those eager disciples of the family, and suppress those eager enemies in the world? Impossible. General Moreau can’t do it, and the queen empress can’t do it. Even if the queen empress comes forward, it can’t stop the minds of those ambitious. If it’s before everything happens, if it’s just beginning, maybe There is a possibility of success, but it is too late now. With this storm, no one can suppress it. At least those in the empire cannot do it. Everyone should have selfishness, and if they have selfishness, they will be affected by themselves. Desire and hope are affected.

After a while, the empress sighed, shook her head and said: "It's too late, everything is too late. We missed the best opportunity to stop them. Now even if I come forward, I can't suppress these bastards, they won't Following my orders, you will be subject to orders from foreign military forces. What's more, I am a queen who can’t do politics. Let them do it. Since we can’t hold it down, we still follow our previous plan and let these **** provoke me. No matter what happened, let them go and kill themselves!"

"But Niang Niang, doing so will make the entire empire lose its military spirit, and lose its military spirit. What power will the empire use to suppress the world, and what power to use to destroy the enemy, once this step is reached, we will never have a chance to stand up again!" At this time, the general Moruozhen assault team was a little anxious. This was not the result he wanted to see, nor the result he could bear!

"Under the general situation, what do you want me to do to stop you, do you think the army will obey my orders? Haven't you ever thought that behind all this is not just those stupid families pushing, but we have been facing Our enemies are fueling the flames. These **** are there and they are pushing all of this secretly. We can’t stop them. The only thing we can do is to stabilize ourselves and let them destroy themselves. After all, the target of these **** is Xingtian. It is the God of Tongtian River and the interests of the empire. As long as they have ambition, desire and hope, they will not break free from the shackles of the empire!"

After the empress empress’s words fell, General Moreau’s face changed again and again, and his concern was chaotic. He was too concerned about his own safety and the enemy’s impact, so that he did not even understand the most critical issue. A terrible turmoil, can only those family members promote it? No, there are also the many forces that have been enemies with themselves, precisely because they have been secretly contributing to the situation, so that the situation is out of control, and even they cannot stop them.

"Mother, are you not afraid that the empire has lost its military aspirations? It has lost the power of the world? You know now that I can't suppress the grievances in the army. All the soldiers have great disappointment and hatred for the empire. Fortunately, we no longer have External pressure, otherwise the entire army would collapse because of this, we have no action, they are afraid they can't wait!"

When General Moreau’s words fell, the empress’s expression changed drastically. If it was just the reinforcements, she could still bear it, but now the army under General Moreau is in turmoil. This is very dangerous.

I saw that the empress empress shrank and said in a deep voice: "General, is this the true thoughts of the soldiers below, or is there someone pushing all this secretly? If it is the soldier's thoughts, you can handle it yourself. If someone is pushing secretly, Then kill no matter who you are, no matter what background he has!"

When the situation reached this level, the empress's heart also became tense. After all, the previous wars had already made her understand the cruelty of the world. If someone secretly promotes the mutiny of the army, it is self-defeating. This is intolerable. When things are related to their own safety, the empress does not care about it!

When he saw the empress empress’s anti-tip, General Moro sighed lightly in his heart. He was very dissatisfied with all of this, but he couldn’t oppose it, so he could only sigh: “No one pushes, everything is just the voice of the soldier himself. , You must know that no soldier can tolerate such a situation. This is an insult to them and an insult to the soldiers!"

The empress was in deep thought for a while, and then she sighed and said: "Tell the soldiers about the situation we are facing now, so that they can understand that it is not the empire that is embarrassing them, nor that the empire does not value everyone’s life and death, but that the family is in Pushing all this secretly, their greed gave the enemy an opportunity to make the situation uncontrollable. Everyone only needs to wait a few more days for reinforcements to arrive. At that time, everyone can return to the emperor and receive Pu'er tea. The combat exploits I deserve!"

Hearing this, General Moreau was shocked instantly. He did not expect that the Empress Empress would be so unfeeling and so vicious. He would directly sell the army that strengthened him so that they would bear the anger of the soldiers and let them They came to bear this huge black pot, all the faults were only those ignorant families, not the empire!

The general is not ignorant of the truth, but this time the empress empress has done too much, and has pushed all the responsibility on the enemy and the family. As for There was nothing wrong with the empire, and this result made General Moreau's heart involuntarily shook his head, unable to agree with all this!

Seeing the silent look of General Morrow, the Queen Empress sighed again: "General, there is nothing we can do. Under the current situation, we have to make a trade-off, since reinforcements are no longer expected. Go to them, then use their ignorance to tell many soldiers, so that they can understand that all this is not caused by the empire, but those families, so that they are no longer affected by external forces, so that the situation can be improved! "

auzw.com wry smile! At this time, the general Morrow could only do a wry smile. Besides that, he didn't know what else he could do, but could he be successful just by doing this? Will the enemy give himself or his army such an opportunity? Regarding all this, General Moro didn't dare to be a little confident, after all, this world situation could not help but decide on his own!

"Well, this can only be the case, I hope the situation will not get out of control, or the army will be in chaos, and the consequences will be disastrous!" When he said this, Moreau sighed again. Since the empire launched the so-called big plan, the result has been repeated. Beyond our own grasp, and repeatedly beyond the empire’s calculations, everything is developing in an unknown direction. It is not so much the enemy that initiated the catastrophe, but rather the empire itself initiated the catastrophe, perhaps this time the empire opened it. Not only a catastrophe, but also a natural disaster that ruins oneself!

The more things get out of control, General Moreau’s confidence in the empire is getting lower and lower, and he doesn’t think the empire can survive this natural disaster. But now Moreau can’t say it, he can only follow this silently. The world moves in a big way! Against the sky, Moreau had never had such an idea, nor did he dare to have such an idea.

Under the Queen’s decision, General Moreau had to push all the responsibilities to the family in accordance with the law. It was just that the soldiers under his own, after hearing all this, did not imagine that all resentment was lost. Pinned on the aristocratic family, although they no longer believe that all this is caused by the empire, they have also lost confidence in the empire. It can be said that the queen’s decision is a double-edged sword. When the family is hurt, it is also hurt. The vitality of the empire caused many soldiers to lose confidence in the empire. When this happened, General Morrow felt even more heavy.

"This is God's will. God's will is cutting off the vitality of the empire. This strategy of the empress and her mother hurts others and herself. If the soldiers' confidence in the empire cannot be quickly restored in the future, waiting for the empire will be a natural disaster. Without the help of the army, even the civil servants in the imperial capital can't change the crisis of destruction of the empire no matter how hard they are!"

As a military expert, General Moreau knew the terrible loss of his military spirit. Although the situation was not good for the empire, it did not affect Moreau himself. The army under him is still under his control. After losing confidence in the empire, the military spirit was once again concentrated in Moreau's hands. After all, Moreau was the backbone of the entire army!

For an instant, General Moreau couldn't help but feel the idea of ​​betraying the empire. He wanted to support his own strength, dominate one side, and become his own power. But this idea quickly dissipated. Even though his combat strength was good, he also had some power. I have a large army in hand, but my own background is still too weak. Even if the troubled times are coming, I can’t support a world and become a force on its own. If you have to do this, you will only die, only your family will be destroyed, and there will be no second. may!

When the frontier army lost confidence in the empire, the strong people in the center of the empire were also shocked by it, and the top of the imperial family were also shocked. They all felt the loss of luck and the changes in the border. Why did this happen? They don’t need to inquire about the situation. They understand that it is a great loss of the military's mind. The support troops arranged by the empire have not arrived at the border so far. This has caused the soldiers guarding the border to lose trust in the empire, and even shake the military's mind. It is those who caused all this. The family attached to the empire!

"Damn, these aristocratic families really deserve to die, and the command of the army is also damned. His ignorance has caused the empire to lose its luck. Those **** from the aristocratic family have made the empire lose its military spirit. If this happens, I am afraid that all the guards guarding the border The army will be in danger, and the entire empire will be turbulent at that time. If the army is lost, the empire will also be destroyed!"

"Yes, if the military spirit is lost, the world is in chaos. We can no longer allow this situation to continue to deteriorate. It is time to kill those ignorant families so that they can understand who is in charge of this world, and use their blood to weigh. Shape the empire's luck!"

"It’s easy to say, but it’s not easy to do all this. Now the family has become the biggest cancer in the empire. It is attached to the empire and is constantly sucking blood. It is not easy to kill these cancers. The matter, their power has penetrated into every part of the empire, and they are really pulling the whole body together. Without a perfect plan, without sufficient power, rash actions will only make the empire destroyed faster!"

"Don't we do anything, let these **** consume the vitality of the empire little by little, and watch the empire go to destruction, even if it will eventually fail, we can't just sit back and let the emperor know and let him act? Let’s implement that final plan. If we fail to succeed, we will be benevolent. We have no second way to go. Taking advantage of the fact that the guarding border army is still in the grasp of the empire, we will try our best. This is our last chance. Quietly waiting for the empire to go to destruction!"

"Yes, this is the last chance for the empire. The actions of these families give us enough excuses and let the soldiers of the empire understand the dangers of the family. We can take the opportunity to destroy these families and use their blood to restore the military spirit of the empire. To reorganize the empire’s luck, as long as these blood-sucking families attached to the empire can be killed, the empire will be able to reinvigorate, and those hidden ants will also be destroyed. No one can take us away!"

After some conversation, the royal masters hidden behind the empire finally made a decision and decided to kill the family. In their opinion, this was the only chance for the empire to stand up, and with their decision, the empire finally became crazy , Under an order in the imperial capital, the reinforcements received an iron order from the center, and the queen empress far away in the border, as well as the general Moro also received an order from the empire to purge the upcoming reinforcements and use those of the disciples of the family Blood to save the military's heart!

When receiving this crazy order, General Moreau was shocked. This is not a good thing. No matter which direction things go, as long as you do it yourself, you will stand on the opposite side of the family. This is the empire. Forcing himself to stand in line, forcing himself to turn his face with the family, such an order made Moreau's heart extremely heavy, and he lost the last trace of loyalty to the empire.

In order to ensure that the world is not lost, the imperial royal family issued this crazy order to put all the weight on themselves, even if there is a queen in the border at this moment, but this Causality, this responsibility will not fall on the empress, but only on the general who is in charge of the army, and he has become the existence of the imperial royal family. How can such a result not let General Moro do it? Liang Xin, how can he not let him down in the empire? It can be said that the empire will lose a loyal general.

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