God of Destruction

Chapter 3834: Decision

Chapter 3834 Decision

"What an imperial emperor, what a crazy plan, I hope your calculations can be successful, if not, this time will be my last loyalty to the empire!" When these words sounded in Moreau's heart, Mo There is a real gap between Luo and the empire, and there is a real difference with the empire, but now that the empire has not gone to ruin, he will still choose to stand on the side of the empire, but when the empire is in decline, he will part ways with the empire. Time.

No strong man wants to be calculated or persecuted by others, even those who are loyal. General Morrow is no exception. When the Empire gave him this order, he was completely disappointed in the Empire. , And completely chilled his heart!

People are not for themselves, and the earth will die! No matter how loyal General Morrow was to the empire before, but after experiencing so many things, after receiving such a big impact, his loyalty will gradually cool down, and now it is like this, but now General Moro still needs to be attached to the empire and can only continue to be patient.

In silence, the general Moro completed her own change of heart, completed the transformation of her mind, but the queen empress who had been by her side was not aware of it, although her heart was very dissatisfied with the arrangement of the empire, but She didn’t think about Moreau. She didn’t think about the serious consequences that Moreau would have if she did this, because in her heart she also regarded Moreau as a loyal underling of the empire, and everything should obey the empire. command.

"Mother, you have seen and understood the order of the empire. This time we have no choice. I need your help. I need you to suppress the master of reinforcements. Otherwise, even if I am willing to fight to the death, I cannot complete the empire. After all, my army has suffered heavy losses and cannot fight against a complete army. What's more, they also have a lot of dissatisfaction in their hearts at this moment. Without your help, the final plan can only fail. I am alone. No matter how much danger it is, I can't let my army bear this danger. They have reached the limit for the empire!"

When she heard Morrow’s words, the empress’s face became hesitant. She knew very well in her heart what kind of dangers and hidden dangers would be brought to her if she obeyed General Morrow’s arrangements. But she also understood that if she didn't do this, she was afraid that General Moreau would not obey the empire's orders. After all, Moreau attached great importance to her men. Similarly, if at this time, as a queen of a country, he is unwilling to contribute to the empire, how can he expect Moreau to be loyal to the empire!

"Well, I will do my best to suppress those reinforcements so that they can't make any moves, but there is only one chance like this. After all, the many families have a great influence on the empire. If a single blow is not achieved, the consequences will be unimaginable!" Facing Mo Luo's request, the Queen Empress finally compromised, she could only participate in this crazy event!

"Thank you Niang Niang for your help, I will go back and prepare everything!" If General Moreau had not been completely disappointed with the empire, General Moreau would still have a lot of consideration for the Queen Niangniang, but now his heart has such consideration, the empire has not. Think of yourself as your own person, just as an abandoned child who can be abandoned at any time, then you don't need to compromise.

Seeing Morrow’s leaving back, the empress empress felt a little heavy. Although she did not feel the grievances of General Morrow, the woman’s instinct made her feel that General Morrow had a slight change, something she didn’t know. The change.

When he returned to the camp, Moreau kept thinking in his heart that the empire’s order had been issued, and he had no possibility of change. In this case, he could not gain nothing at all, and he would have to pay for his efforts. It is almost impossible to give yourself the reward you deserve. As long as you obey the order to kill those disciples of the family, you will also suffer backlash from the other side, even if it is just a few second- and third-rate families, but they unite together. It will also condense a huge power!

"The empire is not benevolent, so I can’t blame Moro for being cruel. In troubled times, strength is the root of everything. Since this crazy killing cannot be avoided, I will try my best to get the most benefits. The biggest dependence is the army under their hands. Their hearts are already dissatisfied with the empire. Then I will take this opportunity to firmly control this army in my own hands and completely turn this army into my own private army. At that time, even if the empire wants to attack me, it must take care of it!"

When there was such a crazy idea in his mind, General Moreau no longer hesitated. Time is waiting for no one. There is not much time left for him. Under such circumstances, if he can’t give it a go, wait for nothing but Death, there is only destruction.

With a thought, General Moreau immediately issued an order to summon all the generals in the army. As long as they are not soldiers, they are all being recruited by General Moreau. This time Moreau is determined to control himself thoroughly. This army of men!

With Morrow’s order, all the generals in the army soon appeared in the big tent of the military palace. Although everyone did not know what the general was calling everyone at this time, it could have made them understand the situation. The changes, and this change is related to their own interests and their own survival, so many generals are worried!

Looking at the many generals in the Chinese army camp, General Moreau took a deep breath and said in a deep voice: "Everyone, you all know about the reinforcements, and I understand everyone’s worries. I understand that your unwillingness and long-term patience have caused the ignorant **** of the empire to think that we are very good bullies. If we do not respond, I am afraid that the future will be even worse. Although there are empresses, they can bear some of the pressure for us, but The empire center will not let us go. Even if there are empresses, we will definitely be affected by the previous failure. The empire center will not think that there is a problem with its plan, and it will only be us who have the problem. It is our inability to execute that caused all failures. This can be seen from the reaction of the imperial reinforcements. They dare to ignore the imperial orders, dare to ignore our life and death, and they have been procrastinating for time. This is enough to explain the seriousness of the problem. I am alone. My life and death are nothing, but I can’t let the soldiers who follow me fight and fight for the empire to fight for the empire cannot get the rewards they deserve, the rewards they deserve, I can’t let the soldiers who fell on the battlefield disappointed, this time I decided Let go and use the blood of those ignorant **** to tell the empire center of our anger. Those who are willing to fight with me can stay, and those who don't want to participate can leave on their own. I, Moro, will never blame you!"


"Follow the general to the death. We are willing to continue to fight for the general. The general can bear the infamy and bear the responsibility for us. How can we not fight for the general! If we do not get the recognition of the empire and the reward we deserve, how about everyone? Explain to the brothers who died how to face the families of those brothers who died in battle!"

"War, swear to follow the general, even if it is to die in battle, we have to take back the interests that belong to us. You can give up your own safety and interests as a general. Why can't we do this!" When it sounded, the anger in the hearts of many soldiers was ignited. From this moment on, they followed the general Morrow with all their heart. The whole army was completely under Morrow's control. No one doubted Morrow's intentions, because they didn't know the Empire. The command.

"Okay, very good. Since everyone is willing to fight to the death, we will take many disciples of the family and let them know what our fate will be. Those brothers who died on the battlefield are not allowed to be looted by them, and they are not allowed. Humiliation! It’s just this killing together, no matter how difficult it is for us to turn our heads back, we will definitely turn our eyes on the family, and even the empire will not recognize us. Now everyone still has time to think about it. If someone doesn’t want to participate, they can leave. Time to think about it!"

The twisted melon is not sweet. As a general leader, Moreau knows the serious consequences of forcing his men. Even if he desperately needs the strength of his men, he will not commit such a crime. It is a big mistake, and there will be no generals in the army who are reluctant to participate in the war. That plan for yourself will pose a huge threat to your own safety!

Without waiting for everyone to speak, Moreau continued: "Don’t rush to make a choice. Think about it first. This is not a trivial matter, and once everyone has made a decision, there is no room for a slight backlash. No regrets!"

Hearing Moreau's words, many generals took a deep breath, calmed their minds, and thought about the problem carefully. This is indeed not a trivial matter. Once you participate, there is no possibility of turning back!

Time passed bit by bit. After a long time, General Moro glanced at the people, and then said: "If you are willing to participate, please stay. If you don’t want to participate, please leave. Don’t worry, even if you leave, I’m not Moro. It will embarrass everyone, and I will make arrangements for everyone. I still have this credibility, Moro, and everyone will not worry!"

When Moreau’s words fell, more than a dozen people retreated and left, and their faces showed a trace of helplessness and guilt. Regarding the departure of these more than a dozen people, Moreau was not disappointed, but glanced at everyone. At a glance, he continued: "Is there anyone leaving? Time is running out. If you want to leave, make a decision quickly. If you stay, there will be no retreat for everyone!"

This time, no one continued to leave. All the generals were desperate to follow Moreau and let them go. They were unwilling to accept the evil spirit. Even if they sacrificed their lives, they had to regain their dignity and regain their dignity. Own interests!

"Okay, thank you for your support. Everyone, go back and reorganize the army, and wait for my order. We must first settle our own internal problems. We all know that some people have been suppressed. Why are they suppressed? It’s very simple. They deliberately plot against Xingtian and the God of Tongtian River. They are delusional to drag everyone into desperation because of their greed and selfishness. I think everyone knows their identities. Yes, they are all children of the family and are in action. Before, we have to clean them up first, in case these **** jump out to make trouble at a critical moment and break our plan!"

Many generals were not disgusted with the killing. They were not at all uneasy when they heard Morrow's words. This is war. Together with war, they cannot tolerate any kind of mercy, or they will die only by themselves, especially It was at this critical moment that they could all understand the decision of General Moro!

The reason for secretly killing these disciples of the aristocratic family is very simple. They all died in the previous war. It is useless even if the family behind them is unwilling, because this is a border gate, and they have not seen the real battle. There is no righteous reason to attack General Morro, and there is also the Queen Empress. There is no need for Moreau to fully bear the pressure. No one would think that such a crazy killing of the disciples of the family, before the Queen Empress. Will not know, the imperial family will not know, in this case, Moro naturally does not need to have so many worries!

Of course, all of this is just the beginning. The most important thing is not to execute these hidden dangers, these disciples of the noble family, but to inform the Tongtian River Water God and Xingtian who are practicing in retreat. When the situation reaches this point, General Moro has nothing to do. It's worrying, and such crazy killings also require them to bear some of the pressure for themselves.

After arranging the major events in the army, Moreau no longer hesitated, and with a thought, immediately arranged someone to notify Xingtian and Tongtian River God to tell them the changes in the situation and prepare them for battle in advance.

When General Moruo's men came outside the village, Xing Tian immediately noticed. In order not to disturb the whole village and not disturb his mother, Xing Tian did not hesitate, and immediately appeared silently outside the village. , Meet with the other party. This time, the person who met with Xing Tian was a person who had no life. Xing Tian had never seen the other party before, and the other party did not say too much. He just handed over the letter from General Moreau. Xing Tian, ​​then left quickly!

When Xing Tian received the letter, after reading it, a cold smile appeared on his face. The smile was filled with endless killing intent. He only heard him mutter to himself: "Here, this day has finally come. I’m here, I hope those **** don’t regret it. People who dare to beat my Xingtian plan and want to plot my Xingtian, there is no possibility of not paying the price. No matter what calculations or ideas in Moreau's mind, I will give him this opportunity this time, I Use the blood of ignorant people to warn secret enemies!"

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