God of Destruction

Chapter 3835: Meet section

Chapter 3835 Meet

"Time, I need time. Only enough time can I fully integrate my own fate, and then can I truly grasp the true meaning of the chaotic destruction avenue, and have the opportunity to transcend the universe and the highest chaotic world. When I accept Xing Tian Zhi When I was named, I also accepted the fate brought by the name, Xing Tian, ​​Xing Tian Di, this name itself exists against the sky, but unfortunately I never thought of all this before, if it was in the prehistoric times, I would be able to understand this truth. The road to practice will not be so difficult. Fortunately, it’s not too late. At least the final destruction of the Supreme Chaos World has not yet arrived. I still have time to fight for that gleam of life, but it’s a pity that the legacy of Thunder Punishment City is left. There is still too little information, and the ancient Thunder God has not clearly left the secret of the Supreme Chaos World at all, otherwise I can relax a little!"

When talking about this, Xing Tian couldn't help but sighed. Compared to the Great Tribulation of the Supreme Chaos World, the realm battlefield World Tribulation he is facing right now is not worth mentioning. The so-called world lord and **** king are nothing. It’s amazing. It’s just stepping into the gate of the highest chaos world, and I’m still outside the gate. Fortunately, this time in reincarnation, with the help of heaven and earth mines, the power of the signs, and the city of thunders. With the inheritance left behind, he clearly understood his fate. It can be said that after accepting the name of Xing Tian, ​​he embarked on the road against the sky, and the ultimate power against the sky is the supreme chaotic destruction avenue. For the entire universe, the avenues of time and space are powerful, but they are not It is difficult to obtain, and it is not difficult to reach the highest realm. What is really rare is the Avenue of Chaos Destruction and the Avenue of Good Fortune. These two avenues are the power of the initial evolution of the chaotic world, and their existence also means the power against the sky.

"If I can use killing to deter the enemy and prevent the territorial catastrophe from getting out of control, I don't mean to have a crazy killing. As long as I can buy enough time for myself, no amount of killing will count as much, and it will not affect me. As long as Xing Tian's cultivation can integrate his life style and master the true meaning of chaos destruction, even the origin of the battlefield in the realm cannot imprison me!"

After a retreat, Xing Tian’s gains were unimaginable. When refining the heart of the world, under the influence of the world’s original power, Xing Tian unexpectedly felt the power of life that he had never noticed. And this fate is the moment one enters the prehistoric world, it is deeply imprinted in one’s soul, imprinted in one’s origin, unless one is completely dead, otherwise the power of this fate will always follow I am influencing myself, just like my reincarnation this time, I still inherited my name of'Xing Tian', unable to escape the influence of fate!

When Xing Tian made such a decision in his heart, a killing was approaching quietly, and there was endless murderous aura in the border. A terrible killing would once again be staged on this land. At this moment, no one can To prevent all of this, perhaps the people behind who have to calculate the penalty days would not have thought that their plan would bring such a terrible killing, and when this killing is started, nothing will be in their grasp, everything will be unknown. Direction development.

Converge with the water **** of the Tongtian River? No, Xing Tian didn't have such an idea. This time he wanted to kill, to deter all hidden enemies, deter all forces, so that he could have enough time to practice, and to do this, Xing Tian had to do it himself. A crazy killing can achieve the wish. If you join forces with the Tongtian River Water God, this effect is much smaller, and Xingtian does not have so much time to waste, and there is no need for the Tongtian River Water God to be a helper!

Xing Tian didn’t find the God of Tongtian River, but the God of Tongtian River came to him. After receiving Moreau’s notice, the heart of Tongtian River God of Water also gave birth to endless killing intent. Before, the God of Tongtian River was facing him. The imperial fortune still has something to consider, and now this worry in his heart has diminished infinitely, because this time of retreat, his inheritance and cultivation practice of the Shui De Xingjun has gone a step further, and the connection with the stars has improved. One step, and this step allowed him to get rid of the influence on the incense!

When the water **** of Tongtian River appeared in front of him, Xing Tian frowned involuntarily and asked: "Why are you here? I am not asking you to practice in retreat and realize your own avenue of stars. You only want to get rid of the shackles of the past. Go further on the Avenue of Stars. At this time, the origin of your Dao is not perfect. If it is targeted by the empire, it will be very detrimental to your future practice. Once your origin is lost, it will take a long time to recover and make up for it. Years!"

Tongtianhe Water God smiled bitterly: "I also want to continue to practice in retreat, but the group of **** in the empire did not give me this opportunity. So many disciples of the aristocratic family appeared in the reinforcements. This shows that it is aimed at us. If we react at all No, it will only make those **** take an inch. I said before that the empire group of **** are unreliable. They don't know how to advance or retreat. They have only endless greed. This change is the best proof!"

"So what, but it's just a group of ignorant'ants', they want to calculate my punishment day, they have to pay a heavy price, no matter what they think, this time I don't mean to kill, even if it is to destroy this support The soldiers are no big deal. They want to test my Xingtian's combat power. I will let them know what fear is and what is natural and man-made disasters!"

Although Xing Tian’s words are very plain, there are endless killing intent hidden in the plain voice. The Tongtian River God of Water standing in front of Xing Tian feels the most. At this moment, he seems to be facing a statue. The supreme killing **** from ancient times, with endless killing intent hidden in his body, making his **** body tremble involuntarily, making his mind involuntarily fearful and uneasy about it, that killing intent made one feel the endless death And destruction.

What is the gap? At this moment, Tongtian River Water God deeply felt how amazing the gap between himself and Xing Tian was. How long has passed since then, Xing Tian's strength has gone a step further, and that terrible killing intent is terrifying. Ten times, such a terrifying force appeared on a small child, it’s too unreasonable, but it happened that all of this really happened in front of him, if such a terrifying existence had no consideration in his heart, it would definitely It will lead to a terrible storm.

The God of Tongtian River wanted to persuade Xing Tian, ​​but he couldn’t say what he said. Facing a strong man who had restored his ancient memory, what qualifications does his little **** have to persuade the other party? Karma, this is for him. It is a great disaster and crisis, but it is not worth mentioning to Xing Tian, ​​a reincarnated ancient powerhouse.


After seeing the expression of Tongtian River Water God, Xing Tian shook his head and said with a sigh, "Forget it, since you have already come, then let me see Moreau, see what he has to say, and also warn him. It is not so easy to use a knife to kill someone, let him know that no matter how much calculation, he will not withstand a single blow in the face of absolute strength!"

If Xingtian had a little bit of precaution against the water **** of the Tongtian River before, Xingtian has no such thoughts anymore. Although Xingtian was a little bit disappointed that the water **** of the Tongtian River did not continue to practice in retreat according to his instructions, the water **** of the Tongtian River Xingtian's performance has also been recognized by Xingtian. Loyalty is not so easy to obtain. In the Tongtian River God, Xing Tian feels the faith of loyalty. Loyalty is enough to change everything, enough to make Xingtian look at the Tongtian River God of water!

A heart of loyalty, no matter how small the potential is, it is worth investing in large resources to cultivate it. No matter how strong the potential and the talent, if there is no loyalty, Xing Tian will not cultivate it. Loyalty is the foundation of everything, in Tongtianhe Water God , Xing Tian felt loyal. It was precisely this way that Xing Tian had the last word of reminder, telling Tongtianhe Water God that strength is the root of everything!

As an ancient **** who has existed for countless years, Tongtian River Water God naturally understands the meaning of Xingtian, which makes him smile again and again, so he doesn't know that strength is the root of everything, but he does not have the powerful inheritance of Xingtian, nor Xing Tian's terrifying aptitude, it is impossible to have Xing Tian's domineering belief.

For Tongtian River Water God, although he also has endless years of cultivation, compared with Xing Tian, ​​he still lacks the breath of killing and war. Without endless killing and war, naturally he will not be able to cultivate Xing Tian’s terrible body. Domineering and murderous!

General Moro was not surprised by the arrival of Xingtian and Tongtian River Water God. The moment he decided to pass the information to Tongtian River Water God and Xingtian, he knew what would happen, so at this moment General Moro was very surprised. Facing Xingtian and Tongtian River water gods indifferently, as if there was no psychological pressure at all, as if everything was under his control!

"Water God, Xing Tian, ​​we met again. I didn’t expect this day to come so quickly. I know you must have a lot of things to ask me. I also know that you can see through my plan. Yes, I admit, I want to borrow this time. Two hands to clean up those **** bastards, but both of you should understand that even without my notice, you will still face all this in the end. After all, as long as those **** are greedy, everything will happen. What I did was just make it one step faster!" In the face of Xing Tian and Tongtian River Water God, General Moruo spoke plainly, as if everything had nothing to do with him, it was so peaceful, so natural, so calm, and everything was for people. An inexplicable feeling!

"Ha! Ha! Ha! What a Moro, what a great general, good eloquence, yes, your reason is indeed very powerful, and things are true, but don’t you think you’re a bit too arrogant to do this? Everyone is willing to accept other people’s calculations and arrangements. No matter how powerful you have a reason, you must give us an explanation, right?” Xing Tian didn’t care about Moreau’s feelings, didn’t care about the other party’s thoughts, directly attacked him and exerted strength pressure!

Moreau sighed lightly and said: "Yes, everything needs to pay a price. Nothing is for nothing. When I made this decision, I was also prepared to pay the price. Before the two came to the barracks , I have already ordered the eradication of those noble soldiers who want to plot against the two Daoists. I think this explanation should be enough!"

"Hey!" When he heard Moreau's words, Tongtianhe Water God couldn't help taking a breath. This confession was so amazing that it shocked the Tongtianhe Water God. Moro did this, meaning Enemy with the family of the entire empire, this confession is indeed enough to kill the many causes and effects he had made before, and such a crazy move also broke Moreau's retreat!

"I'm afraid it's not just your Great General's decision alone. If you dare to make such a crazy move, I'm afraid there is the shadow of the empire's fortune. If you really want to be an enemy of the family in the empire, in Lei Jie You would do this before the end, but you did not, but dragged it to the present, all this shows that your determination is not firm!"

Compared to the shock of the Tongtian River Water God, Xing Tian was not surprised. With Xingtian’s wisdom, he quickly found the source of everything and directly dismantled Moreau’s little calculations. Moreau used this method to resolve the past cause and effect. This is indeed very smart, very powerful, but Xing Tian didn't want to make him happy too early, so that he had that ridiculous self-righteous intelligence in his heart!

"Yes, Fellow Daoist is right. The empire really has to deal with those ignorant bastards. I do have my own little calculations for doing this, but I don't think there is anything wrong with it. In such terrible natural disasters, man-made disasters If you want to protect yourself and get the most benefits as much as possible, you have to use all the power you can use. This calculation is naturally not a big deal, and fellow daoists will not be affected by my little calculations. Be angry, this is the general trend of heaven and earth. I take advantage of the situation and there is no problem!" Facing Xingtian's demolition, Moreau didn't feel embarrassed, and directly admitted it, and it was so natural. He couldn't help shook his head and sighed lightly.

Xing Tian smiled indifferently and said: "Well said, it seems that the general has a deep understanding of the general situation of the world, but if you do this, you are not afraid of the anger of those high-level empires. They don't want to see your behavior. It was you who did it yourself. I am afraid that you are not pleased by both sides. The imperial family will not agree with you, and those noble families will also not agree with you. This way you will face greater pressure. I think it will be better for you in the future. The situation is very unfavorable. It is impossible to think of all this with your wisdom. I don't know what you can get by doing this. If it is only to eliminate the cause and effect between us, the price is that big?"

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