God of Destruction

Chapter 3842: Betrayal

Chapter 3842 Betrayal

While continuously harvesting the enemy’s lives, Xing Tian himself also had different perceptions. When he did not mobilize the power of Thunder Punishment City’s origin, Thunder Avenue, Xing Tian’s perception of Thunder Avenue was not too strong, but he was in charge of Thunder Punishment. Later, when he continued to use the power of thunder punishment to kill the enemy, the sentiment of the road of thunder continued to flood into Xingtian’s soul, allowing Xingtian’s practice in the road of thunder to rapidly increase. Kill an enemy, Xingtian's great insight will be further improved!

"It seems that I still underestimated the power of the city of thunder punishment, and underestimated the power of the city of thunder punishment. In this way, the treasure inherited from the ancient Thunder God, what is needed is not retreat and practice, and insight, but constantly inspire its power. , Continuously used to hunt down the enemy, and constantly grow during the killing, this is the correct way to open the city of thunder punishment!"

With the constant mobilization of the city of Thunder Punishment, and the continuous killing of enemies, Xing Tian continued to merge with Thunder Punishment Avenue, and even with the passage of time, Xing Tian felt like he was in harmony with himself, as if he was this Fang Tiandi. The Great Avenue of Thunder is the supreme ruler of this world, capable of mobilizing the power of the entire world and adjudicating all creatures!

When he had this insight, Xing Tian's aura was constantly changing. The original strong chaotic aura of destruction dissipated, the original horrible killing intent was also dissipated, and the battle intent to rush into the sky disappeared. There was no trace, but instead was a breath of terrible ruling, that was the breath that ruled heaven and mine punishment, that was the breath of Thunder God!

"What happened? Why suddenly I feel that Xing Tian seems to be a different person, and is fundamentally different from before. It seems that he is the Supreme Thunder God who rules heaven and mine punishment. Could it be that Xing Tian can fit in with the origin of Thunder Punishment City? Heaven and earth can dominate the origin of the punishment of heaven and land mines?" When discovering the changes in Xingtian, the God of Tongtianhe could not help muttering to himself. As a god, he could clearly feel the terrifying power of Xingtian at this moment.

Yes, it is a divine power. At this moment, Xing Tian has a trace of terrible divine power. It is not the divine power of ordinary gods, not the divine power of acquired gods, but the real power of innate gods born from heaven and earth, but Xing Tian Mingming is just an acquired power. Human beings are reincarnated and cannot be innate gods. The only explanation is the city of thunder and punishment!

"What a city of thunder punishment, what an avenue of innate thunder, this is the biggest gain of the previous thunder punishment, everyone underestimated the harvest after thunder punishment, this time Xingtian shot, I am afraid that no one will dare to hit him again At least no one dared to act rashly in a short period of time. Fit the avenue of thunder, fit the world, dominate the world and mine punishment, who dares to resist his divine might directly, this is the terrifying power of the ancients, able to master it in such a short time The power of the Avenue of Thunder!"

When thinking of this, Tongtianhe Water God shook his head again. The terrible thing is really terrible. In a flash, it fits the world, fits the avenue, and rules thunder punishment. Before there is an accurate solution, no one dares to take action. Originally, Tongtianhe The Water God is also worried that the forces hidden in the dark, whether it is the sects that rebelled against the empire, or those selfish families, will take action in the dark to plot Xingtian, but after this moment, he no longer worries, no one dares to be here at this time. Under such circumstances, no one can kill Xingtian, and no one can withstand Xingtian's counterattack!

"It's over, this time our plan completely failed. Those ignorant ants couldn't cause any harm to Xingtian, the bastard. Fortunately, their shots allowed us to see Xingtian's bottom card, but the power of this card is terrible, the city of thunder and punishment. The horror of the **** is beyond our imagination. It can make this **** fit in and dominate the thunder punishment. Everyone talks about what should we do now? How should we check and balance this **** so that he will not affect our plans!"

"What should we do? What can we do in this situation, it is natural to stop and hide, the empire is not a fool, and those aristocratic families are not fools, they cannot be unaware of our actions, once these forces react, We will become the targets of the public. At that time, we will be exposed to the eyes of the major forces. When we really get that time, everyone is afraid that there is death or no life. Stop it. This is no longer what we can fight, at least for now! "

"Closing, we paid such a big price, and finally promoted the outbreak of the catastrophe. Now you let us stop like this. The reason is that Xing Tian is a reincarnated person. This is too ridiculous, regardless of whether he came from or not. In the Supreme Chaos World, no matter what power he has, we can't shrink back, otherwise the previous efforts will be turned into boiling water. This is unacceptable to me. We must know that we have no worries at all and don't worry about being trapped in this world. , Even if we fail in the end, what if we are discovered by the enemy, as long as we can persist to the end, we can retreat all over!"

"Retire all over, you said it lightly. Do you think that the major forces in this world are eating rice? Do you really think that they are just a little bit of power on the surface? Let's not talk about our invisible major forces. It's just that the hidden forces in these forces are something we cannot fight against. We are not the masters of the major forces. We are unable to control the development of the general trend. All we can do is guide. Don't be arrogant because of the previous success. To the extent that the world is invincible, those who are aware of the current affairs are outstanding. Don’t be stunned for the moment, don’t be fascinated by that interest. If you have to do this, then you can act alone. I won’t be involved. I Don't want to waste this great opportunity in vain!"

"Well said, people who know the current affairs are talented, and when we should back down, we must back down. Our goal is to seize opportunities, resources, and luck from this world, not self-destruction. The sudden outbreak of the **** Xing Tian, The terrifying power of the City of Thunder Punishment is enough to make all major forces fear it and be moved by it. At this time, we cannot act rashly, or we will only expose ourselves. Don’t forget, it’s not just our family that has entered this world. , Everyone from all forces has entered!"

This kind of dialogue, this kind of situation, is constantly being staged in every corner of the world. All major forces, all sects, have this kind of situation, they are all being mad by Xingtian, and they are all in the city of thunder punishment. Shocked by Mighty, no one thought that his perfect plan would have such a shocking change, and no one thought that Xingtian had such a terrifying assassin!

auzw.com Of course, at this time the imperial capital center is also in fierce confrontation. The major forces are discussing how to resolve this crisis, and the imperial royal family is also worried about this shock. This is not the case in the middle. What they want to promote is the general Morrow to preside over the overall situation, but now the protagonist has become Xing Tian. Under this situation, they naturally understand Morrow’s changes, what to do, and how to do it. To resolve this crisis, how can we keep the empire unaffected?

"Everyone talks about what we should do now, how the royal family should deal with this change, the previous plan has failed, Moreau has lost control, it is impossible to expect him to balance the overall situation, we must hurry up respond!"

"It's careless, it's that we are too careless. The long years have made us forget the vigilance that we should have. We thought that everything was under our control. No matter how madly Moro, we would not be out of our grasp. The knife can check and balance the power of the family and buy some breathing time for the royal family. It seems that we were wrong now, and we were so wrong. Moreau calculated it!"

"What a borrowed knife to kill, what a Moro, it seems that we have completely lost the initiative this time. I am afraid that the border is also out of the control of the empire. If I am not wrong, Moro has already taken the border town at this moment and has completely mastered it. With the strength of the border, the empire will face the threat of losing the border if it wants to move him!"

"Damn Moro, he dared to betray the empire and betray the royal family. Such a person can't stay. We should take action to destroy him, destroy his family, warn other border generals, revive the imperial power, and even we can join hands. Attack, with the strength of all of us, and the imperial luck, we are fully capable of killing Xingtian this bastard, and taking his city of thunder and punishment!"

"Crazy, I think you are crazy. At this time, we take the initiative to kill Moro. You are destroying the city wall. You are not deterring the generals of the border, but making them abandon the empire, not to mention you. Think about our move, how will the major sects react? As for Xingtian, it is even more impossible. As a powerful reincarnation, do you think he is so easy to kill? The most important thing is that you know us Can you really get the treasure of Thunder Punishment City by killing Xingtian? If you don't get it, then our shots will only accelerate the destruction of the empire, and will only plunge the royal family into a crisis of death!"

"Yes, it is reasonable. We can't take action at this time. As long as those sects do not take action, as long as the major families of the empire do not directly rebel, we can't show up. If we don't show up, they will still take care of it and be afraid. The power of the royal family, if we show up and the enemy knows the true power, the consequences will be unimaginable. As for the reincarnated powerhouse like Xing Tian, ​​we can only draw in, not fight, we seek to be the world, not detachment, and There is no conflict in Xingtian!"

"Well, how to win now? If I didn’t guess wrong, Moro’s **** has betrayed the royal family at this moment. Under such circumstances, do you think Xing Tian will still believe in us? Will he still identify with our royal family? There is a threat to the empire. We should destroy him directly before he has fully grown up!"

At this time, two different voices appeared in the royal family. One party insisted on attacking Xingtian and directly crushed everything with a domineering force, while the other party wanted to win over Xingtian. After all, the current world trend is against the imperial family. Very unfavorable.

"It's better to be quiet. Although Morro's **** betrayed the royal family, we can't make a move, or we will just force him directly. Don't forget that the queen is still in the border and is still in Morro's army. If he opposes him, the queen will die. When the queen dies, the imperial luck will be greatly damaged. If Moreau seizes the opportunity to defect and form an alliance with the barbarians, then the imperial luck will be completely defeated. As for Xingtian, we will wait and see the changes. The City of Punishment is such a terrifying treasure, I think those sects will not be unmoved, and those noble families will not be greedy, let them take action first, let's sit on the mountain and watch the tiger fight!"

In the end, the imperial family still chose to watch the changes. Whether it was to suppress Xingtian or win over Xingtian, it was not advisable, because Xingtian was not an ignorant child, but a reincarnated strong man, an ancient strong man who awakened all memories. , This kind of existence will not be attracted by a little favor from the empire.

Is the city of thunder punishment important to the empire? Of course it is important, but no one knows whether this city of thunder punishment belongs to Xingtian or the origin of heaven and earth. Before this point is clear, one should still wait and see how it changes, or else it will pay a huge price, but in the end nothing will be gained. , It was a waste of one's own power, and wasting a wedding dress for others!

While the major forces were discussing countermeasures, Xingtian’s battlefield came to an end. Although hundreds of thousands of troops were huge, they were harvested like ants under thunder punishment. No matter how strong there are among the reinforcements. They were all hit by the power of thunder punishment one by one. Under the crazy attack of the city of thunder punishment, their power was wiped out little by little. Xing Tian pushed them to the top of the road step by step, let them There is no way back, so they have to face death.

"Damn it, it was the general who caused trouble. He was too greedy. He had to collude with the family and seize Xingtian's opportunity, so that we all fell into this terrible desperate situation. It's all the fault of the general. We can't carry the scapegoat for him, brothers, we can't be dragged down by him, and we can't die because of him!"

"Well said, we can't follow this **** anymore. We are the generals of the empire. We shouldn't obey the bastard's orders, surrender, let's surrender!" Soon the major generals of the reinforcements were rebellious, one by one. The commander-in-chief who betrayed the reinforcements, the great general of the empire, in the face of life and death, they chose their lives and themselves!

For a moment, these betrayed generals yelled frantically: "Friend Xingtian, we surrendered. All this is not our fault. We are also victims. We were forced to join the war by the generals. Please also look at the empire. For sake of it, for the sake of General Moreau, for the sake of the empress, let us have a way of life, we surrendered, really surrendered!"

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