God of Destruction

Chapter 3844: Vigilance

Chapter 3844 Vigilance

Looking at Xing Tian in front of him, the God of Tongtian River could not accept the crazy result for a while, and he couldn't help but lose his voice and said: "This is over. It's incredible. It's incredible. Destroy, this is crazy, the power of Thunder Punishment City makes people scared, scared, and amazing!"

"What do you think is the difficulty of war? Hundreds of thousands of troops sound like endless pressure, but in front of the real strong, in the face of absolute strength, hundreds of thousands of years are also unbearable, and the advantage of quantity is of little use. Not at all!" Looking at the Tongtian River Water God who has not yet awakened from the shock, Xing Tian said indifferently, not shaken by his crazy killing.

"Thunder punishment, slaughtered hundreds of thousands of troops, such a huge grievance, such a terrifying cause and effect, how can there be no thunder punishment, what is going on?" When he woke up, Tongtianhe Water God asked a lot of attention. The doubts in the hearts of the strong in this battle, under such crazy killing, there was no thunder penalty, which was unacceptable.

"Thunder punishment? The thunder punishment that came, I did not use my personal strength to kill these hundreds of thousands of troops, but borrowed the power of the origin of the heaven and land mine punishment, which is the avenue of the innate thunder of the world and the world, and I am in charge of the thunder punishment. Under such circumstances, no matter how many killings, no matter how many dead and injured creatures, there will be no thunder punishment. I am the Dao. All karma and grievances will be borne by heaven and earth. Rather than being borne by me alone, in this case, do you think there will be thunder punishment? Heaven and earth will punish themselves. It’s impossible. Delusion to use human tactics, delusion to use causal karma to conspiracy against my Xingtian, this does not exist. Yes!" When Xing Tian said this, Xing Tian snorted disdainfully, and the City of Thunder Punishment re-attended, he was not afraid of human tactics, not afraid of killing!

"Hey!" In an instant, Tongtianhe Water God took a breath of air, and said in surprise: "This is incredible. The City of Thunder Punishment can fit on the avenue, without fear of all causal karma, the innate avenue is really so powerful, it really is so. unbelievable?"

In fact, Tongtian River Water God thinks too much. Not everyone has this ability, and not everyone can do it. Xingtian can do it because of his own reasons, not just refining the city of thunder punishment. He has obtained the inheritance of the ancient innate thunder god, and is in charge of the avenue of heaven and earth thunder. More importantly, Xing Tian has the heart of the world and can be in harmony with the origin of the world. It is precisely this point that Xing Tian can so easily master the power of thunder and thunder. To punish sentient beings, of course, there is another point of fate. Xingtian's fate allows him to have this power, and this Qiaqia is not available to many people!

"Well, there is no need to worry about this trivial matter. All the killings have passed. We should see Moro again. He must have already won the border town at this moment. Some things should be discussed with him. The border town is here. Hand, the army is in hand, Moreau has been out of the control of the empire's fortune and has begun to dominate his own destiny. This is also a good thing for us!"

Hearing Xing Tian’s words, Tongtian River Water God shook his head, and said disapprovingly: "Out of the control of the imperial dynasty? No, things are not that simple. Even if Moreau seizes this rare opportunity, he can seize the border and control the important place. The army, but he still can’t get rid of the power of the empire. There are not enough resources in the border for him to strengthen himself. He wants to dominate one side. His background is far from enough. Once he loses the support of the empire, it won’t be long before his men. The army of empire will be shattered. Without resources, it will not be possible to seize the important border town. The power of the empire cannot be resisted by a general of him!"

The words of the Tongtian River Water God surprised Xing Tian. Although Xing Tian was a little surprised, he understood that this was the truth. The dominance was easier said than done, even if it was easy to succeed in the past, but later It is very difficult. One resource is enough to make everyone feel uncomfortable. No matter how expanded the border area is, there are not enough resources. This is not only because of the barrenness of the border, but more importantly, the arrangement of the empire. The important border towns can be self-sufficient and have enough resources to expand. This is a big bad thing for the empire. Those troops guarding the border will be out of the empire’s control bit by bit. After all, they have enough resources and they don’t need it. The reaction of the Italian empire was a result that those in power did not want to see, and it was exactly the same. Almost half of the resources in the border areas needed to be transported from the center of the empire.

"Moreau dares to do this, he naturally has his own confidence, and this time is the best opportunity. Once you miss this opportunity, you will no longer have it. Although you can't completely get rid of the control of the empire, you have autonomy. Quan, this is the greatest progress. As long as this step is taken, Moreau will step out of the empire's prison!" In an instant, Tongtianhe water **** realized and understood Moreau's intentions. This is an opportunity to break his own prison. , An opportunity to step into a new era in one fell swoop!

"What a Moro, what a great vision, what a terrible calculation, he used the knife to kill people so badly, this time he succeeded, as long as he persists for a period of time, he will be able to go on the right path and walk out of his own way. , The calculation of the imperial dynasty has lost a lot of money this time, and it has lost a lot of help!" The more you understand Moreau’s calculations, the more shocked Tongtianhe Water God is. Before, he was self-righteous and thought he would live long. He knew a lot of secrets, had a lot of knowledge, and was able to gain an advantage in the overall situation of the world, but now he realized that he was wrong, and that he was wrong.

If there is no Xingtian, if there is no Xingtian’s terrifying combat power, if I fall into Moreau’s calculations this time, would I really be able to retreat? Can I really survive the siege of these hundreds of thousands of troops? ? The God of Tongtian River does not have such confidence in this. He is not Xingtian, without Xingtian’s terrifying city of thunder punishment, he cannot fit his body, even if he has obtained the inheritance of Shui De Xingjun, he has initially got rid of the body of the god. Restrictions on himself, but in the face of a terrifying army, no matter how strong the gods are, they will be strangled in the first time. After all, he can't ignore the advantage of numbers!

Of course, even if the Tongtian River Water God has the strength to confront hundreds of thousands of troops, even if he can finally win, but he does not have the opportunity like Xingtian, he cannot fit in with his body, cannot punish the sky, even if he eventually defeats the number. A hundred thousand army, himself will be destroyed by that terrible karma, and under the thunder penalty, there will be ten deaths and no life!

"Damn Moro, it's so sinister and sinister. If anyone stands with him, he can't be sloppy. Otherwise, an inattention will fall into his calculations, and he will not die. In the end, the imperial fortune calculated Moro so dizzy, and for nothing, but with this **** blocking the front, the imperial fortune was also unable to come to me and Xingtian’s troubles, so he could have enough Time to practice!"


Just when the water **** of Tongtian River fell into self-thinking, Xing Tian said, "Let’s go, don’t think so much. In the face of the general situation of the world, no matter how many calculations you have, no matter how many calculations you have, it will be unbearable. With one blow, not everyone can achieve Moro's level. Perhaps Moro is not as simple as it seems, and perhaps he is also the one who promoted the tribulation of heaven and earth!"

At a glance, Xing Tian could see through what Tongtian River Water God was thinking. Although Xing Tian was dissatisfied with Moreau’s calculations, Xing Tian didn’t care too much, and he didn’t need to care. Time waits for no one, instead of wasting his preciousness. To entangle Moruo with his time, it is better to put this time above his own practice. Strength is the root of everything. If you have enough power, you can ignore everything, ignore all causes and effects, and all obstacles.

In Xing Tian's view, if Moreau has enough power, he doesn't need to do so many calculations, he just needs to directly crush it. No matter how angry the empire is, he will be helpless, just like himself before. Like this crazy killing, ignoring the advantage of quantity, directly crushing everything and obliterating everything, this is the advantage of being strong!

In addition to the changes in the general situation of the world, Xing Tian also had to admit that no matter how many calculations and plans he did, he would not be able to keep up with the changes in the general situation of the world. Originally, Xing Tian had to rely on Moro and the Queen’s mother in his heart. Power, leave the border land, enter the imperial capital, and enter the center of the imperial dynasty, but now everything has changed, so Xing Tian also had to change his plan.

If it weren’t for this crazy killing, if I didn’t kill the hundreds of thousands of troops, if I didn’t have the face of imperial fortune, I might still have the opportunity to follow the empress to enter the imperial capital and enter the center of the imperial fortune, but now Nothing works anymore. Let’s not talk about how many families have offended under this crazy killing. Just because of the face of the empire, it is impossible to get away easily. Once you enter the center of the empire, you will face the dangers. It is unimaginable!

Although Xing Tian has confidence in himself, Xing Tian does not dare to act rashly without fully understanding the real situation of this world. The city of Thunder Punishment is indeed powerful, but it is not invincible, and it is not always invincible. Once the origin of heaven and earth will bear the huge causal karma for itself, once at a critical moment, the origin of heaven and earth will backlash, and the consequences will be unimaginable. I am afraid that all of a sudden I will fall into the desperate situation of death, and there will be no chance of turning over again. .

Be careful to sail the ship of ten thousand years, no matter how much confidence you have, no matter how powerful you are, you can’t ignore the existence of the enemy, you can’t be careless, let alone arrogant, or you will only let yourself go to death. In the abyss.

It is precisely that Xing Tian has many worries in his heart, so after the general situation of the day and the earth changed, Xing Tian gave up all the previous plans at the first time. Before the situation became clear, Xing Tian did not want to fall into the siege and fall into death. In the crisis, let yourself be restricted and affected by all forces, even threatened!

The emperor can’t go, and the center of the empire is inaccessible, and the most suitable place for Xingtian is naturally this border gate. However, Xingtian’s goal is the border town. That’s why Xingtian would choose to talk to Moreau. decision!

Seize the border important ground from Moreau? No, Xingtian has no such idea! A border town in a mere district, Xing Tian is not at all in his mind. Even if Xing Tian needs a site, he will not take action at this time, and he will not seize the border town because Xing Tian has no power to control it. A site beyond his control. What's the use?

Cooperation! For Xing Tian, ​​the best choice is to cooperate with Moro. Xing Tian needs time to practice, regain a strong combat power, and even go further. Moro also needs time to recuperate, and he needs to know the previous battle. Below, his army had been maimed, and it would take time to reorganize an iron-blooded division.

Combining the two benefits and dividing the two harms. Under such circumstances, Xing Tian naturally chooses the side that is beneficial to him, and there is one sentence that Xing Tian did not say. When Moreau has mastered the border town, naturally the entire border area is in his Under the influence of, that was the opportunity for the God of the Tongtian River. Although Xingtian was unwilling to let the God of the Tongtian River take the road of incense and the gods, it was indeed a shortcut to the practice of God. The speed of practice will be greatly accelerated, and he will be able to grow up quickly, and then Xing Tian will be able to completely get out of his own way!

After hearing Xing Tian’s words, although Tongtianhe Water God felt unwilling and resented Moreau, he was not affected by this negative force. He knew what he should and shouldn’t do, then I’m afraid I’ve been calculated, but I can’t blame others. I can only blame myself for not being smart enough to understand each other’s calculations. I can only blame myself for not having that powerful power and being able to ignore all calculations. It is precisely because of such a mind. Only then did the Tongtian River Water God not be affected by the Heaven and Earth Tribulation Qi, and would not be drawn into the terrifying Heaven and Earth Tribulation, becoming a part of the Heaven and Earth Tribulation.

To be able to achieve this level, all of this is due to the origin of Tongtianhe Water God, to the wisdom and experience he has gained during those countless years, and it is precisely because of this kind of background that he matches his own opportunities. Luo Cai can get out of the catastrophe so easily, or he would make a mistake in one step, it would be the time when the God of Tongtian River died!

Of course, after having this experience, the God of Tongtian River also heightened his vigilance. This time he was surrounded by Xing Tian, ​​and he was reminded by Xing Tian to get out, but next time he would not have such an opportunity, Tiandi Together with the great calamity, there are dangers everywhere, and any carelessness will kill oneself, and caution is the way to survive!

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