God of Destruction

Chapter 3845: Section compromise

Chapter 3845 Compromise

When the plan changed again and again, Xing Tian also deeply understood that there was not much time left for him. The enemy could not give him too much time to practice. Those creatures who entered the realm battlefield world were not fools, as long as they There is still a trace of ambition and a trace of greed in the heart. They will not allow reincarnated people like themselves to grow up again. They will surely promote the changes of the Great Tribulation and accelerate the process of the Great Tribulation. Once that moment comes, it means The **** battle started again.

"Time, it's really distressing. Without enough time, it's impossible to recover one's combat power, and it is impossible to go further. This is the great calamity of heaven and earth. The chance is also dangerous. Although the reincarnation can get the greatest benefit, it can also To face greater danger, under such a general trend, life and death are often only between one's own thoughts!" When he thought of this, Xing Tian couldn't help but sighed. This is the general trend of the world, and he has no power to reverse it!

When Xing Tian ended this crazy killing, the empress empress in the barracks felt extremely heavy. The death of hundreds of thousands of troops made her feel the heavy pressure and made her truly understand the cruelty and ruthlessness of this world. She understood how powerless the empire had control over the entire world. Even a small child like Xing Tian could slaughter the empire army so unscrupulously, even if this army is incompetent, it should not be slaughtered so easily!

After taking a deep breath, the Empress Empress said with a bit of disappointment: "It's over, this crazy massacre is over? To such an unscrupulous and cruel madman, I don't know what the general can do? "

For Xingtian’s deterrence, Moro naturally also had tremendous pressure, and he knew how much pressure it was to face such an unscrupulous ancient powerhouse, but all of this had already happened, and he had to face it, so he sighed lightly: " There is no way to deal with it, only one step is to take Xingtian’s terrible madness, which is not suitable to be introduced into the center of the empire, it will make the whole world completely out of control, whether it is Xingtian’s own madness or those Regardless of the ignorance and stupidity of the aristocratic family, as well as the various forces and many sects that have been hidden in the dark, they will all become the internal troubles of the empire. Once they are detonated, the entire empire will fall into crisis, and Xing Tian is the spark. I will do my best to keep him at the border and stay here to deter the barbarians. This is the only thing I can do for the empire!"

Doesn't Moreau know how threatening he is to staying Xingtian? No, he knows, but he has to do it, because he can not only see through the mind of the empress, but also guess what Xingtian thinks. If he looks at everything from Xingtian's standpoint, Moreau will never leave the border. At least not now. The City of Thunder Punishment is indeed very powerful, but it is also very attractive. I don’t know how many people and forces are making its ideas. In this case, entering the heart of the empire is just picking it up. Extinction, on the contrary, staying at the border, with a vast land and sparsely populated area, even if there is an enemy who wants to do something, it will be noticed at the first time, so that you can have enough time to prepare and cope!

Moreau had seen Xing Tian's thoughts thoroughly, so when the queen empress asked how to deal with it, she would take the initiative to take all the responsibilities and do her best to get a good impression of the queen empress, so that the imperial royal family could treat him More tolerance will give you more time to rest and restore your strength. As long as the empire does not come to an end in a day, Moreau will not take the initiative to betray the empire. With such thoughts, he naturally wants to show his heart to the empress!

"Okay, the general has this idea. Xingtian and Tongtian River Water God will be handed over to you to deal with them, and try their best to calm them down and not bring disaster to the empire. The empire will not forget the rewards they deserve. This time I won’t meet with them anymore. The general will take care of everything by himself. After they settle down, the general will arrange to send me back to the imperial capital by hand!” When the situation reached this point, even though the empress’s empress had a lot of unwillingness in her heart, But she had to do this, staying at the border and waiting for someone from the center of the empire to greet her. This was not desirable. With this failure, the empire could not draw much power.

Lost, this time the empire was a complete defeat, and even the last face was not preserved, even if it was the strange treasure that I had obtained, this strange treasure could really suppress the empire’s luck, it could really save the empire and ensure the empire Have you survived this terrible catastrophe? The queen empress has doubts about this, after all, my own experience has brought too many impacts, so that my original concept has a trace of collapse, and then look at the world with the original eyes, it really doesn't work!

It’s not that the Empress Empress had never thought about coming out to win Xingtian and the God of Tongtian River in person, but she couldn’t do that, because Xingtian’s frantic massacre before, cut off the imperial imperial family’s thoughts. An imperial army, and the imperial family had to win over Xing Tian and give him a high position. This was not only the failure of the family’s approval, nor the approval of the empire’s central minister, it would arouse the resentment of more soldiers. The royal family really had the congregation betrayed!

Once the imperial clan loses its hearts, even if the imperial clan hides even more powerful forces, it will collapse in this catastrophe, and the entire empire will be destroyed for this. Such serious consequences are beyond the imperial clan’s ability to bear, too The empress is also difficult to accept, so this time she can’t come forward, and can’t come into contact with Xingtian and Tongtian River Water God. This'heavy task' can only fall on General Moreau, and only General Moreau is suitable to stand up and bear this. responsibility.

For Moreau's thoughts, is the empress really unable to see through? No, she can see it through, but she can't tell the truth, she can only pretend that she can't see it. This is a matter of mutual benefit and division. For the sake of the overall situation, the empress must bear it anyway!

The battlefield Xing Tian chose was not far from Moro's army, but Xing Tian walked very slowly on this short road, as if he was measuring the earth with his heart and perceiving the laws of the earth, but the truth is not the case. Xing Tian is Give time to Moreau, give time to the empress, give time to all the hidden enemies to consider! Iron-blooded, overbearing, crazy, Xing Tian has already done a good job, and then he can't use the same method again, otherwise it will only be the opposite!

auzw.comMany powerhouses, many forces were shocked by Xingtian’s madness, a crazy massacre, killing hundreds of thousands of troops in one breath, for anyone, for any party This shock is too terrifying. They all need time to calm down and think carefully about their attitude towards Xing Tian. The death of hundreds of thousands of troops is enough to make all living things vigilant. A lunatic who dares to let go and slaughter hundreds of thousands of troops, in No one dared to act rashly without the power to kill with one blow.

No matter how slow Xing Tian walks, the road is limited. When Xing Tian and the water **** of the Tongtian River appeared outside the barracks, at this moment the exchange between General Moreau and Empress Empress had already ended. Moreau had already appeared outside the barracks. Quietly waiting for the arrival of Xingtian and Tongtian River Water God, Moruo's expression was still calm at this time, as if he didn't know the terrible and crazy massacre that Xing Tian had been not far from his army camp before. Knowing that hundreds of thousands of troops are dead!

Xing Tian did not speak, nor did the Tongtian River Water God, nor did Moro, everyone just nodded, and then walked into the barracks together, everything was so tacit, the entire barracks was silent, as for the empress, no one cared!

After being seated, Xing Tian and Tongtian River Water God remained calm, sitting there silently without saying a word. The whole person behaved very calmly, without any killing intent or blood, as if the terrible slaughter before. Not from Xing Tian's hands, as if the massacre of hundreds of thousands of troops did not exist.

At this time, in this situation, whoever speaks first will fall into the wind. Xingtian and Tongtian River Gods may be patient and can face them calmly, because the previous crazy massacres are enough to prove their strength and absolute strength. Xingtian and Tongtian River Water God can naturally face everything calmly and ignore all pressure, while General Moruo can’t. Although he doesn’t want to admit defeat, the facts make him have to admit defeat and Xingtian can afford it. Morrow couldn't wait.

"Daoist Xingtian, the war is over, and the bad breath in your heart should be gone. I don’t know what Daoist plans next? I am dissatisfied with the promise I made to you, I’m afraid I will not be able to fulfill it!"

When he heard this, Xing Tian didn't react, but Tongtian River Water God's expression changed drastically, and he looked at Moreau angrily. If Xingtian wasn't there, he had already scolded Moreau, or even made a big move. , Even dare to break the promise, this is too deceitful in the eyes of Tongtianhe Water God, if nothing is done, it will only make Moreau more arrogant!

"Friends, don’t worry. The promise I said is to bring fellow Daoists and people from that village back to the imperial capital. I think you should know that now that hundreds of thousands of troops have died, the empire can’t spare me anymore. With my army, with the consent of the empress, the important border town is already under my jurisdiction, and I cannot return to the imperial capital, and the army cannot withdraw from the border. Under this circumstance, the previous promises will naturally not be fulfilled. Hope friends forgive me!"

The God of Tongtian River couldn’t bear it anymore. He ignored Moreau’s apologetic face and shouted angrily: "Moreau, you are too much. You made the promise you made, but now you tell us that it cannot be done, you Take us as something, you can really bully for us, you can't return to the imperial capital, your army can't return to the imperial capital, and the empress can't return to the imperial capital, do you really think we are so bullied or not? Let you deceive again and again!"

"No, I didn’t mean that. The empress does need me to arrange manpower to **** back to the imperial capital, but now the empress is just one person and needs very few escorts. If she escorts the entire village, she needs a huge army and will attract many people. The forces are aware that under such circumstances, it is difficult for me to guarantee everyone's safety!"

When talking about this, Moro spoke, and when he saw the water **** of Tongtian River and Xingtian thinking, he continued: "Actually, you don't need to spend a lot of energy and time to go to the imperial capital. If friend Xingtian agrees If this is the case, the people of the village can move to the border town, so that life and safety are still guaranteed, and Daoist Xingtian is unwilling to face trouble at any time. Although the capital is good, under this killing, fellow Daoists They have also offended too many families. They dare not openly face the daoists, but they may secretly take action. It is impossible for the daoists to focus on their defenses, and if the daoists stay at the border , Everything is okay. With Moro, fellow Taoists don’t have to worry about these troubles!"

At this point, Moreau’s eyes were fixed on Xing Tian, ​​waiting for Xing Tian’s answer. This is not a trivial matter, but he does not pay attention to it. If he can’t persuade Xing Tian to agree, Moreau’s trouble will be great, even though he is in his heart. A little sure, but before Xing Tian didn't agree, he still didn't dare to take it lightly.

After a while, Xing Tian nodded and said: "Okay, I accept this suggestion, but this time is different. We said the ugly words in front. If the general fails to speak again, then I will not blame Xing Tian for being cruel, and the general will let me stay. At the border, I am naturally prepared. I hope that no one will disturb my practice, and no one will disturb my peace! All the troubles will be borne by you alone. If someone provokes me, then no wonder I am Xingtian!"

"Okay, let's make a decision. I have accepted this promise. Daoist is so reasonable. I can't help but say that I will ask the empress empress for the price paid by the empire. Even at the border, there will be no harm. If someone dares to take action against the family of fellow Taoists, that would be an enemy of Moruo!" At this moment, Moruo immediately stated his position to Xingtian and the God of Tongtian River. Although Moruo did not mention the God of Tongtian River, as long as Xingtian stays at the border, I believe that the God of Tongtian River will not leave. As long as he can stabilize Xingtian, he can stabilize the God of Tongtian River!

With Xing Tian’s consent, Moreau's heart was finally relieved. Although Xing Tian stayed at the border, he would bear some of the pressure, but compared to the benefits Xing Tian left, this pressure is not worth mentioning. Xing Tian is nothing more than a family that will offend the empire. In fact, even without Xing Tian, ​​Moro and the aristocratic family will have irreconcilable conflicts. If Xing Tian is left, there will be two more masters in the border. Anyone who wants to fight the border has to Consider their existence!

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