God of Destruction

Chapter 3849: Festival attitude

Chapter 3847 Attitude

silence! General Moro fell into silence for an instant, thinking quietly about Xing Tian’s words. Although to Moro, he didn’t think Xing Tian was lying, but this was not a trivial matter. He had to be cautious. Otherwise, not only will your life be threatened, but even the soldiers who follow you will end up dead, lose your protection, lose their territory, the people in the center of the empire, and the family. Will not let anyone follow him!

After a long time, General Moruo raised his head and said, "Fellow Xingtian is serious about this?"

Xing Tian smiled indifferently and said, "Does the general think it is necessary for me to lie? Do you think it is necessary for us to lie? Our pursuits are different. You may be pursuing interests or rights, but for me, even for the water **** We don’t care about all of this. What we care about is our own breakthrough, our own detachment, and the pursuit of our own strength. The northern land is very important in your eyes, and it’s nothing in our eyes. Don’t look at the empire. The benefits given are amazing, but they can't move our hearts. We will not give up our own practice or pursuit for this little benefit!"

Compared with Xing Tian’s indifferent, Tongtian River God of Water did not perform so well. Moro asked him that this was his distrust of himself and Xingtian. This was hitting them in the face, which he couldn’t accept. A cold snort said: "Moreau, don't think of us like you, whether we have interests or rights, they are nothing but a passing moment in our eyes. We have different visions and different pursuits, so when faced with such a shock There are also different ideas. You are afraid that we will compete with you for the interests of the north and the rights of the north. You don’t have to think about it this way. We don’t need all of this. If you have the ability, you can take it all by yourself. We won't have the slightest opinion!"

After understanding Xing Tian’s remarks, Tongtianhe Water God naturally knows how to make choices. He cares more about his own practice than his immediate interests. As long as he is strong enough, he is not afraid of all threats and does not need to compete with others. This ridiculous right!

After taking a deep breath, General Moro said in a deep voice, "Okay, I believe the two fellow Taoists, but I have one more request. I hope that the two can consider carefully. Now the north is not as peaceful as it seems. Whether it is the major forces or the many families, they will be shaken by the arrangements of the empire. It is impossible for them to give up their own interests, and it is impossible for them to say nothing about this matter. The two do not care about the north. Interests and rights, but those people don’t think so. They will make trouble, and it is impossible to suppress them only by my side. I hope that when necessary, the two can stand up and support me. After all, it is only me. It can be guaranteed that the practice of the two daoists will not be affected by external forces!"

Leverage! Moruo wanted to use the power of Xing Tian and Tongtian River Water God to suppress all the forces in the north, so that he could control the entire north, and his words showed that he was not on the surface. So calm, not as inactive as he showed. He has a huge idea about the northern land. He didn't show it before because he was worried about the counterattack of Xingtian and Tongtian River Water God, but now he doesn't have such consideration and directly speaks his own voice. !

Hearing this, the God of Tongtian River did not reply, but turned his attention to Xingtian. Regarding this matter, the God of Tongtian River needs Xingtian to decide. After all, this is not a trivial matter. It is related to his future practice and his future. Growth!

I saw, Xing Tian shook his head and said, "General, we cannot accept this request. We are unwilling to be an enemy of you, nor are we willing to be an enemy of the major forces in the north, and are unwilling to fight against aristocratic families. All we ask is Practicing meditation, I think that as long as we are not moved by profit, those people will not be ignorant and stupid enough to cause trouble, and if they really dare to do this, I and the water **** will not be easy to provoke, and the previous slaughter will not be noticed. Perform it again!"

Rejected, Xing Tian directly rejected Moreau’s request, unwilling to participate in the muddy waters in the north, unwilling to waste his time and energy, making a big move in this ridiculous competition for interests, because there is no need, It was the biggest mistake to waste my time in practice, and Xing Tian would not do this.

"What? How is this possible, Xing Tian turned down my request?" When he heard Xing Tian's reply, Moreau's expression changed drastically, and a flash of shock flashed in his eyes. He really did not expect Xing Tian would reject him. Without Xingtian’s assistance, and without the assistance of Tongtianhe Water God, he would have lost his righteousness and had no legitimate excuse to seize all the rights in the north.

"Daoist Xingtian, this matter is beneficial to you and me. If two Taoists are willing to support me, the northern land will calm down in a short time, even the various forces hiding in the dark. It will be completely suppressed, and Daoists can naturally practice wholeheartedly without worrying about external influences. This is also a good thing for Daoists!" Moreau was unwilling to give up everything, so he had to persuade Xing Tian to accept his request. , Can participate in this power struggle!

Xing Tian continued to shook his head and said, "No, the general's kindness is our heart. For us, time is everything. We have different positions, different goals, and different roads. There is a way to be different. , We understand your kindness, we won’t participate in this power struggle, won’t participate in this ridiculous power game, it’s not useful or attractive to us, just a little bit No one with a head will choose to be our enemy!"

Xing Tian was unwilling to be a knife in the hands of others, unwilling to be influenced by Moreau, unwilling to step into the great struggle in the north, and Xing Tian's refusal made Moreau's eyes a faint disappointment, which he did not expect As a result, he did not expect that Xing Tian would be so indifferent, with no ambitions about rights and interests. Without the help of Xing Tian and the water **** of Tongtian River, relying only on the strength in his hands is not enough to complete the unification of the entire north.


After a long sigh of relief, Moreau sighed softly, "Well, since fellow daoists are not willing to participate, I don't force the two of them, but things are not as simple as the two thoughts. In the face of absolute interest temptation, what will happen? It can happen, Moro, I don’t care about all of this, but the various forces will not give up so easily."

What if you don't give up, do those forces dare to confront Xing Tian? Dare to face Xingtian's terrifying city of thunder and punishment, and risk his life as an enemy to Xingtian? No, this is impossible. Everyone is not a fool. They naturally know how to choose and what they should do in this situation, so that they will not fall into a real crisis!

"Let them go. Everyone has his own life. If these people really can't look away, and they really want to fight against me, they can only bear my anger, and I don't even want to kill them. Crazy **** slaughter!" When he said this, Xing Tian shook his head and smiled indifferently, he didn't even care about Moreau's request at all, and he didn't regard all this as the same thing!

Xing Tian’s refusal once again left Moreau speechless. When he cast his gaze on the water **** of Tongtian River, he found that the water **** of Tongtian River was closing his eyes and rested, without any pressure, as if he really had to give up everything in the north. interest.

When he saw that the God of the Tongtian River was silent, General Moro sighed again and left Xingtian with great disappointment. After all, Moro did not want to be an enemy of Xingtian and the God of Tongtian River. Next, if you irritate Xingtian and Tongtianhe water god, it will be more than worth the loss, and will put yourself under greater pressure!

After leaving, General Moreau could only turn around and leave, leaving with a look of disappointment. Although this time the persuasion failed, Moreau also had a lot of gains. At least he confirmed the attitude of Xing Tian and Tongtian River God, understand The other party's thoughts are turbulent in the northern land, and they can't move their hearts with any power struggle or profit temptation.

"Forget it, there is no need to care too much about this. Xingtian and Tongtianhe Water God are so indifferent to their rights and interests. It is also a good thing. Without their struggle, I only need to strengthen my strength step by step, and naturally I can take the entire north In my own hands, when the luck of the entire north is in one, even the empire has nothing to do with me!" When he thought of this, Moreau's mood improved, although it would take a long time for him to wait. , But after all, we can see hope, where there is hope, there is motivation, and where there is hope, there is a chance of success!

In the face of huge interests and rights, Moreau still fell and was still affected. When Xingtian and Tongtianhe Water God did not express their views before, he did not dare to carry out even if he had such a wish. The mighty power was enough to scare him, but now it was different. Xing Tian's indifferent and Tongtianhe water god's indifference gave Moro a huge motivation.

Although Xingtian and Tongtian River Water God did not make an oath, Moreau still believes that Xingtian and Tongtian River Water God are exactly what Xingtian said. They have different positions and different pursuits. Xingtian and Tongtian River Water God pursue their own. Being detached and not paying attention to rights at all, as long as Xing Tian had such an idea, Moreau would not worry that he would fail.

Seeing Moro leaving behind, Tongtianhe Water God sighed lightly, shook his head and said, "Is Moruo really trustworthy? He has calculated us repeatedly before, even this time he is constantly testing us. , Constantly calculating with us, do we really have to believe in him, and in the future, we really won’t be defeated by him? Without our restraint, Moreau has enough power to suppress all the forces in the north and become the king of the north. A huge threat!"

Xing Tian shook his head and said: "Don't worry about this, even if Moro can become the King of the North, he needs time to complete this goal, and this period of time is enough for us to go further. As long as we become stronger, Mo Luo dare not attack us even if he fulfills his wish, strength is always the foundation of everything!"

"If this is the case, I am afraid that there will be accidents then, and we will do nothing, and we will not participate in the struggle for northern power at all. I am afraid that the **** of the empire will come up with new ways to calculate us. To provoke the relationship between us and Moreau, and even to provoke the battle between us, the most important thing is that I am worried that those families and major forces will think that we are weak and will continue to test us, such a situation It will be more troublesome!"

When talking about this, Tongtianhe Water God couldn't help but sighed. For those forces in the north, for the empire, and for Moro, he did not dare to have any peace of mind, nor did he dare to have any trust, because these people were not worthy of himself. Trust, in this kind of power struggle, careerists like them can do everything!

"So what, are we afraid? Moreau is not a fool, and those families are not fools. The same is true for all the major forces. As long as they don’t test our bottom line for a day, they will not dare to fight before our true power, because they Can't bear the consequences of our crazy counterattack, they can't gamble with their own lives and deaths! Don't worry, Moreau won't be so stupid. It is impossible for him to cooperate with those people. After all, he has promised us before and violated the oath. He cannot bear the consequences, nor can he bear the consequences. As long as he has a little ambition for the King of the North, he will not be an enemy of us. Ambition is his biggest weakness. If we have no desire, we are strong. As long as we can maintain our mentality and not participate in this right. During the competition, we are naturally in a detached position, and no one can do nothing about us. This is our greatest advantage!"

All these things Xing Tian said exist, but will things really develop in the direction he said? The water **** of Tongtianhe couldn’t believe it completely. After all, this is the great catastrophe of heaven and earth. In the great catastrophe of heaven and earth, everything can happen. No matter how well arranged, no matter how well planned, there will be accidents due to emergencies. I have to give up, just like this time of panic, no one knows what kind of decision the **** in the center of the empire will make next time, or what they will have. You must know that in such a catastrophe, One wrong step is a wrong step. One wrong choice is enough to cut off all futures, enough to face terrible death threats, and face serious consequences, because Tongtianhe Shui Shen has seen too many things like this, and he doesn’t have that. Confidence, not as strong as Xing Tian, ​​after all, there is an essential gap between him and Xing Tian!

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