God of Destruction

Chapter 3850: Unrest in Northland

Chapter 3850 Turbulence in the North

aloof! For the next time, Xing Tian and Tongtian River Water God have been silent, and their silence and low-key have completely relieved the major forces in this northern region. However, they are also ready to move, and they are eager to seize more benefits. , To **** more territory. It can be said that when the empire made such a crazy move, it directly opened up the greed in the hearts of the major forces in the north, making them a little crazy. If it weren’t for Xingtian’s terrifying killing power, this northern The land has been completely chaotic, and of course the pressure from General Moruo is not ruled out. After all, his army is not for nothing.

After seeing Xing Tian and Tongtian River Water Gods doing nothing, the senior leaders of the empire center and the royal family were greatly disappointed. They didn't expect things to be like this. They didn't expect Xing Tian and Tongtian River Water Gods to be so low-key and ignore them. The benefits they got were a little unacceptable for them. They threw out such a big bait, but did not get the desired effect. The disappointment in their hearts is naturally conceivable, but they can't change this general trend. Fortunately, Moreau They were not disappointed, and Moro’s ambition was released. Although Xingtian and Tongtianhe Water God were not involved in this battle for interests, the participation of the great Northern Dahe finally made their plan not wasted. After this overall situation is opened, the entire north will not be under the control of the empire, and the entire north will gradually be separated from the control of the empire.

Regret it? No, I do not regret this decision for the empire, nor do I regret it for the imperial family. Such changes in the north have directly relieved the pressure on the empire, so that the empire does not need to worry about the north in a short period of time, and does not care about the north. The major forces and many aristocratic families were all attracted by the huge benefits, which naturally greatly reduced the pressure on the empire. As for what it will look like in the future, no one can tell.

Although the empire has paid a lot of price, the price is worth it, at least for those in the empire center. Without the pressure from the north, the empire center can naturally draw out a powerful force without worrying about the north. , You can take a big shot against the many forces that dared to attack the empire before, whether it is the imperial royal family or the high-level leaders of the empire center, they have endless anger in their hearts, if those **** suddenly shot, if it’s theirs Betrayal, if it weren't for their collusion with foreign enemies, how could the empire's plan fail, how could such a shocking change occur in the general trend of the world, and how could the empire fall into such a passive situation!

kill! The empire needs to kill and use the destruction of these forces to warn other forces. Use iron and blood methods to forcibly suppress all hidden dangers, so that the whole world can return to calm, so that the empire can have more breathing time, so that the empire can have a rest and rest. Of course, this is just a goal. It is difficult to say whether it can be achieved. After all, the current world situation has caused a huge impact on the entire world, and the empire has suffered too many impacts!

After the North was calmed down, the empire’s gaze departed from the north and turned to the empire’s center of gravity to clean up all hidden dangers. As the empire’s gaze left, the entire north was liberated, and the major forces were madly strengthening themselves. Regardless of whether it is the sect or the family, they are all trying their best to fight for rights and benefits with General Moro in an all-round way. The opportunity is not to be missed. No one is willing to give up such a great opportunity. !

Although the North was plunged into madness, the major forces and many families remained calm. Although they were vying for rights and interests with General Morrow, they did not dare to break the bottom line and dare not confront Morrow. Conflict, after all, the pressure on them by Moreau's army is too great, so they have to be cautious. When the power of the empire is present, they don't need to worry that Moreau will take a big shot and mobilize the army to suppress themselves, but now the Empire's The force is leaving from the north. Although this liberated them, it also made them face the impact and pressure of Moro's army. Once Moro was angered and the army was released, this terrible consequence is not something that any force can bear. .

All the forces in the north seem to maintain a tacit understanding and maintain the bottom line. No one dares to cross the final bottom line. It is precisely because everyone has such worries. Although the entire north is constantly fighting, although it has become crazy, But there hasn't been much conflict. Everyone is making every effort to strengthen themselves, because they all understand that only becoming stronger is the most important thing!

Time is passing bit by bit. Originally, everyone still had concerns. The fear of Xing Tian was not as simple as it seems, and would not really give up the interests and rights of the North. However, as time goes by, one Years, two years, and three years have passed. No matter Xingtian or Tongtian River God of Water, they did not intervene in the struggle in the north, and even did not even show their faces. This result greatly stimulated the major forces and made them feel more at ease. Although three years are not long enough for the land to develop itself, it is long enough for ordinary people. Some people have forgotten the terrible massacre three years ago. Xingtian’s murderous reputation has gradually dissipated in the north, even Many people have forgotten that there are water gods of Xingtian and Tongtian River in the north.

Three years have changed too much. It is because of human forgetfulness that the conflict in the north has become a little bit fierce. Without the brutal suppression of Xing Tian, ​​everyone’s strength has improved, and their spirits have naturally increased. When I get up, the tacit understanding that everyone has been maintaining is also breaking down bit by bit. Once the two things, greed and ambition, are released, they will spread wildly. After losing the suppression of Xingtian's fierce power, among the major forces Naturally, they became even crazier. They dared not attack Moreau, a powerful force in charge of a million army, but they dared to attack some small forces. So a **** storm began to unfold in the Northern Lands. Small forces on the ground were annexed and swept away, and the entire North gradually fell into a terrible killing, and when such a situation occurred, the entire North began to be turbulent!

When this kind of turmoil began, the major forces were able to remain calm and did not make a big move. They were waiting for Moreau's reaction, waiting for the reaction of Xingtian and Tongtian River Water God, and even waiting for the empire's statement. No matter how great the turmoil in the north, Moro, Xing Tian, ​​and the empire did not respond at all, as if everyone had not seen this change in the north, and such a reaction made the major forces pleased, and this was greatly accelerated. The turmoil and chaos in the north!

auzw.com The killings are constantly being staged in the north, and the conflicts between the major forces are constantly increasing. For the benefit, the major forces no longer have the previous peace and interest. , No one force can ignore this temptation, and no one force is willing to pass such a big opportunity, so the war appeared, and it was only a small-scale conflict at the beginning. After all, the major forces have been in three years. They have increased a lot of strength, but they do not have the identity of Moro, and it is impossible to organize a disciplined army, and the confrontation and battle of the rabble is naturally only a small-scale conflict!

Although the scale of the war is small, without any pressure and without any restriction, the conflict will intensify little by little. Without Moro and the imperial suppression and letting go, there will be conflicts between the family and the family. There are battles, conflicts, and the same goes for the major sects. At this moment, the past grievances and grievances are aroused little by little. In the fourth year, the Northern Land is finally full of turmoil, and there is no more past. Peace and killings are happening in the north at any time, and many forces are constantly fighting, the north has become chaotic, and there is such a major change in the north, but the empire still has no response, and Moro, the great general of the north, still has no response. Let the conflict continue.

When such a change occurred in the north, some other forces in the empire saw an opportunity, and they were all ready to participate in this battle, but although they had the intention, they had to take into account the reaction of the empire. In three years, dozens of them This force was flattened by the empire's army. Although this caused a huge impact on the empire and caused heavy losses to the empire, it also made other forces fear and fear for it, worrying that the empire's army would surge in the next moment.

In the past three years, the empire gradually suppressed the force that lifted the rebellion with the help of iron and blood, and allowed the empire to further control the region. As for the changes in the north, the empire did not care at all, as if it were in the north. It has long been forgotten by the empire, and it is exactly the same, the major forces that have been strongly suppressed will have the heart to get involved in the battle of the North!

Test. With the continuous turmoil in the north, other forces of the empire are constantly testing the reaction of the empire, infiltrating into the northern land bit by bit, although such infiltration is not long after entering the north by the major forces in the north. It was directly destroyed, but this temptation also gave these forces a gratifying harvest. The empire did not care about their actions and did not suppress their infiltration to the north. This result made other forces in the empire excited and gave them hope. !

The northern land is allowed to compete by the major forces, and the empire will not react at all, let alone block it. How can such a result not make the major forces tempted, let alone those sects, even the many families in the empire They are all tempted. Although the northern region is a bit remote and backward, there are many benefits. People who have benefits are naturally tempted.

After testing out the bottom line of the empire, the major forces and many aristocratic families became crazy about it again, marching to the north, competing for the interests of the north, and fighting for the empty power in the north, and when this happened, the entire northern land Because of this shock, many aristocratic families and major forces were horrified by this sudden change. They did not expect that the empire would make such a decision and would ignore the impact of these many forces on the northern land. The mood became tense.

"Damn, how can the empire do this, let these forces impact our northern land, what does the empire want to do? No, we can't let these **** forces enter the north and invade our interests. We must fight back and teach them a lesson. Let them know that the north belongs to our northerners, and no one can take this benefit from us!"

"Well said, the land of the north belongs to our northerners. It's up to us. No force can come in. It's just that we can't resist such an impact by relying on one of our forces. We need to unite and even meet. As soon as I saw Morrow, I was helped by Morrow. If Morrowken was on our side, then everything would be resolved. There are millions of troops, and even those forces cannot shake the interests of our north!"

"Moreau? No, for Moreau, we'd better not be alarmed, otherwise it would be easy to ask God to give it away, let this **** find an excuse, it will be even more difficult for us to stop him from interfering in the struggle for the interests of the North. The **** is not Xing Tian, ​​or the quiet benefit of the Tongtian River God of Water. The reason why he did not make a big move is because his millions of troops are just recruits, and it takes time to hone. Four years are enough for the millions of troops to have After all, if this tiger is really released, it will be very difficult for us to take control of our respective territories. After all, no one can withstand the impact of a million army!"

"Yes, less than absolutely necessary, we must not go to Moro, as long as we can resist alone, then we will definitely not trouble Moro, this must be reached by consensus with the major forces, no one can contact Mo alone Luo, otherwise we will unite all forces to fight together. This is a taboo, this is the bottom line, and the bottom line cannot be crossed!"

Compared to Xing Tian’s and Tongtian River’s water god’s indifferent, Moro’s ambition made all the major forces in the northern land vigilant. In three years, he gathered a million troops, plus the original hundreds of thousands of troops. The army at his disposal is too terrifying. Although Moreau has not used the interests of these many forces, this powerful force has also brought them huge pressure. If it were not for Moreau, he had to always guard against the impact from the barbarians and guard the border. , The major forces in the north did not dare to act rashly, nor would this crazy turmoil happen, even under such a shock, the major forces were not willing to let Moreau take action.

When there was an impact from an external force, when there was a threat from an external force, the major forces in the entire Northern Land soon calmed down again. Although everyone has all kinds of grievances, but under the general situation, they have to Sit together again and discuss together how to deal with the current crazy turmoil and how to deal with threats from external forces.

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