God of Destruction

Chapter 3852: Anger

Chapter 3852 Anger

"Haha! It's just a daydream, pinning hopes on others, it's ridiculous, working together, do you think we have so many schools and so many forces that can really work together? Who can let go in the face of interests, and who can let go when danger comes? Believable, what do you think I don’t know, but I can’t believe you in a word!” Suddenly, there was such a crazy voice among the crowd, and when the voice fell, everyone present took a breath. Air conditioner!

Yes! Is it useful to discuss so much in such a big environment? It's useless at all. If you want to take advantage, you can only rely on yourself. Putting your hopes on others is irresponsible to your own life. Working together will never appear on everyone, let alone everyone is not the same. A force, even the same sect, cannot work together. Under the temptation of interest, everything can happen. If you hold such a ridiculous fantasy, when the war begins, you will be caught in a crisis of life and death. Accidentally died out!

"Don’t talk any more nonsense. Strength decides everything, interest decides everything. Those **** in the north can be united and can work together because they are always out there, and we can’t do it. I don’t know what you are thinking. In a word, I can’t believe in you. I won’t put my life on you. This is the end of this matter. I will withdraw!” There is no hesitation. When this voice fell, this person did not. Hesitating to get up and leave quickly, without any thoughts, for him to discuss countermeasures with such ignorant people, that is to destroy himself!

This is a catastrophe of heaven and earth. Are the interests of the north great? Amazingly great. In the face of such huge interests, no one is worthy of trust. Withdraw early and feel at ease earlier, otherwise they may be calculated by these bastards. , To be able to say such a ridiculous thing in front of everyone, the other party definitely has a calculation that he can't think of. Instead of spending energy on guarding these bastards' calculations at the beginning of the war, it is better to leave directly and get yourself out of danger!

Although the interests of the North are good, no matter how good their interests are, they are not as important as their own lives. No matter how careful you are in the catastrophe, you can't be overstated. Only by being careful can you live longer and be able to keep yourself in the catastrophe. If you live to the end and act rashly, you will only plunge yourself into the crisis of death, and will only plunge yourself into desperation.

When one of them left, some of the weaker ones didn’t say anything. They all stood up and left silently. Their own weakness is a sin. If they don’t know how to advance or retreat, they are ruining themselves, and they are truly united. In the end, he won't get too many benefits, on the contrary, he will only become cannon fodder in the hands of these powerful forces.

When those small forces left silently, many powerful forces were angry at them, and they wished to kill the first **** who left. All this was caused by this bastard, if he had not torn everything. Cover it up, how can things get to this point, and how can those weak forces leave quickly.

angry! remorse! They had known this situation a long time ago. They would never allow the **** to have a chance to speak, and would definitely kill him before everything else happened. Unfortunately, it is too late now. The other party has already explained everything. Under such circumstances, wanting to unite again is just a joke, a big joke!

"Forget it, since some people have said so, I must have taken care of it in everyone's mind. Let's stop this matter. If you have any ideas in your mind, handle it yourself. If anyone still wants to take advantage of the interests of the north, then do their own things. , If someone wants to attack the empire, it is up to you to deal with it yourself, I will leave first!"

When there was not a trace of gain, a strong man quickly got up and left, and his departure completely brought this conversation to an end. No one is willing to waste their time and energy on this ridiculous union. Above, at this time, whoever has such a plan can only find his own way, which is impossible to achieve!

In this way, the major forces that tried to attack the northern land and seize the interests of the north dispersed directly. Their union became a big joke, and their conversation was also known by other forces. Many forces in the entire world were also shocked by this alliance. All forces are alert to the huge power of the empire. Once again, they are shocked by the empire’s insidious calculations. The empire has such terrible calculations that make all those who are ready to move. The forces extinguished their fire.

No one wants to be calculated, no one wants to be the gunman of the empire. If you don’t know the calculations of the empire, then it is better to say that under the temptation of profit, countless forces will go crazy and will attack the northern land at all costs. But now Everything has changed, and this terrible storm ended directly because of this conversation.

"Damn, how could this be? We have put in so much effort and energy to promote this catastrophe, but it ended because of that bastard's words. Don't let me know who he is, or else we must It will destroy him and the power he has on his back. This **** has completely ruined our affairs and completely made the whole situation out of control!"

"Huh! I have warned you not to be too self-righteous, and not to think of yourself too much. Although we are from the highest chaotic world, we are higher in identity than these natives, but not everyone in this world is stupid. , I can’t see through the dangers of this great catastrophe, and I want to use the power of the empire to drive them. This is impossible. This time it is not only failed to achieve the goal, but also to startle the snake. Next time I want to use these forces. I'm afraid it is impossible. The most important thing is that this time our actions will definitely arouse the empire's vigilance. Everyone, please be careful, the empire is not a good one!"


"Yeah, too careless. Although everyone knows the calculations of the empire, they can't be so obvious about the empire. With the mentality of those **** in the empire, we will never let us go. In a short period of time, we still don't want to say anything about it. There is a trouble, or if you are not careful, you will be touched by the empire and lose your life. Those **** in the empire are not fools. They can't not know that we will come from the world of the highest **** in this catastrophe. Human participation!"

"Let’s stop, it’s too late to stop now. I don’t know what you think. This time I won’t make another move. No matter how chaotic the North is, no matter how **** the world is, I won’t intervene because I still I don't want to die, I don't want to be chased by the empire's bastards. Okay, that's all for now, goodbye!

Although this shocking change has the shadow of the empire, the biggest black hand is not the empire, but the descendants of the supreme chaotic world hidden in the dark. They are pushing the overall situation in one hand. Unfortunately, their plan eventually went bankrupt. Still failed, not only failed, but also aroused the vigilance of the empire, aroused the vigilance of all forces!

"Damn, these natives really deserve to die. Why don't they cooperate well with us, and those **** in the north, how can they let go of each other's hatred so easily, the most hateful are the three **** Moro, Xingtian, and Tongtian River Water God. If they hadn't been invisible all the time, there would not be such a change in the northern land, and the overall situation would not get out of control!"

All unwilling descendants of the supreme chaotic world put all the responsibility on others. They did not think that all this was their own stupidity, and did not think that if they were not too arrogant and self-righteous, they would not have such a change. It’s too late. Under such a big environment, they shouldn’t be so rashly pushing the catastrophe to continue to accelerate. If they do nothing and continue to hide in the dark, the situation will have different results, but it’s a pity that everything is too much. late!

Xing Tian didn’t know about such an earth-shattering dramatic change, or the God of Tongtian River? They know, but for them, it has nothing to do with themselves. There is no need to care about it, let alone participate in it. The more dangerous the environment, the more they have to be cautious, and they can’t be careless. With their retreat, as they stopped fighting for profit, they gradually saw through the changes in this world and saw the horror of this great calamity!

"It's a pity that those stupid **** actually wasted a big chance. If they don't have so much greed, the situation will be different. And their greed and ignorance have attracted the vigilance of the major forces. If you miss this time, all the descendants of the Supreme Chaos World will be greatly affected, and it will be even more difficult to interfere in the changes of heaven and earth!"

With the help of the connection between the heart of the world and the battlefield world of this realm, Xing Tian can clearly know the development of the situation. When such a result occurs, Xing Tian's heart is naturally very emotional. Such a great opportunity is given by a group of ignorant and stupid bastards. Exposed, Xing Tian's heart also has endless anger. The opportunity is not to be missed, and the loss will never come. This great opportunity will no longer appear when it is lost, and after losing this opportunity, Xing Tian's practice has also been affected. .

Speaking of it, Xing Tian also hopes that someone will promote the development of the Great Tribulation of Heaven and Earth so madly in the dark. It is just that everything in the preceding topic cannot be exposed, so Xing Tian can use the power of the Heart of the World to constantly perceive the changes in the origin of the world and the world. The Great Tribulation had changed, and now that everything had failed, Xing Tian naturally had a trace of anger and unwillingness in his heart.

"Forget it, this is the general trend. I originally thought I could use this storm to further my grasp of the world. Now it seems impossible. The transformation of the inner world will take more time and a long wait. I hope that the situation will not develop in the worst direction, and that everything will not be out of his control!" After feeling the changes in the world, Xing Tian sighed involuntarily. After four years, Xing Tian still failed to achieve his own goals. Wish, there is still no way to refine all the origins of the inner world, and no way to integrate the heart of the world into the inner world!

With the changes in the north, Xing Tian's heart is also a little anxious. Time waits for no one. If he can't accelerate quickly, I'm afraid I can't use my heart to refine the world and realize the true origin of the world. This catastrophe will end. , Those who come from the world of the highest **** like themselves are already a little anxious to jump out to host the Great Tribulation!

The Great Tribulation of Heaven and Earth is so easy to master, is it so easy to control? No, Xing Tian dare not have such thoughts. The more you think, the more you do this, and you will eventually suffer a terrible backlash. No matter how powerful the power is, it cannot be an enemy of the entire world, especially in the current catastrophe of heaven and earth. This is the last terrible catastrophe of the boundary battlefield world. Everything is even more incredible and harder to master. In this situation, if it is not for the smooth flow of the boat and the guidance of the situation, in the end everything is still not under your control, the power of heaven and earth. Not anyone can shake it.

Even if Xingtian draws on the power of the heart of the world and the power of the city of thunder and punishment, it can slightly affect the general trend of the world, and it cannot reverse the general trend. If you have to do this, it will only cause terrible disasters, but They are dead, but now there are such a group of ignorant **** who are using their ridiculous power to promote the development of the world catastrophe. This is simply killing themselves, and their ignorance will make everyone suffer. spread!

"Time, damn, why can't you give me a little more time? These **** promoted the development of the Great Tribulation of Heaven and Earth. It is not only themselves that entrapped them, but also dragged me in. The situation in the north will be affected by them. Crazy and changing, the whole world will usher in an even more terrible disaster, and together with this disaster, there is no time to practice. They have ruined my major events and my great opportunities!" Xing Tian's heart was angry. The ground screamed, but no matter how angry it was, it was useless. All this had happened. The only thing Xing Tian could do was to prepare in advance!

When someone reveals the true face of the empire, and when someone uses the empire as a shield, everything will be out of control and everything will be completely out of control. It was only the chaos in the north that would completely spread to the whole world and the whole world. Together, no one can control the general situation anymore. There is no quiet place in this world anymore. The tribulation of heaven and earth will completely erupt, and no one will be able to stay out of the situation and escape the influence of the atmosphere of the tribulation! Xing Tian, ​​who has the heart of the world, can clearly feel the terrible calamity emanating from the origin of this world, can clearly understand that everything will be out of control, and all those who interfere with the calamity will add the calamity!

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