God of Destruction

Chapter 3853: Season

Chapter 3853

When the tribulation qi of the sun and earth broke out, no matter how Xing Tian didn’t want to participate in the tribulation, no matter how much he wanted to escape the influence of the tribulation, it was impossible. The heart of the world could make Xing Tian feel the changes in this world and make Xing Tian Obtain the power of the origin of the world, but it will also be affected by the tribulation of the world. This is the negative side of the heart of the world!

The heart of the world can give Xingtian great opportunities, but there are also great dangers behind the great opportunities. The most important thing is that the world of the boundary battlefield world is not controlled by him. When the catastrophe changes, Xingtian will be the first to be affected. Affected, it can be said that Xing Tian was involuntarily covered with a terrible calamity when this heaven and earth disaster broke out, and he became the person who should be robbed of this heaven and earth disaster, and all this stems from Xingtian's madness. The heart of the refining world.

The person who should be robbed sounds very good, as if he can preside over the tribulation of heaven and earth, but in fact this time the tribulation of heaven and earth is extraordinary. Even if he is a person who should be robbed, Xing Tian will be threatened with death. It can be said that this is a realm. The last catastrophe in the battlefield, and in this catastrophe, all creatures are in danger of life and death. Those who should be robbed are no exception. Even those who should be robbed face even more terrifying and terrifying dangers. Being careful will kill yourself!

Although there was endless anger in his heart, Xing Tian still sighed involuntarily when he felt that he was constantly increasing calamity, and had to compromise. This is the general trend of the world. When he was caught in the calamity, All this has become a foregone conclusion. You cannot decide everything by yourself. This is the power of destiny. This may also be the great crisis that the Heart of Refining the World must face, or put it another way, this is the test that you must face.

Although the heart of the world is good, it is also in great danger. When he understood his own situation, Xing Tian's eyes flashed with helplessness. Xing Tian, ​​who has a lot of practice experience, naturally understands what he should do in this situation. It is useless to resist. Although I am confident, I will not be ignorant, stupid, or arrogant enough to think that I can fight against the whole world and the whole world. Even if I have a trace of the power of the world’s origin, I can’t do this. .

When the catastrophe broke out and the catastrophe aura was fully aroused, Xing Tian felt the power of the world's more terrifying disasters while feeling the origin of the world, felt the origin of the catastrophe, felt the catastrophe, the big bad luck, The power of great horror, and these forces are constantly impacting Xing Tian's mind, making Xing Tian unable to continue practicing in retreat.

When this happens, it means that Xing Tian can no longer steadily hide aside and practice quietly. He must participate in this great catastrophe, constantly responding to the catastrophe, and constantly consuming his own terrible. Only the catastrophe can resolve his own calamity. Otherwise, even if Xing Tian deliberately hides, there will be people sitting at home. The terrible crisis of calamity comes from heaven. It can be said that when the heart of the world is affected by the catastrophe of heaven and earth. Xing Tian is destined to be unable to escape this terrible crisis when it is affected by the influence of the empire. He must take the initiative to face all these'tests'. This is the power of destiny!

The change in the heart of the world not only affects Xingtian itself, but also affects the creatures in the world in Xingtian. It can be said that at the moment of this panic, Xingtian or the wise creatures in his inner world are fine. All will face this terrible disaster of heaven and earth, and they must stand up and respond. This is their destiny, their irreversible destiny, unless Xing Tian can break the destiny of this realm battlefield world and become the master of this world, and This is impossible!

The power of the robbery Qi, Xingtian and all the creatures in his inner world must participate in this terrible catastrophe. Although the shock this time came suddenly, it was not a desperate situation for Xingtian. In Xingtian’s heart Originally intended to let the creatures in the inner world enter the realm battlefield world, with the help of the great catastrophe, merge into the highest chaos world, but now Xing Tian is given this opportunity, with this catastrophe, the inner All the creatures in the world don’t have to worry about being suppressed by the source of heaven and earth. They all have a trace of the aura of a territorial battlefield world. Even if this is just a robbery, it is equivalent to the creatures from this world. For those who descend directly in the Supreme Chaos World, they are much luckier!

Although the appearance of Jie Qi planned Xing Tian’s plan, it also accelerated Xing Tian’s grasp of the inner world. Now Xing Tian can open a door to the inner world, allowing the creatures in the inner world to enter this realm battlefield world. , And this situation has greatly resolved Xing Tian's own lack of strength, allowing Xing Tian to organize a terrifying army in a short time!

No time has it been easier for Xing Tian to arrange for the creatures of his inner world to appear in the northern land. You must know that with the turmoil in the north and the terrible killing, everything in the northern land is disrupted, who I don’t know exactly how many people there are in the North. I don’t know how many people were lost during this turmoil, how many people died, and it’s not clear how many outsiders are hiding in the north, even if it is big. General Morrow is also not clear.

Although General Moreau has a million army under his command, compared to the vastness of the North, this million army is nothing at all. It is okay to guard the border town. If you want to grasp the situation in the entire north, it is just a joke. , The Million Army is just a drop of water in the Great Lake for the entire Northern Land!

Maybe I should talk to Moreau, and let the chaos in the north continue. The situation will be even more uncontrollable. The tribulation of heaven and earth will come more fierce. Although I don’t know what the empire wants to do, it will definitely not be what it is now. It's so simple. It's really just a trick to kill with a knife. They don't need to be so obvious. There are definitely secrets that outsiders don't know. The empire will never be as unbearable as it is now. If you look at the entire empire from this perspective, It is definitely not the empire that will fall in the end, but those who rashly take action. Perhaps this is also a game, a general situation for the entire world!

auzw.comCompared with other powerful players in the empire, Xing Tian did not underestimate the power of the empire. The more an empire that is about to be destroyed, the more terrifying the hidden power, and it will not explode. An outbreak will surely be a shock to the world. Xing Tian didn't want to be the target of the empire, and didn't want to be furiously counterattacked by the empire's final dying blow.

Under the empire’s frenzied counterattack, a victory is a tragic victory, and a defeat is a lifeless victory. With a little bit of mind, Xing Tian would not make such a stupid decision, nor would he risk his life. Together with Jie, no matter how cautious it is, I don’t think it too much, especially now that I’m still in trouble with Jie Qi, then I must be more cautious!

Xing Tian didn’t worry too much about his own calamity. With the city of thunder punishment in his hands, even if the calamity was heavy, self-preservation was not a problem in the hundred years since the calamity began. At the beginning, the real strong will not appear, and the empire cannot collapse and perish in a short time. An imperial dynasty that has suppressed the world for endless years, even if it takes time to destroy, the power of the imperial family can It is not that easy to be destroyed.

When Xing Tian was alarmed by this heaven and earth from his spiritual practice, General Moreau could not bear it at this moment. In four years, General Moreau’s strength had undergone a qualitative transformation. Millions of troops were in hand, so Moreau could no longer continue to watch the struggle for rights and interests in the north with cold eyes. He was eager to take the rights of the north and dominate everything in the north.

If it is normal, the general Morrow would have no intentions or power. After all, he did not have a reasonable excuse. Even if he wanted to seize the rights of the north, he could not act rashly without a suitable excuse. The empire was still there, so Morrow couldn’t help. Not being cautious, once given an excuse to the empire, the great general himself was also dead.

Now General Morrow doesn’t have to worry about the excuses. Those ignorant and stupid **** in the empire have brought him to the door. The invasion of foreign enemies and the **** in the north are enough to give Moreau an excuse to intervene in the power struggle in the north. The loss will never come again. For the **** in the north, Moreau himself does not know how long it will last. He does not know how long the empire center can endure. Once the empire center intervenes, it will be difficult for him to make a big fight unless he wants to betray the empire. , And this is something that Moreau can't do, and he doesn't dare to do it. Doing it will only kill himself, and will only ruin his own life!

"Damn, even though I have this excuse, the title of Xingtian is still there, and the title of Tongtian River Water God is still there. Even if I want to intervene in the rights dispute in the north, I need to get Xingtian and Tongtian River Water God's approval, or I will quote The consequences of their anger will be even more dangerous!" Moreau has not been stunned by the rights and interests in front of him, and he also understands that he really wants to start a war, and if he really wants to participate in this terrible power struggle, he must get Xingtian and Tongtianhe. The approval of the water **** gets righteousness from their hands.

For General Moreau, he was unwilling to face Xingtian and the God of Tongtian River. Although he understood that Xingtian and Tongtian River God did not care about the rights of the north, they wanted to surpass themselves, but wanted to get Xingtian and Tongtian River God. The approval of the Tongtianhe Water God will surely give oneself a cause and effect, and now this cause and effect do not need to be paid by oneself, but as long as the cause and effect are still there, no matter how many years, no matter how much time, you must repay it!

Forging such a big cause and effect with a lunatic like Xingtian, it is not easy to repay it in the future, even if Moreau has confidence in himself, when he thinks of owing Xingtian cause and effect, he can’t help but hit one. He shivered, thinking of Xingtian's madness, his heart couldn't help feeling very much, but the opportunity is not to be missed, and the miss will never come again. Such a great opportunity will not be available at any time. If I miss this time, I want to wait for the next time. Chance, that's just a daydream!

"Forget it, you can't manage that much. When the opportunity comes, you must seize it with all your strength. You can't let it run out of your eyes in vain. Even if you owe Xingtian and Tongtianhe water gods a big cause and effect, you should take this opportunity to grasp it. Part of the power of the northern power allows one's own power to penetrate into the north and seize a larger territory, otherwise it will be too late when the empire reacts!"

When thinking of this, General Moreau made a quick decision. Although Moreau had been in the north for the past four years, he still remained vigilant towards the center of the empire. It can be said that all actions in the empire, Moreau has I know that in four years, the empire has swept through many sect forces and has gradually stabilized the general trend of the world. Once the empire has fully recovered its strength, can the north continue to continue, and can this great general himself be able to continue?

Moro didn’t think that once the empire had recovered its strength, it could continue to tolerate a “betrayer” like itself. At that time, there was not enough power and not enough territory. What awaited him was bound to be destroyed. Morrow didn’t want to face such a situation. The ending, so he must resist, he must seize the opportunity in front of him, in this northern chaos, do his best to seize the greatest benefits, so that he can have the capital to fight against the center of the empire, even if not. , Also have the capital of self-insurance!

The Million Army sounds very good, but for the entire empire, the Million Army is not worth mentioning. What's more, among all the frontier armies, they have the weakest strength, if not in this northern land. There is Xingtian and Tongtian River God of water, such a fierce and evil spirit, so that the barbarians dare not act rashly. I am afraid that this northern land will not need to be unrest by itself, and will suffer the crazy impact of the barbarian first. The barbarian is not a good bird. But when they saw their own weakness, the terrifying barbarian cavalry would swarm in, and the entire north must bear the impact from the barbarian!

In the face of the entire barbarian, in the face of the terrifying barbarian cavalry, can a mere army of millions really be able to resist it? No, Moreau wouldn’t have such ridiculous thoughts. It’s just a rookie who has been training for four years. Even if he has paid a high price, he has not experienced the baptism of the real battlefield, and has not passed the test of blood and fire. The new army is still unbearable. With one blow, he still couldn't take a shot, and let a group of rookies confront the barbarian cavalry. Even if Moro had confidence in him, he didn't think he had a chance of victory.

How can they be able to subordinate this million army in the shortest time? These rookies can grow up and become real iron-blooded masters, naturally fighting, and the turmoil in the north of Qiaqia can really allow Moreau to complete this plan. Compared with the iron cavalry of the barbarians, the many forces in the northern turmoil are not worth mentioning. It is most suitable to use such power to hone your army!

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