God of Destruction

Chapter 3854: Festival warning

Chapter 3854 Warning

Seeing Xingtian, Moreau appeared in Xingtian’s mansion again this time, and with him was the God of Water of the Tongtian River. When he saw the God of Water of the Tongtian River again four years later, Moreau was shocked and watched. At the first glance of the Water God of Tongtian River, Moreau felt a terrible threat. This was a force that could threaten his life!

"Damn it, how could this be? It's just that after four years, Tongtianhe Water God's strength has undergone a qualitative change, which can truly threaten my life. What kind of opportunity did he get in four years? It’s impossible to do this just by relying on imperial luck. The big secret, it seems that there is a big secret in Tongtianhe Water God. Maybe he really got the ancient inheritance from Xingtian, and only the ancient inheritance can explain it. all of these!"

Jealous! At this moment, General Morrow couldn’t help but feel endless jealousy. Morrow wanted such a great opportunity, but all of this was in vain. Xing Tian would not give himself such a chance, he would not give himself this opportunity. The good thing is, after all, he and Xing Tian are two different people and can't get together at all. But after being jealous, Moreau's heart is relieved. The changes in the water **** of Tongtian River can also indirectly prove that Xing Tian really doesn't care about the North. The rights and interests of the land, what he and Moreau pursue is detachment, the way to detachment of their own power, the rights of the empire are not worth mentioning to them!

"Shui Shendao's friendly opportunity, just four years of hard cultivation, and such a strong breakthrough, it is really amazing!"

Hearing Moro’s words, the God of Tongtian River smiled calmly and said: "Moro, if you desire power, you can also pursue it. I’m afraid you can’t let go of your rights and the pursuit of interests. If you can let go All of this will also be enhanced in this way. You were also there in the thunder punishment tribulation that year. I don’t believe you didn’t gain anything at all, but in four years your cultivation level has not improved at all. What does this mean? , Your mind is not used for cultivation at all, your mind is used for the mastery of your own army, there is something you can do, you don't want to give up anything, how can you gain!"

When talking about this, Tongtianhe Water God shook his head again, feeling worthless for Moreau's choice. No matter how good his rights, no matter how good his interests are, it is not worth mentioning compared with his own detachment. The root of everything, I didn’t understand this sentence before, but when I had these four years of cultivation, when my strength surpassed Moreau, Tongtianhe Water God naturally understood this truth. If it were before, he might be afraid of him. Luo, I would be worried about Moreau's threat, but now this worry has disappeared without a trace, this is the result of his own strength!

What about the Million Army, it is equally vulnerable to absolute power. Although I have not reached this level, now I have gradually touched the presence of that strong presence. As long as I give myself enough time, I can completely ignore Morrow. , Ignoring his millions of army, and at this moment, Tongtianhe Water God also understands that Moreau’s pursuits are only illusory. If the empire didn’t have the heart to clean him up, it would never be possible to live to the present with his power. There is definitely a strong man in the dynasty who can kill Moro in a second. The reason why this situation did not happen was that the power of the empire was constrained by other things!

When the words of Tongtianhe Water God fell, Moreau's expression changed a lot, and he couldn't help but sighed: "Yes, if I didn't choose the right fight, I would put my mind on practice. I'm afraid there will be a qualitative transformation. Unfortunately, because of the concern of this army, I wasted my original insights in the thunder punishment. Once this opportunity is lost, I will never return. The time of four watching has already wiped out my own time. The insight you got!"

Regret it? No, Moreau shook his head secretly, he didn't regret the original choice, this is his pursuit! Of course it’s no use regretting now, everything has happened, and Moro regretting can’t change everything. The most important thing is that he’s not Xingtian, or Tongtian River God, so you can have no worries, you can’t abandon these people who have been following yourself. !

"Haha! I can't do it, I am different from the water **** fellow, without care, I can't discard these soldiers who follow me with all their heart, they fight for me, sacrifice for me, I can't abandon them because of my own future, I They have to give them a safety guarantee. If even I abandon them, with the sinister intentions of those **** in the center of the empire, they all have life concerns. I can't kill them because of myself. This is my responsibility!"

The God of Tongtian River shook his head and didn’t say anything more. The ways are different. There is a qualitative difference between the way he and Moreau chose, and the results are naturally different, so there is no need to argue about this matter, everyone. Everyone has a choice!

Seeing that the Tongtian River Water God didn’t say anything, Moruo’s voice changed and continued: “Friend Water God, you must have felt the changes in the north, and I also know the purpose of my visit to you and Daoist Xingtian this time. I wonder if Fellow Water God can give me an answer? Can I have a legitimate reason!"

The God of Tongtian River smiled calmly and said: "Moreau, I can't do this thing. If it's just me and nothing, a little fame is nothing, so I will give it to you, but you understand that it is really possible to do it. It’s not me, but Xing Tian. He is the real name of the Lord of the North. It’s useless if I agree. Let’s go, let’s see him, but in my opinion, this is not a big problem. The goal we pursue Different, your idea is still hopeful!"

When he heard these words, General Moro nodded secretly. He thought he had a chance, so he took the initiative to see Xingtian. If there was no chance at all, he would never risk this to see Xingtian. With the words of Tongtian River Water God, I have a little more chance. Even if you connect with Tianhe Water God, you can ignore the name of the **** king. Naturally, Xing Tian will not care about the name of the Northern Governor, as long as he can get Xing Tian’s consent. , Everything is easy!

When thinking of this, a faint smile appeared on Moreau’s face. Although this would make him and Xing Tian have more cause and effect, as long as he can get what he wants, a small amount of cause and effect is nothing. As the God of the Water of the Tongtian River said before, there is something to do and there is something to do. If you want to get all of this, you have to give something, and you can also bear this cause and effect!


Deserted! When he came to Xingtian’s mansion, Morrow’s first impression was that he was deserted, with no anger at all. The entire courtyard was cold, as if it were independent of the world, such a huge mansion, there were no other people. It was dead and heavy, as if abandoned by the world, but the more so, the more shocked Moreau's heart was. This seemingly deserted courtyard was perilous, and the entire courtyard was not covered by a terrible formation. If you sneak in, you will die!

Seeing the surprise that flashed on Moreau’s face, Tongtianhe Water God said calmly: “Let’s go, don’t look at it, our pursuit is different, it’s useless for you to see more, even if you have more But you don’t have the time to practice meditation at all. Your mind is not on your own practice at all. If you get the result earlier, you can feel at ease!"

In an instant, Moro was taken aback, the expression on his face changed and changed, and he couldn't help but sighed inwardly: "Yes, the God of Tongtian River is right. What's the use of seeing so much, even if you can gain a little insight. So what, do I have time to practice? No, as the God of Tongtian River said, pursuing a difference, there is no need to waste energy on this!"

A moment later, Moreau and the Tongtian River Water God saw Xingtian in the hall. Four years later, they thought Xingtian would change, but they were wrong. Xingtian did not change much. At most, it is only a change in the body, and there is no change in other directions. It seems that in four years, Xing Tian has not cultivated at all, and his strength has not increased a little, but is this really the case?

In this regard, Moreau couldn’t believe it. In his opinion, all this was just a cover for Xing Tian’s cultivation base. The connected Tianhe Water God had gained a powerful increase in strength, and he survived thunder catastrophe and mastered Xing Tian in the city of thunder punishment. There will be no change at all, and no one will believe it. If someone believes that he is a fool, he is foolish!

"It's all here. I didn't expect this quiet environment to be broken after only four years. General Mo is probably here today in the name of the governor. Don't worry, I don't care about this right. I can give it to you, but it seems that we have met once and have a good relationship with each other. Let me remind you that the overall situation of the world is not as simple as you think. When this battle erupts, everything is It's changed, you know it!" When Xing Tian said this, Xing Tian waved his hand slightly, and an envelope appeared in front of Moreau. Before Moreau arrived, Xing Tian had already prepared everything he wanted. !

When he got what he wanted so smoothly, Moreau was surprised. He didn't even say anything or promise. Xing Tian gave him everything he wanted, which gave him an unbelievable feeling. , This is really incredible. With such a big cause and effect, Xing Tian didn't care about it. What is going on?

After receiving the envelope, Moreau did not rush to leave, but asked: "Friend Xingtian easily gave me the name of the chief governor, so I don’t worry that I will regret it afterwards, or that I am getting everything. Will it be against you afterwards? You must know that such benefits are touching, and facing such huge benefits, I can hardly resist the temptation!"

Xing Tian smiled indifferently and said: "Repent! What about regret, disadvantages, if you think you have that strength, you can try it. As for the benefits of your mouth, it is not worth mentioning in my eyes. Even if you have something. What's the idea? Don’t test me here. The road between us is different. You don’t need to have so many worries. As for other things, I can’t say more. The secret is not to be revealed. You can do it yourself. The road needs you. Come out by yourself!"

Speaking of this, Xing Tian waved his hand gently, indicating that Moreau could leave, but the more indifferent Xing Tian's performance was, the more disturbed Moreau's heart became. What kind of changes have taken place in this northern struggle. , Let Xing Tian say such a thing to warn himself, if he doesn't understand all this, Moreau's heart is uneasy.

"Friend Xingtian, what changes have taken place in the overall situation this day? Can it be said that all of this is truly as legendary. Behind this battle is the black hand of the empire. All these are manipulated by the empire. Please also look at the past. I am very grateful for Moro's love!" At this point, Moro gave Xing Tian a bow.

"Go, don't think so much, I can only say this, you need to judge the general situation by yourself, don't be fascinated by the temptation in front of everything, there is a big danger behind the chance!" When he said this, Xing Tian He waved his hand again and motioned to the God of Tongtian River to send Moro away, not willing to say anything more.

When Xing Tian made such a statement, Moreau sighed involuntarily in his heart. At this time, if he is still ignorant and does not leave, then he is a bit too much. You can't do everything, if you don't. Not only will there be no gain if you leave, but on the contrary, you will offend Xingtian and Tongtian River's supernatural powers, and even the benefits you have received before will be lost!

"Forget it, there must be a way to the front of the car, there is no need to think so much, even if there is danger ahead, I can't give up my plan because of the illusory danger. Now I represent not only myself, but also With soldiers following me behind me, no matter how dangerous the situation is, I must bite the bullet and go down. This is my responsibility and cannot be shied away!"

When he figured everything out, General Moruo bowed to Xing Tian and said, "Thank you, Daoist Xingtian, for your kindness. I will remember your kindness in my heart. This kindness will be rewarded in the future!" Although I don't know Xingtian. What is the danger, but after hearing Xing Tian’s words, Moreau’s heart also increased his vigilance. He did not dare to despise this battle any more, and he was careful to sail the Wannian Ship. The more such a major event, The more you can't be sloppy, or the consequences will be unthinkable!

Xing Tian shook his head and said, "Okay, I don't ask you anything in return. I just remind you from your past friendships. I hope you can do what you want. Let's go. There is not much time left for you. Don't waste time. In my case, the opportunity is lost in vain!"

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