God of Destruction

Chapter 3855: Festival qualification

Chapter 3855 Qualification

gone! After getting what he wanted from Xing Tian, ​​Moreau left with a stomach of doubts. This time meeting Xing Tian made him even more confused about the future overall situation, and made him wary in his heart. When seeing Xing Tian, ​​Moreau made up his mind to go to war and pay with all his strength, but now he has no such idea in his mind to preserve his strength, at least to keep his main force from participating in this turmoil in the north.

Although I didn’t know more from Xing Tian’s mouth, there is one thing Moreau can guess in his mind. The Northern Rebellion is not as simple as it appears. There are even more terrifying black hands behind it. When thinking of black hands, Moreau can’t help but think of it. After the fiasco four years ago, although the situation today is different from four years ago, Moreau did not dare to be careless. If the barbarians suddenly killed when he was taking the power to the north, the consequences would be disastrous.

Barbarians, this is Morrow’s greatest threat. For ordinary people, they dare not betray the empire or do such crazy things, but for those careerists, it’s completely different. This happened four years ago. It’s not a big event to stage it again in four years. If you are attacked without preparation, not only will the important border town fall, but the entire north will be in a terrible crisis, and then the trouble will be big. .

If the north is lost because of Moreau and is attacked by the barbarians, the cause and effect of being a general of Moreau will be great, and the reputation will be completely ruined. By then, the empire will not even have to find excuses and can directly kill him. There is no chance to argue.

"Damn it, fortunately, I came to see Xingtian this time, or it was really unthinkable. The black hand that promoted the Northern Chaos is too insidious. This is simply a calculation of the whole world. The decision to make an all-out attack, then step into the abyss of immortality, there is no room for turning over again! Sinister, these **** are too sinister!"

When he figured it out a little bit, Moreau's heart couldn't help but swear at the black hand that was hiding in the secret to promote the chaos in the north, and in addition to the scolding, Moreau's heart was also extremely shocked. The other party was not calculating his own little one. The small frontier general, the other side calculated the whole world, the whole world, and their goals were crazy.

What is the opponent's goal? Naturally it is the Great Tribulation of Heaven and Earth. These black hands are pushing the Great Tribulation of Heaven and Earth and intending to accelerate the development of the Great Tribulation. They intend to master the initiative of the Great Tribulation. Once these bastards' conspiracy succeeds, the whole world will fall into a terrible crisis. Among them, I don't know how many creatures or forces will be destroyed by their calculations!

The Northern Rebellion is not a small borderline and remote place, but a fuse that detonates the entire world and the earth. Any creatures involved in it will suffer a terrible impact and face one. Crazy choices.

"Damn, I knew this situation was like this, I shouldn't act rashly, shouldn't participate in this catastrophe, and shouldn't come to see Xingtian. It's a pity that everything is too late now, even if I wanted to. It’s too late to retreat. I don’t do anything. I can’t give a confession to the soldiers who follow me. In the face of this huge benefit, not everyone can see the terrible danger contained therein, and not everyone can resist the benefit. The temptation!" The more you think about it, the more regretful Moreau's heart is, and the more he thinks what he did before was grossly wrong.

It is impossible to retreat. Now Moreau and his army have to send arrows on the string. If Moreau had to forcibly pull away this time, I am afraid that his army will immediately fall apart, and there are not many people willing to follow him. , After all, the interests of the entire north tempted the army and soldiers, so that everyone could not give up.

"No matter how bad the situation in the north is, no matter how much the **** families and sects have done, the elite divisions of the army cannot move, and the defenses of the border towns cannot be mistaken, not only cannot be weakened, but Strengthen it and be ready to guard against a sneak attack by the barbarian cavalry, or the border will be broken, that is, when Moro is dead!"

No matter how powerful Morrow is, once the frontier is broken, once the north is defeated, he is dead and no life under the backlash of luck. Today Morrow is no longer the great general of the year. The luck between him and the empire The connection is very weak and weak. It is impossible to use the empire’s fortune to resolve the backlash of its own fortune, and the empire will not take responsibility for him. On the contrary, it is good that the empire does not fall into trouble!

Without knowing the dangers of the Northern Rebellion, Morrow would never think that he was crazy, but knowing the dangers, Morrow must be cautious. It seems that there are millions of troops in his hands, but he can truly fight against the barbarians. What the human cavalry fights against is still the elite division of his own, because they are all warriors who have experienced many battles.

Returning to the Chinese army camp, Moreau did not hesitate to summon his generals immediately, and expressed his concerns. The original plan to attack with all his strength was completely abandoned. Although many generals were unwilling to give up this great benefit, But they are more aware of how terrible the danger behind doing this is, and no one can take this responsibility.

auzw.com Compared with Moreau’s worries and regrets, Tongtian River Water God does not have so many troubles. For Tongtian River Water God, the most annoying thing is the changes in this world. Four years The painstaking cultivation made him go further on the Avenue of Stars, and it also made him see his own shortcomings more clearly. It is just one thing to see himself clearly, and it is another thing to make up for it. The most important thing is now A full-scale eruption, the terrifying calamity filled the entire world, making the Tongtian Water God unable to practice peace of mind!

After Moro left, when he saw the water **** of Tongtian River hesitating to speak, Xing Tian smiled calmly and said, "Don't have so many worries about the water god. You can say anything in your heart. There is no need to hide it. I know This time you have a lot of doubts in your mind. If you need me to explain anything, I can speak freely. Even if you make a mistake, I will not blame you!"

Hearing these words of Xing Tian, ​​the God of Tongtian River took a deep breath and said with a straight face: "As a god, I have a profound sense of the changes in the world. This time the world has changed greatly, and the whole world has been robbed. Entangling and dangerous. I want to know who is the black hand behind this, and what is their purpose in doing this. Promoting the Great Tribulation of Heaven and Earth will cause the entire world to lose control. Even if they have the ability to reach the sky, they cannot control the world. The general trend, I don’t understand why they do such a thing that harms others and is detrimental to themselves. Doing so is completely self-defeating. Such a huge cause and effect cannot be borne by that party, and even the imperial movement cannot bear this huge amount. The cause and effect will be bitten back to death!"

Xing Tian sighed lightly and nodded in the main said: "You can feel the changes in this world very well, and it's good to be able to connect everything with the great catastrophe of heaven and earth. Yes, there are amazing black hands behind it all. I guess who they are, but I can’t tell you. Knowing too much is not good for you. As for why they want to do this, it is naturally an advantage. They really can’t control the world, but they never None of them want to master the general situation of the world, all they want is the turbulence of this world, or just set off an even more terrifying storm!"

When he said this, Xing Tian’s voice was paused. After taking a deep breath, Xing Tian sighed again: "Water God, although you have a good experience, you still know very little about the world. What you know is just the fur. This is not your own problem, but the core secret of the world you have never touched. As a god, and a casual **** who has no backing, your background is too far away. For those truly great forces, they all understand what this catastrophe suddenly means, because they all have a background that outsiders don’t know!"

Tongtianhe Water God’s face changed, and he asked suspiciously: "Inheritance? What secrets are hidden by the major forces that I, the gods who have experienced endless years, do not know? Even if they hide deeply, it is impossible to be there. In the endless years, no news is revealed, unless these big forces have a tacit understanding, and even this secret is only known to a few people!"

Xing Tian shook his head and said, "That said, don’t think too much. Knowing too much is not good for you. Now these secrets are not something you can know. For you, secrets are not important, they are important. It’s your own practice. Power is the root of everything. As long as you have enough power, you are naturally qualified to participate in this catastrophe. Now you don’t even have the qualifications to participate. It can be said that you are in the whole world. In China, there are not too many forces that are truly eligible to participate!"

The God of Tongtian River asked suspiciously: "Don't the aristocratic families in the empire know this secret, nor the **** in the center of the empire? They are also not qualified to participate in this catastrophe?"

"Yes, none of them are qualified. On the surface they seem to be very powerful. They control most of the power of the entire empire. Even the royal family should treat them with caution, but in fact, they are qualified to participate in the entire empire. No one in this catastrophe, even the imperial family, is not qualified. This catastrophe of heaven and earth is far more dangerous than you think. Don't think that you are a **** and you can do nothing. God's body is not omnipotent. Condense your celestial body earlier. If you don’t improve your combat power quickly, it won’t take long for you to discover your own insignificance!"

For Tongtian River Water God, Xing Tian did not tell him too much. After all, the existence of the Supreme Chaos World is too far away for Tongtian River Water God. Even if he speaks it out, the other party cannot accept it for a while, and it will even mess up his mind. At this time, the spirit of Tongtian River Water God fell away, and it would really be abolished. Xing Tian didn't want this to happen.

The God of Heaven and Water was somewhat disappointed and said: "Why don't we do nothing and stay hidden in the dark, but even if we don't have the mind to participate in the great calamity of heaven and earth, the madness of this calamity will also affect our practice. Under the catastrophe, it is difficult for people to practice with peace of mind. If they cannot practice, they cannot improve their strength, and it is even more difficult to face the catastrophe!"

Xing Tian said indifferently: "Don't worry, it won't take long for all of this to change. Together, there is no place in the whole world. If you want to save the calamity, you must enter the calamity, endless years, endless cultivation, All the contaminated cause and effect will be over in this catastrophe, and there is no way to hide in the catastrophe!"

The catastrophe cannot be avoided, no matter who it is, no matter what living beings are, this time the world catastrophe is no small thing, all the cause and effect will be ended in this world catastrophe, those black hands that accelerate the world catastrophe They think they are great and think they have the initiative, but they don’t know that by doing so, they are burdened with great cause and effect, great karma, even if the realm battlefield world will no longer be their limit, but the cause and effect is It will not be eliminated. Now they are pushing everything ambitiously. When the Great Tribulation enters the army, they will really discover how outrageous they are. At that time, they have no room for turning back, and only death is waiting for them. No one can save them, because it is not the enemy who wants to kill them, but the world!

As the object of the world to be strangled, no power can stop them. Whoever allows them to form great cause and effect with this world, not everyone has the strength of Xingtian, not everyone has the opportunity of Xingtian, and not everyone can interact with Like Xing Tian, ​​he can go against the sky and control his own destiny. He doesn't have enough power or the power to resist the backlash of the world, but he wants to control the general trend of the world. That is just a joke, just killing himself!

Although the Realm Battlefield World and the Supreme Chaos World are not comparable, it is a world after all. It cannot be shaken by the joint efforts of a few younger generations. They are promoting the acceleration of the World Tribulation, and they are also constantly forming a relationship with this world. Under the cause and effect, now this cause and effect is not big, they still can't feel the danger, and when the time is long and the cause and effect accumulate, their trouble will be big. When they really discover the problem, everything is too late. They There is no room for reversal. And all these insights are the gains Xing Tian gained in the refining of the Heart of the World. The more he understands this world of battlefields, the more awe in Xing Tian's heart. Every world is a behemoth. Be cautious. If someone thinks that he is noble, wants to look down on the world, despise the origin of the world, and think that he can become the master of the world, that is ignorance, stupidity, and self-destruction!

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