God of Destruction

Chapter 3856: Disaster

Chapter 3856: Calamity

"Qualification? Who has this qualification, and what should I do to have such a qualification?" After thinking for a long time, Tongtianhe Water God raised his head and asked Xing Tian. He could have an inexplicable feeling that this qualification is for himself. It is very important. If you miss it, it will be your biggest loss. Although it is a bit wrong to ask directly, Tongtianhe Water God has no choice. The chance is a flash, and if you miss it, you won’t show up again, in order to catch He is willing to take this chance!

"You want to be qualified, there is actually nothing difficult. As long as your strength is strong enough, and your current strength is far from enough to have, it is not easy to become a chess player in this earth-shattering overall situation. , Don’t look at many people dancing happily now, but they are just pawns in the catastrophe. Once the time comes, they will die. If it is normal, this catastrophe will have enough time for everyone. Familiarity can help everyone to ease the changes between themselves and the Great Tribulation of Heaven and Earth, but everything has changed now. Some people think that they can master the general situation of the world and can promote the Great Tribulation of Heaven and Earth. As a result, the entire world begins to undergo abnormal changes, and the heavens are completely chaotic. , No one knows what the result will be anymore."

Speaking of this, Xing Tian sighed lightly, and was a little annoyed at those who had never lived and died, and blindly promoted the great chaos of the Supreme Chaos World. Their appearance destroyed Xing Tian's cultivation plan and caused the world's great disaster. Uncontrollable, making heaven and earth chaotic. As for what will happen in the end, Xing Tian can't guarantee. In a word, the sky has changed, it has become extremely crazy, and everything becomes possible. It is difficult for anyone to grasp the changes in the world and let all the forces before Efforts are turned into nothingness.

Xing Tian was able to know so much, only by relying on the power of the heart of the world and the connection between the heart of the world and this world, and this result made their mood extremely depressed. The change of the secrets of the sky will affect it. This realm battlefield world finally merged into the supreme chaotic world. Xing Tian didn't know that, but this is not impossible. After all, this world also has its own origin and consciousness. It is not impossible for a change to happen!

Tongtianhe Water God sighed: "I also know my own shortcomings and want to improve my own strength, but under this heaven and earth's calamity, there is no way to enter the quiet practice. Once I practice, there will be terrible calamity entangled, let Yuan God riots, any carelessness will hurt the soul! Under such circumstances, there is no opportunity to practice!"

Xing Tian shook his head and said, "Cultivation is not just retreat and hard practice, but also physical practice. In the great calamity, the cause and effect are all manifested. If you have the great cause and effect, you will naturally end it. Not only you, but also me, everyone. It’s all like this. Now it’s just the beginning of the Great Tribulation. It’s easiest to end the cause and effect. Go, don’t stay in this northern land anymore. You should go back to your cave and settle all cause and effect. Only after the cause and effect can you continue to practice. , Otherwise you will only get yourself into a greater crisis! Moreau has found your way, and you should also find your way!"

What is Tao? Xing Tian did not explain to the water **** of Tongtian River. Although the other party has practiced the Avenue of Stars, whether this can become the avenue of life for the water **** of Tongtian River depends on his own good fortune and opportunity. Lu Xingtian has already paved it for him, and now he needs Tongtianhe. The water **** pursues it by himself. There are a thousand possibilities for a thousand people to cultivate the avenue of planets and stars. Every creature is a unique existence, even if it is to practice the same avenue, the final result will be different!

If the Tongtian River Water God has been confined to the north, it is cutting off the other side’s road. This is not a good thing for the Tongtian River Water God, and it is also not a good thing for Xingtian. Xingtian is not a thug, but a real Helper.

Seeing the puzzled look on Tongtianhe Water God’s face, Xing Tian shook his head and sighed softly: "Although you have obtained the Avenue of Stars that I taught, every avenue is different. If you want to truly complete your own transformation, you need Find your own avenue. When you find your own avenue, you will understand everything and you will pass the bottleneck in front of you!"

The bottleneck is a big problem for all practitioners. Now Tongtian River Water God is affected by the bottleneck. Although Xing Tian can see through all of this, there are ways to solve it, but this is not a good thing for Tongtian River Water God, only his own The avenue is the best, and only the avenue that you understand is your own avenue. After all, the guidance of others is not your own way. If you blindly listen to others, the avenue you get is not suitable for you!

Regarding Xing Tian’s remarks, the Tongtian River Water God did not feel that there was anything wrong, nor did he think that Xing Tian was deliberately dismissing himself. For his own practice, Tongtian River Water God was naturally very clear, and now his practice has indeed become a bottleneck. If you cannot break the bottleneck, your own practice will be greatly affected and you will not be able to build a foundation for perfection.

I saw that Tongtianhe Water God nodded and said: "Okay, I'm going to end the cause and effect!"

Seeing the swift decision of Tongtian River Water God, Xing Tian couldn't help but sighed again. Facing the Tongtian River Water God who trusted him so much, Xing Tian was also a little embarrassed. He didn't intend to say too much, but under this situation I have to say a few more words: "Water God, the cause and effect in you are extraordinary. The cause and effect of God's way are connected with the people of heaven and earth, and there is a reward!"

Speaking of this, Xing Tian waved his hand to signal Tongtian River Water God to leave. When seeing this, Tongtian River Water God nodded and bowed to Xing Tian, ​​then turned and left, strode out of Xingtian’s courtyard and entered there. In the dust!

Causality, Tongtian River Water God has great cause and effect, which is a great cause and effect with the world and the people. If the catastrophe does not completely erupt, Tongtian River Water God still has time to repay it bit by bit, but now because of external forces Interference caused the Great Tribulation of Heaven and Earth to change, everything became unknown, and Xing Tian had to remind him.


There is great cause and effect in the water **** of Tongtian River. Similarly, there is great cause and effect in Xingtian. Compared with the little cause and effect of the water **** of Tongtian River, the cause and effect in Xingtian is greatly developed. The heart of the world is not ordinary cause and effect, even if the world is The heart was obtained by Xing Tian with his own power, but because of external interference, Xing Tian now has to bear this cause and effect.

Of course, Xing Tian is different from Tongtian Water God. Xing Tian goes against the sky. No amount of cause and effect can affect him. This point of cause and effect does not make Xing Tian feel too much pressure. On the contrary, the appearance of this cause and effect allows Xing Tian to see A new direction.

The heart of the world is not an ordinary treasure. The emergence of a heart of the world will receive the care of the origin of the world. It can communicate with the energy of the origin of the world at all times and be instilled by the infinite power of the world. It can be said that as long as it is refined The heart of the world, the power of the world formed, and the growth of the world road of practice almost have no bottleneck. The world road is progressing every moment. As long as there is enough time, it can grow to a terrible level.

The power of each world heart is different. After all, the creatures who practice the world path choose different directions, and the world heart refined by Xing Tian is even more extraordinary, not because of its own nature. It’s that the time for Xing Tian to get the heart of the world is too bad. The external environment influences and interferes with the origin of this world. The huge calamity erodes the heart of the world, and Xingtian is affected by the calamity of the world. There is a slight change in Xing Tian's heart of the world!

If it is a normal heaven and earth catastrophe, no matter how much the calamity is, it is impossible to affect the essence of the heart of the world, but this time is different. This is the last catastrophe of the world in this boundary battlefield. It can be said to be this Fang World’s complete calamity, the origin of the calamity energy is so pure and powerful that it is unbelievable. The most important thing is that this time the calamity has been affected by external forces. This series of changes will naturally give Xingtian the world's heart gainer. Brought huge trouble.

Each heart of the world has its own attributes, and now Xing Tian’s attributes of the heart of the world make it difficult for Xing Tian himself to accept. That is the origin of calamity. The pure heaven and earth aura brings terrible origin of calamity, forming It is the miraculous power of disaster.

This is the first magical power given to Xingtian by the Heart of the World. For every owner of the Heart of the World, this magical power is like breathing, and he will naturally learn it well, just like his own instinct. It basically doesn’t take time. Cultivation can easily master it and reach a state of superb quality.

Originally, the magical powers of the Heart of the World were closely related to their own masters. The magical powers obtained by people who practiced different avenues would interact with themselves. When they practiced the Dao of Fire, they would obtain the magical powers of the Dao of Fire. But now Xingtian cultivates good fortune. With the Great Dao of Destruction, what he obtained was the magical powers gathered from the origin of the calamity. Such a result surprised Xing Tian.

The magical powers caused by the disasters of the Consummation World are terrifying. It can be said that Xingtian is the incarnation of disasters, but this magical powers Xingtian cannot control and can only happen passively. Whether it is oneself or the creatures close to him, they will suffer from this disaster. The influence of supernatural powers, like those in the inner world, Xing Tian sent the Tongtian River Water God to leave, and he also had a trace of intention to protect the other party. After all, Xingtian could not grasp the disaster supernatural powers, and an accidentally Tongtian River Water God would die!

Will calamity be the fundamental way of the world within the penalty day? No, although the heart of the world obtained by Xing Tian has changed, this change does not affect the root of the inner world. The root of the world in Xing Tian is the tree of the world, which can carry the chaotic roots of the three thousand avenues, and it is complete The origin of the calamity is not ordinary power. In this calamity, Xing Tian also felt the power of fate.

It is said that space is king and time is respected. Time and space are the two laws against the sky. It seems that the law of time and space must stand at the highest front. But there is another sentence that destiny is supreme. What does destiny represent? That was the foundation of a world, and now the perfect disaster aura made Xing Tian feel a trace of fate from it.

Dominating destiny only dominates himself. When he perceives this fateful breath, Xing Tian can't help but think of a crazy thought. Perhaps this catastrophe is not a danger, but a great opportunity for him, and he has a chance to be in the catastrophe. Gather the origin of destiny and transform the power of the heart of the world into the force of destiny, and this requires Xing Tian to intercept the origin of the world. It's just that there is only one opportunity like this. Once you fail, all the costs you have paid before will become nothing.

Unfortunately, Xing Tian did not completely refine the heart of the world and was unable to grasp the power of the heart of the world. This made Xing Tian hesitate. He clearly condensed great supernatural powers, but this supernatural power could not be used. Once the disaster supernatural power was used, Xing Tian’s body was full of calamity. It will erupt completely, and it will be a great trouble for me. Although this catastrophe didn't take long, the calamity qi condensed in Xing Tian's body is astonishing. If these calamity qi is emitted, he will be a walking statue. Calamity in the world!

Xing Tian also thought about giving up the power of this calamity. It is not difficult to do this with Xing Tian's ability, but it takes a little price to condense a avatar of calamity. Xing Tian has done this not only once, but this time. In the end, I gave up. Although the catastrophe clone is good, it can make one more clone and make the deity more safe, but this is not the result Xing Tian really wants, nor is Xing Tian's true pursuit. It is different from the past, this time Xing Tian Facing a great opportunity, the opportunity cannot be missed, and the loss will never come again. The heart of the world cannot be obtained at any time. If the aura of calamity in the heart of the world is taken away, the origin of the heart of the world It will be severely damaged. Although it will not collapse, it will also lose most of the effect. The great opportunity will pass by itself. Only the complete heart of the world can truly perfect Xingtian's world avenue!

After taking a deep breath, Xing Tian murmured to himself: "The origin of the disaster, the road of fate, the real world road needs the power of fate, and this time the appearance of the origin of the disaster is his best opportunity. If you miss this opportunity, it will take a long time to improve the World Avenue, and I don’t have so much time to waste!"

Time, time is the biggest trouble that circumvents Xingtian's practice. For Xingtian, what is lacking is not resources, not exercises, but time. The power of this time cannot be controlled by Xingtian. Now Xingtian sees an opportunity. If he can use it This time the origin of the calamity can directly seize the avenue of destiny, and it will definitely perfect the rules of the inner world. In this way, one's own world avenue will be unimpeded. You only need to accumulate resources and accumulate the origin step by step The pinnacle has grown to the same level as the battlefield world of this realm!

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