God of Destruction

Chapter 3857: Black lotus

Chapter 3857: Black Lotus

Unless the power of destiny is the innate gods and demons, it is difficult for the acquired creatures to master this power. Only the origin of the world can master the power of destiny. Now because of this mutated world catastrophe, Xing Tian sees a glimmer of opportunity, although it is only There was a slight opportunity, but Xing Tian was unwilling to give up. He could have told him that this is the best opportunity for him to perfect his inner world. If he missed this time, it would be even more difficult to master the power of destiny in the future. Although the tree of the world can carry three thousand avenues Although Xing Tian had practiced the Three Thousand Great Ways, it was only a fur. Now, because of the calamity caused by the great calamity of heaven and earth, the Great Way of Destiny is different. It is perfect because it is a perfect world. A world that is about to be completed.

No matter how great the danger this time is, Xingtian must face it. This is the beginning of his own destiny. Entering the game earlier can also resolve the cause and effect of this body earlier. Xingtian didn’t care about it. His own causality is different now. When he sees the hope of the great path of destiny, Xing Tian naturally wants to let go, and then his own causality becomes the biggest obstacle, reincarnation, this body's cause and effect is to be repaid of.

"Cause and effect, I didn’t expect that I would have to repay this cause and effect. Even though I don’t know where I came from, it’s definitely not an ordinary background. If there is a cause, there must be an effect. If the catastrophe broke out today, even if I don’t take the initiative, the cause and effect will be When you come to the door automatically, only by resolving this cause and effect can you smooth your thoughts and seize this opportunity!"

Entering the game means killing. Xing Tian knows this very well. But together with the killing, he can't stop. Before he fully enters the game, he still has the opportunity to escape. If he enters the game, he will never have this opportunity. Xing Tian will certainly receive the attention of all forces, and he will be in great danger.

In this realm battlefield world, there is no shortage of greedy people. Whether it is the city of thunder punishment on Xingtian or the inheritance of Xingtian, many forces are moved by it. Xingtian could use massacre before. To deter many forces, but that was just before. Everything is different now. With the acceleration of the tribulation of the world and the induction of the qi, the negative forces in the hearts of all creatures are released. For those careerists, greedy People, their negative will be magnified several times!

"I have no choice. I also hope to be able to survive the catastrophe in a balanced manner and have enough time to practice, but this world doesn't give me this opportunity. Those **** **** don't give me this opportunity. They push the catastrophe to accelerate. , Is to break everything, make the whole world chaotic, and destroy the plans of all those who descended. This **** hiding in the dark is too crazy. For my own practice, I have to enter the game. This may be another kind of heart of the world test!"

When talking about this, Xing Tian sighed lightly. Since he is inevitable, he can only move forward. No matter how dangerous the situation is, he must face it, refine the heart of the world and seize the origin of the world. Xing Tian is inevitable, no one, no creature, any power can stop him, gods block and kill gods, Buddha block and kill Buddhas, before his own avenue, Xingtian inadvertently turns into Shura again, and a crazy massacre, kills It's going to be dark.

After figuring out everything, Xing Tian's aura changed. The endless tribulation from the heart of the world condensed into a black lotus. As soon as this black lotus appeared, Xing Tian felt his chaotic destruction Trembling, it was not fear, but excitement, as if to swallow the black lotus condensed from the heaven and earth disaster!

"Black lotus, black lotus, this is really a bit of a surprise, a black lotus that is only a first-grade black lotus can provoke my chaotic destruction avenue, it seems that the calamity of this consummated realm battlefield world is not trivial, maybe I still had some thoughts before Naive, not only can the origin of calamity evolve into fate, there are also pure rules of destruction!"

At this moment, Xing Tian suddenly had a crazy thought in his heart. If he used the Dao of Chaos Destruction to refine this black lotus, and let this one-bite black lotus become his own treasure of the Dao of Chaos Destruction, what would it look like? , What will be the result? Xing Tian knows a lot about Lianhua. If he does this, he may walk out of an unprecedented avenue, and his chaotic destruction avenue will have new changes and deviate from its original direction!

"Is it worth it or not?" Xing Tian was thinking about this big question. This is not a trivial matter. It is related to his Dao practice. If he follows his original plan, he can continue to cultivate his Dao and spend a little time. Perfecting himself little by little, and now this tribulation energy has condensed into a first-rank black lotus, and it has triggered his own chaotic destruction avenue, allowing Xing Tian to see another road, a road away from his plan and an unknown road.

"This is an unknown way of practice. If you do this, it may affect your mastery of the Dao of Destiny. After all, once Black Lotus is compatible with the Dao of Chaos Destruction, I don’t know what will happen, maybe nothing. Change may hurt yourself. This is really a difficult choice!"

distressed! At this time, Xing Tian's heart was filled with endless distress. Such an accident brought huge problems to Xing Tian, ​​but Xing Tian couldn't refuse it. The first-grade black lotus had already condensed, and the heart of the world was still gushing out in an endless stream. It constantly nourishes the black lotus. As long as there is enough time and enough calamity, this black lotus will grow up indefinitely with unlimited potential. This is Xing Tian’s feeling, and even Xing Tian suspects that this black lotus is also a manifestation of the origin of the world. .

"Give up this opportunity? No, the appearance of this black lotus may still be a test. If you rely on your own existing power to refine the heart of the world, it will take too long. The enemy won't give me so much time. , The appearance of this black lotus and the abnormal movement of the Chaos Destruction Avenue may be the best way to solve the problem, condense the new source of treasure, a treasure that can connect with the source of this world, there may be many accidents, but this is also a shortcut !"


With Xing Tian’s current ability, it would take time and a long time to make his own chaotic destruction avenue further, and the appearance of black lotus gave Xing Tian a new choice, an unknown direction of practice, and Xing Tian’s mind was shaken by it. !

"It's done, the opportunity is not to be lost, and the loss will never come. Even if this is an unknown road, I must go down. This is the only chance to catch up!" With a heart move, Xing Tian made a decision. In an instant, Xing Tian was crazy He mobilized his own chaotic destruction avenue to refine this grade of black lotus with all his strength, and branded his own chaotic destruction avenue on top of the first grade black lotus bit by bit.

When Xing Tian acted like this, a terrible breath emanated from his body. At this moment, Xing Tian seemed to have become a **** and devil who destroys the world, and is in charge of the world's calamity. , The terrible calamity of natural disasters, the origin of destruction is constantly surging in Xing Tian's body, constantly impacting Xing Tian's body.

When this terrible aura broke out, all the restrictions and formations in Xingtianzhuang Courtyard were fully opened, preventing the leakage of that terrible aura from Xingtian's body. The origin of the disaster of heaven and earth and the origin of the chaotic destruction avenue were blending with each other. They are also fighting against each other. Xing Tian wants to refine the first-rank black lotus with his own chaotic destruction avenue origin, and the calamity origin in the first-rank black lotus also wants to swallow Xingtian’s chaotic destruction avenue, and the first-rank black lotus continuously emits two A breath of Origin Avenue, in the confrontation, the two Origin Avenues are also merging little by little, and dark golden marks continue to appear on the black lotus. It is the mark of Xingtian Avenue and is also a first-grade black. The origin brand of the lotus, in this confrontation and fusion, Xing Tian's mind is constantly feeling the changes of the aura from the origin of the disaster in the first-grade black lotus, and feeling the origin evolution of the world.

Xingtian’s chaotic destruction avenue is evolving. With the disappearance of the last trace of the chaotic destruction avenue’s origin brand, Xingtian’s body has changed, and the terrible disaster origin has been aroused. The reason is that Xingtian’s chaos destruction avenue has completed its transformation and the first-grade black lotus Xingtian’s new chaos destroys the original treasure of the Dao, and the appearance of this original treasure instinctively swallows all the negative forces in Xingtian. For this grade of black lotus, all the negative forces are its nutrients, Xingtian himself The calamity aura of Xing Tian was naturally no exception. It turned into the nutrients of the black lotus. Within a few breaths, Xing Tian's terrible calamity was swallowed, and even Xing Tian's newly awakened supernatural power was also swallowed by the black lotus!

Having swallowed such a huge source, this grade of black lotus still showed no signs of evolution. As a result, Xing Tian couldn't help but breathe a cold breath. It was terrifying. The essence of this grade of black lotus was too terrifying, and it merged disaster and destruction. After that, as if its essence has changed, all the negative forces will become the nutrients of the black lotus!

This black lotus just exuded a faint aura, which shocked Xing Tian. Above this black lotus, Xing Tian felt the terrible aura in the mysterious jade pendant before, although his own black lotus was similar to it. There is still a big gap, but the essence is very similar. Such a result shocked Xing Tian's heart.

When the black lotus became Xingtian’s original treasure, at the moment when Xingtian refined his mind, a message was transmitted to Xingtian’s sea of ​​consciousness. The origin of this black lotus is very different, and its name is the extinct black lotus. Only the first grade but the power is not trivial, this kind of original treasure will only appear when a world is going to be destroyed. The Destroying Black Lotus carries not only Xing Tian's own chaotic destruction avenue, but also the destruction avenue of this boundary battlefield world.

Surprise, this is really a big accident. Xing Tian did not expect that the change in the heart of the world would have such a result, which would make his own chaotic destruction avenue further. After absorbing the origin of the disaster of this world, Xing Tian found this black lotus. Already can absorb the calamity qi emanating from the heart of the world, as if the black lotus is parasitic on the heart of the world.

The extinct black lotus is not at all weaker than the world tree in the inner world. It exists to exterminate the world. The black lotus condensed by Xing Tian is the origin of this world. Now Even if Xing Tian didn’t practice the Great Way of Chaos Destruction, he could use the instinct of the First-Rank Black Lotus to continuously absorb the negative forces of this world and grow and grow. Compared with the previous treasures, this Black Lotus was the only one. The most suitable for Xingtian!

Unfortunately, Xingtian’s black lotus has only one grade, and the negative power that can be digested is limited. Most of the negative power swallowed is not digested, but accumulated in the black lotus. To speed up its growth, Xingtian needs to take the initiative to digest it. The huge negative power in the black lotus, and this contact takes time, and what Xing Tian lacks most is time!

"Time is still time. What I lack is always time, and the world will not give me enough time to digest everything. If I have enough time, it will be fine!" After initially mastering the first grade of black lotus, Xing Tian couldn't help but Di sighed lightly, this is his heart's voice, lack of time, this has become Xing Tian's biggest weakness and biggest weakness.

After initially mastering the first grade of black lotus, Xing Tian did not have the idea of ​​being suppressed in the mysterious jade pendant in the inner world, or not the idea of ​​hitting the original treasure in the seal, but that Xing Tian still gave up, although Xingtian has a rank of black lotus, which can swallow all negative forces, but no matter how good its essence is, there is only a rank. It is also a little powerless to swallow an unknown source of destruction, and the consequences of failure will be unimaginable.

Although Xing Tian is eager to improve his strength quickly, he will not risk his life, especially doing such crazy actions. Don't risk such crazy things. Instead, he will perish himself. Without adequate preparation, he will use himself. The first grade of black lotus just condensed to devour an unknown source of treasure, this is suicide!

Using the first-rank black lotus as the carrier of his own chaotic destruction avenue, as his original treasure, this also means that Xing Tian gave up the chaotic destruction sword array that he had finally deduced before. For Xing Tian, ​​he did not know whether this decision was correct. , The Chaos Destruction Sword Array has terrible lethality, while the First Grade Black Lotus can continuously absorb the negative forces between the world and the earth to strengthen itself. The Chaos Destruction Sword Array is the ultimate treasure of killing, and the First Grade Black Lotus is the auxiliary source. Supreme Treasures, the two are not the same kind of original treasures. Whether they are strong or weak depends on Xingtian's own abilities. However, in contrast, Xingtian is still willing to accept the first-grade black lotus, because this is the original treasure that he can control freely, and Chaos Destruction The sword formation is beyond Xing Tian's grasp. Compared with an original treasure that he cannot grasp, Xing Tian doesn't care even if he has the powerful killing power!

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