God of Destruction

Chapter 3858: Secret of Self

Chapter 3858: The Secret of Oneself

Xing Tian muttered to himself: "A thousand birds in the forest are not as good as a bird in hand. Although the Chaos Destruction Sword Array has terrible killing power and is the real treasure of the world, it is jealous of the sky and difficult to master. Although the first-grade black lotus does not have that terrible killing power, it has powerful auxiliary capabilities and is easy to master. At the expense of a little killing power, let yourself have a little more auxiliary power, and the temperature difference is its own path. This choice is for me The most suitable, the best that suits you!"

Yes, the one that suits you is the best. With the City of Thunder Punishment in hand, Xing Tian does not lack powerful attacks for the time being, and lacks time to practice. With the first-grade black lotus in his hand, the Great Dao of Chaos Destruction can temporarily If you let go, you can put your mind on the inner world, on your own path of good fortune. You must know that the enhancement and transformation of the path of chaos destruction also affects the path of good fortune. These two avenues are also the foundation of Xingtian, and Xingtian also I don't want them to lose their balance completely.

When thinking of his own avenue, Xing Tian couldn’t help thinking about more questions. What was the reason for the appearance of the black lotus of his own grade? Why was it based on the lotus flower? What is the reason for this? If he finds this reason by himself Where, will it be of great help to all the practice of one's Dao?

Although Xingtian has now refined the first-grade black lotus into the original source and treasure, its formation is not as simple as what he saw. There must be a huge reason, and even Xingtian’s suspicion, which may be related to his birth in the prehistoric world. After all, I have come into contact with a powerful treasure like a lotus in the prehistoric land, and the brand of this lotus has always been hidden in my body and soul. When the origin of disaster evolves into the ultimate treasure, it appears instinctively. First grade black lotus!

If this grade of black lotus is related to one's own instinct, the problem is serious. The most suitable source of treasure is not the ultimate treasure of killing and destroying the sword formation, but the ultimate treasure of lotus. Instinct is the root of oneself! When he thought of this, Xing Tian's heart beat quickly, and his mind once again plunged into the first-grade black lotus, but he was searching for its root.

In the body tempering time after time, after breaking and standing up again and again, Xing Tian did not notice the hidden power of his body and soul, but this time the appearance of the first-grade black lotus made Xing Tian have to explore again. , What is going on with my body and soul, maybe I really have missed the most fundamental power in every occasion!

With his divine consciousness fully opened, Xing Tian explored everything in the flesh little by little, but no matter how careful he was, Xing Tian couldn’t find a trace, as if his flesh did not hide any power at all. This result made Xing Tian great. As shocked, there is no problem with the body, is this possible? Xing Tian didn't believe it, and the result was the same after re-exploring the Soul Consciousness Sea!

The more usual, Xing Tian thought that there was a huge secret hidden in it, a huge secret he didn't know, but Xing Tian couldn't find the answer to this secret. Under such circumstances, Xing Tian had to give up temporarily.

"Perhaps it is my strength. My realm is still too far away. It is not enough to find out what is wrong with me. I didn't notice any problems during the reincarnation. It is conceivable that it is even more impossible. I realized that since I couldn’t find the source of the first-grade black lotus, there was no need to waste my time. The Chaos Destruction Dao could be carried by the first-grade black lotus, condensing the supreme source of the world-destroying black lotus, is it my own good fortune? The avenue can also be carried by the first-grade green lotus to condense the chaotic green lotus, the treasure of the origin of good fortune?" Xingtian’s idea is very good, but it is a pity that Xingtian’s current good-for-no The lotus is not condensed by the origin of the Great Way of Good Fortune, but by the origin of calamity.

Xing Tian was immersed in thinking about his own cultivation, and suddenly a voice sounded: "What is going on, what happened, how did the family become like this!"

When this voice sounded, Xing Tian woke up instantly, his mother was appearing in front of him, and at this moment all the furniture around him was turned into powder, and he was unknowingly destroyed by the power emitted by him, if not his own There have been many formations and restraints in the home. I am afraid that under the impact of the breath that Xing Tian exudes, the entire courtyard will be turned into nothingness and will be destroyed by that terrible breath. Xing Tian does not know the aura he exudes before. How terrible, but the destroyed furniture around shows what kind of horrible situation you have experienced before!

Xing Tian smiled indifferently and said: "Mother, why are you here? There is nothing here, it's just caused by the breath I accidentally exudes during my practice. It's no big deal!" As Xing Tian waved his hand, the ashes were swept away. Empty, the whole room becomes empty, there is an indescribable weirdness that makes people feel a little dazed!

The reason for this situation lies in Xing Tian's body. This is the imprint left by his horrible aura of chaos destroying the avenue, which will not dissipate for a while, that is, Xing Tian's mother has Xing Tian's breath. , And she didn't have any malice, otherwise she couldn't get close to Xing Tian at all, and would suffer the impact of Chaos Destruction.

Not everyone can withstand such an impact, even the real strong, facing the imprint of this chaotic destruction avenue, will have to pay a big price, this is the terrible thing about the chaos destruction avenue!

"Huh! When did you get a black lotus tattoo on your forehead!" When Xing Tian raised her head, his mother instantly saw the sparkling black lotus mark on Xing Tian's head, this black lotus The imprint seems to be born on Xingtian's forehead, giving people a kind of inexplicable pressure, and people can't help but fear.

"Black lotus!" Hearing this, Xing Tian's heart moved, and he saw a gleaming black lotus brand on his forehead, with a trace of chaos destroying the avenue, and the gleaming change was The black lotus brand is absorbing the result of many negative forces in the world. The appearance of this black lotus made Xing Tian's heart moved!

This black lotus brand is the same as the first-grade world-destroying black lotus that Xing Tian just condensed. If it weren’t for Xing Tian to still feel that the world-destroying black lotus in the sea of ​​consciousness is still there, he would almost think that the first-grade world-destroying black lotus on his forehead lotus!

auzw.com"Why didn’t I feel at all before, and I didn’t notice the existence of this brand when I explored my body. Could it be said that this product of extinct black lotus really hides a huge secret? There really is a big secret in my body and soul knowing the sea, otherwise the black lotus brand on his forehead would not escape the exploration of my own divine consciousness!"

Evidence, the black lotus mark on his forehead is the evidence. With a heart move, Xing Tian wanted to hide the black lotus mark on his forehead, but this black lotus mark did not exist, and Xing Tian couldn't control it!

Xing Tian smiled indifferently, suppressing the shock in his heart, and said flatly: "Mother, this is nothing but the brand of strength gathered during my practice. It will not have any effect on myself. I will wait until my cultivation base is improved. When we go further, the black lotus brand will gradually disappear. I wonder if my mother has any instructions here?"

For four years, Xing Tian was practicing in retreat and his mother was also practicing. Although Xing Tian could not feel the lawful breath of his mother, he could instinctively let Xing Tian know that there was a power in his mother's body that he had never seen before. What kind of power is that? Xing Tian didn't explore or inquire, as long as his mother didn't speak, Xing Tian would not ask.

There is a secret in his mother. This is something Xing Tian knew a long time ago. Moreover, if his mother didn’t say it, Xing Tian would not ask, and there was no need to ask, even if the secret was related to him, Xing Tian could not speak, because it was Own mother!

At this time, Xingtian's mother's expression changed a few times, as if she had a lot of thoughts, she couldn't say it, and then she sighed and said: "It's nothing big. I just heard that General Moreau has been here. The chaos in the north is related, and I’m worried about your danger, so take a look, if it’s not necessary, you still don’t participate in this battle. This is a struggle for power between the empire’s dignitaries and has nothing to do with you. I don’t want to see it. You are involved in this terrible battle, the empire is not as simple as you think, and Moro is not as powerful as it appears!"

Xing Tian nodded and said: "Mother can rest assured. I never thought about participating in this fight for rights. Moro and I are not companions on the same road. They are different and do not conspire. It’s not a path. He can’t let go of the power of the empire, and this power is not worth mentioning to me. This time he came just to take away the righteousness of the empire from me, and will not interfere with our lives. , Mother don’t have to worry about me!"

When talking about this, Xing Tian couldn't help sighing in his heart. He wanted to know his own life experience, and wanted to understand his roots. Only in this way could he resolve the cause and effect of his body, and he would be able to kill the blood. Cause and effect, but his mother was unwilling to mention all this, which made Xing Tian feel a little unwilling.

No matter how much unwillingness there is in his heart, Xing Tian can’t say anything, because in front of his own mother, his close relatives in this life, although it is important to resolve his own cause and effect, it does not make Xing Tian crazy enough to lose his mind and go to his mother. Asking all this, although Xing Tian didn't know what happened, there was a little Xing Tian believed that his mother was unwilling to bring up those past events!

"Well! You can think so. The empire is a big vortex, and not everyone can step into it. You know the chaos in the north before, and you don’t know how many people suffer. This is a huge cause and effect. If you take part in it rashly, you will only be contaminated with a terrible karma, which will affect your own practice. I don't know what path you practice, but it is better to avoid or avoid the karma, the imperial order. Yu pushes off earlier and draws a line with the empire earlier!"

Causal Karma? This is nothing to Xing Tian. Although the empire hides a huge power, Xing Tian is not afraid. Before his chaotic destruction avenue is transformed, Xing Tian still does not fear the empire’s karma, and now he is even more fearless. No matter how much causal karma will be swallowed by the first-rank black lotus, it will become the nourishment of the chaotic destruction avenue. If Xing Tian wants to resolve the cause and effect, it is his own big cause and effect, this cause and effect is the first-rank black lotus. Can't absorb.

After seeing Xing Tian nodded and understood what she meant, Xing Tian's mother said again: "Well, since you already understand it, then I won't say much. You should be cautious, and don't rush to improve your strength and consolidate your fundamental talents. is the most important!"

There are many things that Xing Tian’s mother can’t say because she also understands that Xing Tian’s origins are not trivial. She understands that Xing Tian is a reincarnation powerhouse and has restored the memory of his previous life. Since then, many words cannot be said, just like Xing Tian. Be cautious in your heart so as not to irritate the other person. However, her blood relatives made her worry about Xingtian's safety, so she had this scene in front of her, and all this was her contribution as a mother.

Regarding the current situation, Xing Tian also wants to change, but this is not an easy task. Xing Tian has a big secret in his heart, a big secret that cannot be spoken. After all, this is of great importance. Once he opens his mouth, the consequences will be disastrous. When the secret of the big robbery was revealed, Xing Tian didn't know what his mother would do or what he would do.

Similarly, Xingtian’s mother also had a big secret in her heart, and she couldn’t say it, so the two of them, because of the secrets in their hearts, caused the situation like this, leaving a slight estrangement in the family relationship between each other, this estrangement. The existence of Xing Tian felt a faint loss in his heart, which was the loss of his body's instinct.

After some light conversation, Xing Tian’s mother left, while Xing Tian continued to sit in the room and stay there quietly. A faint sorrow appeared on Xing Tian’s face. Xing Tian was worried about his own cause and effect, although his mother Did not say too much, but Xing Tian could feel the cause and effect on the bloodline, and felt that he was about to face the entanglement of cause and effect soon!

The cause and effect of blood is unavoidable and must be faced, but from his mother’s expression, Xing Tian can't help but worry. This cause and effect is not so easy to resolve, but his time is very tight, not too much. Too much time wasted on this cause and effect, which makes Xing Tian very distressed and unwilling, but he has no choice but to take it. Such helplessness deeply affects Xing Tian’s mind and soul. Let Xing Tian face tremendous pressure!

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