God of Destruction

Chapter 3859: Festival crisis

Chapter 3859 Crisis

"Perhaps this is the worry of many powerful people who are unwilling to reincarnate in the battlefield of the reincarnation realm in the face of death. Not everyone can face such an impact and face such pressure. For those evil people, they Will not take into account the so-called blood cause and effect, but many people have to bear it!" When thinking about this, Xing Tian sighed again.

The mother’s departure does not mean the disappearance of cause and effect. On the contrary, the blood causality in Xing Tian’s body is more intense. Even with the support of the first-grade extinction black lotus, Xing Tian can still feel the impact from the atmosphere of disaster, and his soul is in this disaster. Under the impact of qi, a trace of evil thoughts is madly condensing. This is a malicious impact from the world. Endless killing intent is surging madly in Xing Tian's soul knowledge sea, tempting Xing Tian to go toward destruction.

If Xing Tian had not been prepared and knew his own situation, when his mother appeared, when his mood was turbulent, he would be maliciously controlled by the terrible world, and would turn into a killing puppet, a world-destroying spirit, and crazy To destroy everything in this world, even his own mother will fall into her own crazy killing intent!

"Zhen!" A low voice rang from Xing Tian's mouth, and the powerful divine consciousness turned into a pagoda suppressed in the sea of ​​consciousness of his soul, suppressing the malicious counter-attack of the world, and let his mind not suffer from this. The impact of external forces.

"Frightening, this is the backlash of cause and effect. Is this the test of heaven and earth? If only this little power is not enough to shake my mind of Xingtian, the world will let me see what other means you have to influence my will!" With the waves of malice from the Heart of the World, Xing Tian couldn't help but shook his head. This power was not from the Heart of the World itself, but from the strong malice on the battlefield of the realm. When he came with the help of the first-grade Black Lotus When he carried his own chaotic destruction avenue, he took over the cause and effect of this world, and took over the terrible evil meaning of the whole world. This is the test that he must face.

The first-grade exterminating black lotus is condensed by the origin of calamity, and the origin of calamity in the entire world will be swallowed and absorbed by it. This is equivalent to Xing Tian taking this terrible cause and effect, and Xing Tian's mother appears at this time. The cause and effect that caused the blood in Xing Tian's heart, caused the evil thoughts in Xing Tian's heart to be involuntarily induced, and there was that terrible impact!

Demon? This is the whole world's test of Xingtian's mind and spirit. If he fails to pass this level, Xingtian will be controlled by the heart demon. Fortunately, Xingtian has withstood the terrible impact. This is the first-grade black lotus calamity, and this is Xingtianzhong Building chaos and destroying the avenue of the origin of the most treasured calamity, but all this is just the beginning, as long as this territorial catastrophe does not end in one day, Xing Tian must face this terrible impact, and can't hide from it. Who will let Xing Tian accept the world's Heart, who made Xing Tian gather the first-grade black lotus!

Taking a deep breath, suppressing his boiling blood, Xing Tian's mind once again mobilized his own source of power, refining the heart of the world, in Xing Tian's heart, he believed that when the first-grade extinction black lotus condensed, the world's The refining of the heart will no longer be a problem. Although Xing Tian wants to take a big step out of the courtyard and participate in this battle of red dust and power, he can instinctively let Xing Tian give up this impulse. The important thing is to refine the heart of the world, master the inner world, and fully open the door to the inner world!

Yes, Xing Tian wants to fully open the door to the inner world. Time does not wait for anyone. Although he can now open a part of the inner world, he can attract the creatures in the inner world into the realm battlefield world, but if you want to open all the inner world The living beings are drawn into the realm battlefield world, unable to fully open the door of the world, Xing Tian needs too long, and anything can happen over time, especially in the current environment, Xing Tian does not If you dare to risk the lives of many creatures in your inner world, once things are revealed, the consequences will be disastrous, and Xing Tian will become the enemy of the entire world!

Malicious! Under this series of changes, Xing Tian once again felt the malice from the realm battlefield world. Four years later, when he felt this strong malice again, Xing Tian had to be cautious and had to pay attention to it. The influence of the power of the signs of the sky in his body has dissipated, and he has once again become the enemy of the realm battlefield world, even if he has gained the heart of the world and can communicate with the origin of the world, he still has not got rid of this identity.

Xing Tian didn’t know that this was caused by the Heart of the World, or was caused by the origin of the calamity, or even the evil result of the appearance of the first-grade black lotus. However, no matter what the situation, no matter what the reason, Xing Tian had to face it. Yes, this is the general trend, the general trend of the world that cannot be changed, as long as Xing Tian is still in the boundary battlefield world, he will bear this pressure every day!

Once again connected to the heart of the world, and once again felt the origin of the world and the fluctuations of the world, Xing Tian deeply understood a great principle. This world is constantly changing, and the destiny of the entire world is constantly changing. The foregone conclusion of has long since disappeared without a trace. This may be because of those who descended like me, or it may be caused by those ignorant and stupid enemies pushing the heaven and earth catastrophe, but no matter what the circumstances cause, the fate of the whole world changed.

At this moment, Xing Tian even had a terrible conjecture in Xing Tian's heart. If such drastic changes were allowed to continue to develop, would it cause the frenzied changes of the small trend to trigger the changes of the general trend, and would it change the fate of the entire world of battlefields? , Let this frontier battlefield world have no time to integrate into the Supreme Chaos World, will it go directly to destruction?

auzw.com From Xingtian’s point of view, everything is possible. When minor changes accumulate to a certain degree, the general trend will also change. If this happens, is it beneficial to him? , Will he also be involved in this terrifying general change? Will he also be destroyed with the destruction of the territorial battlefield world, and it is difficult to escape this terrible killing!

Xing Tian is thinking, but without any reference, everything is unknown, and Xing Tian can't figure out what the final outcome will be. The unknown is the most terrifying, the most dangerous, and the ignorant and stupid. The **** hadn't noticed at all, he was still pushing forward the changes of the world's catastrophe with his pretentiousness, and he still thought he had mastered the world.

crisis! After re-feeling the changes in the origin of the world, Xing Tian had a strong sense of crisis in his heart, as if the killing pressure of the whole world was on his body, making his mind shaken by the terrible murderous aura, which came from deep in his heart. The sense of fear constantly poured out, affecting Xing Tian's mind and soul!

"Damn, how could this happen, why is there such an abnormal induction? What is the cause of this?" Xing Tian's heart was crying frantically, but unfortunately no one can give him a satisfactory answer. No one knows this. Everything is why, when Xing Tian connects to the origin of the world again, the whole world is undergoing unknown changes!

Yes, at this moment, Xing Tian felt that the whole world was changing. Although this change was not obvious, Xing Tian really felt the changes in the world and the abnormality of the world. The origin of the whole world seemed to be much more violent than before. , There is a touch of murderous intent and a faint aura of destruction in the origin of the world. This is not for one person or a creature, but for the creatures of the entire world, the aura of destruction seems to be condensed!

"Don't change anymore, if there is a big change again, the whole world will slide into the abyss of destruction!" Xing Tian muttered to himself, but all of this cannot be controlled by Xingtian, and no one can be the source of the entire world of battlefields. Constantly changing, even Xingtian's first-grade Destroy Black Lotus could not absorb the terrifying aura of rapid growth.

A loud noise of "Boom!" appeared in Xing Tian's mind, and a force of Qi Luck instantly dissipated from Xing Tian's body. When the Qi Luck dissipated, a cause and effect also disappeared. This is Xing Tian. The cause and effect between the imperial fate and the imperial dynasty. When there was such a panic, Xing Tian understood that it was Moreau who was acting, and the luck of his governor was taken away by Moreau!

"What a Moro, such a powerful method. It seems that I still underestimate you. With just a little approval from me, I can directly evacuate and deprive me of imperial luck and cause and effect. The military supernatural powers are not what I have shown before. It’s as simple as that. Is this your strength alone, the strength of the entire army, or even the performance of external forces?"

Xingtian knew that all this was just the beginning. When Moreau deprived him of his luck and cause and effect, the next step was the cause and effect of the water **** of Tongtian River. What would be the result of such deprivation on the water **** of Tongtian River? , What kind of impact will it have? To me, the empire’s luck and cause and effect are nothing, because I have never wanted to accept this cause and effect, and there is not much connection between myself and the empire’s fortune. However, the Tongtian River Water God is different. In those endless years, no matter how careful the Tongtian River Water God is, he will more or less suffer the influence of the empire’s luck and cause and effect. If Moreau would directly deprive Tongtian River as he treated himself. The cause and effect of the water god's air luck, what will happen, this will be an unknown!

A series of unknowns, a series of shocking changes, deeply impacted Xing Tian's mind! Strength, Xing Tian urgently needs strength, and only with strong strength can he guarantee that he has the strength to protect himself from this terrible catastrophe. Xing Tian didn’t know how the other descendants felt. At the fixed moment, Xing Tian’s feelings were fear and uneasiness. This was a terror to the whole world and an anxiety to the will of the whole world. Xing Tian was really worried that a bigger disaster would befall this world in the next moment. .

Xing Tian didn’t know about other circumstances, but Xing Tian understood a little bit. When Moro really had to take over the luck and cause and effect of himself and the God of Tongtian River, he really grasped the righteousness of the Northern Lands, and promoted this great catastrophe. Those black hands of the empire will be unable to sit still, and those **** in the center of the empire will also be unable to sit still. When someone truly controls all the power in the north, it is also a shock to the empire. What the empire will do may be unknown. But those families will not let this situation continue, so there will be wars, a war that will sweep the entire empire, a war that will sweep the entire world!

To prevent this from happening? No, Xing Tian does not have such power, nor does he have such ability, let alone such thoughts. Moruo did not appear in his courtyard before, Xing Tian vaguely felt the changes in the world, and felt that In the crisis that occurred, there were all these reminders, but if Xing Tian was involved in it himself, Xing Tian would not do this. The shot was shot at the head. This is not the time when he came out, and the enemy hadn’t figured it out. I will be wary of my true power before, and I will be patient, but once my true power is fully exposed, death will be waiting for me!

Sacrificing oneself, helping others, such stupid things have never happened to Xingtian. Whether it is Moro or the dynasty, it is nothing to Xingtian and can be abandoned. Xingtian really cares about his own interests. , Only the change of this boundary world. At this moment, Xing Tian couldn't help but develop an eagerness to connect with the Supreme Chaos World. He wanted to collude with the martial arts and tell them the changes in the battlefield world in this realm, in case of any accident!

The idea is good, the reality is cruel, Xing Tian does not have the powerful power of the head, can penetrate the barriers of this world, and Xing Tian is in the boundary battlefield world, deeply targeted by the world origin, Xing Tian wants It is just a joke to penetrate the barriers of the world. As soon as he moves his hands, he will draw the judgment of the whole world, and will be directly destroyed by the powerful world origin. Even the heart of the world cannot keep Xingtian's life, and the whole world will backlash. It's not that Xing Tian's weak body can withstand, forcibly, waiting for him will be death, real death!

"In what direction is this frontier battlefield world going? Is this the guidance of the world's original will, or is it caused by those ignorant and stupid descendants, or even the effect of the supreme chaotic world's original will?" , Xing Tian couldn't help but smiled bitterly, with a faint loss on his face. The more he knew about this world, the more Xing Tian felt that he was insignificant, the more terrifying the world, and the horror of this catastrophe. , And even a slight regret in Xing Tian’s heart, maybe he shouldn’t have participated in this territorial catastrophe, should not enter this territorial battlefield world, because here Xing Tian deeply felt In danger of death! skbdowngg

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