God of Destruction

Chapter 3862: Undercurrent

Chapter 3862: Undercurrent

As Xing Tian worries, when he continues to submerge, the hidden enemy still can't help but shoot. Facing the temptation of northern power, no one can resist it, even if everyone understands that it is very possible. It's a game, but everyone puts the danger behind in the face of rights, one after another, one after another shot to grab the rights of the north and seize the first opportunity. This time, the major forces and many careerists did not hide their self-reliance, and directly broke out the strongest. To use the most direct method to force a foothold in the north and directly participate in the power struggle in the north, even if many people feel the threat from Moreau’s army, they feel that Moreau has become the north. The true hegemon of the country, but the interests are moving, there are still **** who are not afraid of death rushing into the north, seizing the interests and power of the north.

With the participation of such crazy forces in the northern land, there is no more pure land in the north. The atmosphere of killing envelops the entire north. For power, everyone is desperately exploding, and the major forces are making great moves. When such a crazy situation appears , Ren is that the forces in the northern land have a tacit understanding and help each other, but they still can't resist the invasion of foreign forces. Their control of the north is eroded by the enemy bit by bit, and part of the territory is lost.

"No, we can't go on like this anymore. The major forces are already crazy, and the empire turns a blind eye to us. Even if we ask for help, there is no response at all. It seems that the empire is determined to abandon us and take us. For the dead ghost, we have only one dead end if this continues. If everyone wants to survive, we have only one choice!"

"What choice, you can say it, this is burning eyebrows, and then let those lunatics continue, it won't take long for our respective strengths to be swallowed by the enemy bit by bit, and fall into the territory of those bastards. It is not an easy task to regain it. The empire center will not give us such a chance! Say it, don’t hesitate, there are no outsiders here, you can rest assured to boldly say what you think. !"

"Moreau, General Moreau, we only have a chance to survive by surrendering to him!"

"What, are you **** crazy? Do you know what you're talking about? Surrender to Moro. You have lost our face. How can anyone in the family be like a stupid person? Send yourself on the road to the dead, you think Moreau will care about our life and death, do you think Moreau will believe us, and what is the relationship between us and Moreau, it is a relationship of single competition, you want to surrender Moreau as much as possible Be comfortable, don't pull us together, we can't afford to lose that person!"

"Shame? What's so shameful, what do you think you are? We can play for this northern land? Do you really think that everything here will be under our control? Do you dream of spring and autumn? Well, this is impossible. The empire will not give us this opportunity. This is a trap. If we want to gain power, we must face Moreau! Face is not important at all, what is important is profit, if you don’t want to lose it in vain To gain the foundation of the North, only compromise with Moreau!"

When the situation changed, when the pressure from the outside world increased, the families in the northern land couldn't hold on, and the major forces couldn't hold on, so there was this dispute. Some people wanted to take refuge in Moro. Some people don't want to lose their freedom, don't want to lose face.

"Don't quarrel, quarreling cannot solve the problem. Since some people are unwilling to give up and take refuge in Moro, then they will act separately. In today's situation, no one knows what will happen. Everyone should act according to their own minds. At this time, even if we are unwilling to admit it, we must admit that we have lost, and it was a terrible defeat. If we fail, we must bear the responsibility. It is true that when the disaster comes, we will fly separately, and everyone will be destined. Right!"

When I don’t want to waste my time on this quarrel, I don’t want to let myself fall into the desperate situation of death. Finally someone said something and parted ways. Although this is not good, it is not possible to reach an internal agreement. , This is the best choice, everyone will have his destiny, whoever can laugh to the last has his own ability!

"No, we can’t do this. Together we will benefit both, and if we divide we will do both harm. If we can’t work together, we will end up being wiped out bit by bit by the enemy. We are absolutely different from each other because of our different opinions. This is for all of us. It’s irresponsible. This is joking about the lives of all of us. Even if you don’t care about your own safety, you have to think about the survival of your family!"

"Hmph, I want to do this too, but do you see how much time we have wasted on this quarrel? Do you think the opinions of the two sides can be united? Since they are different, it is better to part ways earlier. Destiny, I don’t want to waste my wealth and life on this ridiculous quarrel with you, I don’t want to cut off my last vitality!"

Silence, the scene became silent for a moment. Everyone was thinking and making the final decision. This is not a trivial matter. It is related to the life and death of everyone. There can be no sloppy care, and such a decision is made once. Once you have made it, you can't change it. In this battle, you can't change it once you choose the camp!

"The minority obeys the majority. Let's vote. Parting ways is not a good thing for anyone. No one wants to accept death, and no one wants to face death. This is our only chance. I will give everyone a little time to consider, and then the vote is to continue. If you continue to fight, you should either take refuge in Moreau, or go away!"

The minority obeys the majority. This sounds very good, but it is not a good choice for these many forces, because those who fail are bound to be dissatisfied. Under normal circumstances, this is nothing, but it is not a good choice. When facing life and death crisis, this hidden danger will break out, and the consequences will be disastrous at that time! Don’t you know about this kind of harm, you know, but they have no choice, either to part ways or accept these muddled decisions. Even if there are hidden dangers, they must face it. Knowing that this will eventually be a big problem, they still have to do!

auzw.com Under the threat of death, the face and dignity are not worth mentioning. Don’t look at the clamor of people before, unwilling to take refuge in Moreau, unwilling to put down their own face, But when the vote was taken, 90% of the people were willing to take refuge in Morro, not for other reasons, just for the millions of troops in Morro's hand, only for the powerful forces of Morro, as for the remaining 10%, they were not opposed. Instead, they abstained and made no choice. In this way, under this strange situation, many forces reached an agreement.

"Well, since everyone is not opposed to taking refuge in Morrow, then we have decided to do so. Now everyone will go to the barracks with me to meet Morrow. He mobilizes a large army of millions. I am afraid that the idea of ​​unifying the North is already there. We can't waste it anymore. Time, if we wait for Morrow's army to be dispatched, it will be too late for us to take refuge, and now we can get a little benefit!"

In this way, under the strong pressure from the outside world, the major forces in the north had to choose to take refuge in Morrow. Everyone went to the barracks to meet Morrow, and their every move was under the watchful eye of the enemy. After the major forces reached an agreement, the foreign enemy immediately knew the situation, and such a change was unexpected to them!

"Damn it, how could this be? How can these **** lose the face of the family, how can they surrender to Moro's ignorant and stupid martial artist, they are not worthy of the family, and those **** sects, they even have their own ancestors. You are willing to give up, what a bunch of bastards!" After receiving the news, all the major forces going to the north screamed. Although this situation was in their expectations, the day came too early, and they were caught off guard.

"No, you can't let Moreau this bastard's conspiracy succeed in any way, can't let him dominate the north, it's time for us to launch the final impact, let the **** barbarian attack, let them contain Moreau's army, as long as Moro His army is restrained, he has no power to dominate the north, and we will have a chance to succeed!"

"Everyone, it's time to show your own cards. We don't have a choice now. Even if this is a trap, we must also jump in. Otherwise, our future will be slim. Hidden, or if Morrow succeeds, the North will completely move over. You must know that Morrow has mastered the righteousness now!"

"We all underestimated Moro, Xingtian, and Tongtian River Water God. We really lost this time. Whether Xingtian or Tongtian River Water God, their minds are not above the power struggle in the north. In their eyes, it’s just self-cultivation. We missed it, and the **** in the center of the empire also missed it. This situation has completely changed. We want to get the most benefit from the catastrophe, and we can only attack with all our strength. If you don’t move, you will succeed. No one can afford the consequences of failure. The power of the imperial family is much stronger than we thought!"

"Okay, let's attack with all our strength. It's time to use our heritage. In any case, the North cannot be unified and cannot fall into Moreau's hands. Otherwise, it will be the greatest threat to us. The Million Army is not a display. It's not an ordinary person. Once Moro is given enough time, he can train a terrifying army. We can't let this happen!"

Reasons, these major forces in the northern lands are looking for reasons and excuses for themselves. In fact, they have one essence, that is, interest. They can do anything for the benefit and collude with foreign enemies like barbarians. Things are done, because they have no country or nation in their hearts, and they have only their own interests.

Why would the barbarians listen to their arrangements? Could it be said that these aristocratic families, these many forces have reached an agreement with the barbarians? No, not so. The reason why they can control the barbarians is because they have arranged undercover people among the barbarians. Some small tribes of the barbarians have fallen into their grasp. Although the strength of these tribes is limited , But once moved, it can still hit the border in the north, which can cause huge pressure on Moreau.

Those who dare to take advantage of the catastrophe are not ordinary people. They can see the general situation and understand the terrible pressure on Moreau. They all know that Moreau can't afford to lose. Once the border falls, Mo Luo will become a sinner of the empire, and he will die. No one can protect him. This is not because the empire wants to take his life, but rather a backlash.

The more you think about it, the greater fears of the empire’s fortunes in the hearts of these major forces. They are able to lay out such a big picture and calculate everyone, even **** men like Moreau can sacrifice. I have to say Those **** in the center of the empire are sinister and vicious enough, and they have to admit that the imperial royal family is cold-blooded and ruthless.

The royal family has no affection. From this point of view, the performance is vivid. Moreau has been born and died for the empire, and the countless generals on the battlefield all said to give up and give up. This is really not a decision that ordinary people can make.

"Moreau cannot really underestimate it, but we should also pay attention to Xing Tian. Although Xing Tian is not on Moreau’s side, his presence is also a big threat to us. Don’t forget the one four years ago. A **** massacre, once Xing Tian is persuaded, we will face an enemy even more terrifying than Moro!"

"That's right. We really have to take precautions against Xing Tian. At the moment he does not seem to be a threat to us. He will not participate in the power struggle in the north, but who can guarantee that he will continue to do so, although I don't know. Whether there is any deal between Moreau and Xingtian, we must prepare for the worst. Once Xingtian intervenes, we must have the strength to stop him. Even if we can’t stop Xingtian, we must hold him back and not let him. Free up to target the barbarian's cavalry, or our plan will be directly shattered, and the barbarian's cavalry can't withstand Xingtian's terrible punishment!"

Whenever he mentioned Heaven Punishment, when he thought of the Thunder Punishment City controlled by Xing Tian, ​​everyone's eyes flashed with greed and fear. They all wanted to seize this treasure, but no one wanted to be the first bird. , Because none of them has the confidence to withstand Xingtian’s attack on the city of thunder punishment, no one has the confidence to retreat from the thunder punishment!

Dead silence, for an instant, everyone fell into a dead silence, no one was willing to speak, even if everyone has the treasure in their hands, they all have good assassins, but no one wants to fight to make wedding dresses for others, this is everyone’s Selfishness, the major forces in the north are divided, and these forces are also the same, everyone is not willing to be targeted by Xing Tian!

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