God of Destruction

Chapter 3863: Fate and destruction

Chapter 3863: Chance and Destruction

"Everyone, this is a war, not a trifle. If you don’t even have this courage, then talk about fighting for the north. It’s better to go home. Now that we have made such a decision, what else can we take into consideration? We have betrayed even the empire, the barbarians have colluded, and there is nothing we can’t do. No matter how powerful Xing Tian is, he is only one person. As long as we hate, he has three heads and six arms, but he has only one dead end. Together, they can come up with their own cards, or do nothing, just kill Xingtian with one blow, and don't give him a chance to summon the city of thunder and punishment!"

"Huh! You said it lightly. We also know that this is war and not a child's play, and we have never lacked courage, but knowing that it is a dead end, we must bite the bullet and go forward to find death. That is not bravery, but ignorance. Stupid, we are not stupid enough yet. As for the hole cards, this is even more impossible. It is to save lives and preserve family treasures. It cannot be easily used. Once the treasures used are no longer the hole cards, you Death of this heart, no one, no family, is willing to do this, for the sake of a small Xingtian, a junior, the price is too great!"

"Yes, we can’t pay such a big price for a small Xingtian, not to mention that if we fail, we will all face Xingtian’s crazy counterattack, a madman who dares to slaughter the empire’s army like ants. There is no need for anyone. I don’t want to offend him. As long as he doesn’t fall to Moro and participates in the battle for the north, we will not do it. No one is willing to get himself into such a big trouble. If you have the confidence , You can do it yourself!"

The confrontation, these chaotic forces are another confrontation. They all conserve their strength and want others to be the best, but none of them are fools who can stand here. They all know what can be done and what can’t be done, provocative What a lunatic like Xing Tian can't do, no one can bear the terrible consequences.

"Everyone, you have forgotten something. Xing Tian is a lunatic, but he is not alone. He has relatives behind him. We dare not confront him head-on, but it does not mean that we cannot attack his relatives or those around him. Start!"

Suddenly, a cold sound rang out, but his proposal made many people's eyes a greedy light, and some people flashed through a sinister look. All kinds of thoughts are in these people. Emerged in.

It is indeed a very good opinion to take Xingtian’s family members to perform the operation, but it is also a crazy opinion. Once things fail, the consequences will be more serious. It will completely become an immortal enemy with Xingtian, and there will be no more There is room for relaxation, but for such a greedy person, this is nothing. As long as they can seize Xing Tian's chance, they don't take other things in their minds, and don't think about it. The reality is so cruel.

Of course, some people are yelling in their hearts: "Damn bastard, really sinister and vicious, is this something that humans can do? You can think of things that the lunatic Xingtian would not think of, those **** in the center of the empire would not, Moro would Unexpectedly, why they didn't do this. Obviously, it is impossible to do it. If anyone listens to your opinion, he will only kill himself. You bastard's vicious calculations, using others to replace the dead, a shield!"

Under the temptation of interests, not everyone can maintain a normal mind, and not everyone can face all this calmly. When there is a glimmer of light, when a glimmer of hope, those with a bad heart are immediately given this opinion. Moved, and eagerly wanted to take action. If this discussion hadn't ended, they had the intention to leave directly.

Although some people saw the sinister intentions of the other party, they didn't say anything. They locked their thoughts firmly in their hearts, letting the **** who were tempted by their interests to lose their minds. Crazy, killing with a knife may not succeed, but this is also a chance, a chance to test Xingtian’s illusion and reality. As long as you can understand Xingtian’s true power, you will naturally have time to deal with Xingtian in the future. I’m afraid that the **** present will not be able to do this. After all, the origin of Xing Tian is too mysterious, and the dense fog on Xing Tian makes people unable to see through.

"Perhaps, Xing Tian, ​​this lunatic, this madman is related to those outsiders, if so, this **** will have a big chance, a big secret, but unfortunately it is very difficult and very dangerous to get this opportunity. If you dare to choose the reincarnation world, you will have a powerful treasure of the way, with terrible magical powers in your hands! Forget it, give up, give up, don’t give up, there is something, although this crazy person has great opportunities, but there is also great terror, still don’t It’s good to act recklessly. If someone is willing to be a substitute for the dead, then let them try Xingtian’s reality, and then it’s not too late to prepare! Be careful to sail the boat!"

For those big forces, almost none of them were deceived by Xingtian's chances. They all kept a calm mind and looked at everything happening before them with cold eyes. The interests of the North are indeed very important to them, but their own Life is more important. The family and sect behind you are more important. There is no need to take risks at this time. Under such circumstances, the big families and sects that can survive to the present have a set of self-protection concepts and will not be easy. Be tempted by interests.

Even the Empire has not taken a big shot now, and Xingtian has not taken a knife. It can be seen how deep they are in their hearts. Of course, the Empire may not have any other ideas. Maybe it is to set a bigger trap, but no matter what Under what circumstances, as long as the empire did not make a big move, these big sects and big families would not take the initiative to attack Xing Tian.


After discussing and discussing, there was still no result that satisfies everyone. In the end, the conversation could only break up. These forces just reached a general agreement. Everyone will not hold back each other, and everything else will be safe. Fate. What destiny is, for them, that is strength. With strong strength, they can naturally ignore all threats and can make big shots unscrupulously. Without strength, they can only hide in the dark and wait for the opportunity to come. As for when the timing will appear, this is an unknown number. I don't know how much time and energy will be wasted!

As if the world felt the changes in the world, the terrible changes from within the empire, when everyone was thinking about how to accomplish their goals, suddenly the world changed color, and the peaceful world became violent, terrifying world. The catastrophe aura surged wildly, and the whole world became extremely violent.

When the world changed drastically, Xing Tian was the first to notice this change. The first-rank exterminating black lotus became extremely heavy. The origin of the terrifying disaster of heaven and earth rushed to the first-rank exterminating black lotus, constantly increasing Xingtian’s body The burden caused Xing Tian to be awakened again from the meditation. When he felt the change of heaven and earth, Xing Tian could not help cursing: "Damn, how could this happen? What does the original will of heaven and earth want to do, is it going to destroy the world, or To detonate the world in advance!"

What the original will of the heaven and the earth is going to do, it is naturally impossible to destroy the world. After all, as long as the wise beings are selfish, no wise beings are willing to go to death. The occurrence of such a panic will naturally accelerate the detonation of the heaven and the earth and make the whole world more Crazy, more terrifying, and more terrifying, and the origin of this madness is the beginning. So many origins of calamity appear not to affect the living beings of the world, but to unlock the one hidden in the battlefield of this boundary. The tomb of the strong, opened the tomb of the strong that fell in this world, and used that countless opportunities to seduce the world and the common people, arouse the greed in their hearts, and make them even more crazy and more terrifying .

A loud rumbling rumbling sounded continuously between the heaven and the earth, countless secret realms of heaven and earth, the tomb of the strong were opened, and a series of rays of sunlight rose up in the sky, that is the light emitted by the treasure, that is the light of opportunity, It is also the light of death. Whether it is chance or death, everything depends on the strength and luck of each person. With the appearance of these rays of light, a mysterious feeling appears in everyone's hearts differently, in that light. With endless opportunities, I am waiting for my own exploration!

"Asshole, it must be the original will of heaven and earth, and only it can do this easily, and can silently and silently transmit this thought to my mind without disturbing the defense of the restraining formation. In the middle of the world, there is a source of heaven and earth. It seems that this time it is really going to be true. Once the bastard’s conspiracy is allowed to succeed, the whole world will be in chaos. Everyone will be stunned by that benefit, and they will be eager to take it. The opportunity in that light, under the temptation of interest, what kind of alliance, what kind of alliance is a joke, interest is the most important, it seems that this time the original will of heaven and earth wants to wipe out all the enemies, and it must directly cut it off. There will be a catastrophe, once this happens, either the world will be reborn or the world will be destroyed, and all creatures will face a terrible disaster."

The more he understands, the more he thinks, the heavier Xing Tian’s mood becomes. In such a crazy world, is it really good for him to put all the creatures in the inner world into it? Faced with such a terrible catastrophe, there will be How many people died in this world, and how many people survived to the end, Xing Tian's heart was not bottomed, which made his original firm beliefs have a slight shake. Although Xing Tian was cruel to the enemy, he was to his own people. Xing Tian couldn't be vicious and ruthless.

give up! This thought flashed through Xing Tian’s mind, and soon he shook his head again. Giving up is equivalent to failure. The opportunity is not to be missed, and the loss will never come again. This is the only opportunity to let himself in the world. All creatures have the opportunity to merge into the supreme chaotic world without any hidden dangers, and no one can perceive the fusion.

"No, you can't give up, the opportunity cannot be missed, and the loss will never come again. This is the decision of fate. The opportunity is given to them. If they themselves are not able to seize this opportunity, they can only blame their own destiny and let the storm come. Let's be more violent, let this chaos come more crazier, only the world turmoil is a good time to do it yourself." When thinking of this, Xing Tian's eyes showed a frenzied warfare, and all his previous worries disappeared.

In the midst of the robbery, if you don’t even have this determination, it would be too stupid. The reason why Xing Tian entered this realm and battlefield world is not an opportunity, isn’t it just to improve his own strength, now the opportunity is right in front of him. give up! Why did Xing Tian have such thoughts in his mind? It was caused by his own human nature. After the power of human nature appeared in Xing Tian's body, Xing Tian's practice had a strange change and an unknown. .

Xing Tian didn’t know where humanity would take him, but he never wanted to destroy the light of humanity in his heart. He could have made Xing Tian understand that this light of humanity is an opportunity. If he kills this light in advance, The light of human nature may not have to face the unknown danger, but it also cuts off his great opportunity.

With the surging of the mad calamity origin, Xing Tian had to distract and guide the origin power of the first-grade exterminating black lotus to swallow and digest this fast-growing calamity origin, in case this terrible calamity origin condenses too much and it will eat itself back. , It will cause irreparable damage to one's body. It is not a good thing to have more origins, at least for Xingtian now, the background of the first-grade exterminating black lotus is still too low, and it can't resolve so many terrible disasters. origin.

The madness of the origin of the calamity has also triggered the movement of Xingtian’s own road of good fortune. This terrible origin of calamity has grown crazily, invisibly making the road of good fortune in Xingtian’s body instinctively confronted. In this terrible disaster Under the threat of Jie Yuanyuan, the Great Dao of Good Fortune in Xing Tian's body is constantly evolving under terrible pressure, and this transformation is frantically consuming Xing Tian's origin, so Xing Tian has to devote a little more energy to take care of it. itself.

Under the distraction, Xing Tian can't do anything with all his strength and can't finish it quickly. Under the distraction, Xing Tian's heart is extremely distressed. If this continues, his troubles will be great, although he does not know this world. Is the original will directed at himself, but instinctively makes Xing Tian feel the threat of death, this is from the induction brought to him by the first-grade extinction black lotus, and this induction will not be a bit wrong, and can make himself feel the death The threat of, it can be seen how terrifying this great change is. The rays of light are chance and destruction. If you are not careful, you will die!

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