God of Destruction

Chapter 3867: Festival benefit

Chapter 3867 Benefits

For Xingtian’s reaction, Morrow did not feel anything wrong. The power hidden in the dark is indeed very powerful and terrifying. Anyone who dares to despise them will pay a heavy price. Xingtian is so careful and cautious. There is nothing wrong with this. Only this is the reason for Morrow to shrink back.

Moreau smiled calmly and said, "I can understand that Daoist Xingtian’s consideration is still there. We are both lips and teeth cold. If I fall, Daoist’s situation will be even more dangerous, and the next one to fall is Dao. Friends, after all, we are the first birds to be put on the bright side. In the battle four years ago, we have been put on the bright side. It has become the focus of attention from all parties. They do not If you move, it will take us first!"

"My lips are dead and my teeth are cold. I'm afraid that General Mo has overestimated his abilities. If you fall, my Xingtian will not fall. For you, the northern land is your last retreat, but for me, the northern land is only It’s just a place to stay. I can leave at any time. I’m not afraid of all enemies. As for those **** who want to beat me, they don’t do anything. As soon as they do, I will let them know what is unpredictable and unpredictable. It is not impossible to destroy the door!"

Although Xing Tian’s words were very light, they had endless killing intent. Moro, standing in front of Xing Tian, ​​could feel the endless terror, as if Xing Tian had turned into an invincible **** and demon at this moment. People are scared!

"Well, don’t say so many meaningless things. I know your thoughts very well and understand very well, but you just want to use me as a thug and help you clean up those enemies that prevent you from taking over the power of the North. No matter how good it sounds, it won’t change your thoughts in the end. I don’t have so much time to waste on you. Let’s open the door and say, what good is it for me to help you? Don’t talk to me about power. I don't care. If you have something that can move me, I will not help you by accident or help you clean up those ignorant ants outside the border!"

Interests, there is no interest enough to make Xingtian tempted, it is impossible to impress Xingtian. From Xingtian’s point of view, Moreau, as the great general of the empire, has been in charge of the army for decades. It is impossible to have no treasure under the pressure. It is also a good thing to get a treasure from Moreau's hand, a treasure that is beneficial to himself, after all, there is not much time left for himself!

In the hearts of many people who have descended from the Supreme Chaos World, it is to seize the luck of this world, the original treasure of this world, but what Xing Tian sees in his heart now is another world, the jade pendant obtained from the Queen’s Empress , There is also the city of thunder punishment robbed by thunder punishment. This is not the original treasure of this world. It can be seen that in this realm battlefield world, in addition to such treasures as the heart of the world, the most powerful ones are those ancient and even It is a treasure left over from the last era.

Xing Tian urgently needs a treasure that can balance his own good fortune avenue with the chaotic destruction avenue, and can carry the original treasure of his own good fortune avenue. If it can gain something from Moreau, that would be great. If not, Xing Tian also I don't care too much, after all, I still have time to find the treasures I need.

After hearing Xing Tian’s words, Moreau frowned and said Yan: "What kind of treasure do fellow Taoists want? With your strength, this thing on my body is not worth mentioning. There is a city of thunder punishment in hand. Fellow Daoists don’t lack the ability to attack the most precious treasures, and Fellow Daoists said clearly!"

Xingtian Avenue smiled and said: "Hahaha! I don't care about ordinary treasures. Such treasures are of no use to me. What I need are strange things, or some ancient treasures, even if they don't have any. What kind of power, you can, given your position in the fortune of the empire, you must have collected a lot of such treasures for decades!"

Although Moro didn’t understand Xing Tian’s intention to do this, he didn’t know why Wu was looking for such a strange thing, but it was indeed a good way to solve the problem. At this moment, Moro nodded and said, "Okay. , We are determined by one word. If the daoists have time, they can go to the barracks with me now. As long as there are treasures in my treasury, the treasures that the daoists can see can be taken away. There are only a few treasures, I am Moro. I can afford it!"

The word “willing to be willing” can be distinguished clearly and clearly, and there is no way to leave it. If you want to ask Xing Tian for help, you must pay a price. Some treasures are not worth mentioning compared to the entire northern land. Treasures It is also useless if it can no longer be turned into self-help. If you can exchange a little treasure for Xingtian's help, this exchange is worthwhile.

"Okay, very good, because you have such sincerity, even if there is nothing I need in your treasure house, I will help you and help you resolve the current crisis. This is my right Your promise!" At this moment, Xing Tian did not hesitate, and directly gave Moro a promise, and also gave himself the opportunity to intervene in the secret realm.

Xingtian doesn’t know what treasures are in the secret realm, and doesn’t care too much. After all, what Xingtian’s current practice needs is not ordinary treasures of heaven and earth, but the treasures that can truly be integrated into his own practice. The most important thing is Now it is just the beginning of the Great Tribulation, the secret realm that truly has a heartbeat has not yet appeared, and only the weakest secret realm appears first.

In this way, Xing Tian and Moro reached an agreement. Xing Tian, ​​who had not been discharged from the hospital for four years, returned to the barracks with Moro. The moment Xing Tian stepped out of the gate, the news spread quickly, allowing all viewers to watch. Those forces in Xing Tian knew about it, and everyone was shocked and wary of the appearance of Xing Tian, ​​a madman.

auzw.com The emergence of Xing Tian means Moreau’s success. With Xing Tian’s help, the situation in the north has undergone an amazing change. Each of the hostile forces dare not act rashly and do not want to When I was a bird, I didn’t want to be Xingtian’s stepping stone. The massacre four years ago is still fresh in everyone’s memory. Before the true cultivation base of Xingtian is confirmed, no other force is willing to face the attack of the lunatic Xingtian. Facing the shock of a madman.

If the most impacted are the many forces that colluded with the barbarians, the appearance of Xing Tian meant that the barbarian cavalry they arranged had lost the threat, and even fell into a crisis of death. The barbaric cavalry they controlled No matter how powerful it is, it is no more powerful than the imperial army that Xing Tian slaughtered four years ago. In front of Xingtian's Thunder Punishment City, the iron cavalry was vulnerable to a single blow. As long as Xing Tian originally intended to wave his hand to destroy these cavalry.

"Damn, how dare this **** jump out at this time, what does he want to do? Isn't he unwilling to intervene in the power struggle in the north, unwilling to participate in this crazy catastrophe? What did Moreau say, let this The lunatic stepped into this catastrophe once again regardless of his own danger?"

"We still underestimated Moro and Xing Tian. The relationship between Moro and Xing Tian is much closer than we thought. Otherwise, it is impossible for him to persuade Xing Tian to help in this situation. , This time we are still too careless. Although everyone has considered the influence of Xingtian’s existence, we still underestimated everything. Now with Xingtian’s help, Moreau’s army can be liberated. We are under great pressure. If we don’t find a solution The way, the secrets of the north will pass us by!"

"The method, at this time, what method is there? No calculations are of any use in the face of absolute power. As long as we do not resist Xingtian's attack on the city of thunder and punishment, there is no way to fight Moro, unless everyone can pay a higher price. , Otherwise we will be completely defeated in this round, time is waiting for no one, Moro will not give us time to prepare!"

Time is also a huge pressure for these careerists, especially in this situation, there is not enough time, and their situation is also very dangerous. As for working together, this has already collapsed after the secrets appeared, without any One force will trust others, and in the face of interests, any covenant is false.

"Let's give it a go, now we have no other choice. Instead of struggling, we should give it a go and fight for the last drop of blood. No matter how high the price is, it will not give Moreau the opportunity to unify the northern land. We can delay time, wait for our ancestors to be born, let alone a mere Xing Tian, ​​even if it is a powerful enemy, we are not afraid!"

Let go, this sentence is easy to say, but difficult to do. For these superior managers, they don’t care about the price paid by their subordinates who were killed or injured in World War I, but for those who carry out orders, this is nothing. In the disaster of extinction, when faced with Xingtian's fierce might, how many people are willing to give it a go, willing to fight for their lives!

There will not be too many people, because everyone has selfishness, and if there is selfishness, there will be disputes. When there is disputes, internal fighting will inevitably occur. No one is willing to sacrifice their own interests, so this suggestion sounds very good. , But it is really implemented, it is impossible to achieve, and there are not many people in this world that can die without payment.

"It's better to unite. Tell other people about the news and let them make a choice. This is not our family's problem. Our family cannot withstand the impact of the lunatic Xingtian. To resolve this crisis, we can only unite with others. There is only a chance of victory. After all, Xing Tian’s appearance is affected not only by our family!"

When the external force of Xing Tian appeared, the alliances that were originally split by interests gave birth to the idea of ​​unity, but this idea is a bit ridiculous, because they all understand in their hearts that the so-called unity cannot have much effect, after all, they all have Selfishness, under the effect of selfishness, the union is just a joke, an unachievable joke!

"No, I think we should give up. We don't need to risk our lives and confront Xingtian at this time. Under such circumstances, we must know that our enemy is not only Xingtian, but we also have no control over the overall situation. Don’t forget that the empire is still there. This is very detrimental to us. We don’t need to take such a big risk. Although the secret realm is good, it is not worth mentioning compared with the inheritance of the family. I think no one wants to face Xingtian. The madman's anger can't bear the crazy counterattack of this madman. After all, we don't have the confidence to resist Xingtian's Thunder Punishment City!"

When mentioning the city of thunder punishment again, all eyes flashed with shock and fear. The terrible might of the city of thunder punishment had already been deeply imprinted on their hearts, making them feel terrified and Uneasy, no one is willing to fight Xingtian head-on, and no one is willing to make wedding dresses for others before they are 100% sure!

"I know that you are reluctant to bear the secrets of the north and the interests of the north, but I hope everyone understands that no matter how big the benefit is, if you can't get it, it is all vain. Compared with your own security, it is not worth mentioning. No matter how good the interests are, it’s not as important as our own life, nor as important as the survival of the family. If we fall, the family will soon be swallowed by other forces, and this Qiacha is exactly what the Empire Fortune wants to see the result of."

The imperial dynasty, when this name appeared, everyone sighed secretly for it. The centipede was stiff and not dead. As long as the imperial dynasty was still there, they did not dare to act rashly, no matter how weak the dynasty was The abilities of these aristocratic families, no matter how weak the royal family is, they have the power to kill them. A fortune that has existed for countless years is beyond their imagination. What's more, the current situation seems to be under the control of the empire. .

"No, in fact, we have another choice. We can cooperate with Xingtian and Moro. Although the northern land is very important to us, the secret realm is more important in comparison. If we are willing to give up the northern land, even Moreau also wants to give us an explanation, the secret realm naturally has our own interest, so everyone is happy!"

"Asshole, do you know what you are talking about? Cooperate with Xingtian, cooperate with Moreau, you are trying to bring our family to destruction, you are betraying the empire, betraying all the families, once we do this, will Will become the enemy of all the aristocratic families, no matter how great the benefits of the secret realm are, it will not be enough to ensure the safety of the family!” In an instant, someone stood up to oppose them. It is the betrayal of the aristocratic family, and it will be attacked by all the aristocratic families. Once such a situation arises, for these compromisers, it is destruction. They cannot resist the imperial movement's attack from all the aristocratic families!

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