God of Destruction

Chapter 3868: Jie Guo Jue

Chapter 3868: Resolute

"We have no choice. Don’t forget. We have colluded with the barbarians before. Once those ignorant and stupid barbarians fall into the hands of Xingtian and Moreau, everything we do will be exposed. Don’t I thought how safe and concealed everyone was before, and no matter how good the arrangements and preparations were, there were loopholes in the arrangements and preparations. Once all these were known to the empire, everyone naturally understood that no one would think we could be an enemy of the empire Well, even if the empire is now weak, it is not something we can fight against. It is the result of death. It is better to let go and cooperate with Moreau and Xingtian to achieve the benefits of the secret realm. Compared with our own security, the North Your power is not important!"

The appearance of these words shocked other people. No matter how you choose, everyone’s situation is very dangerous. In this case, why not seek to maximize the benefits? How can it be a risk? What if you are crazy? Once you succeed, you will get what you get. The benefits will be greatest!

"This suggestion is good, but have you ever thought about the reaction of Moreau and Xingtian, have you ever thought that the other party will refuse!"

"Reject? How is this possible? Moreau is a fool again. How could he reject our offer. It is a good thing for him to withdraw from the struggle for power in the north, and he can also share some of the benefits of the secret world by cooperating with us. He has any reason to refuse such a good thing, and refuses anything that is good for him. Is Moreau a fool?"

"Huh! Don't save others by yourself, you think so in your heart, but Moro might think so too, not to mention Moro is not the most important thing. It is Xingtian who really decides the outcome. You never thought Xingtian would refuse. In contrast, Xing Tiancai is the most difficult one. Rights and interests do not have much effect on him. What's more, you have forgotten the most important thing. The barbarians in the north may not necessarily obey our orders completely. In the absence of external threats, they will still obey our commands when there are great advantages. Once the environment changes drastically, they will not fight for us!"

"You are worried that those savages will betray their faith. This is unlikely. They have entered into an alliance with us, and there are our people in their tribe. Even if he wants to betray us, he must think twice. !"

"Nothing is impossible. Don't think too much of yourself, and don't think of how stupid your enemy is. If you face Xingtian with this mentality, and face Moreau, you will ultimately fail. For oneself, not for the other party, no matter how good the interests are, the interests are not worth mentioning. In the face of life and death, the interests are not worth mentioning. It is just a joke, a big joke, do you understand?"

"However, none of this happened, and Xing Tian might not really have to fight for Moreau?"

"Okay, don't quarrel anymore. It's useless if you talk more. Let's wait for news from the north. It will not be too late for Xingtian and Moreau to make a move. The interests of the north cannot be lost, and the secret realm can't be retreated. Don't miss it, it won't come again. If we back down this time, we won't have such an opportunity again, not to mention that the imperial dynasty will not be as Moro meant!"

Mess! Today’s world has only one word chaos, which is extremely chaotic, while the northern land is even more chaotic. Because there are too many forces here, almost all the big forces think that this will be the starting point of the heaven and the earth, and this will become a detonation. The center of gravity of the Great Tribulation of Heaven and Earth is, step by step, then step by step. For the major forces, they do not want to let go of the struggle for power in the north!

Of course, all of this is only for the creatures of those territorial battlefield worlds. As for many descendants of the supreme chaotic world, most people don’t care about the Northern Chaos, and their eyes are attracted by the secret realms that frequently appear everywhere. , There are also some people who are arrogant and want to intervene in the North’s affairs. In their eyes, the North’s interests are the most, and those who dare to think about this are either crazy or ignorant. Fighting for power is fighting for life.

The appearance of Xing Tian had a significant impact on the movement of the entire empire. His appearance broke the original balance. With Xing Tian’s help, the barbarians outside the border dared to fear and felt uneasy. Four years have passed for them. It's not long, they all deeply remember that crazy killing four years ago, and remember the terrible scene of Xingtiandu thunder punishment!

People die for money, birds die for food, and wars are all for profit. When the price paid is not proportional to the gain, this situation will change. And the barbarian tribes who are agitated are in this situation. Originally, when there was no threat from Xingtian, they were not afraid of Moreau's army, even if they could not defeat Moreau's army, they could still escape and escape to the depths of the barbarian territory to avoid the army's pursuit, but now It was different. As soon as Xing Tian appeared, they were all afraid of it. At this time, the agreement to collude with the forces in the empire became a reminder!

As a general, as a general on the battlefield, Moro was not as stupid as the enemy thought. After receiving Xing Tian’s help, after returning to the barracks, the first order was to attack the whole army and directly let the guards guard the border. The army went to war, slaying the barbarian cavalry outside the border, and hit the enemy by surprise.

In the past, Moro still had something to consider, worried about the instability of the rear, but with Xingtian's help, under the threat of Xingtian’s thunderous city of punishment, Moreau had full confidence to face all external enemies, he wanted to use the fastest Solving the chaos in the north at a speed of speed, before the imperial fortune has not yet reacted, completely master the entire north and truly become the king of the north.

Moro was cruel, and the barbarians were the same. When Xingtian appeared, they were preparing to escape, but because of the covenant, they could not take the initiative to flee. It was impossible for them to stay and wait for death. When the army moved, The barbarian cavalry was smashed and fleeing backwards frantically. He had no idea of ​​a big fight, and he escaped clean in a moment!


"Damn it, I still underestimate these barbarians. They were prepared for a long time. They didn't have the idea of ​​fighting us to the death. This time they escaped, and the hidden dangers are still there!" After receiving the news, Moreau looked abnormal. Shen Business, it seems that these barbarians were defeated by their own army, but in fact it is not the case, this is the other party's initiative to retreat.

"Yes, General, the enemy retreats on their own initiative. Their strength has not been damaged at all. We are dispatching infantry, and they are cavalry. We can't catch up even if we chase them. There are so many barbarians wandering around the border. In addition, it is very stressful for us, especially now that they have no idea to fight to the death with us, which greatly increases our burden. Before we show any flaws, these savages will not cause us harm, but Once our strength is greatly damaged, the consequences will be unimaginable. The most important thing is that if we want to seize the secret realm, we will definitely be threatened by them!"

"It's defeated in one blow. It's a sinister calculation. It seems that the situation is more dangerous than we thought. These barbarian tribes are completely different from the barbarians we have faced in the past. They don't have the iron and blood that barbarians should have in their hearts. And a bit more insidious and cunning, it seems that there are experts in their tribe who are pointing, there are really some people who are not afraid of death and dare to collude with foreign enemies!"

Moro explained the point of this matter, and there was such a change. If no one was pointing, those stupid barbarian tribes would not react like this, but there were some doubts that Moro could not understand. , Since someone colluded with the barbarians, why did they make such a choice? If they want to lure the enemy to go deeper, this is just a joke. In front of their own iron-blooded master, even if the other party has ambushes, they may not be able to succeed. Xing Tian is here.

"I can't figure it out. I really can't figure out why these barbarians retreat so easily. There must be a conspiracy in this. What is the situation of those foreign forces now, are they just about to move?" Moreau thought of the other forces of the empire for the first time, thinking this was To lure one's own army to attack, and to tune the tiger away, when his army leaves the north, the other side will attack with all strength, seizing the power of the north in one fell swoop, and cutting off the way of his army's retreat.

"No, the forces on all sides are calm, and they can’t see any changes, and even if these enemies have conspiracies, it’s difficult to break through our defenses in a short time. After all, the entire northern family and sects stand On our side, with their help, even if the enemy is twice as powerful, it will not be possible to take the north in a short time!"

In fact, things are not as complicated as Morrow thought. The whole thing is very simple. The barbarian tribes collude with some forces in the empire, but they are not one mind. When danger arises, the barbarians instinctively want to protect themselves. Unwilling to violate the covenant and be condemned by the gods, there is also this ridiculous battle right now, a frantic escape that is collapsed!

For the barbarians, life is more important than everything. They will not sacrifice their lives for the betrayers of the empire. They will not fight and retreat. All they seek is benefit. When faced with an unstoppable force, they could instinctively choose to retreat. , I chose to escape!

"Forget it, we don't need to think so much. Now that there are fellow Xingtian Daoists sitting here, no matter how many calculations the enemy has, it is useless. In the face of absolute power, all conspiracy and tricks are not withstandable. No one can resist Xing Tiandao. With a thunderous blow from your friend, since the savages take the initiative to retreat, we will proceed with a plan, and the elite army will be dispatched to directly take the secret realm!"

Opportunity cannot be missed, loss never comes. When faced with a choice, Moreau will not hesitate. Although this decision seems dangerous, Moreau did it. This is his best chance to seize the north. , Is also the best opportunity for yourself to strengthen yourself. As long as you can win the secret realm, your army will definitely change, and the growth of the army is the foundation of your own survival.

At this time, Xing Tian didn’t know the outside world. Today, Xing Tian is selecting the treasures he needs from Morro’s army treasure house. I have to say that there are still some good things in the treasure house of Morro Barracks, although most of them are Incomplete, but many ancient things have left a little ancient record, leaving some ancient things, and this Qiqia is what Xing Tian needs, as for Xing Tian's most important treasure, there is nothing. After all, it is not always possible to have the previous luck, to be able to obtain a treasure related to one's own practice from the Queen's Empress.

Speaking of it, Xing Tian is a bit greedy. If there is a real chance in the north, he will be aware of it the first time Xing Tian steps into the Moro barracks. Xing Tian has no such feelings at all. It can be said that Xing Tian mentioned The request of "is nothing at all. Even if Moreau's barracks are emptied, it is of little value. After all, many treasures are useless to Xing Tian.

Of course, it’s not right to say that Xing Tian is wasting his time. At least Xing Tian has gained a little bit in the barracks’ treasury. Although not much, it is enough for Xing Tian. For Xing Tian today , What you are looking for is not the resources for cultivation, but a deeper understanding of the battlefield world of this area, and some more ancient secrets.

Today's Great Tribulation of Heaven and Earth has already deviated from its original trajectory. If we continue to fight steadily according to the previous methods, Xingtian will not gain much in the end, because the speed of Great Tribulation of Heaven and Earth is accelerating, and no one knows what will happen next moment The drastic change happened, just like the birth of a secret realm like this, it immediately affected the energy of all forces in the entire world!

Are ancient myths and legends really just legends? Xing Tian doesn't think so at this point. Even if the record is a bit exaggerated, there are more or less true circumstances, which is very helpful for Xing Tian to calculate the impact of the catastrophe.

After carefully inspecting all the foreign treasures in the barracks treasury, Xing Tian couldn't help muttering to himself: "It's too chaotic. The ancient legends of this realm battlefield world are really incredible, although the realm battlefield world is restricted. With the living beings here, they have no chance of detachment, but the practice system in this world is not as simple as they thought. Everything comes from the major forces in the supreme chaotic world. In these endless years, they There has been a great change in their practice. Their practice has been integrated into many ancient heritages, even from the previous era. Perhaps these realm battlefields are the garbage dumps of the previous era, or even more era battlefields, here. Different cultivation inheritances have different evolution directions, and it is exactly the same. The fortunes mastered by the major sects have been out of control one by one, because they have used this ancient incomplete inheritance to dissolve the sect's imprint on them. !"

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