God of Destruction

Chapter 3869: Festival shock

Chapter 3869: Shocking

For a sect, what is the most important thing is naturally the brand of the disciples of the sect, the stigma of the cultivation in the inheritance of the sect, and the many remaining descendants of the Supreme Chaos World in the world of the battlefield are in endless In the years, with the help of the strange characteristics of the battlefield world, the inheritance of the martial art has been wiped out bit by bit, allowing them to dissolve the connection between themselves and the martial art, freeing them from the control of the martial art, and making their offspring truly Integrate with this world without being restricted by the supreme chaotic world sect, and it is precisely this way that each realm battlefield world will finally be out of the control of the sect!

It has wiped out the imprints in the original sect inheritance method, made himself more suitable for this world of battlefields, and also allowed himself to be completely restrained in this world. After analyzing a lot of information, Xing Tian's heart came to the conclusion I came to a terrible conclusion. In fact, for the descendants, this world does not exist in any way, but everyone has been eroded by the origin of this world unknowingly and has to be restrained in this world. The detained creatures will become the nourishment of this world. When the whole world matures, it will merge into the highest chaotic world and become the nutrient of the highest chaotic world, promote the evolution of the highest chaotic world, and make the highest chaotic world detached.

Time, what really restricts the descendants of the highest chaotic world is not their own realm, but time. As long as the longer stay in this world, the greater the cause and effect with this world, the harder it is to detach from it, and all this is Xing Tian before. What I didn’t expect, and I didn’t feel it. If it weren’t for the explosion of this heavenly change, if it wasn’t for Xing Tian’s experience of the changes in time from those exotic treasures, and the power of the years, he would never have thought of what the world of battlefield is like. One thing!

The detachment that is done is actually to break the barriers of this territorial world, and the longer this territorial battlefield world is, the more terrifying the world barriers will be, and the more people will be discolored and difficult to get out of trouble, if not this time The world has changed drastically, if it weren't for this territorial battlefield world to come to an end, I'm afraid it would be a dead end to break in.

"Why doesn't the sect have any information? Does it mean that the sect doesn't know this, or that the human civilization doesn't know this, and other civilizations don't know this. Wouldn't it be even aware of the most powerful people? No, it's impossible. , Unless they have a conspiracy, or even deliberately concealing all of this, they are constantly using the greed of the people to use the source of all beings as a nutrient to nourish these many realm battlefield worlds, and accelerate the growth of these many realm battlefield worlds. In the hearts of the powerful, the surrounding creatures are not worth mentioning!"

When he thought of this, Xing Tian couldn't help but shudder. It was terrible. It was really terrible. Perhaps everything he thought was true. If so, for those high-ranking powerhouses, the supreme chaotic world Peripheral forces and many worlds below the Supreme Chaos World are just ants, ants that can sacrifice at any time.

Is this the overall situation laid out by the Supreme Chaos World, the overall situation of the heavens and the earth, or the racial civilization that dominates the Supreme Chaos World? Unfortunately, Xing Tian couldn't find the answer. The only thing Xing Tian could know was a little speculation. He had to admit that the more he knew about the realm battlefield world, the more disturbed Xing Tian's heart was, and he felt a sense of oppression!

"I can't wait any longer. If I still act according to the original plan, I am afraid that time will not give myself a chance to detach myself. I cannot let myself be dragged away by the general trend. I need to walk out of my own road, regardless of the situation. Who made it? No matter the true meaning of the existence of this world on the battlefield, and no matter how terrifying the cause and effect of the heart of the world and this world, I will plan for the worst and not be trapped in this world. , Can’t be the nourishment of this world!"

In an instant, a crazy thought came into Xing Tian's heart, how can he protect himself, and slaughter in this world, and promote a more crazy outbreak of the heaven and earth disaster? No, Xing Tian was not so stupid yet. Xing Tian's idea was the strange treasure in his inner world, the ultimate treasure of destruction that was sealed by the origin of the world.

When there was a first-grade Destroying Black Lotus, Xing Tian was on the Dao of Chaos Destruction, but Liu Yi entered thousands of miles, and he had a deep understanding of the treasure in his hand. If the ultimate treasure of destruction in his hand was unlocked, there would be The power of destroying the heavens and the earth has the power to destroy the world of this territorial battlefield. This force is absolutely forbidden. Even the territorial battlefield cannot resist the taboo force. Originally Xing Tian wanted to make it his own. Chaos destroys the nourishment of the avenue, but now Xing Tian has to give up and redo the arrangements. Who makes Xing Tian's background too little, and has no ability to protect himself in this change.

Xing Tian doesn’t know how many secrets are hidden in the entire battlefield world, but only from the barracks. Xing Tian deeply understands that what he knows is only fur, and even what Zongmen knows is only fur. , This frontier battlefield world doesn’t know how many times the world has gone through the great catastrophe, how many secrets are hidden, and all these secrets are deeply buried in the long river of years. Once these secrets erupt, they will Make the whole world tremble.

"Hehe, maybe the sect did not expect to hide so many secrets in this realm battlefield world, nor did he expect that when the realm catastrophe ends, when the realm world merges into the highest chaos world, it will Let the entire world of supreme chaos undergo earth-shattering changes, and it will break all previous imprisonments! Carefully sail the ship of ten thousand years, I must have a killer, I must have the ability to protect myself, and this strange treasure is the most suitable!"

When he said this, Xing Tian shook his head, and a dignified look flashed across his face. Although the heart of the world can connect to the origin of this world and can absorb the power of the origin to transform it into the nutrients of the inner world, it does not really get the whole world. Even Xing Tian’s heart is vaguely worried. Will the existence of the heart of the world be left behind by the ancient gods? Will the creatures who have obtained the heart of the world take their homes for themselves? Object.

Fortunately, Xing Tian has taken advantage of the opportunity to directly cut the connection between the heart of the world and the origin of the boundary battlefield world. Although the method of transferring flowers and trees transfers that connection to his first-grade black lotus, not everyone dares to take the first-grade. Destroying the world black lotus, the terrible chaos destroying the origin will make it difficult for all enemies to bear its origin backlash.

At this time, Xing Tian no longer regrets cutting off the connection with the origin of the boundary battlefield world. The independent inner world is the safest. Compared with the Chaos Destruction Avenue, the World Avenue is the easiest to be seized, although the Chaos Destruction Avenue has terrible killings. Not many people dared to start, but Xing Tian still didn't dare to take it lightly. After all, this was also the foundation of his own great avenue and could not be shaken. Even if he was confident in the power of the world-destroying black lotus, Xing Tian still had to be fully prepared.


How can I protect my original treasure from being robbed by the enemy? Naturally, I would set up a killing formation and be fully prepared. As long as the realm of the battlefield world really has the back hand of the ancient gods and demons, it will be stimulated and destroy all invasions. The enemy, it just takes time, and now Xing Tian doesn't have enough time to complete all of this, after all, Xing Tian is still in the midst of a robbery.

"It's time to talk to Moreau Haosheng. The catastrophe of heaven and earth has already happened, and it can no longer stop its outbreak. It is time to use Moreau's hand to use this opportunity to complete his plan and prepare for the worst. Only in this way can we avoid the attention of all enemies and be able to make the most comprehensive preparations!" As Xing Tian's words fell, a terrible murderous intent radiated from Xing Tian's body, and that murderous intent made the treasure house space. All trembling.

Before Xingtian went to find Moreau, Moro took the initiative to find Xingtian. Although Xingtian was shocked by the catastrophe and was eager to prepare early, Moro was more anxious than Xingtian. He was more worried about the situation than Xingtian. Out of control.

Just when Xing Tian stepped out of the treasure house, Moreau appeared in front of Xing Tian and said straightforwardly: "Friend Xingtian, the situation has changed again now, and there is not much time left for us. If you have no other questions, Let's first solve the barbarians outside the border, sweep the barbarian tribes close to the border, and open the way to the secret realm!"

Seeing Moro's nervous look, Xing Tian sighed lightly and said, "What's wrong with General Mo, you made such a decision in less than a day. You have to know that we can That’s not what I said. Could it be that great changes have taken place in the outside world, and can’t it become a new sky?"

"The sky has not changed, but the barbarians have changed. The barbarian cavalry who were originally outside the border did not confront us directly. They were defeated and fled in an instant. You also know the importance of the border and the barbarians. If you can’t solve these **** quickly, let them wander outside the border, always a huge threat from the border. If we are not careful, we will be hit hard. After all, the secret is in the realm of barbarians!"

Secret Realm, when Moreau talked about the secret realm, Xing Tian sighed involuntarily, saying that Moro still didn’t get rid of his own greed, or was tempted by the benefits of the secret realm, and started the secret realm. Doctrine, forgetting that the land of the north is his roots, only by becoming the king of the north can he truly have the ability to protect himself.

See through, see through, but Xing Tian didn’t remind Moro that Xing Tian and Moro were only cooperating, and at this time, even if Xing Tian wanted to point Moro, he might not be able to succeed. Under the huge temptation, not everyone can be treated with peace. Obviously Moreau has no such ability, otherwise he would not be so anxious to see himself!

"Secret Realm, General Mo is a doctrine that wants to fight the secret realm, you know, once you step out, there is no room for turning back, whether it is a barbarian, an empire, or even those invading the north. Many of the forces of, they will not accept you anymore, you can only rely on your own strength to face all pressure!" When he said this, Xing Tian stared at Moreau, carefully observing his every expression, So that you can confirm Moreau's beliefs!

Facing Xing Tian’s straight eyes, Moreau did not flinch, but sighed and said, "Friend Xingtian, do you think I have another choice now? In fact, when I decided to stay in the northern land, I had already been with you. The division of the empire has long been the hostile object of the imperial family and the sect. As for the barbarians, let alone the savages, there is a real blood and deep feud between me and them. Under such circumstances, you think I still need to care. Their reaction?"

Only when he could see himself clearly was he able to see through the changes in the world. Even though Moreau had a greed, he still had a lot of experience with himself and the general situation of the world. The fall of these words was naturally approved by Xing Tian. Xing Tian didn't want to pay a huge price for Xing Tian, ​​and saved a stupid and ignorant bastard.

"Okay, since you have this determination, it's fine. The great calamity is together, the world is in turmoil, and since you chose to take the initiative, we will take action, step by step, as long as we seize the initiative, whether it is a barbarian or not. , Or an empire, if you want to take advantage of the secret realm, you will inevitably have to compromise with us!"

Yes, Xingtian is right. As long as they can seize the opportunity and seize the initiative in the secret realm, any party's power who wants to participate in this huge distribution of benefits will inevitably have to compromise with Xingtian and Moreau. Only in this way can we be qualified to seize a glimmer of opportunity from this huge opportunity and be qualified to participate in the distribution of this great benefit!

"My elite army is ready, and the 100,000 army is ready to go. With a word from a fellow Taoist, you can sweep across the barbarian tribe, and you can smash a blood path in this desert, a blood path to a secret realm!"

As a general, Moreau is not an easy generation. Before he came to see Xingtian, the 100,000 elite army had prepared everything, and the rest of the elite army remained in the border town of the north. Although the major sects and many aristocratic families have already taken refuge in them, Moro still dare not fully believe them. Whether it is the family or the sect, they will turn their faces and deny people in the face of survival and interest. As long as they have absolute benefits, they Betrayal is not impossible!

People die for money and birds die for food. This is especially true for the families and sects in the north. As long as they can give them absolute benefits, there is nothing they can't do. The so-called covenant will only turn into empty words!

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