God of Destruction

Chapter 3870: Festival killing

Chapter 3870 Killing

"Then let's start, let us use blood to tell those enemies that dignity cannot be provoked!" As Xing Tian's words fell, Moreau and Xing Tian directly led the 100,000 army to start this crazy journey of killing , This time there will be no kindness in their hearts, only killing in their hearts, and only with this crazy killing can they complete their plans!

In order to sweep away the barbarian tribes outside the border, Xing Tian and Moruo soldiers were divided into two groups, each with 50,000 troops to attack. These 100,000 are true elites. The cavalry is stronger than the elite cavalry of the barbarians. It can almost be said that this one hundred thousand army is the core strength of Moreau.

I have to say that whether it is the barbarians or the betrayers who colluded with the barbarians, they all underestimated the counterattack of Xingtian and Moreau, and they all believed that as long as they took the initiative to retreat, the crisis would be resolved and even continue. The army that threatened Morrow and contained the force of Morrow’s army, but unfortunately they were wrong. This time, Morrow was moved to kill. The two cavalry attacked separately, smashing the Quartet with lightning speed and killing those who think they are right. The barbarian tribe killed a river of blood.

Moro walked in the way of military strategists. For strategists, he was never afraid of killing, and Xing Tian was even more so. With a grade of exterminating black lotus in his hand, no matter how much karma, he would not harm Xing Tian. On the contrary, this karma It will also turn into the nutrients of the first-grade black lotus.

If these barbarian tribes had been prepared to allow the old and weak to retreat early, even if Moro and Xing Tian came out together, it would be impossible to destroy them all. After all, an elite cavalry would be very difficult to besieged, but It is different now. They all underestimated Xing Tian and Moreau's counterattack, and they slowly retreated with a group of old and weak, which gave Xing Tian and Moreau a chance to kill.

"No, how could this happen? How dare Moro do this, aren't you afraid of God's condemnation?" When looking at the tribe who was madly slaughtered by Morro's army, the leader of the barbarian tribe was crying out. He wanted to resist and wanted to fight Mo Luo Tong died, but unfortunately he was powerless. Under the siege of Moruo's elite cavalry, he could only watch the people of his tribe fall into a pool of blood one by one, and the blood was sprinkled in this yellow sand, endless Resentment rises into the sky, this is war, and war is so cruel and ruthless.

massacre! This is crazy, but in this war Moreau passively accepted it. It was the barbarians who were ignorant and fearless. They were so stupid that they provoked the war, and only then did this crazy killing and the destruction of this tribe. , For enemies, and barbarians with feuds, Moro, or his army, they have no mercy, because they all deeply understand that mercy to the enemy is cruelty to themselves, don’t know How many imperial soldiers were seized by the barbarians because of their momentary kindness, and ended in a dead end. In the hearts of the barbarians, they have never been kind or surrendered. They are just crazy tyranny. Today is Mo Luo led the army to hunt down the barbarian tribe. If they replaced the barbarians and broke through the border of the empire, they would not show mercy to the people of the empire, and would kill and plunder like crazy!

Hearing the words of the leader of the barbarian tribe, Moreau snorted disdainfully, and sarcastically said, "God scourge, you deserve to talk to me about scourge, who initiated this war first, you are, the destruction of your tribe is not mine. Moreau is cruel and ruthless, but it is caused by your ignorance and your stupidity. When you start a war, you should understand that there will be this day. There has never been peace between the empire and the barbarians, and there is no mercy. If you complain, blame yourself for being too ignorant and too stupid. Cooperate with those betrayers!"

Moreau was right. All of this was caused by the barbarians themselves. They were too greedy and ignorant. If it weren't for their ignorance and stupidity, they would have to believe the words of the betrayers and take the initiative to restrain Moreau's men. The army would not have such a result, even if Moreau deliberately seized the secret realm of the barbarians, he would not slaughter their tribe so frantically.

When Moro and Xingtian slaughtered the barbarian tribe madly, in the empire, those traitors who colluded with the barbarians were terrified, because they all knew the news that Moro and Xingtian led the army to attack. They will not be too scared to attack by one person, but with Xing Tian everything is different. Xing Tian is the real lunatic in their hearts. A madman who dares to slaughter the empire can do everything, even his own empire. The army can slaughter without fear, there is nothing he dared to do, don’t even think about it, knowing that waiting for the barbarians will be a terrible slaughter!

"Quickly, immediately notify the disciples who stayed in the Barbarian Tribe, let them retreat quickly, don't confront Moro and Xingtian that lunatic, if necessary, you can abandon those barbarians and ignore their life and death!"

The idea is good, but the reality is cruel. At this time, it is too late to retreat. Four years have already made the barbarians forget what fear is, and they have lost their due vigilance. These people in the Empire When the choice was made, the slaughter had already begun. Tribes were being madly slaughtered. In order to be able to strangle all enemies in one fell swoop and clean up all hidden dangers, 100,000 elite cavalry were given orders not to leave alive. After the main force of the tribe has been cleaned up, whether it is Xingtian or Moro, only a small part of the cavalry will be left to clean the battlefield, and the main force will continue to chase and kill other tribes and do their best to achieve the fastest speed. Complete the goals set before.

When Moro and Xingtian started this crazy killing, the barbarian's royal court was furious. They all felt the loss of luck and the sorrow of the tribes close to the border town of the empire. Unfortunately, they were also interested. Powerless, who made this change come so quickly, who made those ignorant barbarian tribes listen to the betrayers of the empire and dared to provoke Moreau, they have the intention to prevent this from happening, they want to take revenge on Moreau and Xing Tian, But everything can only stay on the mouth.

auzw.com Why does this happen? Does the barbarian Wang Court have the courage to fight Xing Tian and fight Moreau? No, it’s not that they have no courage, nor that the barbarian royal court has no warriors, but interest. The barbarian royal court is not peaceful, and they also fight. Although a secret realm appears in the border between the barbarians and the empire, the entire barbaric Not only is this secret realm appearing in the human domain, there are more secret realms appearing. Since then, the barbarian king court wants revenge, but his subordinates are unwilling to attack. They want to digest more in their own tribe. The surrounding secrets, not a war with Moreau!

War is deadly. For every barbarian tribe, they are unwilling to let their tribe’s warriors face Moro and his army, and they are unwilling to exchange their tribe’s warriors’ lives for the survival of other tribes. If it is a real empire decisive battle, they will rush the liver. It is a race of races. It is a battle of life and death. They cannot tolerate selfishness. But this is not the case now. The most important thing is that these slaughtered tribes are killing themselves. They ignorantly and stupidly provoke Moro, which makes it difficult for the other tribes in the barbarian palace to accept, nor accept it!

Where there are people, there are rivers and lakes, and barbarians are no exception. Most tribes will not attack and will not care about the comrades slaughtered by Xing Tian and Moreau, but some small tribes, and even the scattered people of some tribes are different. , They are unable to fight for the secret realm in the barbarian realm, because these secret realms have been targeted by the big tribes, and will not give them any benefits at all. Under such circumstances, they can only focus on the barbarians Above the border with the empire.

The same situation also appeared in the empire. When Xing Tian and Moreau led the army to attack, the casual repairs in the northern land, as well as the small forces, all acted for it, and they followed the army madly. To the secret realm in the barbarian realm, they were afraid that if they attacked later, all the benefits would be taken away by Xing Tian and Moreau.

Aren't these people afraid of Xingtian and Moreau's counterattack? Aren't they afraid of offending Xingtian and Moreau and end up in a dead end? They are also worried and fearful in their hearts, but under the temptation of interest, they can hardly stick to their hearts, and they all have a vague idea in their hearts, the law does not blame the others, everyone acts together, even if Moro is angry no matter how angry , No matter how crazy Xing Tian was, he would not dare to kill everyone. This would lend the empire center to punish them.

Such thoughts are indeed ridiculous and sad! For Moreau, perhaps he would have some worries in his heart, he would have taken care of him, he did not dare to act rashly, did not dare to kill people like the empire, but Xing Tian did not have such consideration, Xing Tian is not afraid of the empire, but this time they are considered to be. The bet is right, because Xing Tian doesn’t care too much about the emergence of the secret realm. No matter how good the resources in the secret realm are, it is not as important as the origin of this boundary battlefield world. Xing Tian can abandon even the origin of this world, let alone this. A little bit of secret realm benefits, for Xing Tian, ​​this shot was just for the layout, and benefits were not under consideration.

The killing was performed frantically in the territory of the barbarians. When the people of the empire who followed Moreau and Xing Tian saw such a frantic killing, they couldn't help but shudder in their hearts. There is a kind of fear and anxiety from the bottom of their hearts. Such crazy killings have had too much impact on them. Many people have the idea of ​​turning around and fleeing. They are worried that Xingtian and Moreau will fall in the next moment. Overdo it again, a crazy killing!

"Crazy, Moreau is really crazy. If he did such a crazy thing, he is not worried that doing so will lead to a crazy counterattack from the barbarian king, will lead to a new empire war, and will alarm the empire center? If this kind of war is triggered, Moreau's cause and effect will become stronger, and no one will be able to save his life!"

"Ignorance! What is there to be afraid of Morrow? This is the war, and it was not Morrow who provoked first, but the barbarians who provoked first. Even if the empire center is angry, it won’t be at this time. Under this circumstance, attack Moreau, otherwise the empire will lose its justice. Moreau is fighting for the empire and has the advantage of justice!"

"Well said, at this time, no matter how angry those **** at the center of the empire are, they dare not act rashly, and this time Moreau is not alone, and Xing Tian, ​​a lunatic, is helping. Before he can kill Xing Tian with absolute certainty, The empire will not go to war, not to mention how do you know that such a situation is not the result of the chaos in the empire center, perhaps this is the result that the **** in the empire center are really willing to accept!"

"Well, there is nothing to argue about. For us people, it has nothing to do with us. We are just following the army to find some benefits. Even if the war between the two countries, it will not have much impact on us. I I would rather see such a killing. Only by sweeping away all the barbarian tribes can everyone be able to seize the benefits of the secret realm with peace of mind!"

"Huh! You think Moro and Xingtian are so easy to talk to, will easily let us enter the secret realm, let us share the benefits of the secret realm, without paying a certain price, don't even think about it, let alone this secret realm. Being in the hands of Moreau and Xing Tian, ​​you must know that other forces won't just watch this happen without reacting!"

"Yeah, this time the war itself is a bit unusual. Barbarians are not fools. They will not provoke Moreau without benefit. If there is no hidden secret, no one will believe it. This war There must be someone behind the manipulating, but I don’t know what the result will look like, whether Moro and Xing Tian are willing to give us a chance!"

The wanderers who followed Xingtian and Morrow's army, these stragglers and valiant soldiers are discussing one by one, discussing the crazy killing in front of them, and are also looking forward to sharing the benefits of the secret realm, but whether everything will be As they wish, this is an unknown number. After all, Xingtian or Moro is not what they can see, nor is they able to control. What they can do is just follow, just a little expectation. , It is really impossible for them to attack Xingtian and Moreau and actively challenge them. They are not stupid enough yet.

Are the benefits of the secret realm big? No one knows, but one thing is certain. The emergence of a secret realm on such a large scale is the beginning of the Great Tribulation of Heaven and Earth. If you want to protect yourself from the Great Tribulation, you must increase your strength as much as possible, and the secret realm is theirs. These scattered people, the only opportunity these small forces can get. .

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