God of Destruction

Chapter 3861: Shocked

Chapter 3861 Shocked

Sweeping thousands of troops, this is the posture of Xing Tian and Moreau now. There is no power to stop them. Even if someone wants to stop them, they have to think about three points. After all, this is not a trivial matter. This is a war. When the war starts, everyone There is no retreat. Blocking means war. At this time, fighting Xingtian and Moro in this situation is a little worthless. At least in the eyes of many people, they are unwilling to fight for benefits they haven’t seen yet. , And Xingtian, Moreau will never die!

Yes, the war together is a situation of endless death, and there is no room for relaxation. This is clear to everyone, and all the forces understand it, and it is so, no one jumps out, and the barbarians are like this, outside the border. , Xing Tian and Moreau swept all enemies in one fell swoop with a horizontal push, leaving the desert here covered with blood!

No matter what ideas everyone has in mind, no matter what everyone thinks of this war, when Xing Tian and Moreau take action, everything will be a foregone conclusion. After too long, the army of Xing Tian and Moreau will be in the secret realm. Foreign exchange combined, at this time the 100,000 army is less than 50,000. It is not that many army died in this crazy killing, but Xingtian and Moruo stayed in the tribe to sweep the battlefield, chasing and killing the escaped barbarians. Either you don't do it, or you have to do it. This is the determination of Xing Tian and Moreau, and it is just like that, they can shock other enemies in one fell swoop, so that they dare not act rashly!

The secret realm has not been opened yet, but a trace of strange aura is constantly emanating, permeating the yellow sand, although the existence of the secret realm door has not yet been sensed, Xing Tian's expression has a slight change. , Here Xing Tian felt a strange breath, a breath he had felt before, the breath of the ancients, the breath of the last era, the breath that was different from the origin of this realm battlefield world, this breath moved Xing Tian.

"Interesting, really interesting. It seems that the origin of this world will be in the next big game, and the origin of the whole world will be in the next big game, but this is also good, just take the opportunity to look at the original reaction of the realm battlefield and explore it. Explore the reality of this world, and see how many hidden powers can't help but jump out!" When thinking about this, Xing Tian couldn't help showing a faint sneer, and the appearance of this sneer was naturally aside. What Morro saw!

"Friend Xingtian has discovered something. I don’t know when this secret realm will be opened. If we keep waiting like this, I’m afraid it will be a great trouble for us. Later, more people are heading here. People don’t give up, and we don’t have much time left. We can’t do another massacre like cleaning up the barbarian tribe!” At this point, Moreau sighed and his expression changed. It has to be unusually cohesive!

Xing Tian smiled indifferently and said: "There is nothing to worry about. This secret realm is not something that everyone can participate in. If some people don't know how to advance and retreat, they just let them participate. This is the ancient land, left over from the last era. In this mysterious place, if you don’t have the strength to explore the situation inside, you are ruining yourself!"

Xing Tian did not reserve these words, and directly spoke to Moreau, and these words naturally fell into the ears of those who followed behind them. Everyone's reaction to Xing Tian's words naturally differed. It's different, but whether you believe it or not, in just a few breaths, the news spread to all the major forces in the whole world. Regardless of the fact that these people are on the surface, many people are different. His identity, and the appearance of these words made the whole world boil over!

"Ancient land, a remnant of the last era, what is this?" Moreau asked with a puzzled face. He didn't know what it meant, because Moreau had too little background, even if it was The pillar of the imperial dynasty, did not know the secrets hidden in this world, did not know the meaning of the ancient land and the remnants of the previous era!

Xing Tian said indifferently: "Ancient land, as the name suggests, is an ancient place. It is generally a mysterious place left over from the last era, or left by an invincible strong man, or left by a great civilization. Or it may be a residence left by a sect. In this ancient place, there are unimaginable heritage and treasures, but there are also terrifying death threats. People with weak strength will die in it! "

Although the threat of death was terrifying, it didn’t matter to everyone present, because they were all lost by their interests, and they had forgotten what they wanted to threaten. Of course, some people didn’t believe Xingtian’s words at all. In their hearts, this was a lie that Xingtian deliberately blocked them and prevented them from competing for treasures!

what! When he heard these words, Moreau was shocked, and his army was shocked. For those casual cultivators, those who are ignorant, do not believe Xingtian's words, but Moreau is different. The army under him is different. They have all been in contact with Xing Tian, ​​and they all deeply understand what Xing Tian is. They know that Xing Tian will not lie on this matter!

"Impossible, how could such a treasure land appear outside the border, and I have never heard of such a place in this world, and what does the last era mean? Could it be that this world has never been destroyed? !" Moreau looked at Xing Tian with a puzzled look, with a hint of worry and excitement in his eyes!

For Moreau’s ignorance, Xing Tian smiled indifferently, and said: "Haha! You haven’t heard of it, it doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist. Morrow, you still know too little about this world. You have never really been accepted by the Imperial Family I have never been accepted by those aristocratic families, this world is not an era!"

Hearing this news, Moreau was taken aback. What the era is, that is the reincarnation of a world, and what is involved in the reincarnation of the world, that is absolutely incredible, absolutely beyond imagination.


"Impossible, I have never heard of the reincarnation of the world. Are you kidding me?" Moreau looked at Xing Tian suspiciously, because the news was too strong for him, making him a little unbelievable. No wonder Moreau is like this. Who made him be fooled by the imperial family all the time, fooled by those noble families, never really understood this world, didn’t come into contact with the real secrets of this world, and suddenly heard such a thing. The words are naturally unbelievable!

"Haha! Don't think it's impossible. Nothing in this world is impossible. Do you think I will lie about this matter? If I lie, you will not see through when you enter the secret realm. You don’t know, you can only say that you know too little about this world, you know too many things, this world has too many things you don’t know, what you come into contact with, what you know Yes, all I know is what someone told you on purpose!"

At this time, Xing Tian felt that he should have a good talk with Moreau. After all, the situation is different now. Now he has to participate in this world catastrophe and has to help Moreau. If there is still something at this time Concealment will only make the situation more dangerous. If Moreau does not know the true situation, he will only fall into a more terrible crisis, will only involve himself in terrible dangers, and let himself face a more dangerous situation. !

After taking a deep breath, Xing Tian said: "You have to know that even the world is alive. If there is life, there will be the end of life. Nothing can last forever, even the gods. The life of the world is very long. From birth, growth to maturity, to decline, to destruction, it takes endless years. Even the gods cannot accompany his growth to destruction. In that long time, everything The imprint of will be melted by time, but no matter what, when the world is going to be destroyed, there will always be some power remaining, and these powers, these substances will be sealed by the world's origin when the new world is born, until the seal is released The day it opens, and most of this day comes when the world is heading for decline and destruction. This is the world’s reincarnation, and this is one of the world’s greatest secrets!"

"There is such a thing? Can it be said that when the world is destroyed, no life can survive? Is it only the remaining power and matter?" Moreau squinted his eyes and looked at Xing Tian, ​​feeling I have received a greater impact. All this is really shocking to me. This is something I have never thought of, and I dare not imagine it, but all this comes from Xing Tian’s mouth, so he has to Believe.

"This question is a good question." Xing Tian said with a sneer: "In fact, other lives in the world may not perish. There are always some powerful and lucky creatures who will escape a catastrophe, but they cannot exist in this world again. Among them, the power of the new world will reject his existence. For creatures in any destroyed world, they will either destroy with the world or go further, just like mortals transforming into practitioners, the essence of life goes further!

When Xing Tian's words fell, Moreau's mind was even more shocked. This is really too shocking, too unbelievable. If these words spread, it will be a terrible shock to the entire world. Although Xing Tian did not directly point out, the current situation and the successive occurrences of secret realms all show that this world is heading for decline, or even towards destruction!

If the terrible news of the destruction of the world is spread, the whole world will be crazy and chaotic, and the struggle for interests will become even more terrible, because everyone wants to seize that ray of life, and this ray of life will only be open to the strong. This kind of struggle will be ten times, a hundred times or even a thousand times more terrifying than it is now. Under the threat of death, any creature will explode to its greatest potential and become extremely crazy. Nothing is more important than its own life!

After taking a deep breath, Moreau tried to calm himself down, and said in a deep voice, "Friend Xingtian, what should we do now, if this world is really going to decline as you said. How much time do we have to prepare for destruction, how much time do we have to improve our own strength, and how many people in this world know all of this, how many competitors we face, and our chances of survival How old?"

Xing Tian shook his head when he heard Moreau’s series of questions. At this moment, Xing Tian believed that Moreau’s heart had been shaken, and there was already a trace of fear in his heart. Although all these were the results Xing Tian wanted to see, Xing Tian did not want Mo. Luo collapsed because of fear. That would not be a good thing for him, and it would greatly affect his future plans!

"Don’t be nervous, don’t be afraid, let alone be afraid. When the situation comes to this point, you and I will be the masters. Even if it is fear and fear, it will not solve the problem. As for how much time we have, I will tell you clearly. I know, as for how many people in this world know all this, many, almost all major forces will know, after all, they all have amazing heritage. This world is much more powerful and dangerous than you think, even right now. This crazy drama was deliberately promoted by some bastards, deliberately guided to happen, they are promoting this world catastrophe, this terrible disaster!"

At this point, Xing Tian paused for a moment. Although there are many things that need to be explained to Moreau, Xing Tian is not allowed to do so in this situation, because many things cannot be discussed publicly now. I am afraid that Xing Tian's deliberate prevention will also cause a lot of unnecessary troubles. The words will have an impact on this world, and the situation will slide into a more terrible unknown, which will make the situation even more out of control!

"Wait, wait for the end of this battle with peace of mind, when this secret battle is over, I will tell you what you want to know, and even some things you don't know!"

There will be gains if you pay. Although Xing Tian said so, Moreau is not a fool. After so many years as a general of the empire, he naturally knows that if he wants to know all this, he must pay, and there is only one price to pay. That is to completely fall to Xingtian and become Xingtian’s subordinates. Only in this way can he truly be recognized by Xingtian, and can truly understand the world’s greatest secret, and be able to guarantee that he will have that line in the next tribulation of heaven and earth. vitality! Without paying at all, I wanted to learn everything from Xingtian, and it would be impossible to seize a ray of life from this catastrophe!

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