God of Destruction

Chapter 3872: Secret Realm Open

Chapter 3872 Secret Realm Open

"Waiting? Fellow Daoist Xingtian, don't we take this opportunity to clear the field? The gathering of so many ignorant people here is very detrimental to our next actions, and among these people, there are spies from all sides. We If we don’t clear the field with our hands, it won’t take long for more forces to come. At that time, we will encounter greater resistance if we want to enter the secret realm to seize opportunities!” Moreau was very disagree with Xingtian’s words. It's too weak to come here!

"Clearing the field? There is no need for that. Even if there are some spies among these people, how much influence they can have on us, don't look too high at these ignorant ants. No matter how many people come, they are still in this secret world. You may not get the chance. It should be your chance. No one can grab it. It's not your chance. No matter how hard you try, you won't get it. Wait at ease. There is no big deal. The secret is here. Let them try if you have the ability. Don't take the secret realm too important, and don't let the greed in your heart affect you!" When he said this, Xing Tian couldn't help but shook his head, still feeling a little bit for Moreau in his heart. Disappointed, Moreau's view of the overall situation is still somewhat inadequate, he has said so much, still has not seen the situation in front of him, or is affected by the greed in his heart.

Hearing Xing Tian's words, Moreau was startled first, and then he couldn't help but sighed. For him, he still had some difficulty accepting Xing Tian's intentions. Although he knew what Xing Tian wanted to do, he just couldn't. Giving up the unwillingness in his heart, in his opinion, sharing the benefits of the secret realm with other people is irresponsible to oneself, that is, to gain an enemy.

Overall view, this is the deficiency of Moreau's overall view. He cannot proceed from the overall situation. What he sees is only the immediate benefits, only his own small calculations. He has not seen the further layout or the world. The general trend, no matter how good the secret realm is, no matter how great the benefits are, is it really that easy to enter this secret realm? Are the benefits really so readily available?

In the face of the secret realm in front of him, even Xing Tian dare not be confident enough to retreat and swallow all his benefits, let alone Moro, let alone other forces, in the hint of breath revealed by this secret realm, Xing Tian could clearly feel the terrifying murderous aura and the terrifying deterrence. There was definitely a terrifying power in this secret realm, the power that could threaten his own life. Facing such a power, Xing Tian couldn't help being careless.

For the sake of a moment’s breath, for the ethereal benefits that you don’t know you can’t get, go to war, kill, and waste your own origin. This is not something Xing Tian is willing to do, nor is Xing Tian willing to accept the result. Some ants are not worthy of themselves If these ignorant ants still don't know how to advance or retreat, or are fascinated by the benefits in front of them, if they want to fight hard, it is their destiny, and they deserve to die!

Moreau said anxiously: "But, fellow daoists, don’t forget. We can endure and don’t care about the fight for interests, but other forces don’t think so. If we retreat like this now, it will only make those people think we are weak and deceiving. It will only make the next situation out of control. For those **** bastards, they will never be merciful!"

Xing Tian said indifferently: "So what, if they really have to live or die, teach them a lesson, let them know what to do and what they can't do, and don't pay too much attention to the gains and losses, if it's the secret world in front of you. There really is a huge benefit in it. The treasures of the last epoch were not destroyed by the origin of the world. There will be enough opportunities in it, and even the secret of transcending this world. In the face of transcendence, any grievances can be put down! "

The secret to becoming a god? ! Moruo squinted his eyes and looked at Xing Tian. If that is the case, then the secret contained in this mystery is really serious, and it will definitely make a sensation in the entire world, and the entire world will shake all the forces!

"Moreau, don't underestimate the threat of the secret realm. No one knows if there are any back-ups from the strong people of the previous era in this secret realm. No one knows if they are really completely extinct. Don't be too careless. , Don’t be too concerned about the inheritance in the secret realm, or that sentence, what should be you is yours after all, not yours, and it is useless to force!"

When talking about this, Xing Tian couldn't help but sighed slightly. For this frontier battlefield world, for this secret realm, Xing Tian dare not take it lightly. In the endless practice, Xing Tian has experienced too many things and saw too much. There are so many changes. If we say that this secret realm will leave behind the strong people of the previous era, Xing Tian is not sure. If we know that this secret realm can be preserved even in the destruction of an era, who knows the other side How many hands and feet have been laid here, and what a terrible overall situation has been laid out!

Xingtian has not encountered such a situation, so no matter how tempting the secret is in front of him, Xingtian has not lost his mind, and he has no idea to recklessly seize the secret. It is not a good thing to take the first step, especially now. A terrible change is taking place in the battlefield world of Fangjie Territory. Under such circumstances, no matter how careful you are, you can't think that!

Not long after Xing Tian’s words fell, there was a sudden alarm, and in the next second, a terrifying space power shook. In an instant, Xing Tian felt that the desert had changed, and everything in front of him changed, as if he was Being in an illusory time and space, the power of the space is changing the earth under my feet, changing this void!

For a moment, a terrifying force rose from the earth, and the endless source of power permeated. Between a few breaths, a huge sphere appeared in front of Xingtian, Moreau and others, like the sun, emitting With terrible light and aura, everyone will feel extremely small in front of this sphere. However, this sphere is not the sun, nor can it emit the eternal and immortal rays of the sun. What it emits is the power of the world. This is a super world, which is blooming with the light of the world!

It's opened, the secret is opened! I only talked to Moreau about persuasion, which caused a change in the world, and opened this secret realm. With such a change, I had to make Xing Tian more vigilant in his heart. If there is no black hand behind all this Xingtian would not believe it because he had no power to manipulate it, but Xingtian didn't know who the black hand was, the master of this secret realm, or the world's origin of suppressing this secret realm!


No matter who is controlling everything, Xing Tian can be certain that the other party is targeting himself. The sudden appearance of this secret realm is absolutely preventing himself from continuing to explain, and preventing himself from telling More information. Tempt yourself.

The space is constantly trembling, Xing Tian can feel that the ground under his feet is changing, and he is moving away from the boundary battlefield world. Why can Xing Tian be so sure, because his original sense of the boundary battlefield world is weakening. The feelings of Lotus and the Realm Battlefield World are disappearing, and gradually cannot absorb the negative power of the world!

Where did the power to change all this come from? It’s the sphere in front of me, this super world, and its power is changing the emptiness, changing everything. In this world, it seems that the power of countless laws of time and space is operating, and the power of the source of the terrible road is in Sealing the world, it seems that the world in front of you is wrapped in dense forbidden formations, so that everyone can feel the terrible power contained in the world!

"Awesome! What a great source of breath, what a terrible forbidden formation, this is the power of the world, this is the power of the great road, this is not just a world as simple as it is, maybe this is a shrinking universe, this sphere is just Its most external manifestation is only the result of the seal of the original power of heaven and earth! There seem to be endless stars moving inside this sphere, and countless stars are combined into a powerful force to fight against the original force of heaven and earth!" Xing Tian squinted. Squinting his eyes, staring at everything in front of him, in fact, he saw more things than others, and he could feel the terrible things more clearly.

"The secret realm, the secret realm is opened, this should be the secret realm world." Someone couldn't help but yelled. When faced with such an astonishing temptation, these people with poor temperament and unsteady minds could not bear to move around.

The secret realm is opened, and this can be felt by anyone, because all the people shrouded by the power of that space have been drawn into the mysterious environment, and they have already left the realm battlefield world, and such changes have occurred. I don’t know if the secret realm is opened, it would be too stupid and ignorant, but the opening of the secret realm also means danger!

Countless people are obsessedly looking at everything in front of them, they are all feeling the changes in front of them, feeling the power of the secret realm, and feeling the terrible power of restraint outside the sphere. It can be said that the power of restraint is extremely mysterious, like precision Like all machine parts, one is indispensable, forming a terrible cycle, which is extremely perfect and terrible.

"This secret augmentation is indeed as dangerous as Xingtian said before. Although it has not yet entered, just seeing the surroundings is enough to prove the unusualness of this secret world. It is not careless or the fruit is unimaginable." Some powerful people have serious faces. Although they are very confident of their own strength, they believe that they are absolutely capable of retreating from the secret world and have the power to compete for the benefits of the secret world, but the external performance of the secret world still makes them become Be cautious, there is no doubt that this is a world beyond your imagination!

"Damn it, other forces are also here." In an instant, someone's expression changed drastically, and they felt that the nearby space was undergoing drastic changes. Time and space were crazily twisting. That was the result of space power. Someone was using space. The power of the power entered this secret realm world, just like this caused the change of space.

Bang bang bang! There were bursts of roar, and in an instant, in the void not far away, huge teleportation arrays appeared. Obviously some people came outside the secret realm after the secret realm power broke out. Xing Tian and the others used to break through the space barrier formed when the secret realm opened with the help of space power!

In a moment, batches of powerful figures also emerged from these teleportation arrays, a burst of light flickered, and these figures also revealed their original appearance. I saw a rough body appearing in this world, and their bodies exuded a strong savage aura. This is obviously the arrival of barbarians, and with their appearance, let this side The situation of the void has changed. Moreau and his army exude terrible killing intent, and other casual cultivators also exude terrible killing intent. This barbarian also exudes terrifying hostility!

"Friend Xingtian, the barbarians are here, and it looks like they are coming faster than we thought. Our previous actions are still too late. Those **** **** have spread the message. This time we are in big trouble!" When looking at the barbarian power that came suddenly, Moreau's eyes flashed with a faint unwillingness and anger.

Hearing this, Xing Tian smiled calmly and said: “It’s no big deal. In fact, this is also expected. This is the territory of barbarians, with secret existence that we don’t know. You never think that barbarians are really right on this border. Without any preparation, do you think it is normal, just like everything in the empire, who knows if there are other means in the border?"

As soon as Xing Tian's remarks fell, Moreau's expression changed drastically, as if he had thought of something, his eyes showed a hint of shock and worry, and at this moment, there was another roar of space, and another crowd. The teleportation circle appeared, and powers appeared one after another. Among these powers there were barbarians and empires.

Almost all the forces have arrived. It seems that as Morrow said before, there are spies from the major forces in those casual cultivators. They passed back Xingtian’s warnings, so that all the forces were moved by it. The secret world of Epoch is indispensable to any force, and it is an irresistible temptation!

Moreau did not know the secret realm of this world or the hidden powers of the world, but it was different for those big forces. They all had inheritances that Moreau did not know. When they heard the warning from Xingtian, Instinctively make them crazy about it, making them have to pay a huge price to participate in the exploration of the secret realm here. Among these emerging forces, there are not only barbaric royal families, not only imperial royal families, but also Other clan families!

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