God of Destruction

Chapter 3873: Festival Secret World

Chapter 3873: Secret World

"It looks like all the forces that should come are here, and the temptation of this secret realm is really hard to give up!" Looking at the flashes of light, watching the constantly appearing forces, Moreau couldn't help but shook his head. There was a hint of sarcasm in his eyes. Although the secret realm here is amazing, Moreau doesn't believe that the secret realm that appears in other places in this realm battlefield world will be much worse than here. Why these forces are concentrated here, it is obvious It is aimed at myself and Xing Tian!

Xing Tian smiled indifferently and said: "Come on, we can't stop them from appearing, and whether they come, and we don’t have to worry that no one will explore for us. The more people come, the safer it is for us. It is very beneficial for us to have more manpower to explore the mysterious secret realm. You don't want to let yourself go down and risk your death to explore this unknown place!"

"If people from these forces are all killed in this secret realm, what will be the impact on this world and this great catastrophe? Will it cause the entire world to collapse? Burst!” For an instant, such a terrible thought suddenly appeared in Xing Tian’s heart. If these people were killed in this secret realm, the whole world would be crazy, thinking about it, but it’s not a problem to do so. Easy thing.

With so many forces, most people have seen who is not afraid of three points, and only Xing Tian can be so crazy. Such crazy thoughts will arise in their hearts. If the secret realm is not an unknown existence, Xing Tian really has to do this, after all, for Xing Tian. People, these forces will all become their own enemies, and Xing Tian will never be merciful to enemies!

"Friends of Daoists should not be too careless. Among these seemingly normal people, there are many strong people hidden. Those **** major forces are not easy people. They seem to be ordinary people. There are many dangers, a little carelessness, and only us will suffer. After all, we stand in the light. These **** are hidden in the dark. The general situation is very unfavorable to us. We can't be careless or treat these bastards. Contempt!" Seeing Xing Tian's plain reaction, Moreau felt a little heavy. His heart was worried that Xing Tian would treat the enemy with contempt and persuaded him!

After hearing these words, Xing Tian couldn't help but smile softly in his heart. He never underestimated anyone. No matter how fragile these forces were, he would not have the slightest light. No weak enemy can relax. Be vigilant, after all, the secret realm is an unknown place, even if it is an ant with mental calculations, it will cause devastating damage to itself.

"Don't worry, I know what to do. I can see the hidden methods of these **** clearly. If they want to play this unpretentious method, we will play with them for a while and see who can laugh most. Finally!" When he said this, Xing Tian's voice suddenly stopped, his expression changed, and he whispered: "The general must be prepared, and the secret realm will be fully opened!"

Compared with other people, Xing Tian’s induction is still very good. Other powers do not have the aura to sense the secret realm, but Xing Tian can clearly sense it, because Xing Tian understands the breath of the last epoch better than they do. Sensing the changes in this secret realm, when many forces gathered at this time, the breath of the secret realm changed!

With so many forces gathered here, Xing Tian’s mind has been investigating their reactions, but among these many forces, Xing Tian did not feel the breath of the highest chaotic world, nor did he feel the strength from the highest chaotic world. The existence of Xing Tian inevitably made Xing Tian's mind puzzled. Did he think he was wrong, this time the descendants of the supreme chaos world did not appear, they ignored the opening of the secret realm here, and lost the ancient heritage? Or these **** have a new opportunity after entering the realm battlefield world, and can completely shield their own aura, so that their companions who also come from the highest chaos world will not notice their aura. If so, this The catastrophe is really interesting!

It’s just that you can’t sense the breath of other descendants yourself, but even the same descendants can’t sense their breath. This is a problem. If this happens, Xing Tian has to be careful. I have to make even worse plans. When this happens, either the other party has a great opportunity, or the source of this world is covering up their own breath for them, protecting these descendants, or even reaching it. Some kind of agreement!

People are not for themselves, and the earth will die! Xing Tian didn’t think that under the temptation of absolute interests, those **** would insist on their beliefs and refrain from betraying their masters. Whether or not they betrayed depends on the size of their interests. They dare to enter the highest chaotic world to find opportunities. It is fighting for profit. Loyalty does not exist for them. As long as they have enough interests, they can betray everything and cooperate with anyone and any force, even if it is to cooperate with the will of the world battlefield!

Of course, for the descendants of the same sect, Xing Tian also has the means of transmission left behind by the sect, and he can summon his companions, but under such circumstances and in such a general environment, Xing Tian would not do this and would not expose himself. In front of those people, because Xing Tian didn't believe in these **** at all, he wouldn't pin his safety on the loyalty of these people!

Wait, I don’t need to be too eager to find the descendants of the Supreme Chaos World, as long as they participate in the exploration of this secret realm, as long as they enter the secret realm, unless these people do nothing, otherwise they will eventually expose themselves. As long as they do, no matter how powerful the hidden means, they will reveal a strange aura and reveal their origin. At that time, everything is no longer a difficult matter, and they can turn from light to dark and hide In the dark!

Time is passing bit by bit, the fluctuations in the secret realm are getting bigger and bigger, but the fluctuations in the space do not continue. The forces that should have come have appeared in this void, and everyone is keeping vigilance. They are all waiting for the full opening of the secret realm and for the opening of the space channel. Under this circumstance, many forces maintain a certain distance between them, and they are all guarding against other people. After all, the benefits are moving, and no one knows. What kind of things will those **** around me do in the next moment!


With a crisp sound of "bang!", the sphere in front of me changed, and a black light surged to form the existence of a black hole. With the emergence of this black hole, the sphere instantly enlarged and instantly merged into the world. A breath of horror emanated from the black hole, and a suction was also diffused!

This is the space channel, and the secret realm is fully opened. When such a situation occurs, everyone who has been waiting is ecstatic, step by step first, enter the secret realm first, and take the first opportunity , Can get a lot of treasures, the benefits are endless, under this temptation, one of them is still stable there, immediately acted and flew to the black hole frantically!

Seeing those people rushing towards the black hole frantically, Moreau's eyes flashed an impatient look. He also wanted to act, but Xingtian hadn't responded yet. Moreau had to suppress the thoughts in his heart and said: " Fellow Daoist Xingtian, those **** have already taken action, and we should also take action, otherwise these **** will take away all the benefits in the secret realm!"

Are the benefits of the Secret Realm so easy to succeed? Xing Tian didn’t think so. If the treasures in the secret realm were so easy to be taken away, they would not be kept until now, but Moreau had spoken, and Moreau’s troops were all ready to move. If he had to suppress it, it would only make the situation worse It became very chaotic, so Xing Tian nodded and said, "Alright, let's go in too!"

At this time, Xing Tian did not hesitate. He moved quickly and swiftly moved towards the black hole. For his own safety, when Xing Tian was acting, the power of the first-grade black lotus covered his body to prevent the black hole from eroding himself. Xingtian dare not be careless in the secret realm of Xingtian, not only Xingtian is like this, Moro is also like this!

"Well, this is the secret world? This is the relic left by the civilization of the last era!" Xing Tian's figure flickered quickly, following everyone into the black hole, and after passing through the space channel, he immediately discovered that this secret world is simply Hearingly tyrannical, the barriers of the world are incredibly thick, and the tunnels formed by black holes contain dense arrays of restraints. A little caution will trigger the power of restraint. Once you are caught in restraint, it must be ten Dead and no life.

No matter whether it is Xing Tian or other people, they dare not touch the barrier of the black hole, for fear that an accidentally touched the force of the forbidden formation, the force of the forbidden strangulation, although the channel formed by the black hole is long, it is emitted by the black hole. The terrible suction power is astonishing, as long as it enters the black hole, even Xing Tian cannot control his body, and will be pulled into the depths of the black hole by that terrible suction! Of course, if Xing Tian resisted with all his might, he would be able to withstand this terrible suction, but Xing Tian didn't dare to do so, because Xing Tian didn't know if he would cause a backlash from the prohibition.

Under the terrible suction power, Xingtian suddenly entered the secret world, and immediately found that he seemed to appear in another small universe world, where there is a vast and boundless world, with Xingtian’s powerful divine power, Unable to cover this secret realm, all Xingtian can sense is just the tip of the iceberg of this secret realm world!

Looking at it, huge planets appeared in front of Xing Tian's eyes. These planets are like chess pieces on a chessboard. They are regularly arranged in this small universe, and they are running according to certain rules. In this law, Xing Tian can feel a trace of terrifying ancient breath, and this breath is very similar to the origin of the city of thunder punishment when he first faced thunder punishment, but the power here is far stronger than thunder punishment. The origin of the city.

While Xing Tian was still taking hold of his body, Moreau also appeared in the secret realm with his generals. Seeing this shocking scene in front of him, Moreau couldn't help but said: "This is the secret world, this is too amazing, this It is basically a cosmic world, how could such a world exist between heaven and earth, how could it be sealed!"

No wonder Moreau was shocked. After all, he had never thought of such a situation. This is a secret realm. This is a small world with a complete world origin and a complete three thousand avenues. If it weren't for the original aura here In the realm battlefield world, Moro would think that he had not left the original world at all, but entered into the starry sky!

This is a starry sky, a vast starry sky, but there is a terrible danger in this starry sky, there are endless forbidden formations, although he did not step into the starry sky, but Moreau can feel it in the law The horrible power hidden can feel the terrifying breath of death from the stars!

Xing Tian and Moreau were not eager to act, but the others did not have such a state of mind or such stability. After entering the secret realm, when they saw the endless starry sky, they all became crazy about it, one by one. They all rushed madly towards the planet that was in motion, for fear that they would be a step late, and the opportunities in the planet would be taken away by others. At this time, they had already forgotten that the starry sky was not safe, and that the secret realm would have it. The danger exists.

"Ignorance, no matter, let them test the power of this secret realm, test what type of restriction power of this secret realm is, knowing the enemy, knowing oneself, and fighting forever, only by understanding the origin of the restriction of the starry sky can they better Only by protecting oneself can you have a greater certainty of seizing the opportunity of this secret realm!" When he said this, Xing Tian couldn't help but shook his head, his eyes exuded a light, the eyes of magical powers were fully opened, and he was carefully looking at the void restraint. The change.

"Interesting, so interesting, the power of this prohibition is not killing, but space. Why does this secret realm exist? What is the origin and inheritance hidden in this secret realm. Could it be that the space avenue is not succeeded here? The origin of this mystery is the Great Avenue of Space. If the force of restriction is not to kill, but to teleport, stepping onto those planets, the force that triggers the restriction will be transmitted to the test of inheritance, or teleport to What is going on in the terrible trap can only be known by personal experience. I hope that everything will not be as dangerous as I thought, and I hope that there is no terrible conspiracy here!” When thinking about this, Xingtian’s eyes The light dissipated, the magical powers were collected, and no longer continued!

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