God of Destruction

Chapter 3874: Lifelessness

Chapter 3874 Death

Restriction is a spatial attribute, which means that the entire secret realm is bigger and broader than I imagined. How many secrets are hidden in this secret realm, and how many inheritances are there. This is really an unknown number, even Xingtian dare not. Imagine that because space attributes have too many unknowns, endless space will bring endless possibilities!

At this time, Xing Tian's mood was both excited and vigilant. If there is no power behind such a powerful secret world, Xing Tian would not believe it. It can be said that the more mysterious the secret world, the more terrifying the impact it will bring. Does the secret realm exist for inheritance or other reasons? If it is inherited, it will not be too dangerous, but other reasons are problematic. Xing Tian prefers other reasons because he feels here. The threat of death! If Xing Tian is threatened with death, it is conceivable that this secret realm is not safe, and if you are not careful, you will die!

He knew that there was danger but didn’t make any preparations. That would be a fool. Xingtian wouldn’t be so stupid. When he noticed that there was a problem with the secret world, he was cruel and made a crazy decision to open his eyes to thoroughly explore the secret world. The problem, at least to figure out how dangerous this secret realm is. It is impossible to explore one's own destiny. After all, no matter how strong the magical powers are, the effect on oneself will be greatly reduced. This is the constraint of rules, and no one can resist. the power of!

After a while, Xing Tian's expression became extremely dignified, and his divine eyes were fully opened. Under the full blessing of his own source, Xing Tian felt that this secret world seemed to be shrouded by a dark power, and almost entered every one of the secrets. People are entwined with terrible death, it seems that there are huge disasters and conspiracies staring at them, if you are not careful, all people who enter the secret realm will die, as if the secret realm is about to swallow all living beings!

"Damn, how could this be? What is in this secret realm, why is it so terrible? Everyone is surrounded by terrible death. I don't know if this power is also acting on my own body. Can the power of the origin of the black lotus be able to withstand the erosion of this dark power!" Xing Tian muttered to himself, such a terrible situation shocked Xing Tian, ​​originally Xing Tian was worried that this secret realm was a situation, one against himself The trap that came, now Xing Tian believes more in his intuition, and believes that the so-called benefits in this secret world are only external manifestations!

When he had such awareness, Xing Tian made greater efforts to open the power of God's eyes, and wanted to see more clearly, but in this secret world, it seemed that there was a powerful force interfering with Xingtian's magical powers, allowing his own magical powers. The Eye could not see more clearly, this power seemed to distort the fate of this world and blinded Xing Tian's supernatural power!

"Daoist Xingtian is aware of it?" When Xingtian turned on his magical powers, Moreau immediately noticed that he could make Xingtian so dignified, which shows that this secret world is not peaceful, and even has terrifying murderous intent, otherwise Xingtian There won't be such a change, which makes Moreau involuntarily ask, wanting more information from Xing Tian!

After taking a deep breath, Xing Tian nodded cautiously and said, "General Mo, this mystery is indeed extraordinary. It seems that there is a terrible power hidden in it. I saw a trace of death entwined in everyone. Now, you should understand what it means. This is not a good place, there is a great danger! Be careful, don't be tempted by the immediate interests, great opportunities are great dangers, let's split up and act, good luck!"

When he said this, Xing Tian didn’t hesitate anymore. With a thought, his body quickly moved towards the direction of his induction like a meteor. That was the place Xing Tian had previously sensed to have a relationship with him. Although this induction is not necessarily accurate, but Xing Tian didn't care. Regardless of whether there was a chance there, he had to go ahead and find out. Only in this way could he find out the biggest secret of this secret realm, and be able to lead himself in this great change of heaven and earth!

Seeing Xing Tian's leaving figure, Moreau shook his head involuntarily. The opportunity was right in front of him, but now he couldn't be happy about it. What caused all this was Xing Tian's words before. These words made Mo Luo Wubi's vigilance. When he heard these words, Moreau's heart was inexplicably faintly uneasy, which could cause uneasiness in his heart. It can be seen that this place is indeed as dangerous as Xing Tian said. It is not a good place. , You have to be careful!

give up? No, although there is a big danger here, Moro will not give up, nor can he give up, because when the situation has reached this point, when he comes here, everything is no longer for himself, there are so many soldiers around him who follow him. , Everything can't be given up because of Xingtian's words, so that he can't give an explanation to the soldiers who follow him, even if there is no greater danger in front, Moreau must continue to go on, this is his responsibility!

"Let’s go, let’s take action. Everyone should be vigilant. There must be no sloppy care. Everything is unknown here, and the unknown is the most dangerous. Don’t ruin your life just because of temporary care. The result you are willing to see is also the result you are unwilling to accept. Take action!” As he said, Moreau took his subordinates to a planet. In the face of this endless planet, Moreau had no good choices. , Can only choose the planet closest to him, after all, he is not Xing Tian, ​​he has no ability to sense the breath of this secret world, and there is no way to sense the aura that is destined to him!

When Moro and his army started to act, there were no human figures in the entire void. The others had already acted. They had chosen their respective goals. Only Morro and Xing Tian walked there for reasons of caution. In the end, while others do not have so much worry and anxiety, they have long been fascinated by their immediate interests!

With the disappearance of Moreau and his subordinates, the void became calm, but this calm did not last long. Not long after they disappeared, a spatial fluctuation suddenly surged in the void, followed by a series of waves. Light appeared in this void, and many figures appeared in this void. There was a strong aura in these people. Their appearance broke the peace of the void, and these people who came suddenly did not seem to be It's a group, they are all vigilant to each other, as if they are all guarding against other people's sneak attacks, it seems so strange!


After these people stabilized their bodies, they all looked at each other, and then left in tacit understanding, each choosing a planet to disappear into that planet, everything was so weird, everything was so mysterious! If Xing Tian is still there, then he will find that these people are the descendants of the supreme chaos world that he has been looking for. These descendants have not given up on the secret world, they are just a step late, maybe this is their intention. !

When these descendants disappeared, not long after, there was another wave of void fluctuations, another wave of light surges, and a group of figures appeared in the void, and this time it was another wave of forces, which seemed to be more than just It is the descendants of the Supreme Chaos World who are vigilant and prepared, and other forces have such thoughts.

For the secret world, the first action may not be able to get the most benefit, and the last action may not be nothing. No matter what heritage or treasures in this secret world, the final decision is strength, only strength The strength of Tuangan is the guarantee of everything, Tuangan's sufficient strength, even if it is the first step, even if it is the first to find the inheritance and treasure, eventually the inheritance and treasure may not be theirs, because there are no rules here.

There are no rules in the secret realm. For the strong, they can grab everything unscrupulously, no matter who the target is, because here everyone does not have to take into account the identity of the other party or worry about retribution, as long as they can do everything. Clean and neat, there will be no hidden dangers, no rules are the biggest rules, this is the cruelty of the secret world!

No one knows how much power is hidden in the dark, and how many forces want to reap the benefits of fishermen, and no one wants to know, because time waits for no one, since it has entered the secret realm, no matter what everyone holds Any thoughts must be acted upon, and they cannot stay in the void forever. They will only become other people’s goals. After all, no one can guarantee that there will be no one behind him, or whether he is the last one. Treasure hunter.

Regarding the unknown, everyone and all forces will be cautious. They dare not be sloppy and dare not put themselves in the light. That would be irresponsible to their own lives, and they are joking about their own lives, as long as they have a little With a little sense, no one would do such a stupid and crazy thing!

Xing Tian didn’t know what happened in the void behind him after he left, because from beginning to end, Xing Tian didn’t think that he was the last person to take action, nor did he think that there would be no hidden enemies in the dark. Under the big environment, in such an unknown place, everything is possible.

"Is this the place? It's here that guides me. What is hidden here?" Xing Tian flickered, and shuttled in the void. After a few breaths, he arrived at the place he had sensed just now and came to a In a huge planet. It's a pity that this planet seems to be in a barren state, exuding a breath of death everywhere, and it seems that everything has been destroyed by a big shattering force. All living things on this planet have died, without exception. Even the buildings on the surface of this planet were destroyed, perhaps because of the passage of time, even those original buildings could not withstand the erosion of the years, gradually weathered, and eventually went to destruction and disappeared in the long river of years. .

Xing Tian walked on this planet and felt the great desolation, like a scene after the end of the day, without any vitality, on this earth there is just that endless death, there is only a silence, giving people a kind of great Shock.

"Huh? What is this?" Suddenly, Xing Tian used the power of his divine consciousness to cover the planet under his feet and conduct a carpet search, trying to find the secrets hidden in this planet. , To find the hidden treasures in this planet. After all, if you rely on your eyes to find it, it takes too much time, and Xing Tian doesn’t have so much time wasted in this boring search, and there is not so much. energy.

Not long after Xingtian’s divine consciousness spread to the surroundings, he felt a terrifying crack in a huge mountain range not far away, a crack extending for thousands of kilometers, emitting from the crack. The terrible breath, just a little touch, Xing Tian has a cold feeling, as if there is a terrible existence in that big crack!

Although this is only a slight fluctuation of the breath, the aura is so powerful that it cannot be resisted even in its heyday. That force is far beyond Xingtian's strongest state. Such a force is sufficient to destroy everything about him, whether it is Neither the body nor the soul can be preserved under this power. This shows how terrible the big crack is!

"This is the result of man-made forces. It seems that someone has made a big move on this planet. This big crack is the traces of those battles. Even if countless years have passed, even if it is the passing of time. Did not completely wipe out this power, there is still such a terrible breath, but I don’t know what treasure is left in the crack!" Feeling the terrible breath, Xing Tian muttered to himself, expression There was a hint of surprise in between!

No matter what force is caused by the big crack, as long as the original strength remains, it means that there is a great opportunity in the big crack. It is necessary to know that the origin of any force will have a slight change in the endless years, and even the essence will occur. Transform and evolve into a new species. Such a species will condense the power of the original rules. Even if it is just a stone in the end, it will have great power, will become a rare treasure, and will be of great benefit to your own practice. !

Treasures imprinted with the original rules are of great help to Xing Tian to perfect his own inner world and expand his own inner world. Therefore, no matter how terrible the breath of the big crack, no matter how horrible, Xing Tian will not shrink back or give up. Don’t lose it, it won’t come again. Such treasures of heaven and earth are not readily available. Even in this secret world, there will not be too many such treasures. Moreover, this treasure may be the opportunity to guide oneself. !

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