God of Destruction

Chapter 3876: Destroy the enemy

Chapter 3876: Destroying the Enemy

"Damn bastard, I originally wanted to give you some time to use your hand to detect the danger of the big crack, but you have to find death by yourself. Since this is the case, I will complete you!" Although only a short contact, Xing Tian can know I really feel the reality of the enemy in front of me, the opponent’s combat power is indeed very strong, but his soul is extremely weak, which shows that this strong man is walking on the path of gods and demons, and has huge flaws in soul cultivation. !

Xing Tian’s heart was filled with endless anger, but the person in front of him seemed to have not noticed it at all. He still looked at Xing Tian arrogantly. Once he had completely settled on Xing Tian’s frame, he did not consider whether Xing Tian would resist. There will be no counterattack, because in his heart he does not regard Xing Tian as the same thing. He does not think that Xing Tian will be "stupid" to fight against himself with a weak force. It is not a resistance, but a search for death. No one is stupid enough. degree!

"Soul impact, destroy the world of black lotus town!" Xing Tian did not hesitate, immediately used his soul supernatural powers, and cooperated with his own Chaos Destroy Avenue Supreme Treasure Level 1 to destroy the world black lotus attack, even if his spiritual consciousness was already extremely exhausted. Even if doing so will shock his soul, Xing Tian will not hesitate anymore. When the situation has reached this point, Xing Tian has no way to retreat. He has to let go and fight desperately, otherwise he can only retreat sadly. .

Suddenly, with Xingtian as the center, a terrible soul wave appeared, and it spread in all directions in an instant. This time Xingtian not only wanted to inflict heavy damage on the opponent, but also to keep it here. Soul impact was not only an attack. The other party is blocking the void and not giving the other party a chance to escape, because Xing Tian doesn't know how much trouble the other party will cause him if he escapes, and what kind of crisis he will fall into. It is precisely this worry. , Xing Tian will be so aggressive!

With mental arithmetic and unintentional, under Xing Tian’s full burst, this strong man was hit hard before he had time to react, and his head seemed to be hit with a heavy hammer. They all became dizzy. When such a situation occurred during the battle, it was absolutely putting his life in danger. With a move of Xing Tian's heart, the first-grade exterminating black lotus landed on the opponent's head, taking advantage of the dizziness. The first-grade black lotus rushed directly into the sea of ​​soul consciousness of this strong man.

When faced with such a dangerous crisis, Xing Tian had to do his best. Only by using the power of the first-rank black lotus can he solve the enemy in the shortest time, and only the power of the first-rank black lotus can The enemy can't resist it. As soon as the first-grade black lotus comes out, it instantly rushes into the opponent's soul consciousness sea. The terrible devouring power erupts in an all-round way. The soul of the other party!

Resist? No, now the other party does not have this opportunity. His soul is directly injured by Xingtian’s supernatural powers, and the whole is stunned, unable to respond in time. It is also true that such a powerful existence was directly given by Xingtian. The soul was obliterated, the soul was scattered directly, and it ended in a dead end.

With a sound of "Pump!", Xing Tian opened his mouth and spouted a blood arrow, his complexion instantly became gloomy, and he said with a cold snort, "Damn, I still underestimate the opponent's instinctive reaction, even if it has fallen into my calculations. I am already unable to struggle, but my instinct is still relying on the first-rank black lotus to batter my soul. If it weren't for the first-rank black lotus to have the powerful swallowing and obliterating power, this time I would be hit hard, even if the soul is weaker. , Their instinctive reaction is also terribly lethal!"

Although the soul of this strong man was strangled by Xing Tian, ​​his physical body was still there, and the powerful original power was still condensed in the physical body. When his heart moved, Xing Tian waved his hand and grabbed this physical body into the inner world. , Fell under the tree of the world and became the nourishment of the tree of the world. As for whether there was any treasure in the opponent's body, Xing Tian did not have time to investigate.

After killing a strong man directly, Xing Tian's mind suddenly moved. A mysterious power came from the void, making his mind relaxed, as if it was a gift from heaven and earth, and Xing Tian's wounded soul was obtained. Repair, and the source of this power is this secret world, this is the power of luck, the blessing of luck in this world!

When there was such a reaction, Xing Tian's expression was not only not pleased, on the contrary, he became more gloomy, "Damn, how could this be? This secret world has such power of rules and encourages everyone to kill each other. , If such a change is known to everyone, this secret world will surely turn into a sea of ​​blood and be enveloped by killings. This is not a place of inheritance at all, it is simply a land of killings. Once that step is reached, the consequences It will be unimaginable!"

Worry! At this moment, Xing Tian’s heart has endless worries. The power of such rules clearly makes everyone fight with each other and plunder each other’s luck. Once this opening is opened, the situation is really out of control. This is the intention of the secret master Or is the remaining layout driven by the power of the Great Tribulation?

Xing Tian didn’t know, but no matter which possibility it was, it’s not a good thing. It would make this secret world turbulent, make everyone incredibly crazy, make people's hearts worse, and dare not trust any companions, because You don't know if the other party will be affected by this qi luck and will suddenly kill yourself!

With a move of his mind, Xing Tian’s divine consciousness quickly penetrated into his body, penetrated into the sea of ​​consciousness of his soul, to observe the power of luck, and to understand where the power of luck came from. Is it this secret world, the realm battlefield world, or even the supreme chaos world, only by understanding the nature of the matter, can we better carry out the next exploration!

auzw.com "Damn, this force of air luck actually has the mark of the great road, and it is not allowed to explore. This is a big trouble!" When he found the force of luck, Xing Tian's His expression became more solemn, and there was a great road imprint on this strength of air luck. Xing Tian couldn’t trace its origin, and couldn’t know the source of this force of air luck. He had to forcibly investigate and only violently cracked the road brand. It will provoke a counterattack from the mark of the avenue, and it will definitely hurt itself.

"What a great catastrophe of heaven and earth, what a secret world, it seems that the situation has reached the point where it is out of control. Now that even the power such as the mark of the avenue has emerged, it seems that this world is really unstoppable, and the great disaster is going crazy. Unfolding, I just don’t know how those who promoted this catastrophe will react when they know all this, and will they regret it!"

The great calamity develops so rapidly that it will make the strong men who had been retired take the initiative to jump out one by one and take the initiative to participate in this great disaster. Just like the strong man Xing Tian just met, their appearance directly undermines the great disaster. The development of the robbery directly caused an uncontrollable change in the robbery, making the whole world crazier and more terrifying!

"Forget it, I don't have time to study these issues. Now I should hurry up to improve my own combat power. Only when you become stronger is the best result. Only when you are strong can you have the power to protect yourself. It’s better to take away the crystals, or else I don’t know when they will jump out one after another terrible enemies!" Xing Tian temporarily put aside the research on the power of luck. This kind of thing has too many variables, the most The most important thing is to acquire a lot of resources in the secret world, to continuously strengthen oneself, and to strengthen one's own combat power. This is the most important thing!

If this terrible enemy hadn’t appeared just now, Xingtian would not have made a crazy decision and would not do his best to pay, but now it’s different. If Xingtian didn’t make a full shot, the city of thunder punishment appeared in Xingtian’s hands. , A terrible breath came out, then Xing Tian's figure flashed, his body did not enter the city of thunder punishment, and then a flash of thunder light flashed, the city of thunder punishment fell directly into the big crack, let the violent space-time storm attack no matter how , It is difficult to wipe out the defense of the city of thunder and punishment.

In an instant, under the control of Xing Tian, ​​the city of thunder punishment fell to the bottom of the big crack and came to the top of the crystal of time and space. At this moment, Xing Tian could clearly feel the impact from the crystal of time and space, even if he In the city of thunder punishment, under the protection of this treasure, you can still feel the terrible impact. This is the terrible rule of the origin of time and space. Even a treasure like the city of thunder punishment cannot completely resist time. The impact of the source, where there is space, will be the impact of the crystal of time and space!

"Open the door of the world to me, the hand of the world, take a photo!" With Xing Tian's deep cry, the inner world opened a door to the world under the auspices of the clone, and the root of the world tree turned into a huge palm Passed directly through the gate of the world, passed through the city of thunder punishment, and landed on the crystal of time and space, grabbing it directly in his hand.

In just an instant, the gate of the world dissipated, the crystal of time and space disappeared in the big crack, and Xing Tian finally had a faint smile on his face. He succeeded, and I have to say that this time his own adventure is worthwhile. The earth, directly completed the grasp of the time and space crystal, and he did not personally, but took advantage of the power of the world tree to grasp it with the power of the world, or the result would be unthinkable. At that moment, Xing Tian With the help of the world tree clone to feel the terrible murderous intent, this time-space crystal is not the original treasure, but the godhead. It combines the godhead condensed by the strong killing intent, and controls the murderous intent of time and space!

If it weren’t for the world tree clone to have a world as the foundation, the inner world as the source, and the blessing of the world heart, I’m afraid that the moment of contact would be touched and killed by this godhead’s killing intent. , Will be taken away by this godhead. If this happens, Xingtian will be in great trouble, and his own path of practice will also collapse!

"Damn, you can't be so careless in the future. This time the world tree clone can use the world's origin to resolve the impact of the killing intent at that time. Next time I will not have such luck. Although the chance is good, my life is more important. If the world tree clone is seized, one's own world avenue will completely collapse, and the collapse of the inner world will definitely affect the physical body. At that time, one's own path of practice will be completely cut off, and the severance of the path of practice also means that one's own destiny has fallen! "

Thinking about it, I feel terrible. The murderous intent of time and space is too terrifying. Xing Tian is horrified by the power, and feared for it. With just one confrontation, the origin of the tree of the world consumes one tenth of it. Fortunately, With the help of the power of the entire world, with the power of a perfect world, no matter how strong the power of this godhead is, it can't come back.

However, everything has two sides. The bad punishment Xingtian feels, and also when this time-space godhead is captured, the rules of the inner world are changing. The roots of the world tree's time and space avenue are rapidly improving, and the world tree can be cloned. I clearly feel my progress on the avenue of time and space. It seems that after suppressing this godhead, the power of the godhead is showing myself the ultimate mystery of the origin of time and space, and is promoting the development of the inner world!

"It's a pity, if this is just a crystal of time and space, how good it would be. I can complete the perfection of the avenue of time and space in the shortest time, and be able to see the origin of the avenue of time and space. The tree clones bit by bit to obliterate the time and space murder of the godhead, this is not only a waste of own time, but also a waste of own origin!"

Of course, if you pay, you will gain. The more you pay, the more naturally you will get. To obliterate the time and space murder in the Godhead, although it will cause a certain loss to yourself, you can also get more gains. The magical powers in the two powerful killing minds can see the magical powers of the time-space avenue evolving. This is also a great help for Xingtian. It will strengthen Xingtian's combat direction and give Xingtian's physical instincts. sublimation!

Once Xing Tian’s physical fighting instinct is sublimated, Xing Tian’s gains can be greatly realized. Even if the fighting instincts of the two powerhouses are incomplete, they also have unimaginable benefits for their own transformation and evolution. Therefore, Xing Tian’s mouth has Some are not reconciled, but in fact his heart is still extremely happy, extremely happy.

It’s not a big deal to waste a little more time, and it’s no big deal to consume a little more of the world’s origins. As long as you can be sublimated, as long as you can integrate the power of the Godhead into yourself, all the price you pay is worthwhile. , All are acceptable. After all, there will be gains if you pay. If you want to pay nothing, you can get huge benefits. That is impossible! .

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