God of Destruction

Chapter 3877: Accident

Chapter 3877: Accident

Time and the speed of self-cultivation are always difficult to balance. For Xing Tian, ​​what is still lacking is time, but when faced with time and self-cultivation, Xing Tian still chose to practice, and did not ignore his foundation in order to quickly improve his combat power. Desperately accumulating strength, after all, the foundation is the most important thing. Even if this secret world is a trap for oneself, Xing Tian will not break his foundation and break his path of cultivation for temporary safety.

"Now that the time and space crystals are in hand, I don’t know what changes will happen next. If this is really a trap for myself, if this secret world is really in the grasp of others, then the other party will definitely not give me a practice. At the time of the year, I will first go find a safe place to retreat, and test what is going on in this secret realm!"

For Xingtian, the most important thing is to explore the real situation of the secret realm. Only by knowing oneself and the enemy can he get the first chance in the next battle. If everything is as he guessed, the secret realm world is really a trap. Be careful.

At this time, Xing Tian is looking for a safe place to practice. Obviously, he wants to break through his own bottleneck. As long as this secret world is in the grasp of others and is aimed at people like Xing Tian, ​​he will naturally not give Xing Tian such a breakthrough opportunity and will definitely guide others. The enemy appeared in front of Xing Tian, ​​interrupting Xing Tian's sudden opportunity, and Xing Tian fell into a dangerous battle again!

If nothing happens, this is even better. Xing Tian can make a breakthrough with peace of mind, and complete his own transformation with peace of mind. Even if it is only a small breakthrough, it will be a qualitative transformation for Xing Tian, ​​and it will be upside down. Change, your combat power will be greatly improved, and you will be safer in the secret world! As for the treasures of this secret world, it’s not too late to wait for one's own practice to go further. After all, the entire secret world is so huge that it is impossible to be sacked in a short time. The so-called sharpening of the knife and not cutting wood by mistake, only your own Only when the combat power is strong can you get more opportunities. Strength is the root of everything. This is an unchanging truth. It applies under any circumstances!

With a turn of his mind, Xing Tian’s divine consciousness was fully opened, and the entire planet was enveloped in his divine consciousness, searching for a safer place, then Xing Tian’s figure flickered, and he immediately left the big crack, and this still remained. With a faint trace of the origin of time and space, as to whether anyone will follow the Qi machine to find himself, Xing Tian is not worried, this is a secret world, the laws are chaotic, if someone can really follow the Qi machine to find himself, then it must be powerful It is impossible to guide in secret, otherwise!

The most important thing is that Xing Tian didn’t do anything with his own deity, but with the help of the world tree clone’s power to mobilize the power of the world to take away the time and space crystals in one fell swoop. Here, there will be no aura of the deity left, even if there is a breath. The world power of the world tree clone wants to use the power of the world to track Xing Tian's whereabouts. This is just a joke and cannot be achieved!

Soon after Xing Tian left, a group of powerful figures appeared on this planet. They were all from the outside world. They were all attracted by the aura of the sky at that time. It seemed that this group of powerful men came from one force. Such a terrifying force appears in the secret realm, which will be a huge threat to everyone in the secret realm. Everyone here is no worse than the strong ones encountered before Xingtian. At this moment, they are in the shadows. Standing on the void, it seems to be lying on the long river of time and space on this planet, staring at this time and space, wanting to explore the secrets of this planet.

"Strange, I clearly perceive this place before, there is a breath of the origin of the time and space avenue, but now I have found nothing, only a faint violent time and space origin fluctuations, what is going on? Is it wrong?" A strong man with extraordinary strength frowned and said in a puzzled manner.

"I feel the same way, so I brought people here quickly, but there are no traces of battle in this place, only the trace of abnormal time and space fluctuations, which is very weird." The other strong also nodded in response.

These people are all from the same force. Obviously, the two of them who took the lead have practiced time or space avenues. Otherwise, it is impossible to sense the fluctuations of time and space so easily and come here in such a short time. It is a pity to wait for them. It is empty, nothing, not even a chance to find it!

"Since you also have such an induction, this shows that our induction is absolutely not wrong. It must be that time and space origin treasures appear here, but there is no trace of battle. This shows that the opponent's strength is extremely powerful, and it is in the time and space. Going farther above, and only in this way, can you complete the collection of the source treasure in the shortest time, and then leave quietly, and the strength of the other party is likely to be above you and me. Such a person appears here, it looks like Things are not as simple as we thought. There are old antiques like us, and the world is going to change color."

Everyone glanced at each other, they all saw the solemnity in each other's eyes, because they all understood how terrifying it would be to them once such a situation happened. Such a strong person would definitely appear in the secret realm. Upsetting the balance here will threaten everyone's lives. This is the result they least want to see!

"Let’s go, now that we have come to the secret world, we must be careful, and everyone should be mentally prepared before coming. After all, this is a country left over from the previous era. It is normal for any danger to occur. There is also a little ambition, which will be crazy about it. When entering here, everyone is ready to die. Since this opportunity is gone, it means that we have no chance. There is no need to waste time here!" A strong man Shen said.

At this point, since there is no chance, everyone naturally agrees with these words, there is no need to waste your time for a chance that has disappeared, and even if you can find a clue, in the end, people like yourself can get from each other. Do you take away that opportunity? This is unlikely. They are not fools, so they will naturally weigh the pros and cons. After experiencing this incident, they become more cautious. This is no longer the world of the weak, but there are more strong ones!


When so many powerful men suddenly descended on this planet, Xing Tian naturally noticed that Xing Tian’s mood fell to a low point in an instant, thinking that the worst thing he had guessed had happened, and there was really a black hand controlling it. He was leading the enemy to siege himself, but Xing Tian soon found out that he was wrong again. These people did not come for themselves, but were attracted by the original atmosphere of time and space before, but they came one step late.

Fortunately, Xing Tian did not have the impulse. Even when these strong men appeared, he did not carelessly expose himself. Xing Tian was able to conceal the search of these people so easily, mainly because of the protection of the first-grade black lotus on his body. This planet is originally It was a dead silence, and the same an aura of destruction exuded by the first-grade exterminating black lotus could perfectly integrate Xing Tian into this world without being noticed by outsiders, so Xing Tian escaped a terrible killing!

"It seems that I am still suspicious. It is not as dark and terrible as I thought. There is no power controlling everything. With these people leaving, this time things have come to an end. It is time to meditate. Comprehend yourself and complete your own transformation!" Why Xing Tian is so anxious to practice because when the inner world obliterates the power of the time and space godhead, it triggers the inner world's instinctive transformation, and this time Qiaqia is the easiest time to enlighten.

Although Xingtian does not want to take the Dao of Time and Space, he cannot afford to miss the opportunity, and the loss will never come. With such a good understanding of the opportunity of the Dao of Time and Space, he cannot give up in any way, and he does not really need to practice the Dao of Time and Space, as long as he can brand one or two The magical powers of the Time and Space Avenue are enough, which will give one more means to protect yourself!

If you are too greedy to chew, Xing Tian can still understand this truth. Since he has already made a choice, he will not disrupt his original path of practice because of a sudden opportunity. No matter how good the path of time and space is, now It’s not the foundation of one’s own deity’s practice, nor will I let myself give up my previous Dao and change to the Space-Time Dao, even if it’s easier to make myself a real powerhouse, but this is still not the result Xingtian wants. No matter how good the **** is, then It is not the fruit of the Tao that I have condensed. In the early stage, I will be unimpeded on the path of practice, but when I reach the end of the avenue, I will find that it still cannot integrate into myself, and cannot truly allow myself to transcend the world, the universe, and get rid of it. Heaven and earth disaster!

If you change to another person, you will not hesitate to abandon yourself when you get the godhead and understand the purpose of the godhead. After all, the existence of the godhead represents the approval of the heavens and the earth, and it represents a step through the sky, but Xing Tian still endured and did not suffer this. The influence of temptation did not give up the path of self-cultivation, but continued to follow his own path.

There are too many accidents and too many changes on the road of practice. I don’t know when I will face huge temptations. On the road of Xingtian’s practice, I don’t know how many such temptations and tempers I have experienced. , But Xing Tian persisted, and didn't change his heart because of how amazing the external temptation was.

Cultivating the mind, if you can’t even hold on to your own soul, cannot stick to your own path of practice, blindly moved by external temptations, it will only make your path of practice harder to see hope, the last time your own path is destroyed Xingtian They have persisted, and there is no reason to be attracted by Time and Space Avenue at this time.

The mind is emptied, the spirit enters into the inner world, like a bystander, quietly feeling the changes in the inner world, feeling the changes in the world caused by the power emanating from the godhead of the time and space in the inner world, at this moment , Xing Tian can feel the origin of the inner world skyrocketing frantically, the origin of time and space is constantly pouring out, the laws of time and space are appearing, the world is trembling, in the trembling, the laws of time and space It also blends into every corner of the world.

"This is the display of the avenue of time and space. This is the display of the origin of the law. It is a pity that the time for the origin of the law is too short. Otherwise, the entire inner world will benefit greatly from this transformation. Feelings can easily perceive the avenue of time and space, allowing oneself to go further along the road of time and space!"

However, Xing Tian didn’t care too much. Dadao was not given by others. How much benefits these people in the inner world can get depends on their own opportunities and abilities. He can’t always take care of them. It should be their chance, after all. There will be results, not by their chance, and forcing them to get nothing, this is the rule of heaven and earth.

The heavens and the earth are evolving, the rules are evolving, the power of the laws of time and space is constantly pouring out of the godhead and merging into every corner of the world. The creatures living in the inner world naturally change from this. Some benefits have been gained in this process. For those who practice the Dao of Time and Space, they have made this opportunity to further their understanding of the Dao, making it easier for themselves to realize a stronger Dao of Time and Space!

Regarding the transformation of the world, Xing Tian did not interfere, and allowed the world to evolve on its own, because only the world evolves on its own is the most perfect and most suitable. If external forces are used to interfere forcibly, perhaps the world will develop in a short time. The most beneficial, but in the long run, it is the opposite. It will eventually affect the transformation and evolution of the world! At this time, even the world clone gave up the mastery of the world, allowing one's own mind to be immersed in the transformation of the world, and Xing Tian's deity would not make any move.

The origin of each Tao is continuously integrated into the inner world, constantly improving the time and space of the inner world, and the tree of the world is constantly growing. This is the great benefit of the world tree clone, which can grow with the growth of the world. To grow, as long as you have enough self, you can evolve to the extreme of the world, and grow to a level comparable to the chaotic world. Of course, the advantages are obvious, and the disadvantages are also obvious. The World Avenue is different from other avenues, and you really want to go. To the extreme, it will take a long time, not to mention, it also needs a perfect Three Thousand Avenue, and no matter what it is, it will make people desperate, and will be scared off by this terrible need. The creatures who have truly reached the peak on the World Avenue, Xing Tian didn't know and couldn't guess how terrifying and powerful it was. Maybe that kind of power could really survive the era of great destruction and be able to surpass everything!

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