God of Destruction

Chapter 3878: Time and Space One Finger

Chapter 3878: A Finger on Time and Space

With the continuous integration of the origin of time and space, the changes in the inner world have become more and more intense. The tree of world gradually emits a powerful halo, countless origins of time and space are integrated into the tree of world, and countless origins of time and space are integrated into the inner world. Among them, when many laws of time and space continue to strengthen, gradually the inner world begins to transform, the whole world is roaring, the world tree clone begins to evolve, and the power of time and space laws condenses and merges in the world tree. Between the breaths, a rune of time and space condenses and forms, and at this time, the power of the world also merges into it. The origin of time and space is condensed on the tree of the world, exuding a rich origin of time and space, when this rune is condensed into Time represents the formation of the time-space avenue of the world within the penalty day.

Opportunity, this is the opportunity Xing Tian wanted. With a thought, Xing Tian’s mind quickly merged into the world tree clone. At this moment, Xing Tian could feel that the inner world was changing, the avenue of time and space was condensing, and the entire inner world seemed to be time and space. The whole world is shrouded by a huge space-time origin, and the power of the world is increasing crazily. The inner world seems to have broken a limit, connected to the endless supreme chaotic world, the world is constantly growing, the world The power is endless!

At this moment, Xing Tian seemed to have entered the long river of time and space, and was advancing along the long river of time and space in search of the source of time and space. After a few breaths, Xing Tian's mind was shaken out of the river of time and space by a powerful rune, and this time and space rune It is directly imprinted on Xingtian’s Soul Consciousness Sea. This is the reward given to Xingtian deity after the inner world breaks through a limit, the imprint of the Dao of Time and Space, the imprint of the origin of time and space, and this imprint directly affects the soul of Xing Tian. !

When the deity’s mind was shaken out of the inner world and returned to himself, Xing Tian immediately found that his body had also undergone earth-shaking changes. Every cell was covered by a huge world origin, and each cell condensed a huge world origin. The power of his own body seems to be filled with the origin of the world, as if his own body is being globalized at this moment, and his own power is also growing endlessly, to the extent that Xing Tian himself is shocked!

Undoubtedly, all of this is the great benefit that the soul gains when he perceives the transformation of the inner world. The soul follows the power of the origin of time and space to enter the long river of time and space. The soul consciousness directly draws on the power of the world tree clone, from time and space. Sufficient world origin has been absorbed in the long river, and it will directly affect the body when the soul returns!

The origin of the huge world is not what Xing Tian cares most about. What Xing Tian attaches the most importance to is not the origin of the world. As long as there is an inner world, as long as the world tree is still there, the origin of the world is not lacking for Xing Tian. Xing Tian cares most about time and space. In the long river, the imprint of supernatural powers that I felt was the true imprint of the origin of the Great Path of Time and Space.

What is the imprint of this supernatural power? For Xing Tian, ​​he doesn’t want to be a magical power to assist in cultivation. After all, Xing Tian does not lack auxiliary power. He has an inner world, and auxiliary magical powers are not very helpful to him. What Xing Tian hopes to get is the brand of offensive magical powers. It is also the imprint of supernatural power that assists in life-saving. After all, when this secret world is opened, too many changes have taken place in the entire battlefield world, too many powerful men wake up from their deep sleep, and the whole world becomes more dangerous!

Time and space pointed, this is the imprint of supernatural power that Xing Tian deity got from the long river of time and space! Xing Tian finally breathed a sigh of relief after his mind was immersed in the imprint of supernatural powers. This is an offensive imprint of supernatural powers. The godhead he obtained from the big crack is indeed offensive. Power, be careful when the mind is truly fused After reaching the imprint of this magical power, Xing Tian knew the terrible power of this magical power. It was a one-stroke killer magical power. He pointed out that he consumed his own huge source, and directly passed through the long river of time and space to obliterate the existence of the enemy. The origin can pass through how many time and space, and with the most powerful force at present, directly obliterate the enemy that survives in that time and space, and obliterate the opponent from the origin.

This is a terrible magical power. If he can devote enough original power, it means that Xing Tian can directly penetrate the long river of time and space and obliterate it when the enemy is at its weakest. However, this kind of power is currently not available to Xing Tian, ​​at least It’s impossible to face those truly strong. After all, no matter whether you are above your own realm or your original foundation, Xing Tian is not enough to do this. The stronger the enemy, the longer the cultivation time. , The more terrifying the source Xing Tian needs to pay.

Of course, this is not absolute. If it is a strong man who has been hit hard, Xing Tian may not have the power to kill the opponent, but to do this, Xing Tian needs to learn more about the imprint of this supernatural power and truly master it. Supernatural power brand, otherwise this supernatural power brand will be like a tasteless existence to Xing Tian, ​​if one is not careful, he will be pitted to death!

"This supernatural power is indeed amazing, but if it is not well mastered, it will be too much trouble. If it is smashed to death by one's own supernatural power, it is too wrong!" Xing Tian couldn't help but sigh softly after feeling the supernatural power of Time and Space. This magical power is not an ordinary magical power, it is a truly supreme magical power, even if it is ranked first in the avenue of time and space, it is a supreme magical power that can truly accompany oneself for life, and has endless potential. Stronger, the greater the power of this magical power, there is no limit. If there is a limit, there is only one point, that is, the limit of the Great Way of Time and Space, which is the limit of the long river of time and space. If the magical powers are really cultivated to the limit, it means Xing Tian himself has mastered it. One minute of the origin of the time and space avenue, you can manipulate the power of one minute of the time and space avenue!

Only with a magical power brand, there is such a mighty power. It cannot be said that Xingtian really got a great opportunity this time, and even his own deity has received such a great benefit. One can imagine what his clone world tree has obtained. How great the benefits are, and one can imagine how much the inner world will undergo. When thinking about this, Xing Tian couldn't help but reveal a faint smile!


It’s worth it. It’s really worth taking a risk this time, and the price paid is much lower than what you get. With this magical power in hand, your ability to survive in this secret world is even stronger. Although the City of Thunder Punishment is very good and easy to use, it can be used anywhere. Sometimes the City of Thunder Punishment cannot attack. After all, this is a secret world. The power of the rules here is very strange. It is easy to cause terrible changes!

"You don't need to worry about things in the inner world. You can control everything with a clone. Now the original power brought by the return of the soul is enough to break through. No matter how strong the clone is, it will not be able to mobilize too much power for a moment. After all, the energy of the clone needs to be placed in the obliteration and refining of the origin of the godhead. Now let's break through!"

With a heart move, Xing Tian’s huge world origin power is absorbed, refining, the origin of the Great Way of Good Fortune is surging frantically, constantly absorbing the world origin power, this time Xing Tian needs to rely on the huge world power Promote the transformation and evolution of the Dao of Good Fortune. Although Xing Tian has not yet rebuilt the original treasure of the Dao of Good Fortune, if he can transform the Dao of Good Fortune this time, he can at least slightly balance the imbalance between the Dao of Chaos Destruction and the Dao of Good Fortune, so that he can It’s a lot easier. After all, the Great Way of Chaos Destroy can't exceed the Great Way of Good Fortune. Otherwise, your Great Way of Good Fortune will only be wiped out bit by bit by the Great Way of Chaos Destroyed. Eventually it will become the nourishment of the Great Way of Chaos Destroy, not what Xing Tian wanted result.

Although the Chaos Destruction Avenue is astonishingly powerful, Xingtian has to be the Chaos Destruction Avenue and the Good Fortune Avenue coexisting, if it is balanced, if it can form a true Yin-Yang balance, or even further evolve into the real supreme Chaos Avenue, and a single Even if the Avenue of Chaos Destruction reaches the end, it is difficult to achieve this. Although the end of the Avenue of Chaos Destruction is good fortune, it will not really evolve into the Supreme Chaos Avenue. In Xing Tian's eyes, the Supreme Chaos Avenue is the foundation of transcending the world.

Why does Xing Tian think so? The reason is very simple. This time the return of my soul has brought a huge world origin from the long river of time and space. This is enough to prove that my previous guess is feasible. If the two opposing avenues work together, they can make their own way. The evolution of the supreme chaos, this time-space avenue is enough to prove that if one's own chaotic destruction avenue and the avenue of good fortune evolve to the limit, reaching the balance of yin and yang, and then can be merged together, it is impossible to condense the real supreme chaos avenue, and it cannot be detached. The world is beyond everything.

From the city of thunder punishment, Xing Tian once felt the avenue of thunder and knew the existence of the ancient Thunder God. He cultivated the avenue of thunder to an extremely powerful realm and mastered the power of the rules of the avenue of thunder, but in the end he was still alive. Mianqiang passed down his own traditions. This is enough to show that when the real world catastrophe comes, even the strongest standing on the top of the world will have the possibility of death. When the entire universe, the entire world is Towards destruction, a single road cannot escape!

At this moment, Xing Tian suddenly had a crazy thought in his heart, whether he could use this realm battlefield world to test his own guess, whether he could use the last battlefield world of the realm battlefield. Heaven and earth catastrophe, this world extinction catastrophe is to speculate that walking the avenue of integration is the foundation of avenue practice, and it is the most correct way to escape the catastrophe!

Although this idea is crazy, it is not impossible to do it, and it is possible to succeed. After all, the time and space Godhead that I got from the big crack is a good proof that the avenue of time and space is below its limit. It can be integrated, and the origin of Time and Space Avenue can be condensed, and the origin of Time and Space Avenue can survive the destruction of an era!

Xingtian has nothing to say if it is the great treasure of the Great Dao where the origin of heaven and earth evolves on its own. At this time, the godhead of time and space is not completely evolving by the origin of heaven and earth on its own. Moreover, their fighting instinct still remains in this godhead, which is enough to prove that Xing Tian's guess is feasible!

"No, you can't do this. Maybe it's feasible, but the consequences of doing so are very dangerous. If you are not careful, your life will be ruined in this realm battlefield world. After all, no matter how strong I am, I cannot be in a short time. Evolve the avenue of chaos destruction and the avenue of good fortune to the limit. I am not the innate gods and demons bred by the heavens and the earth. I can’t have their strong roots. I overestimate myself and look up to myself. I will only plunge myself into death. Will kill my own life!"

When thinking of this, Xing Tian couldn't help but shudder, his face instantly became dignified, and he muttered to himself in a low voice: "Damn, why did I suddenly have such a thought? Fortunately, I woke up in time. The madness of greed is affected, or it is really unthinkable. Once I do this, it is an enemy to the whole world. No matter how strong a person is, he cannot be an enemy to the world. Once I do this His choice will surely become the public enemy of the world, and will be rejected by the world. At that time, let alone guessing his own guess, his life is hard to be guaranteed. The original will of the realm battlefield world will guide all living beings to clear my hidden danger, this life and death Enemy, at that time, no matter how much I kill, I cannot kill the enemy in the entire world!"

It is a good thing to break through one's own avenue, but if there is such a crazy idea in his heart, it is a bad thing of Tianda. When Xing Tian was about to break through the avenue of his own good fortune, he attracted such a crazy idea, which illustrates a huge problem, a Very dangerous problems, heart calamity, heart demon calamity, my breakthrough has caused disasters while the mind is turning, and he is silently attacking himself, and if there is a slight difference, he will be destroyed by this heart demon calamity.

"Damn it, this is just a breakthrough in the Great Way of Good Fortune. It is just a thought that has attracted the Devil's Tribulation. This path of practice that I have chosen is really so dangerous, is it really impossible to get through? Is it really so jealous? "I can't help Xing Tian not think so. Who hasn't really made a breakthrough yet, and just a heartbeat has attracted the evil spirits of the heart. This has to make Xing Tian think so much, and Xing Tian has to be so cautious. After all, this reality is too terrifying. ! The heart is still true. If you really attack the Great Path of Good Fortune, what kind of calamity will you face, and will you be able to withstand the test of the Great Path of Good Fortune? Xing Tian is not 100% sure about this. Under such circumstances, one can naturally imagine his own mood. After all, such a crisis is something he had never thought of before!

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