God of Destruction

Chapter 3879: Nucleus

Chapter 3879: Star Core

After Xing Tian regained his consciousness, he immediately withdrew from the ridiculous thought. After regaining his sanity, Xing Tian felt that the origin of his own good fortune was madly strengthening, and the world source within himself was quickly transformed into the good fortune source, the good fortune. The insights rushed to my heart frantically, and the traces of insight into the rules of the Great Way of Good Fortune were continuously integrated into oneself, allowing his body to begin to transform, and endless vitality began to bloom from his body.

When the Great Way of Good Fortune was rising, when Great Way of Good Fortune was about to transform and succeed, suddenly, Xing Tian felt that his chaotic destruction avenue was trembling, even if it was suppressed by the original treasure of the first-grade black lotus, but still There is an urge to break away from one's own grasp, as if to attack the road of good fortune that is about to change!

Threat! This is the chaotic destruction avenue that felt the threat from the avenue of good fortune, and reacted instinctively. This is the hidden danger caused by the two opposing avenues. And this is also the most terrible threat to the opposing avenue. Together, a careless one will form a backlash. Just like Xing Tian now, he has to face the impact from the chaotic destruction avenue. If you can’t pass this level, let alone the improvement of the good fortune avenue, even if your own avenue can be preserved. It's all a problem.

Opposite avenues are not so easy to cultivate, especially if the chaotic destruction avenue and the good fortune avenue are gathered together like Xing Tian, ​​it will be even more dangerous. The chaotic destruction avenue and the good fortune avenue are not time and space avenues, time and space. Although the avenues are all avenues against the sky, they do not exist in opposition. They can merge with each other and hardly form conflicts. However, the avenue of chaos and destruction is different from the avenue of good fortune. It is a avenue that is naturally opposed.

"Damn, I knew there would be such a problem. Opposing avenues is definitely not as simple as imagined. If the Supreme Chaos avenue is so easy to cultivate successfully, it will not be a avenue road that can surpass everything. These pure two opposites The danger brought by the breakthrough of the avenue is far greater than that of the three thousand avenues gathered together. If the three thousand avenues are gathered together, other avenues can be used to reconcile the impulse and resolve the conflict, but this opposing avenue is different. The possibility of reconciliation, there is no possibility of reconciliation, everything must be reconciled with one's own strength, there is no shortcut at all!"

Yes! Just practicing the opposing avenues, the pressure for Xingtian is much higher than when the three thousand avenues are gathered together, although Xingtian also has a third power, and the world avenue is in hand, under this situation Xingtian can’t do it at all. To reconcile the conflict, on the one hand, the inner world is now in a process of transformation, and the inner world is also improving. It is impossible for the world tree clone to help the deity, and more importantly, the Xingtian deity cannot. In doing so, I walked on the avenue against the sky, to the pure avenue. The two opposing avenues cannot be affected by the other avenues. If one uses the world avenue, one accidentally will let the origin of the world avenue affect its chaotic destruction avenue and good fortune. Dao, this will greatly affect the purity of Xing Tian's own Dao. Such a result is not what Xing Tian wants to see, and it is also impossible for Xing Tian to bear.

"After all, there is too little foundation. If one's own good fortune avenue has the same treasure as the first-grade extinction black lotus, this situation will not happen at all, it is precisely because your own good fortune avenue does not carry the most treasure, and is breaking through Only then will it cause the backlash of the Chaos Destroy Avenue, and such a big problem. If this time a successful breakthrough, we must find the original treasure that can carry the Great Fortune Avenue as quickly as possible, or else I’m afraid it will be true next time. No chance!"

This is not Xing Tian’s own random thoughts, but a fact. This time he has a chance to succeed in the transformation of the Dao of Good Fortune, but next time he will not have a chance again, because this time the transformation of the Dao of Good Fortune has been successfully caused. The hostility of chaos destroying the avenue has already caused an imbalance in itself. If such a problem occurs again, it is not something that I can easily suppress. At that time, I will either give up a avenue or go toward destruction!

If you are only looking for a general treasure that carries the original source, it is nothing to Xing Tian, ​​and there is no big difficulty, but Xing Tian needs not the general supremacy, but a treasure that can be equivalent to the first-grade black lotus. It is best to be able to The treasure of the same origin, and the most ideal treasure in Xing Tian’s heart is naturally the Chaos Fortune Qinglian, and only the Chaos Fortune Qinglian can be compared with the extinct black lotus, and can have the same origin, because whether it is the extinction black Whether it is a lotus or a chaotic green lotus, it is all derived from the highest chaotic origin, or more accurately from the chaotic eternal green lotus.

It’s not always that I will have the same great opportunity as before. I can use the power of heaven to evolve my own avenue to the extreme, and can condense the first-grade black lotus that perfectly carries its chaotic destruction avenue, and it is necessary to condense the chaotic good fortune Qinglian. , It is not an easy task, only the origin of chaos is not enough, there must be a treasure of the true origin of chaos, and there is a chance to succeed at a specific moment and under a special environment!

When the First-Rank Destroyer Black Lotus was fully operational, suppressing the origin of the chaotic destruction avenue that he was about to explode, Xing Tian let out a low cry: "Break me, good fortune is endless, the avenue is transformed!"

With Xing Tian's deep cry, the power of the Great Path of Good Fortune burst out, and his own world power was madly swallowed up. At this moment, Xing Tian seized this crucial opportunity without hesitation and immediately attacked the Great Road of Good Fortune. The origin, directly broke the chain of the Dao blessing in itself, and directly completed the transformation of the Dao of Good Fortune!

With a loud bang, the Great Dao of Good Fortune in Xing Tian’s body has completed its final transformation, and a trace of chaotic essence is condensed in the Dao of Good Fortune. The Dao of Good Fortune has completely completed this transformation and evolved into the Great Dao of Chaos. It’s a pity that Good Fortune The avenue has been transformed successfully, but the origin of this avenue is a little vain, unable to balance the chaotic destruction of the avenue, and the most important reason is that it does not carry the original treasure of its own good fortune.

auzw.com When the origins of the Great Avenue of Chaos were condensed and formed, the forces of the Great Avenue of Chaos Destruction and Great Destruction of Chaos all converged in themselves. In Xing Tian’s body, these two forces began to riot , They all felt each other's existence, and they were all sending out a strong fighting spirit. They wanted to use Xing Tian's body as the battlefield to have a life and death duel!

In an instant, centered on Xingtian's body, the terrifying chaotic destruction avenue and the good fortune avenue formed a terrible atmosphere, which directly enveloped the planet. The entire planet was shaken by the original power of these two avenues, and was destroyed in chaos. Under the confrontation between the avenue and the avenue of chaotic good fortune, this planet seems to have a mysterious change. Under the domain of destruction and good fortune, the entire planet has been refined, impurities have been removed, and the speed of the planet visible to the naked eye is fast. Zoom out.

Ablation! The entire planet is melting crazily between the heavens and the earth at this moment, and this ablation is only a reduction in size, but the origin of the planet has not dissipated. It is completely suppressed by the Avenue of Chaos Destruction and Avenue of Chaos Creations, and the impurities in it are removed. The essence is constantly being refined, just a few breaths, a huge planet disappears, and the transformation is replaced by a palm-sized black sphere appearing in Xingtian's hands!

This is the star core. Under Xing Tian's unconsciousness, he used the power of his own chaotic destruction avenue and chaotic good fortune avenue to form a powerful opposing field power, directly refining the planet under his feet, and condensing it into a star core of perfect quality. A star core with a trace of space-time origin, during those long years, this planet has already been eroded by the space-time origin, so under the condensing of the powerful domain, the formed star core naturally has a trace of space-time origin.

When the star nuclei condensed, Xing Tian's body was also shocked, and a terrifying light appeared in his eyes. It seemed that a terrible chaotic atmosphere appeared in the depths of the pupils. Xing Tian felt painful to complete this time. The breakthrough, with the help of this breakthrough, also comprehended the great path of chaotic good fortune, grasped a trace of the power of great chaotic good fortune, and took a crucial step!

When taking this crucial step, when the star core was condensing, Xing Tian had an inexplicable impulse in his heart, wanting to use this star core as the basis to carry his own chaotic road of good fortune, but fortunately Xing Tian gave up in time. This idea, although there is a trace of chaotic origin in the star core, it also contains a trace of time and space origin. Using such a treasure to carry one's own chaotic avenue of good fortune, perhaps it will allow one to balance its own avenue in the shortest time, but It will affect the quality of its own road!

"Damn, I know that even if I break through my own bottleneck, I have to face the impact of the devil's calamity again. I want to use this method to cut off my path of cultivation. It seems that I am in this secret world. , Still can't get rid of the impact of the will of heaven and earth on oneself, this is the danger of the road against the sky, no power can stop the test of the will of heaven and earth!"

Being able to cause such an impact on his own mind at this critical moment, Xing Tian couldn't think that other forces could do this except for the will of heaven and earth. Even the secret world could not shield the will of heaven and earth, showing how dangerous his situation is.

After feeling short enough that his own chaotic great road of good fortune was successfully transformed, Xing Tian found that his soul seemed to have changed, and there was also a slight difference. The original power of his own huge world had long since disappeared. Now he is full of destruction and The power of good fortune can spur the power of chaos to destroy the avenue and the power of chaotic good fortune with every gesture!

"The soul has indeed changed, there is a trace of chaos, and it has also become stronger, but how can this trace of chaos have a familiar feeling, as if I have seen it before, what is going on?" Feeling your own When the soul changed, Xing Tian couldn't help but wondered about it. He had never felt this way in his own memory!

"No, this is not the fusion of the Chaos Destruction Avenue and the Chaos Creation Avenue, this aura seems to be the same as this secret world!" When thinking about the secret world, Xing Tian's expression instantly changed its color. Suddenly, Xing Tian figured out the problem. This trace of chaos was similar to the secret world, more accurately it came from the secret world, but not from the big environment, but the planet refined by himself. The familiar feeling is the power of air luck. I refine a planet and condense a star core. Although it is unconscious, the essence will not change. If I collect a planet, nature will plunder. A source of this secret world.

"Hey! Crazy, this world is really crazy. Why does this secret world exist? You can condense a trace of luck by refining a planet yourself. This is terrible. This shows that everyone is Crazy, endless planets, each one has a trace of luck. Isn’t this encouraging everyone to plunder the planet?"

No wonder Xing Tian was so shocked. If every planet could condense a star core and condense a piece of air for itself, this secret world would be too crazy. Xing Tian just felt that each other could plunder each other’s air. Nowadays, even planets can plunder Qi Luck. This secret world is really weird. If you really have to do this, you want to plunder the planet and condense the star core, will this have great cause and effect with the secret world? Step into a more terrifying calculation by yourself!

For many people, when encountering such a great thing, the first thought is excitement and joy, but Xing Tian did not do that. He instinctively made him feel fear, because all this is too abnormal, no matter what kind of world it is. , It is impossible to allow such a situation to happen, and external forces are not allowed to plunder their own origin, but the secret world does not respond at all. Not only that, but also gives a trace of luck blessing. If there is no major hidden danger, Xing Tian would not believe it. !

In this world, there is no such good thing, no matter whether this secret world has its own consciousness, it is impossible to plunder the planet to condense the nucleus without punishment and reward. It is impossible to happen. I did not notice the impropriety. It’s not that there’s no danger to all of this, but that I’m not strong enough to see the evil situation hidden in the secret mist. If I really have to let go of everything and madly plunder the planet to condense the star core, it’s definitely not a good thing, absolutely Will let himself fall into a terrible trap and ruin his life in this secret world.

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