God of Destruction

Chapter 3880: Weird

Chapter 3880 is weird

Looking at the star core in his hand, even though Xing Tian wanted to accept it, he still gave up on his instinctive vigilance. Although the star core was good, if he really had a big calculation, accepting the refinement by himself would bring him unknown danger. , It will give you one more bomb that will explode at any time, no matter how good your interests are, your own life is not as important!

With a thought, Xing Tian waved his hand and the star core disappeared into the endless void, as if it had never appeared before. After the star core disappeared and did not sign the book, Xing Tian could not help but breathe a sigh of relief. The desire and hope of greed was finally suppressed. If you frantically refine the planets, condense star nuclei, and then swallow the origin of the star nucleus, you will surely accelerate your own practice. Every planet has a huge origin. , Can provide an inexhaustible supply of nutrients for himself, but doing so will definitely fight against the heavens and the earth, and will be condemned by the heavens. Although Xing Tian is eager to quickly improve his combat power, let himself have self-protection in this crazy heaven and earth catastrophe Abilities, but he is unwilling to use such extreme methods to plunge himself into more terrifying danger.

The power of heaven and earth is not something he can fight against. Even if his inner world has undergone a new transformation and his own avenues have been improved, he is the enemy of heaven and earth. This is not the result Xing Tian wants to see. At least Xingtian has not yet. Such a crazy idea, when the strength is weak, if you don't know to converge, it is self-defeating!

After looking at the disappearing star core, Xing Tian couldn't help but shook his head slightly and said: "I don't know how many people will be able to resist this kind of caution and not jump into that terrible trap after this situation is detected. , Although every planet has luck, but luck does not exist forever, and sometimes it can be tricky!"

Xing Tian said that it’s not wrong. Gas luck is sometimes tricky, especially the strange gas luck in the secret world. If you are attracted by that little temptation, you lose your mind, waiting for everyone is death, although the star core Very good, but not enough for Xing Tian to risk his life. In such a weird world, caution is the way to protect himself!

After the breakthrough, Xing Tian could clearly perceive the qualitative leaps in his body and soul. I don’t know whether his soul was washed by the long river of time and space, or because of his own two opposing avenues. After the breakthrough, Xing Tian was obvious. Feeling that his soul has grown amazingly, the strength of his soul has exceeded Xing Tian's own expectations. If he uses his soul's supernatural powers to sneak attack again, even those strong people he felt before will have the opportunity to stay.

The soul has grown, and it has also been strengthened. The bloodline has also changed a little, and the chaos aura has become more intense, but now the two avenues of Xingtian are not completely balanced, and the power of the bloodline has not stabilized. If you wait for Xingtian general The balance of one's own avenue is when the bloodline is truly transformed. The bloodline fused with the chaotic destruction avenue and the chaotic good fortune avenue will surely be the power of the most extreme bloodline. If such a bloodline is manifested, it will be shocked forever.

With the transformation of the Great Dao of Chaos Fortune, Xing Tian can also clearly feel that he has taken a step forward in his grasp of the physical body, and his grasp of the Great Dao is smoother. Before, Xing Tian’s physical body was not enough to carry the full eruption of the Great Dao of Chaos Destruction, but now Xing Tian has already There is no need to worry that Chaos Destruction Avenue will damage your body, as long as you are willing to make a powerful attack of Chaos Destruction Avenue, with the Chaos Destruction Avenue in your body, Xing Tian's shortcomings in the body are gradually repaired.

"Chaos Destroy Domain!" With a thought, Xing Tian's Chaos Destruction Dao force inside Xing Tian's body slowly released the chaotic destruction Dao Domain from his body, slowly covering the surrounding void of thousands of miles, and the void in this domain was dying. The power of Chaos Destruction Avenue is perfectly displayed, even the void will be destroyed and evolved into Chaos! In this realm, all the laws of power will be suppressed and will be wiped out by the Great Avenue of Chaos Destruction!

"Very powerful, it seems that I have taken this step right! As long as I perfect the original treasure of the avenue of chaotic good fortune, my avenue will no longer have defects, and it will truly reach perfection. The perfect avenue of chaotic destruction and the avenue of chaotic good fortune will truly stand. Under the foundation of the deity, then you will truly have the foundation to stand on the supreme chaotic world, and you can give up everything else!"

Yes, at this moment, Xing Tian was truly sure that the path he had chosen was correct. As long as he went on, he would be successful. After he really confirmed the attack on Chaos Destroy Avenue, Xing Tian was determined to give up other things. All Dao cultivation, the deity focuses on the Dao of Chaos Destruction and the Dao of Chaos, no longer distracted!

If it weren’t for the power of the city of thunder punishment, even Xing Tian had the heart to abandon this extraordinary treasure. In Xingtian’s heart, although the city of thunder punishment was strong, it was not what Lei Zhi wanted. Dao and his own Dao do not conflict with each other, but Xing Tian is unwilling to be distracted. If he allocates more energy, he will be a drag on his own practice. If possible, Xing Tian hopes to integrate the city of Thunder Punishment into the inner world. Perhaps after integrating into the inner world of the city of Thunder Punishment, the Avenue of Thunder will also be transformed. After all, this city of Thunder Punishment has ancient Thor’s Inheritance, with the perfect brand of Thunder Avenue!

Treasures are precious and not too expensive. Only the ones that suit you are the best. The treasures that are really suitable for you are naturally the treasures of the avenue that carry your own avenue. The City of Thunder Punishment is not the avenue that carries Xingtian, so Xingtian wants to abandon it. It should be.

Only a crazy person like Xing Tian, ​​such a madman would make such a choice, and would ignore such a treasure as the City of Thunder Punishment. If they were replaced by someone else, they would not care if a treasure like the City of Thunder Punishment was It is not compatible with their own avenue, even if it is not suitable, they will not give up, and they will try their best to refine it, and even give up their original avenue and turn into the avenue of thunder. After all, the city of thunder punishment represents practice The shortcut is like that space-time godhead.

"It's time to continue the next step of exploration. The opportunity here is over!" With a thought, Xing Tian's body quickly disappeared like a meteor, and Xing Tian didn't know that it was just after the news of his body. The star core he abandoned suddenly cut through the void and appeared on the original planet again, and when this star core appeared, a mysterious power surged out of the secret world, the planets All exuding a trace of power, communicating with the origin of the secret world, nourishing the star core, just a few breaths, a new planet appeared again, and after this new planet appeared, Still connected to this starry sky, as if the entire starry sky is a big array, a terrifying star array!


Chance? Did Xing Tian miss a big chance? No one knows, maybe it is, or maybe it is not enough. This secret world has not been completely explored in one day, and no one knows what will be the result, but one thing can prove that this secret world is not trivial, and the entire secret world does not exist randomly. , But an ancient star array.

Xing Tian also knew very well about the Avenue of Stars, but when Xing Tian got the star core and refining the planet, he did not sense the existence of this star array, and so many old antiques did not notice the star. The existence of the formation shows how amazing the secret world is. It can directly deceive Xingtian's induction and deceive everyone's induction!

The birth of a new planet, such a big change, has been completed silently, without earth-shaking changes, nor has it disturbed anyone in the secret world. It can be seen that the world of the secret world is terrible. If Xingtian sees the new life of the planet , I'm afraid it won't be as plain as before, but endless shock and fear!

Endless planets, endless opportunities, what are these hidden, why does this secret world exist? Does every planet have such a treasure as the Godhead of Time and Space? Does every planet have a strong heritage?

Soon Xing Tian followed his own induction and descended on a new planet. For ordinary people, exploring the secret world is a random choice, but for a master like Xing Tian, ​​it is mainly self induction and telepathic induction. It is the best choice for oneself, the most correct choice for oneself. Every strong man understands this, but not everyone can do it. Because people have desires and hopes, they will be affected by the external environment, and will be tempted by benefits. In front of the most precious, many people will not choose the opportunity that is compatible with themselves, but choose the most precious, like the godhead at the same time, such treasures It makes many people go crazy for it, change their own avenue for it, and rebuild the avenue of time and space, because they don't have firm belief!

"Hey! The breath of good fortune, this planet has a breath of good fortune, it is really incredible, there are such vibrant planets in this secret realm, and the existence of creatures, can it be said that all this is Because of the breath of good fortune, the breath of good fortune allows them to avoid the catastrophe of heaven and earth, so that they can live in the secret world? If so, does it mean that they have the mark of the previous era? Can they understand the information of the previous era?" After entering the new planet, Xing Tian was shocked.

This is a planet with life, a planet that is likely to inherit the civilization of the previous era. Perhaps in the endless years, under the rush of time, the breath of these lives has been changed, but hidden in The stigma in their blood will not disappear. If everything is as Xingtian thinks, you will find what you want in this life planet, find information about the previous era, and even the highest chaotic world. information!

Whether it’s the last era or the Supreme Chaos World, even if it’s just a little bit of gain, it will have endless benefits for Xing Tian’s later practice. The more you understand, the more stable your own practice will be. No There will be hidden dangers!

For a planet without creatures, Xing Tian can unscrupulously mobilize his own spiritual knowledge to explore the secrets of the world, but facing such a planet with life, Xing Tian dare not be so crazy, after all, this is a secret world, here is too weird, too mysterious Now, you can't be careless, and Xing Tian dare not be too presumptuous until he understands the real situation of the planet.

Divine consciousness scans the entire planet, although it can save yourself time, but if there are powerful creatures on this planet, if you do so by yourself, you are provoking the opponent, which will inevitably lead to a crazy war and plunge yourself into the unknown. In the danger, this is not the result Xing Tian wants. In such a mysterious world, a momentary negligence is very likely to kill his own life, and a momentary arrogance can very much lead to destruction!

"The breath of life, but how is this breath of life so weird!" After stepping on the ground, Xing Tian's brows frowned. This planet gave Xing Tian a strange feeling. The whole planet was shrouded in woods. It can be said that this is A planet made up of trees, and Xing Tian did not feel the breath of animals in this forest, as if there were only plants in this planet, and all the vitality came from plants, with a trace of good fortune, with such vitality There are no intelligent creatures on this planet. This is too incredible. Even the endless years can wipe out all wisdom, but the species should not dissipate. Why there are only plants and even a bug in this planet nothing?

"Weird, it's so weird. What happened on this planet that caused other creatures to disappear. Without the existence of other creatures, this planet has not gone to destruction. There is such a rich vitality without natural enemies. There is no complete food chain, as if this planet exists for plants. I have never encountered such a strange place. No matter how desolate the world is, as long as there are plants, there will be other creatures!"

Originally Xing Tian wanted to use the power of magical powers to find hidden marks from the blood of intelligent creatures on this planet, to find information about the previous era, and to find information about the secret world, but now this idea is shattered, the entire planet They are all plants and countless giant trees that reach the sky. This makes Xingtian difficult to start. It is not that Xingtian is unwilling to destroy the environment of the planet, but that there is not a single tree that opens up wisdom in the forest of this planet.

With such a huge forest and so many ancient trees, there is no intelligent creature, which makes people wonder. Could it be that the rules of this planet have directly obliterated the existence of intelligent creatures and directly restricted the birth of intelligent creatures. If so, Then why does this planet still exist and it has not gone to destruction!


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