God of Destruction

Chapter 3881: Avenue of Life

Chapter 3881 The Avenue of Life

"Is this the planet I came from following induction? This is incredible. What kind of power has caused such terrible changes on this planet, the birth of wisdom that can obliterate all living beings, is it the power of destruction, the power of the soul, or Is the power of life, is it the weird nature of heaven and earth?" The more he walked in this forest, the more shocked Xing Tian's heart was!

If everything here is naturally formed, Xing Tian would not believe it, because he also practices the World Dao, and naturally understands that when the World Dao evolves to a certain level, there will be life and intelligent life will be born, and this The planet obviously violates this rule. It can violate the rules of heaven and earth. There must be external influence, and this influence can act on a planet. This has to shock Xing Tian, ​​and has to make Xing Tian cautious!

"Could it be that this planet is the same as the planet I encountered before, it also has mysterious powers, and it also contains the power of the godhead, and there have been traces of battles in this planet, but if that is the case , Why didn’t I feel the traces of the battle on this planet, and I didn’t feel any abnormalities?” Xing Tian was thinking, all this is really unbelievable, all this is too weird, walking on the planet Above, Xingtian’s spiritual consciousness is constantly exploring everything on the planet, trying hard to find out the problem from this planet, and find out what power is guiding him!

Walking in the forest step by step, no matter how far Xing Tian goes, no matter how Xing Tian explores, there is no result. If there is any result, there is only one. Everything here is exactly the same. There won't be the slightest change no matter how far I go, as if the forests of this planet were copied.

"Copy? It's not that I've fallen into a fantasy world, that's not good, only fantasy can have such power to affect my spiritual sense, but why my spiritual sense doesn't react at all, and my soul doesn't respond at all, this forest It can be touched truly. If this is an illusion, the power of this illusion is too strong. It has reached the level of condensing with the illusion?"

Is this an illusion? Xing Tian is asking his own soul. When this happens, Xing Tian has to be cautious. For everything at hand, Xing Tian believes in the reaction of his own soul! Why Xing Tian didn't open the eyes of magical powers? It was determined by the power of magical powers. The eyes of magical powers have the power to break the illusion. Isn't this suitable for the current situation!

It’s not that Xingtian didn’t dare to use it, but he was unwilling to use it. The most important thing is that magical powers sometimes make mistakes. Under such an environment, the best choice is naturally his own soul. As a result, Xingtian was surprised. Illusion, everything here is real, this is a real planet, a real world, everything exists.

"How could this happen, a planet that can't see the strange, a planet where everything is exactly the same, what kind of power is this caused, and what is the power that led me to come?" Xing Tian's heart was puzzled again, and this appeared. As a result, Xing Tian could instinctively feel a trace of anxiety and a trace of danger. The world looks very peaceful, but there is a terrible danger in this calm. The whole world office seems to be a big net, and it is trying Chained up!

"Net! The feeling that this world gives me is a big net, a big net waiting for predation. All the forests are just the meridians of this big net. When I landed on this planet, I had already unknowingly. Shrouded by this big net, it has become a prey in the net, **** it, I was caught, I was actually calculated!" In an instant, Xing Tian figured out the problem and understood the source of the danger. The whole world is a big one. Net, a large net for prey.

go! With a thought, Xing Tian’s figure was about to leap up and accurately leave this terrifying planet. But at this moment, Xing Tian felt a terrifying force coming from the planet. When this force appeared, Xing Tian’s The body is locked, and the giant trees that pass through the sky emit green rays of light, frantically wrapping around Xingtian’s body, firmly locking Xingtian so that Xingtian can’t leave the planet, and that one after another The green light is emitting a terrible devouring force, swallowing the vitality in Xing Tian's body completely, making Xing Tian feel the threat of death!

"Swallowing the Avenue? No, this is not the Devouring Avenue. The power of the Devouring Avenue cannot shake my vitality. If this is the Counterattack of the Devouring Avenue that will provoke my own chaos and destroy the Avenue, it is not the Devouring Avenue but can plunder the vitality, only the Avenue of Life Only then can this be achieved. This is the avenue of mutated life, the avenue of life focused on absorbing vitality. The entire planet is the source of the avenue of mutated life. Damn, how could I encounter such a terrible environment!"

Xing Tian, ​​who used to practice the Three Thousand Ways, quickly found the key to his own problems, and understood the root of the big net that trapped him. This is the mutated avenue of life, which is the horrible avenue of life variation that devours all prey. Falling into such a trap, as long as there is vitality, it will turn into the nutrients of this planet!

"Open it to me, the first-rank black lotus will come out, and the chaos will destroy the world!" With a roar, the chaotic destruction road on Xingtian's body broke out, and the first-grade black lotus exuded a terrible black light, condensed into a terrible handle. The sword cut off the many threads of its own, and turned into a powerful light of extinction to protect itself. Any power that deliberately breaks through the defense of the first-grade black lotus will be cut down and destroyed by the terrible sword light. It's how amazing the attacks from the many trees in this world are, and they can't break through the defense of the first-grade black lotus. With this heavy treasure guardian, the safety of Xing Tian can be guaranteed!

"The mutation of the Avenue of Life, this is terrible, what kind of power makes the originally peaceful Avenue of Life evolve so weird, so terrible, what power destroys this terrible mutation Avenue, what exactly is this secret world? , Is its existence really a place of inheritance of some sect forces in the last era?"

auzw.com Regarding this, Xing Tian dare not agree that a place of inheritance of sect forces will not be so weird, it is impossible to condense such a terrible avenue of mutation, and it is also a mutation of the avenue of life. The Avenue of Life is more terrifying than the Avenue of Death, and even more terrifying than the Avenue of Swallowing, because in front of the Avenue of Mutation, you can't feel the threat at all. When you really feel the threat, you have fallen into a trap, and there is no more The possibility of turning over, Xing Tian can break free, he is still cautious, he still has a treasure like the black lotus of the world, and a terrible assassin like the Chaos Destruction Avenue!

We must know that not any power can cut down the attacks of these mutant life avenues, and not all power can resist the swallowing of this mutated life avenue. Among the three thousand avenues, only a few avenues can restrain such power, and Xing Tianqia Qia possesses such power, so that he can get out of it in time when he is in danger!

The hunting ground gives Xingtian the feeling that this planet is a terrifying hunting ground, and he is the prey that fell into the hunting ground. If he can’t break all obstacles, if he can’t cut all attacks and destroy the origin of this planet, I will be depleted bit by bit, because I am already in the net now!

Although the defense of the First-Rank Black Lotus is strong, and the attack on the Chaos Destruction Avenue is terrible, it is impossible for Xing Tian to use the Chaos Destruction Avenue and the First-Rank Black Lotus to break the lock of the entire planet. At this moment, Xingtian is in A confrontation with a planet, even a more terrifying force confrontation, does not matter if such a confrontation time is short, it will not have any major impact, but over time, the ability of Xing Tian to reach the sky will be wiped out bit by bit.

"I can’t stay here, or I will be obliterated by the power of this planet after all. The power of a planet is more terrifying than I thought, and all of this is just the beginning. If there really is a godhead in this planet. The existence of, then the trouble is even greater. The mutated life origin godhead is more terrifying than death origin. You must break free from the shackles of this power and burst out for me. Come out of the city of thunder punishment, the world of thunder punishment!"

At this time, Xing Tian didn’t even care about hiding something and holding some reservations. Compared with the immediate crisis, Xing Tian was reluctant to retain his strength. The city of thunder punishment flew out instantly, and the terrible thunder punishment power was crazily It rages on everything around me, whether it is trees or grass, is under the blow of the power of thunder punishment, and even the ground Xingtian under his feet has not been let go. They all use the powerful power of the city of thunder punishment. Constantly bombarding.

In an instant, grass and trees flew across, and terrible cracks appeared in this forest. The power of the city of thunder and punishment is constantly destroying everything. It is necessary to cut off the bond between this planet and Xingtian, so that Xingtian can get rid of this planet. Lock yourself!

The idea is good, but the reality is cruel. The power of this planet is even more terrifying than Xingtian imagined. Although the attack of Thunder Punishment City is extremely powerful, it constantly destroys all the shackles around him, but it didn’t take long. Under the effect of the origin of the planet, the flowers and trees that were originally destroyed grew again, reverted to their original conditions, and then were destroyed again under the attack of Xingtian’s Thunder Punishment City, and then reborn again. Repeated over and over again!

"Asshole, this time the trouble is really big. The origin of this planet can actually resurrect those flowers and trees indefinitely. If you can't find the core of the planet, it is impossible to use the power of the city of thunder to break all the bonds. , This time I was too careless, and I shouldn't venture on this planet without understanding the basic situation of the planet!"

At this time, there was a trace of regret in the opener Jair’s heart, but he was still too careless, or was affected by the big gains before, let his mood a little bit of relaxation, and this trace of relaxation brought himself Such a terrible trouble, such a terrible crisis, plunged myself into such a dangerous situation!

Breaking! What should I do to be able to break out of the situation, to be able to get rid of this terrible crisis, and to protect myself? Xing Tian was thinking, but no matter what he thought, Xing Tian couldn’t find a way to resolve it. Whether he originally had Chaos Great Path or Chaos Destroyed Avenue, he could restrain this big environment, but his realm was not enough to deal with this. The mutant planet formed a powerful suppression, unable to suppress the origin of the planet, and eventually fell into a terrible war of attrition!

Fighting against such a terrible planet is not what Xing Tian wants to see. Even if he finally uses all his hole cards to get the final victory, it is only a terrible victory. He needs to pay a terrible price, and this pays and gains. Not proportional, this is not the result Xing Tian is willing to accept, nor the result Xing Tian wants!

"It's not going to work hard. After all, I know too little about this planet. I don't know the origin of the planet. I don't even know if a great war will attract more enemies. Once it alarms other people, Even if you can win in the end, you will make wedding dresses for others. Such stupid things cannot be done by yourself, or you don’t do it, you must do it. One blow will kill, directly kill the origin of this planet, directly obliterate all roots, completely Cut off all threats!"

It’s a good thing that Xing Tian can think this way, but this brings Xing Tian back to his previous problem. He has no such assassin. Neither Chaos Destruction Avenue nor Chaos Creation Avenue has such ability. His own clone world tree may have this. A powerful force, but now the inner world is undergoing transformation. Disturbing it at this time will definitely affect the transformation and evolution of the inner world, and will affect the practice of his own world, and this is also not the result Xing Tian wants to see!

"Damn, is there really no solution? This weird planet is so unsolvable, this mutated path of life is so difficult to fight against? No, there must be a solution, but I didn't think of it, or I didn't even think about it. I haven’t really found the key to the problem. Maybe when I learn more about this planet, the avenue of this mutated life, and find the origin of that life, I can find the solution and save myself from this terrible crisis. Get out of trouble!"

The more I think about Xing Tian, ​​the more reasonable he feels, and the look in his eyes becomes more and more determined, and he is no longer affected by the failure between them, and he no longer thinks that this mutant planet, this strange forest is a crisis that cannot be resolved, no matter what it is. Power, no matter what the crisis is, is not an existence that can never be resolved, as long as you use your heart, there must be a solution!

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