God of Destruction

Chapter 3884: Cursing power

Chapter 3884 The Power of the Curse

The full attack of Chaos Destroy Avenue directly opened the defenses of this forbidden place. The powerful Destruction Avenue was devouring everything frantically. Cracks appeared on the barriers of this forbidden place, and the forbidden formation appeared. After a series of broken marks, the formation became sluggish, even with a hint of chaos. This is the damage caused to him by the origin of Chaos Destruction Dao. This is the black lotus in Xingtian's hand. The terrible part of tens of thousands of black lotus evolved, causing the entire forbidden place to be devastated, and these tens of thousands of black lotus will devour the endless source.

Forcibly destroying the taboo formation is Xing Tian’s choice, and the only way to get him out of trouble, but it is also terrifying for Xing Tian to do so. The first-grade exterminating black lotus is fully activated, devouring all negative forces madly. Forcibly destroying the taboo formation is a heavy burden for Xing Tian himself, and the pressure on the spirit is extremely terrifying. If Xing Tian's will is not extremely firm, under such an attack, his spirit will soon collapse. If the spirit collapses, it means that Xing Tian has stepped into death. It can be said that Xing Tian is desperate at this moment, desperate at all costs.

"Quickly, give me a hurry up. You can't let the power of the taboo react, and you can't let the taboo formation erupt, or there is only a dead end!" Xing Tian could clearly feel the taboo when he was constantly hitting the taboo formation. The land is terrible, even if I have given my full strength, it is still difficult to quickly destroy the forbidden formation, interrupting the power of the forbidden land, the power of the forbidden formation is more terrifying than I thought, and the defense of the forbidden force is more More powerful.

It can be said that Xingtian is now in a race against time. If he cannot break through a taboo formation before the full eruption of the forbidden place, weaken the power of the forbidden place, and wait for his own death. In this case, Xingtian I have to work hard, have to squeeze my own potential, and burst out my own power frantically, even if it causes some damage to myself, I don't hesitate to cause some damage to myself. My own damage may make myself suffer huge losses, but I can save my life!

For ordinary people, under such a terrible outbreak, the physical body has already collapsed, but Xing Tian is different. Xing Tian has an extraordinary avenue of chaotic good fortune. Under the blessing of the avenue of chaotic good fortune, his body is constantly damaged, but it is also constantly being damaged. The earth is recovering, injured again and again, and then recovered again and again, so that Xing Tian’s body is constantly tempered and grown, but in this process, Xing Tian is suffering from inhuman suffering and terrible The mental impact of his own chaos is also consumed frantically. In such a terrible crisis, Xing Tian can still persist, showing how firm and strong his will is, perhaps this is the eruption under death .

"Damn it, why the origin of this taboo formation hasn't appeared yet? Am I really guessing wrong? This taboo formation is not the core of the forbidden place, even if it is hit hard, it will not cause the origin of the forbidden place. If this is the case, then the trouble will be great, and it will be even more difficult to get out of trouble!” After seeing the taboo formation under such an impact, the origin of this taboo land still did not appear, and there was no meaning of outbreak, Xing Tian He couldn't help but heavier.

For Xing Tian, ​​such a crazy burst of his own power, in order to destroy the taboo formation, to force the origin of the forbidden place, and then give it a fatal blow, you must know that when Xingtian first broke out, he had already done it. With all-round preparations, the supernatural powers above my soul are already in a state of full explosion, and the power of one finger of time and space is condensing. With the fatal blow to the enemy, it directly obliterates the origin of the forbidden land and destroys this The core of the Forbidden Land!

Unfortunately, this forbidden place is not as simple as Xingtian thought. No matter how he broke out, no matter how he attacked the forbidden formation, but the origin of the forbidden land did not appear, as if this forbidden formation was nothing and not worth it. The Forbidden Land made a counterattack, and the Forbidden Land allowed Xing Tian to wreak havoc on the formation, allowing the Forbidden formation to be destroyed step by step.

"What the **** is going on, can it be said that the forbidden place really has to ignore the destruction of this formation, or is this also a trap, a trap aimed at oneself? But if this is a trap, then what is the situation? Existing, the forbidden formation is really not afraid of destruction, or that the forbidden formation is destroyed, and it has no effect on the forbidden place. This forbidden formation is just a bait, and it does not have much effect on the entire forbidden place? "

No matter how Ren Shi Xingtian guessed, he couldn't figure out why all this happened. I don’t understand why the origin of the Forbidden Land has still not reacted at all until now, even if the Taboo Formation has appeared in signs of collapse, but it has not reacted at all, which makes Xing Tian's heart unconscious. Layers of shadows, there was a hint of worry.

"No, I can't continue. For some reason, there is a slight anxiety in my heart. If this taboo formation really collapses under the attack of my own chaotic destruction avenue, it may bring me a death threat. It will make me fall into a terrible desperate situation. Maybe all this is really just a trap, a trap for myself but for the sake of it, a taboo formation that I can see through, will those who die here see it? Will they fall here without resisting at all? Maybe I really underestimated this forbidden place, the mutated life avenue, even when I made a counterattack, I had already stepped into the opponent’s In the trap, it has fallen into the opponent's calculation!"

For an instant, Xing Tian had a trace of worry in his heart, and when he had such an idea, Xing Tian's attack could not help but stop. Yi-Rank Shishi Hei Lian did not dare to explode, and did not dare to madly attack this taboo formation. , Destroying the taboo formation that was fast approaching collapse, the terrible power of chaos destroying the avenue slowly recovered, and tens of thousands of black lotus began to shrink.

When the black lotus blossoms returned, when the origin of the black lotus returned to the first-grade world-destroying black lotus, Xing Tian's expression instantly changed, and a trace of shock and fear flashed in his eyes involuntarily! Crisis, Xing Tian felt the crisis of death, and felt the terrible changes of the first-grade black lotus. He was really hit, and he was really calculated!


"Asshole, this **** **** is really insidious. The existence of this taboo formation is really a big trap. Fortunately, I didn't destroy it directly, otherwise the trouble would be big. The origin of these black lotus swallows A terrible backlash, even the first-grade Destroying Black Lotus will have to withstand this terrible impact. This is not the power of the formation at all, but the power of a curse. It is a **** taboo curse, and the root of this curse is this taboo formation. , Anyone who attacks this taboo formation will be cursed. If the formation is completely destroyed, the curse will erupt in an all-out way. At that time, people will resist killing, and Buddha will stop killing Buddha!"

"Asshole, what a **** asshole, this conspiracy is too insidious, if I hadn't seen the chance early, if I hadn't been awakened earlier, I'm afraid I have been calculated to death by this **** asshole!" Xingtian’s expression became extremely gloomy with the power of the curse emanating from the lotus. The curse among the black lotus blossoms had a huge impact on Xingtian, making Xingtian distracted to deal with this terrible curse. Had to be distracted to pay attention to the changes of Yipin Shishishiheilian!

Although the power of curse is also one of the negative forces, it can also be regarded as the nutrient of the first-grade black lotus, but this nutrient is too terrible. It is beyond the range that Xingtian’s chaotic destruction avenue can bear. If Xing Tian directly swallows these powers, he will bring devastating disasters to his first-grade black lotus, and he will suffer a huge blow to his original treasure, and the cursing power will surely erode the first-grade black lotus. , To change its essence, if the essence of the first-grade exterminating black lotus is eroded, the origin of Xing Tian’s own chaotic destruction avenue will also be eroded.

"Damn bastard, he planted such crazy traps to plot against me. It seems that these strong men who died in this forbidden place were not beaten to death by this forbidden formation, but by the terrible curse. dead!"

Just as Xing Tian yelled angrily, the taboo formation began to recover after not being attacked by Xing Tian. In just a short time, the cracks on the formation disappeared little by little, and the original almost collapsed. The taboo formation quickly recovered at a speed visible to the naked eye, and this result made Xing Tian's eyes show a trace of shock.

The trouble is big, this time Xingtian’s trouble is really big, the taboo formation has a terrible recovery, in the situation that he dare not destroy it, he really fell into this terrible trap, and I want to retreat all the more. Difficult. Faced with this unbeatable taboo formation, Xing Tian had a headache. Once he destroyed this taboo formation, he would face the impact of curse, and he would fall into a **** desperate situation, but nothing. If you do, you will have to be in this forbidden place and slowly endure the erosion of the power in this forbidden place. In the end, you will still be unable to escape to death. This result makes Xing Tian distressed!

Xing Tian has encountered many calculations and threats, but he has never fallen into such a terrible trap, making himself unable to advance or retreat. Such traps and conspiracies have made Xing Tian feel extremely heavy. Wait for people, I can’t waste too much time here, or even if I can finally retreat, I will still fall into a desperate situation. After all, it’s in the midst of the world, every bit of time is precious of.

"No, there must be a flaw here, there must be a way to resolve it, even if it is a terrible trap, it must have its shortcomings. I cannot be affected by this conspiracy. I cannot be irritated or lost my reason. I need it now. Calm down. Only by calming down can you explore everything in this forbidden place with a normal heart and have the opportunity to find a way to crack it!"

Soon, Xing Tian understood the situation he was facing, and understood what he should do. Even if he could not find a way to solve it now, he should not be irritated by this trap. However, in this general environment, Xing Tian Even if you want to calm down, it is not an easy task, because Xingtian’s first-grade exterminating black lotus has already swallowed a lot of curse power, and is suffering from the terrible curse power backlash, and this requires Xingtian to spend a lot of time. Energy to resolve.

"This is the power of a curse. To dissolve the power of this curse itself must waste too much energy. It only takes too long to rely on the origin of the first-grade exterminating black lotus and relying on the chaotic destruction avenue to destroy the power of the curse. And I don’t have so much time to waste. It seems that I can only use the power of the Dao of Chaos Good Fortune. Unfortunately, my Dao of Chaos Good Fortune does not carry the treasure of the Dao’s origin. Otherwise, I can condense the highest chaotic Dao’s origin to swallow this curse. force!"

In fact, Xingtian has another choice, and that is the city of thunder punishment. If Xingtian is willing to abandon the city of thunder punishment and release all the origins of the city of thunder punishment, he can naturally solve the power of this curse, but Xingtian dare not easily. He made such a decision because Xingtian didn’t know if this was another trap. If he gave up the city of thunder punishment, he would lose a powerful treasure, which is very detrimental to him. He has the city of thunder punishment in his hands. , He has the treasure of both offensive and defensive purposes, and his own safety has an extra guarantee. Losing this treasure, Xing Tian does not know what kind of crisis he will face next.

In such a dangerous and forbidden place, no matter how careful you are, you can't think of it too much. Every more defensive force will make you more safe. If at this time, you have to abandon the city of thunder and punishment to resolve the crisis. After breaking through the taboo formation, and then there is a new crisis, what can I use to resist, can the first-grade black lotus really protect myself?

As long as there is a little chance, as long as he has not reached the most desperate time, Xing Tian will not make such a crazy decision. You must know that such a treasure as the City of Thunder Punishment cannot be obtained at all times. Loss, it is extremely difficult to find again, after all, such a treasure of origin is very rare.

The City of Thunder Punishment continues to guard itself, and the origin of the Great Chaos Road is released by Xing Tian. Together with the blossoming black lotus in the void, it is constantly weakening the power of that terrible curse. As time goes by, Xing Tian constantly released the origin of the Great Dao of Chaos, and the power of cursing in the black lotus in the void was removed bit by bit, and the power of cursing was turned into nourishment bit by bit, nourishing the black lotus of exterminating the world. The earth is strengthening the original power of the first-grade black lotus!

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