God of Destruction

Chapter 3885: Time and Space One Finger

Chapter 3885: A Finger on Time and Space

The First-Rank Destroying Black Lotus is constantly growing, but Xing Tian's own source of consumption is amazing. Even if Xing Tian's own recovery ability is strong, it is still a huge burden under such terrible consumption. If the time is short, it will be nothing. The big problem, but tens of thousands of black lotus, it is not a short-term cleanup, if it continues, it will not take long, Xingtian himself will be greatly injured, after all, this is a place of taboo, danger is everywhere, Xingtian dare not Put yourself in danger, and dare not let your own source consume serious, because you don't know when the taboo power will erupt, which will threaten your life safety. If your own vitality is severely injured, the consequences will be disastrous!

In addition, in this forbidden place, the power of the taboo is suppressing Xingtian's own avenue, so that Xingtian's recovery cannot reach fullness. In this way, Xingtian's origin will be used less and less, and eventually it will not be able to persist and collapse. In such a situation Under the circumstances, Xing Tian can only be cautious and does not dare to excessively consume his own source power. Unless Xing Tian can now mobilize the world power of the inner world and can borrow the power of his own world tree clone of the inner world, otherwise Xing Tian cannot do it. The origin is balanced.

To mobilize the power of the inner world, this is something Xing Tian would not do. Doing so would mean interrupting the enlightenment of the world tree clone, interrupting the evolution of the inner world, and completely ruining the opportunity of his clone and ruining his own world avenue. Cultivation, until the moment of life and death, or the most dangerous moment, Xing Tian will not make such a choice, but now Xing Tian’s situation is far from this point, even if it is a taboo place that threatens him a bit, In a short period of time, his own safety is guaranteed. Under such circumstances, how could Xing Tian break his practice of World Tree clone and break his practice of World Dao.

The opportunity cannot be missed, and the loss will never come. The evolution of the World Avenue is very important. Once it is affected, it will completely ruin itself a great opportunity. Such a stupid choice of Xingtian will not be done, let alone Xingtian now It has not yet reached the critical point of life and death, and has not yet reached the state of despair, even if the power of the forbidden place is terrible, no matter how terrible, Xing Tian still has the opportunity to come back, and there is still the possibility of reversing everything. Under such circumstances, Xing Tian naturally Will not be stupid enough to cut off his own world avenue.

When Chaos Fortune Avenue cooperated with Chaos Destroy Avenue to refine a half of the black lotus, Xing Tian stopped his hands and no longer continued. Instead, he returned to the source of his own consumption. In any case, Xing Tian would not let his own source of power be consumed. More than half, that means you will be caught in a crisis, and you will face terrible danger.

In this forbidden place, although Xingtian has not yet received a counterattack from the origin of the forbidden place, Xingtian believes that all his actions fall into the eyes of the origin of the forbidden place, as long as his own origin is consumed seriously, this forbidden place The origin of the will definitely launch a sudden attack on itself, which will plunge oneself into a real crisis.

If he has more than half of the original power, Xing Tian is confident that he can withstand the counterattack of the Forbidden Land. After all, the magical powers of Xingtian's soul and knowledge are not decorations. The magical powers of time and space give Xing Tian enough. Confidence resists all crises. The previous question is that he has enough source of magical powers. It is this magical power in his hand. Therefore, Xingtian must be cautious. You can step by step, and you can refine the blackness with water. Lian, refine that terrible curse power!

During this process, Xing Tian was also waiting, waiting for the origin of the Forbidden Land to appear. If the opponent never appeared, Xing Tian would use the power of the First-Rank Black Lotus to wipe out the taboo formation little by little. No matter how powerful this taboo formation is, no matter how terrifying its power of recovery, Xing Tian believes that this power has a limit. When he drives it to a desperate situation, the origin of the forbidden place will have to appear. Don't confront yourself head-on.

Although time is very tense for Xing Tian, ​​no matter how tense he is, Xing Tian will not risk his life. The more dangerous this place is, the more he is facing terrible pressure. Be careful, the more you have to take one step at a time, you can't be careless, or you will only be unlucky in the end!

However, Xing Tian’s doing so also has serious hidden dangers for himself. The first-rank black lotus madly swallows and absorbs the power of the taboo formation, and evolves so madly, it will definitely break the balance between the chaotic destruction avenue and the chaotic good fortune avenue. , You must know that the first-rank black lotus carries its own chaotic destruction avenue. If this original treasure is successfully transformed, it will surely make its chaos destruction avenue further, so the balance between the two avenues will naturally be broken, and Xingtian himself must In the face of even more terrifying pressure, you must know that Xingtian's chaotic good fortune avenue does not carry the ultimate treasure.

With the continuous refining, Xing Tian can clearly feel the evolution of the first-grade black lotus. When the tens of thousands of black lotus are absorbed little by little, Xing Tian's mood becomes extremely heavy! At this moment, Xing Tian could feel that his first-rank black lotus had reached the extreme point of breakthrough. If he continued refining, he would not be able to suppress the breakthrough of Chaos Destruction Avenue. When the first-rank black lotus successfully transformed into the second-rank, It means that the balance of its own road will be broken.

"Damn it, how could this happen? The transformation of the first-grade world-destroying black lotus will come so quickly. I still underestimate the power of this taboo formation, the power of the curse, and the previous first-grade world-destroying black lotus. Under this situation, I’m in a dilemma. It’s really horrible. If I can’t condense the original treasure of the Great Dao of Chaos, my practice will slow down completely, and this will increase my pressure. And burden!"

When thinking of this, Xing Tian's brows couldn't help but frowned. Under such circumstances, Xing Tian's mood was extremely heavy, and he could no longer delay it. Otherwise, once the balance was broken, his own chaotic road of good fortune would be destroyed. Being swallowed by the chaos destroying the avenue, all my previous efforts will be turned into nothingness, and I will never have the opportunity to complete the evolution of my avenue!

auzw.com "It seems that I need to change my plan. I can no longer use my previous plan. I can use the power of the first-grade exterminating black lotus to destroy the forbidden formation, so as to force the origin of the forbidden land to appear , I can’t use the Black Lotus of the First-Class Destroying World. I can only use the time and space supernatural powers in the Soul Consciousness Sea, and use the power of this time and space one finger to directly obliterate this taboo formation in the long river of time with the power of time and space. When this taboo formation is obliterated in the long river of time, all the power of the curse will be swallowed by the long river of time!"

When the situation reached this level, Xing Tian had to make such a crazy decision, because only with this choice could he have the opportunity to avoid the backlash of the terrible curse in the taboo formation. Can have the opportunity to retreat from the whole body, and only in this way can I do my best to save everything.

As for what happens when the origin of the forbidden land is forced out after his own time and space magical powers are used, Xing Tian is not worried about this question, because he still has a city of thunder and punishment, and a rank of black lotus. , But these two powers are just backup options, and Xing Tian’s real intention is to use his own chaotic road to solve everything. From Xingtian’s point of view, the origin of this forbidden place must be the power of the mutated life road, regardless of It's how weird and terrifying the avenue of mutation is, its essence is still the avenue of life, and it can still be integrated into its own avenue of chaotic good fortune.

Yes! At this moment, Xing Tian intentionally wants to force out the origin of the forbidden land, and use the origin of this forbidden land to condense the original treasure of the chaotic avenue. If he can succeed, he can not only get out of the trap, but also directly balance his chaotic destruction avenue. With Chaos Road of Good Fortune, although this choice is crazy and dangerous, Xing Tian has no choice. This is his only way to break the situation and his best choice. Xing Tian can't think of other ways besides it!

The power of the origin is rapidly recovering, and Xing Tian’s soul is constantly condensing the power of the origin. The supernatural powers of time and space emit light of time and space on the soul, and the origin of time and space is constantly condensing, letting Xing Tian's soul consciousness sea was shrouded by the powerful light of time and space, allowing Xing Tian's soul consciousness sea to continue to evolve.

When the power of the original source was continuously condensed on the supernatural powers, Xing Tian's mind was under tremendous pressure. As the pressure continued to increase, a slight change appeared on Xing Tian's face, and a trace of killing intent radiated from Xing Tian's body. come out!

With the changes of Xing Tian himself, this forbidden place has also undergone a slight change. It seems that the origin of the forbidden place has felt the threat from Xing Tian, ​​the forbidden formation is operating frantically, and the origin of the many bones is crazy. The ground was swallowed by the taboo formation. Not only that, Xing Tian also felt that the giant net outside the forbidden land was also changing. The trees on the ground were being drawn by the power of the taboo formation. The planet is undergoing terrible changes!

If Xing Tian can pass through the shield of this earth, he will see that the large forests on this planet are withering, and even some trees are dying, and the death of these trees is because of their own origin. It is because the power of the giant net can no longer take on the nutrients of all the trees on the planet, which caused this to happen.

Dead silence, there is already a breath of dead silence on this planet at this time. This planet that originally exuded the aura of huge life is heading for destruction. Although this is only a superficial change, such a change has implications for the entire planet. Terrible damage is a terrible blow to the entire planet. If it takes a long time, this planet will really be destroyed!

"Huh! It seems that I did not read it wrong. All of these are traps, everything is calculated. All my actions are in the control of the origin of the Forbidden Land. When I burst out with all my strength, the power of this forbidden formation It is also constantly getting stronger, in order to be able to stop my killing blow, but unfortunately, the origin of the Forbidden Land is still too arrogant, too self-righteous, since it I will use the power of chaos to destroy the road, thinking I Will use the power of chaos to make the avenue, but it was wrong. This time I used the magical power of the avenue of time and space. In front of the river of time and space, no matter how much you prepare, it’s useless. Power will be destroyed by the long river of time and space. If you are prepared in a thousand ways, there is still no escape!"

When 70% of his original source power was injected into the time and space supernatural powers, Xing Tian's eyes showed a mad look. When the time is up, he should take action. Although he can continue to condense the original source power, he will do it to himself. To say that the burden is too heavy, you must know that no matter how powerful your soul is, you cannot bear more of the power of the origin, otherwise the explosion of time and space magical powers will also cause a strong backlash to yourself, which will hurt your soul.

For Xing Tian, ​​70% of the original power of Qiqia is the most suitable, and one more point will bring wounds to himself, and 70% of the power of Qiqia is the extreme that Zhishen can bear. When the power of magical power reaches this level Later, Xing Tian shouted in a deep voice: "Give me to die, time and space will appear, vitality will be extinct, time and space will be destroyed, extinction! Extinction! Extinction!"

As Xing Tian’s voice fell, a line of time and space origin crazily followed Xing Tian’s finger to point out. The origin of time and space broke through the defense of this forbidden place and directly hit the forbidden formation. The power of time and space did not directly destroy the formation. The foundation of the law, but directly drags it into the long river of time, goes retrograde through the long river of time, and destroys everything from the source of that time!

When Xingtian’s magical powers came out, when the power of the finger of time and space emerged, the entire forbidden place was imprisoned. Both time and space were imprisoned by the power of this magical power, even if it was the origin of the forbidden place. The threat came, I felt the coming of death, and I wanted to resist, but everything was too late. Xingtian’s supernatural powers had exploded, and the powerful space-time source power directly cut off its chances, making it unable to break free from this. The supernatural power of time and space is crushed!

As soon as the God of Time and Space Dao appeared, the taboo formation was trembling, and the entire planet was trembling. The originally green planet instantly turned into a dead silence. Numerous trees were destroyed in an instant, and the power of Time and Space Dao’s magical power directly countered the long river of time and space. And above, being killed at the source of time and space, Xing Tian’s one finger pointed out that not only was it destroying the taboo formation, it was also destroying the giant net on the planet, and it was destroying the vitality of the planet. This is the finger of time and space. When the enemy is unstoppable, it is inevitable to avoid.

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