God of Destruction

Chapter 3886: Lotus of life

Chapter 3886 The Lotus of Life

The planet is dying, and the vitality is dissipating. This is the terrible power of the time and space, and this is Xingtian’s counterattack. When the time and space power is released, the entire planet is trembling, facing the threat of death. This is from time and space. The impact is unpredictable. If you want to resist this terrible blow, you can only defeat Xingtian's supernatural power at the source of the long river. But Xingtian is not a fool. It is impossible not to be prepared for this. Seven sources of power A blow of is enough to make the time and space magical powers reach the weakest time of the taboo formation, perhaps not reaching the initial stage of this taboo formation, but it can definitely give it a fatal blow.

A ray of light gradually rises from the taboo formation. When the taboo formation is hit by a devastating blow, when the whole world is heading for destruction, the source of the taboo does not show up. When this light appears , The trembling of the forbidden land stopped, the destroying and withering trees also stopped dying, only the power of the forbidden formation was collapsing, although the power of the forbidden origin appeared, it still could not stop the destruction of the forbidden formation, After all, it has no power to prevent the destruction of time and space magical powers, and cannot withstand this terrible blow at the source of the long river of time.

"Finally appeared. It seems that you still can't continue to hide. It's time for us to fight for life and death. Let me see if you can withstand my attack on the Chaos Destruction Avenue. I hope you don't let me down. !" When this light appeared, Xing Tian's eyes showed a faint smile, and this smile was mixed with endless killing intent!

For Xing Tian, ​​this is his only opportunity. If he fails this time, the consequences will be unimaginable. After all, he has consumed 70% of his original power to force out this original power. If he fails, he will no longer be able to do so. In the next attack, on the contrary, he will directly fall into the crisis of death and be swallowed by this terrifying taboo origin!

For the light that appeared, Xing Tian could clearly feel the terrible swallowing power hidden in it, that was the power of the mutated life avenue. This source has terrible vitality and terrible life force. For Xing Tian, He has only one blow, and if one blow fails, the consequences will be disastrous. Under such circumstances, Xingtian has no choice but to be careful!

"Give me annihilation, destruction blooms!" With a deep cry, Xingtian's Origin Supreme Treasure First-Rank Black Lotus once again rushed out, and the powerful Primordial Power of Chaos Destroy Avenue was fully exploded, and the blossoming black lotus exterminated the world from its first level. The black lotus bloomed, and tens of thousands of black lotus emerged in the blink of an eye, crushing to the light like a torrential rain. For Xing Tian, ​​there is only one chance. If you don't do it, it must be full In order to pay, the essence condensed in the first-grade exterminating black lotus was directly released by Xing Tian, ​​without any reservation, and no room for himself.

It is necessary to know that Xingtian’s first-grade black lotus has reached the level of breaking through, and a trace of the original power can directly transform and evolve, so that the direct release of the original power will seriously consume the original power and affect the subsequent transformation. Evolution, but Xing Tian still did this, because for Xing Tian, ​​what is needed now is not to transform and evolve the first-grade exterminating black lotus, but to get rid of the origin of this forbidden place and clean up the origin of this mutated path of life, if it can After successfully suppressing this terrible forbidden origin power, Xing Tian has the opportunity to bloom his own chaotic good fortune avenue, can swallow this mutant forbidden origin power, evolve his own chaotic good fortune avenue, the ultimate treasure, so that his chaotic good fortune avenue can be perfected!

The opportunity cannot be missed, and the loss will never come again. For Xingtian, there is only one opportunity. Naturally, he has to do his best. As soon as the terrible chaos destroys the avenue, it directly crushes the mutated life avenue, and does not give the opponent a chance to burst out. Xing Tian himself didn't know if he could withstand the outburst of this taboo origin power, after all, he was not facing ordinary power.

As if to feel the terrible impact from the first-grade extinction black lotus, the light instantly mastered, and the green light quickly spread across the entire space, and the forbidden place was instantly shrouded by the terrible green light. Appeared, a terrible breath came out from the core of the Forbidden Land. Before Xingtian could react, I saw a terrifying and weird green lotus in the center of the Forbidden Land, which was essentially A lotus of life, but this lotus of life is different from ordinary lotus of life. It not only has a strong breath of life, but also a weird breath of poisonous avenue. On this lotus of life, there is a terrible surging. Green light, that is the light of the Poison Avenue!

"Damn, I finally know what power this mutated life avenue is, and finally understand how the devouring power of this forbidden place comes from, everything comes from this terrible poisonous avenue, the poisonous avenue evolved from the life avenue , That is the ultimate source of poison. It can swallow and dissolve all the vitality. The life and poison are converged and condensed. This is the true power of mutation and one of the most weird source of power. Hope my The origin of the Great Avenue of Chaos Good Fortune can withstand this weird erosion of the origin, or else the trouble will be really great, and the situation will be very dangerous!"

Xing Tian didn’t think of this poisonous avenue. After all, the life avenue mutated into the poisonous avenue, and it can be perfectly integrated, condensing such a terrible and weird lotus of life, no, more accurately it is life poison. Lian, such a situation is very rare, and such a weird situation is encountered by himself, Xing Tian doesn't know if this is a chance or a disaster for him!

Go back and let go? No, Xing Tian would not do this. After all, when the situation reached this point, Xing Tian was already involuntarily. It can be said that Xing Tian has no retreat at all. For Xing Tian to retreat, only death is for Xing Tian, ​​and if we continue, there will be a glimmer of life. Under the circumstances, Xing Tian can only let go, and only die!

If it is just a general variation, Xing Tian believes that the original power of his first-grade exterminating black lotus is enough to inflict severe damage and enable him to accomplish his goal. But now the situation has changed and Xing Tian has to make a new decision. With a thought, the city of thunder punishment that was guarding above his head flew out instantly, turning into a thunder light and blasting directly at the poisonous lotus of life!

In this situation, Xing Tian first made sure that his attack was successful, not his own defense. Although he lost the protection of the city of Thunder Punishment, he would expose himself to danger, but Xing Tian had no choice and did not use it. The City of Thunder Punishment only relied on his own first-grade Black Lotus and Chaos Destruction Avenue, Xing Tian had no confidence to succeed.


Speaking of it, Xing Tian also has a faint regret in his heart at this moment. He knew that the origin of this forbidden place was the horrible mutation of the path of poison, and he should not restrict the metamorphosis and evolution of the first-rank black lotus. Heilian can complete the transformation and evolution, can evolve into the second rank, and his own chaotic destruction avenue can go further, and he doesn't need to be so adventurous, and he doesn't even need to sacrifice the city of thunder punishment to launch an attack.

Unfortunately, Xing Tian didn’t know all of this. He didn’t know that the origin of this forbidden place was the avenue of mutated poison. Under such circumstances, to make sure that his actions could be successful and his goals could be achieved, Xing Tian had to take risks. , I had to use the city of thunder and punishment to protect myself, give up protecting myself, and put myself in danger!

As the city of thunder punishment fell madly, the powerful and terrifying power of thunder punishment shrouded in the sky above this forbidden place, and the original force of the city of thunder punishment firmly suppressed the poisonous lotus of life, locked in firmly. With this weird and terrifying life poison lotus, use the original power of the Avenue of Thunder to limit the outburst of this taboo power, so that you can have enough time to react!

Under the suppression of the power of thunder punishment, under the impact of the first-grade black lotus, the source of this life poisonous lotus was suppressed and could not continue to erupt, so Xingtian's time and space magical powers can be used against this forbidden place. Inflicting the greatest damage, Xing Tian can have more time to recover from his own consumption, which can relieve his own pressure. After all, under such a crazy outbreak, Xing Tian’s original power has been exhausted, and he has already exhausted himself. territory!

If the city of thunder punishment and the Great Avenue of Chaos Destruction cannot completely suppress the original power of the poisonous lotus of life, but once the terrible forbidden power makes a counterattack, those who are waiting for Xing Tian will be seriously injured. After all, Xing Tian's origin is already Exhausted, all Xing Tian can rely on is his own physical strength. As for his own chaotic great road, it is difficult to radiate the most powerful force.

Obliterated! Xing Tian now needs to rely on the power of the two great treasures to obliterate the origin of the poisonous lotus in front of him. Only when the power of this taboo is suppressed to the lowest state, can he have the opportunity to complete it with the power of the origin of the Dao of Shameless Good Fortune Only by devouring and merging will be able to have the opportunity to seize the power of the source of the poisonous lotus of life, and then it is possible to complete the aggregation of the source of the chaotic avenue of good fortune, and the chance of success is very small!

For Xing Tian, ​​even if the chance of success is small, he will not give up. After all, no matter how small the opportunity is, it is possible to succeed. If he does not try it, he will not be reconciled. If the chance is too small If the heart is timid, and thus make the choice to give up, it will definitely affect Xingtian's mind, and it will form a terrible shadow in Xingtian's heart, and even the heart demon. This will definitely destroy Xingtian's path of practice. Sexual blow!

For ordinary people, when faced with such a situation, they would instinctively make a withdrawal choice because of fear and anxiety. But Xingtian would not do this, because Xingtian has endless experience in practice and understands that under such circumstances What should I do.

Under the full outbreak of Thunder Punishment City, under the crazy suppression of the Avenue of Thunder, the power of the poisonous lotus of life was restrained, and the black lotus blooming out of the first-grade black lotus was frantically committing suicide. Not only was it obliterating the origin of the poisonous lotus of life, but under such crazy actions, the power of the origin of the poisonous lotus of life was obliterated little by little, and the place of taboo began to tremble.

With mental arithmetic and unintentional, under Xingtian’s madness, the Forbidden Land was caught in a crisis. Instinctively, it could start to resist frantically. It’s a pity that the city of Thunder Punishment and the full-scale outbreak of the first-grade black lotus Under Xingtian’s repression at all costs, the Forbidden Land’s origin is unable to break free from this terrible double repressive force. One wrong step leads to wrong steps. When the first opportunity is lost, when Xingtian’s calculations are completely lost, taboo The origin of the land is unable to break free from its own predicament!

Under this terrible outbreak, not only was the forbidden place trembling, but the whole world was trembling, and the planet was in a terrible crisis. But even so, Xing Tian still dared not take it lightly, because Xing Tian understood all this just now. In the beginning, it can cause the whole planet to change, and it can form a terrible forbidden place. If there is no more powerful source of power in this planet, Xing Tian will not believe it, and it can cause the avenue of life to mutate, in this planet I'm afraid it has the same power as the time and space godhead I encountered before, but the nature of the power has changed.

Yes, in Xing Tian’s heart, there may be the power of the godhead in this planet, the power of the mutated life path, the godhead, of course, it may also be other powers, after all, Xingtian can’t really understand the origin of this planet, and it cannot be truly thorough. To understand the origin of this planet, whether it is the godhead or the origin of other powers, it is a powerful threat to Xingtian. Xingtian has to be cautious and has to be fully prepared to prevent sudden danger. outbreak.

Poisonous lotus of life is only a manifestation of the origin of the taboo. Even if Xing Tian has the upper hand, has taken the initiative, and has the advantage, but the battle has just begun. Xing Tian has to be more cautious. Xing Tian believes that if his guess is true, use Before long, the power hidden deeper will continue to erupt, and even more terrifying power will appear in front of me. Then is the time when I face the biggest test, and that moment is when my biggest crisis comes.

The poisonous lotus of life is weird and terrifying, and the unappeared power will be even more terrifying. Xing Tian knows this very well, and if such power appears, the pressure on himself will be even greater. So at this time, Xing Tian dare not take it lightly or have it. The slightest carelessness, even the slightest amount of time, Xing Tian dare not waste, he must seize it and try his best to restore his own source, as much as possible to restore his source, so that he can have the ability to attack a second time. Only in this way can I truly achieve my wish and have a real opportunity to refine this forbidden place and condense my original treasure!

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