God of Destruction

Chapter 3887: Chaos Fortune

Chapter 3887: Chaos fortune, Qinglian

"Damn it, how could this be? The origin of this Forbidden Land will be so powerful. If this continues, I don't have to wait for the origin of the Forbidden Land to be wiped out. My first-grade extinction black lotus will be destroyed first!" Constantly consuming Xing Tian's mood He became extremely heavy. Originally in Xing Tian’s plan, he used the power of the first-grade exterminating black lotus to wipe out the life poisonous lotus in front of him, but Xing Tian still underestimated the power of the origin of this planet, in the endless years. In the middle, this planet condensed too many origins. The poisonous lotus of life in front of him seemed very ordinary, but the strength of the origin made Xing Tian a headache.

"It seems that I am still too self-righteous, or too arrogant. The previous success made me lose myself, and made me forget what is dangerous. The forbidden place is more terrifying than I thought, and the will of heaven and earth can be used to calculate me. , It can be seen that this forbidden place is extraordinary, but I did not think of this, but arrogantly think that I can succeed!"

With the constant consumption of his own origin, and the loss of the origin of the First-Rank Black Lotus, Xing Tian's mood is extremely solemn. At this moment, Xing Tian has regrets in his heart. He should not be so careless and shouldn't have not really understood the origin of this planet. Before the virtual reality, he made a bold move and completely exposed one of his biggest hole cards, putting himself in such a dilemma!

Yes, now Xing Tian is really in a dilemma. Giving up means that all the previous efforts will be turned into water, and the pressure to continue his body is too heavy, and I don’t know how long I can hold on. After all, the life in front of me. The poison lotus showed no signs of extinction, it was still alive, and there was no trace of exhaustion.

The arrow has to be sent on the string. This is Xingtian’s situation. He has paid such a huge price and cannot bear the consequences of giving up. Even if the road ahead is a dead end, a dead end with no results, Xingtian must continue to go on. Who will let himself not Staying back, if you stop at this time, without waiting for yourself to get out of trouble, the suppressed taboo origin will launch a devastating blow. At that time, Xing Tian didn't have the confidence to protect himself under the backlash of this terrible taboo!

"Haha! I didn't expect that Xingtian would have a day when I was forced to die, and there would be a day when I had to give up my life. I was still too arrogant or too arrogant. I don't know if this is due to my lack of mood and the influence of human nature. , Or the influence of the will of heaven and earth on me, causing me to commit such low-level mistakes over and over again. Is this the impact of the great catastrophe of heaven and earth, or the hidden dangers and defects brought by my own human nature?" When thinking of this, Xing Tian couldn't help but shook his head slightly. No matter how heavy he was, after everything had happened, Xing Tian could only stand in front of him bravely, and he could only calmly look at what happened to him. Things, rather than losing their minds on impulse.

The more dangerous the situation, the more you have to calm down, and the more you have to face everything with a calm mind. Only in this way can you truly see the essence of the matter, and be able to survive the desperate situation. To find a way to survive, to kill a **** path of your own from that desperate situation, calmness is the fundamental to get rid of death!

The situation has changed and changed again. This is something Xing Tian didn't expect, and it was also expected. The Great Tribulation of Heaven and Earth is not a joke, not a game. It is a real calamity of life and death. Now Xing Tian has repeatedly fallen into crisis. It is its own reason, more the impact brought by the great catastrophe of heaven and earth, and the judgment of the heaven and the earth on sentient beings. If they fail to pass this stage, death will be waiting for them. No matter who is an exception, even Xingtian must face it. To this crazy side.

Xing Tian didn’t have much time to think about where the crisis he was facing came from and what caused it. Time does not allow him to think too much. Time does not wait for anyone. If Xing Tian cannot find a way to resolve his own crisis, Then it won't take long before he will step into death and go to destruction. Under such circumstances, he can't do too much thinking!

Thinking about what is the key to finding the problem, but it is not always possible to calmly think about the problem. This is the case with Xing Tian today. There is not so much time wasted on thinking. The source of his own consumption is too heavy. The consumption is too fast, so Xing Tian cannot meditate and think about the essence of the problem little by little. Violence is the best solution at this time, although using violence to deal with the problem will make you die accidentally. , But after all, there is still a silver lining to do so, and you can fight hard, rather than waiting for death to come, watching yourself be swallowed by death step by step!

"It's careless, this time the reason is that I am too careless and self-righteous. This is a lesson, a lesson that I can deeply remember. Now it is time for me to pay the price. The first-grade black lotus is my own. The original treasure of the Chaos Destroy Avenue, which carries my own avenue, can’t be destroyed here by any means, so all I can pay is the city of thunder punishment, and only in this way can I cut a blood path in this desperate situation of death Come, take a path that belongs to me, besides, I have no choice, no other way, this is destiny!"

fate! These two words came out of Xing Tian’s mouth with a hint of irony. A person who walks against the heavens and a creature who practices against the heavens, the two words fate appeared in his mouth, he has to say This is really ironic, but this is the real situation of Xing Tian now. No matter how crazy and violent Xing Tian is, he still has the power to resist in the face of the general situation of the world. At least now, he is now controlled by the power of fate. Affect.

"I didn't expect this day to come so soon. Originally, I wanted to keep this city of thunder and punishment as my assassin in this realm battlefield, but I didn't expect to lose its origin so soon. I was born and killed by me. This is really a ridiculous reincarnation, really an ironic causal cycle!"

Speaking of this, Xing Tian's eyes showed a faint reluctance, and there was also a trace of terrible madness in this reluctance. Yes, Xing Tian wanted to abandon the origin of the city of thunder punishment, of course this abandonment of thunder punishment The origin of the city of thunder does not mean that Xingtian wants to destroy the city of thunder punishment, but to give up the origin of the road of thunder condensed by himself, but when the origin of the road of thunder in the city of thunder punishment is lost, the power of this city of thunder punishment It will also remove 70%, and it will take a long time to regain it!

auzw.com Time waits for no one. Compared to the first-grade black lotus that carries its own chaotic destruction avenue, the loss of this city of thunder punishment is nothing. The city of thunder punishment loses its origin, and it is only It’s just that Xingtian lacks a killer and one of the original treasures that can give him a strong combat power. If it is the loss of the first-grade black lotus, it will hurt Xingtian’s roots and damage his own foundation. In this situation Under the circumstances, how to choose Xingtian is naturally distinguishable.

"The city of thunder punishment is overwhelming, the world of thunder punishment, the judgment of all beings, annihilate! Annihilate! Annihilate!" With Xingtian's deep cry, the city of thunder punishment broke out again, this time Xingtian directly controlled the city of thunder punishment. Smashed down to the poisonous lotus of life, and when the city of thunder punishment hit the poisonous lotus of life heavily, the origin of the road of thunder in the city of thunder punishment was released by Xing Tian, ​​and the origin of the road of thunder rushed directly in. Among the poisonous lotus of life, it exploded directly.

Yes, Xing Tian frantically blew himself up on the origin of the city of thunder punishment, using this most brutal method and this most cruel method to achieve his goals, and only in this way can Xing Tian be able to free himself from this dilemma. Only when you come out can you get rid of the crisis. Although this will cost you a heavy price, Xingtian is still willing to pay this price compared to his own safety. After all, there is nothing comparable to his own life. Not even in the city!

A loud bang erupted in the life poison lotus, and the terrifying impact was raging everything crazy. The life poison lotus's breath was instantly weakened by more than half, and the life breath was constantly dissipating, suppressing the life poison lotus. The city of Thunder Punishment above was directly thrown up by a terrible force. Fortunately, the essence of the City of Thunder Punishment was very powerful. Although the origin of the Avenue of Thunder was lost, the body of the City of Thunder Punishment was not greatly traumatized. Xing Tian couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

With a thought, Xing Tian’s soul power exploded, transforming into a huge palm and grasping the thundered city of thunder punishment in his hands, and then this city of thunder punishment disappeared instantly, and Xingtian plunged into him. In the sea of ​​knowledge of the soul, go slowly and warm up!

At this time, Xing Tian did not have time to care about the damage in the city of Thunder Punishment, nor did he have the mind to inspect the city of Thunder Punishment. Time waits for no one. When the poisonous lotus of life is hit hard, this is the opportunity Xing Tian has been asking for. The opportunity I have always wanted!

"Come out from the Great Chaos Road, swallow it for me!" With a violent shout, Xing Tian raised his own Great Road of Chaos Goods and Nature, and the power of the Primordial Chaos Road rushed into the poisonous lotus of life madly, devouring this lotus. The huge vitality of Xing Tian, ​​yes, Xing Tian wants to refine this lotus of life with his own chaotic avenue of good fortune, in order to condense the original treasure of his avenue.

The violent blow of the thunder-punished city was blew by the origin of the road of thunder, and the life poison lotus also changed. The origin of the mutated poison road was directly purified by the origin of the road of thunder, and the origin of the life poison lotus was changed. It is the correct way to return from the mutated Dao of Life to the original Dao of Life. If given enough time, the lotus of life can completely recover. Unfortunately, Xing Tian will not give it this opportunity. This is exactly what Xing Tian wanted.

When Xing Tian’s powerful chaotic great road of good fortune madly swallows the origin of the lotus of life and the origin of the road of life, this forbidden place collapses, losing the power of mutation and the power of the road of poison. The Forbidden Land is also heading for destruction. The source of the Mutated Path of Poison is the source that supports the Forbidden Land. Its loss makes the Forbidden Land lose its roots. It has to go to destruction and collapse. When this Forbidden Land collapses , The whole planet is shaking.

Xing Tian paid a huge price and finally won victory and completed the destruction of this forbidden place. Although this destruction is just the beginning, once such a situation occurs, it will never change, and there is no power. To be able to reverse all this, lose the origin of the Dao of Poison, there is no need for the taboo to exist, the mighty power of the world will fall, and the taboo will be completely destroyed. This is the general trend of the world, and Xingtian will also be rewarded by the world. The signs of heaven will be added!

Of course, for the will of heaven and earth, he is unwilling to give Xing Tiantian signs to add strength, but it can’t help it. This is the power of rules and the power of rules that cannot be challenged. No matter how unwilling the will of heaven and earth is, the signs of heaven. The power will appear. When Xingtian frantically refines the lotus of life, a mysterious power falls from the void. This is the power of the signs of the sky. It is the reward of heaven and earth for Xingtian’s destruction of the forbidden place, and Xingtian deserves it. reward.

When the power of the signs of the day fell, when the power poured into him, Xing Tian did not choose to use the power of signs of the sky to restore his own consumption, restore his own origin, or even make his own great way further, but directly use this Introduce the power of the signs of the sky into the lotus of life in front of you, and use the power of the signs of the sky to accomplish your ultimate goal, let the lotus of life be completely refined by your own chaotic road of good fortune, and let the power of the signs of heaven change The essence of the lotus of life.

If Xing Tian is allowed to change the essence of the lotus of life, no matter how much the price is paid, the chance is pitiful, and there is no possibility of success. But with the blessing of the sky, everything is different. Under the blessing of the sky, The origin of Xingtian’s chaotic good fortune avenue can flow unimpeded into the core of the lotus of life, swallow the origin of the fused lotus of life, let it evolve, and let it evolve into the origin of the avenue of chaotic good fortune, and then essentially complete this transformation. trip!

A trace of blue light began to bloom on the lotus of life. It was the transformation of the power of the signs of the sky. The appearance of this blue light made Xing Tian’s face a faint smile. The plan is successful. When this blue light appears, it means that the essence of the lotus of life has undergone transformation. This is the unique light of the chaotic good fortune blue lotus, and this is the light of its own chaotic good fortune fusion with the origin of the lotus of life. This is the condensed light of the original treasure of its own chaotic road of good fortune!

The chaotic good fortune Qinglian is finally about to condense and take shape. Of course, it is only beginning to transform. It takes time to complete the final transformation. It also needs a larger source. Fortunately, with the blessing of the sky, the essence of the lotus of life has changed, Xing Tian It also completely refined this lotus of life, condensing a trace of the origin of the chaotic lotus.

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