God of Destruction

Chapter 3893: Consummation

Chapter 3893

"Supernatural powers, if you want to break the game, you need supernatural powers. Only when you use your soul to know the time and space avenues in the sea, you can reverse the long river of time by the power of one finger of time and space, and you will have a chance to rush into the forbidden formation. Only in the long river can I avoid the threat of the terrifying God Forbidden Formation, but this choice is a double-edged sword, and if one is not careful, he will die. After all, can the power of the God Forbidden Formation isolate the Dao of Time and Space? Power is an unknown number, and it is also unknown whether the power of one finger of one's time and space can break through the forbidden formation of God. Although the avenue of time and space is strong, the power of this forbidden formation is also terrifying!"

After some thinking, Xing Tian finally decided to give it a go. The powerful magical power of Time and Space was his only chance to break the game. Apart from this method, Xing Tian could not think of any other way. As for it, it was very safe. Choice, in Xingtian's eyes, this is a more dangerous trap. If he really has to do this, there is only one dead end waiting for him.

"Time waits for no one. There is not much time left for me. This time I must do my best to pay, no matter how great the price is!" I don't know why, when Xing Tian wants to use time and space to point out the supremacy When the magical powers broke, there was a faint uneasiness in my heart. And this uneasy was not because of the weakness of the magical powers, but Xingtian felt the urgency of time and the danger from the outside world. If he continues to be on this planet Staying in it, it won't take long for fear of terrifying enemies to appear. You must know that there are too many dangers in this secret world.

When there was such an uneasy feeling in his heart, Xing Tian really had no choice but to give up the opportunity and leave the dangerous power, but the great opportunity in front of him would pass him by. , The opportunity cannot be missed, and the loss will never come again. Once this opportunity is lost, Xing Tian will never have the opportunity to get the supreme treasure of the Chaos Fortune Pool.

"Hmph, God’s will is still forcing me, or not giving me a chance to survive. It’s constantly oppressing me with this method, but it’s okay. Originally, I couldn’t make a decision or make a choice. Now I only have Let go!" When facing dangers and threats, Xing Tian thought of not retreating or avoiding, but to confront the difficulties, and even try his best to fight Xing Tian. Saying that I will never give up anyway, because I walked against the sky, I am not allowed to have the heart to escape, and I am not allowed to retreat in the face of danger, it will make myself be born with a demon!

war! This is Xing Tian's decision. Time is waiting for no one, so there is no need for him to wait too much and make more preparations. He really lacks the origin, really can't do his best, can't gather the greatest strength to give it a go?

No, Xing Tian didn’t think so. He even had the opportunity and power. The power of the first-grade world-destroying black lotus was enough to make up for his shortcomings. The half-step transformation of the chaotic good fortune Qinglian could also give him a powerful boost. The same is true for the city. As long as Xing Tian is willing to use secret techniques to mobilize these three primordial powers, it is not too difficult for him to restore his prosperous combat power in a short period of time, but Xing Tian will inevitably pay a huge price to do so. One's own origin must be damaged!

For ordinary people, they don’t dare to risk their own origin, but for Xingtian, it’s completely different. Xingtian’s chaotic good fortune road and chaotic destruction road all condense the original treasure, as long as the original treasure is there, even if the original source is damaged. , As long as there is enough time, it can still recover, but the opportunity now is only one time, not to be missed!

"Open to me, the source of blessings, time and space are destroyed, and die! To die! To die!" With a deep cry, Xing Tianyi pointed out. Under the blessing of the power of the three sources, the power of Time and Space One Finger exploded terribly With the power of one finger, a piece of void is torn apart, and the space is shattered. This is the power of one finger of time and space, and one finger directly tears the space and directly opens the river of time and space.

Under Xing Tian’s finger, the God’s Forbidden Array was torn apart, and a looming space-time passage appeared. When this passage appeared, Xing Tian’s heart suddenly flashed a trace of sentiment, that was the perception of the Great Way of Time and Space. That’s the perception of the God’s forbidden formation. Unfortunately, Xing Tian doesn’t have so much time to meditate and comprehend. After all, time does not wait for others. The passage of time and space that can be found by magical powers is limited in duration. If this is the time Meditating to understand the true meaning of the Dao, may be able to take one's Dao further and strengthen one's own cultivation background several times, but this opportunity is bound to be missed!

Rush! Xing Tian didn't think about anything. Time waits for no one. The opportunity is right in front of him. Although enlightenment is good, it is still not worth mentioning when compared with the "Chaotic Pond of Good Fortune". What's more, Xing Tian felt it when this looming passage appeared. The longing from the avenue of chaotic good fortune, feel the half-transformed chaotic good fortune, the source of the most precious green lotus, ready to move!

The next moment, Xing Tian’s figure rushed into the looming passage like lightning. When he entered this passage, Xing Tian felt the conditions of this passage. Although this passage went straight to the center of the God’s Forbidden Array, it was Under the **** forbidden formation, such a passage is on the verge of destruction, and I really don’t have much time left for myself. If I delay any more, it will only miss my chance, and even fall into the chaos of time and space. In the middle of the stream, then oneself would be dead forever!

Because his original treasures are all devoted to the blessing of supernatural powers, Xing Tian does not have the treasures of protection at this moment, just for a moment, Xing Tian's physical body is blurred, it is injured by the power of time and space, in this looming passage In, there is a terrifying power of time and space, which has caused a lot of damage to Xing Tian's body!

At this time, Xing Tian is not in the mood to care about his own injuries. No matter how much damage the power of time and space causes to him, Xing Tian will not stop, he can only bite the bullet and continue to rush forward, and he can survive through this passage. , If you stop, there is only one dead end, and there is not much time left for yourself, and there is not much time to waste!


Gritting his teeth, Xing Tian sprinted frantically. Although it was only a few breaths, it seemed to Xing Tian that he had spent endless years. Under the impact of the power of the sky, Xing Tian was not just a physical body. He was seriously injured, and his spirit was greatly traumatized, but fortunately Xing Tian persisted, and Xing Tian successfully rushed into the God Forbidden Array.

Just when Xing Tian rushed into the planet in the God Forbidden Formation, the channel opened by his magical powers was directly destroyed. A terrible time and space storm erupted behind Xing Tian, ​​and then the entire God Forbidden Formation rioted, endlessly. Murderous aura is in the forbidden formation, frantically strangling everything, if someone breaks into the formation at this time, it will definitely be dead.

"Horrible, the power of this divine forbidden formation is really terrifying. This power is far more terrifying than I thought. Such power can destroy all enemies. The power of the divine forbidden formation can turn that endless good fortune in an instant. The aura transforms into a powerful murderous aura. This divine forbidden formation is really terrifying and terrifying. It is indeed a treasure land, but it is also a murderous land!"

It was just a full-scale outbreak of the God Forbidden Formation, Xing Tian understood the horror of the God Forbidden Formation, and understood the true purpose of creating the God Forbidden Formation. When he stepped onto the planet, Xing Tian commented on his feet. The planet of is bigger than previously thought. It seems that this planet has also been completely transformed. There are many folding spaces in this planet, which also causes the internal area of ​​this planet to be larger than the eyes. What you see is even broader!

Of course, the chaotic good fortune energy contained in such a vast planet is also immense. In the endless years, this planet has condensed too much chaotic good fortune energy, condensed too much chaos. The origin of good fortune!

Just taking a light breath, Xing Tian could feel that his injury was getting better quickly, and his breath contained a powerful qi of chaos, which made his injury quicker and healed, and his body was there. He quickly recovered under the strong chaotic aura of good fortune, and in just a few breaths, Xing Tian felt that his physical injury was already more than half healed!

Horrified! Faced with such an astonishing effect, Xing Tian's heart was extremely horrified, such a treasure, such a huge chaotic nature, which really exceeded Xing Tian's imagination, how terrifying the strong man who created all of this, but such a strong man The death and soul disappeared, and the terrible Era Great Tribulation was even more terrifying than I thought, and even more terrifying!

Without waiting for Xing Tian to express too much emotion, his own chaotic good fortune avenue was rapidly moving, and his half-transformed chaotic good fortune Qinglian also flew out of his own soul-knowledge sea out of the planet and appeared on this planet without his own control. As soon as one of the most precious treasures of one's own origin appeared, the endless flow of chaotic good fortune madly poured into it. At a speed visible to the naked eye, this chaotic good fortune green lotus was transforming, and the original source of life was accelerating. Transforming, the brand of the origin of chaotic good fortune was surging frantically, the flower of the avenue was opening, and a green lotus full of endless aura of good fortune appeared in front of Xing Tian!

Succeeded! In just a few breaths, the long-awaited Primordial Treasure morphed successfully. A single-grade chaotic good fortune green lotus appeared in front of Xing Tian. When this Primal Treasure appeared, Xing Tian felt his own chaotic good fortune avenue. In the riot, in a moment, his own chaotic good fortune avenue was completed, and his own chaotic good fortune avenue and chaotic destruction avenue were completely balanced. After the first-grade chaotic good fortune Qinglian successfully condensed, Xing Tian felt that his two avenues were heading in a mysterious direction. Evolution, the two avenues once again have a connection, Xing Tian can feel that under the influence of the first-grade chaotic good fortune green lotus and the first-grade exterminating black lotus, the two avenues are constantly adjusting.

At this moment, Xing Tian suddenly had a clear understanding in his heart. After he condensed two lotus flowers carrying his own avenue, he no longer had to worry that his avenue would lose its balance, the first-rank black lotus and the first-rank chaotic good fortune. The lotus will automatically balance its own avenues, and in the future, he will no longer have to restrict the practice of the avenues. No matter how many origins can be transformed by the first-grade black lotus and the first-grade chaotic green lotus, they will not lose the balance between their two avenues. The existence of is the foundation of one's own Dao cultivation and the foundation of one's own Dao balance. With them, there is no obstacle to the cultivation of Xingtian!

"Okay, very good, this is really great. As long as I have a balanced avenue, my practice will be unimpeded. No matter how many enemies appear next, I don't have to worry about it. God forbidden formation is my best. Defense, and the chaotic good fortune and the source of chaotic good fortune on this planet are the nutrients for self-cultivation!"

Yes, at this moment, Xing Tian had a crazy idea in his mind. He wanted to take this opportunity to speed up his practice. There are two fundamental treasures in his body. There is no need to worry about the imbalance of the source at all. Cause hidden dangers to your own practice, because the source of the treasure can balance all hidden dangers, so that you can have no worries!

"In any case, the'Chaotic Creation Pool' must be obtained. As long as I have it, I will have an inexhaustible source of origin, have enough nutrients to support my own practice, and no longer have to worry about my lack of foundation, and no longer need to be the source of origin. Insufficient and confused!" After getting this huge gain, Xing Tian once again made up his mind to get the Chaos Good Fortune Pool!

Even if Xing Tian has entered the planet, he has passed through the barriers of the God’s forbidden formation, but the planet is not flat, and the planet is not without danger. Xing Tian has to face it if he wants to obtain the “Chaotic Pond of Good Fortune”. For more trials and more dangers, Xing Tian didn’t believe that as long as he broke through the God’s Forbidden Array, he would surely be able to successfully obtain the supreme treasure of the Chaos Fortune Pool as a supreme treasure. , It can’t only be protected by the God’s Forbidden Formation, there must be other forces’ protection on this planet, if you are careless at this time, I’m afraid you will still die!

Carefully sail the ship for ten thousand years. The more you get to this final step, the less Xing Tian dare to be careless. Xing Tian doesn't want to ruin his life because of his carelessness and let himself fall on this planet. After his own chaotic good fortune avenue was consummated, when the first-grade chaotic good fortune green lotus that carried his own chaotic good fortune avenue was successfully transformed, Xing Tian did not stop, but continued to absorb the endless flow of chaotic good fortune, with the help of the original treasure. The power of Xing Tian is constantly restoring his origin and his injuries. Under this endless chaotic aura of good fortune, Xing Tian’s injuries are improving quickly, whether it’s his body or his soul. Recovering quickly!

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