God of Destruction

Chapter 3894: Out of control

Chapter 3894 Out of Control

Under the nourishment of the aura of good fortune, Xing Tian felt that the cells all over his body were cheering. The practice here is dozens of times faster than in the outside world, or even hundreds of times faster. Even an ordinary person has no way to practice. But living in such a place will grow into a strong person over the years, because the qi of good fortune here will continuously change his physique. Even if there is no practice method, just the accumulation of good fortune is enough to cultivate Come out a strong man.

"It turns out that it's such a supreme treasure land. When you practice in such a treasure land, you can breathe in and breathe in the energy of good fortune. If you have to practice the way, you can absorb the good fortune in this planet. The origin, the power of the Chaos Fortune Pool is really mysterious and powerful. There is no doubt that even in the last era, such treasures among the gods and demons are rare. Maybe the Chaos Fortune Gods and Demons were bred here. This chaotic pool of good fortune is indeed the supreme treasure, and he must get it!" Xing Tian once again secretly made up his mind, facing such a temptation, even Xing Tian could hardly hold himself.

Xing Tian also breathed a sigh of relief when both his mind and body’s injuries were recovered. He could finally let go of the anxiety in his heart for a while, so that he could take a breath. You must know that Xing Tian was always worried about himself before he recovered from his injuries. I will face a terrible crisis, because this is the time when I am weakest, and also when I am most likely to be conspired and destroyed. I can’t help but be cautious and not worried about it. Fortunately I have finally passed this hardest time. !

When his gestures resumed, Xing Tian did not pay attention to the changes in his original treasure, Chaos Good Fortune, Qinglian, but a meticulous, divine sense quickly scanned the planet, understanding the true situation of the planet as quickly as possible. , In case there are accidents, after all, this planet is pregnant with such treasures as the "Chaotic Pond of Fortune". If there is no horrible **** forbidden formation, no terrible organs, Xing Tian will not believe it, and even Xing Tian is worried about it. There are still beings from the previous era, and even strong men from the previous era, on the planet. If this is the case, you will be ruined for a moment!

"Hey! The strong people of the last era seem to have all left this planet. There is no trace of the creatures of the last era in the entire planet. The creatures here are like the outer planet, and all creatures have no awakening wisdom. It seems that this planet, like the outside world, has the supreme power to obliterate the wisdom of native creatures. What is going on? Could it be said that the powerhouses of the last era did not allow this planet to give birth to new wise creatures. Evil and overbearing methods have wiped out the wisdom and future of all living beings. This method is also too terrifying and crazy. The cause and effect are so great!"

After scanning the entire planet, Xing Tian frowned involuntarily. This overbearing method made Xing Tian's heart vaguely disturbed. Such a crazy and overbearing method would have a huge cause and effect with the world, perhaps this last one. The death of the powerful of the era is also related to this planet. It is they who have done too much to destroy their own vitality!

Of course, all this is just Xingtian's own guess. Whether it is true or not, Xingtian needs to explore it himself. However, to explore such a mysterious and weird planet is still very stressful for Xingtian. Don't look at Xingtian on this planet. Feeling the existence of intelligent creatures, Xing Tian still wouldn't believe that there is no danger here.

Perhaps there is no danger in the outermost part of the planet, even if the endless aura of good fortune is permeated in the planet, it is enough to be of great benefit to people, but this is only the outermost part. The real treasure is still the core of the planet. , Is where the'Chaotic Good Fortune Pond' is located. Only there is the root of everything. Only there can one get the endless chaotic good fortune source. In contrast, the chaotic good fortune source is much more valuable than this chaotic air. !

"Is it going to go on, to explore the secrets of the planet, to pursue the opportunity of the'Chaotic Fortune Pond", or to stop first, consolidate one's own avenue, and strengthen one's own strength?" At this moment, Xing Tian's heart is thinking, continue to pursue the opportunity and explore the planet , I will be under great pressure and dangerous. If I stop to consolidate myself, I will be much safer, but since then I will waste time and give opportunities to those coming enemies, even if there are gods outside the planet. Xing Tian didn’t dare to rely on external forces for the guardianship of the formation. He could break in with his magical powers. Wouldn’t other powerhouses be able to do it? Xing Tian wouldn’t think so, he wouldn’t overestimate his abilities. Underestimate the power of other people.

If someone breaks into this planet and competes with oneself for the ‘Chaotic Good Fortune Pond’, do they have enough ability to protect themselves and protect the ‘Chaotic Good Fortune Pond’? Xing Tian shook his head and did not make this guarantee. After all, everything is unknown about the enemy's situation. It is irresponsible for himself to make a decision without knowing the enemy's true situation!

"Such a piece of treasure was left in this way. What secrets are hidden in it? Why didn't anyone in the last era thoroughly refine it? If it was an ancient **** and demon who practiced the avenue of chaotic good fortune, refine it. This'Chaotic Creation Pool' draws on the power of the endless chaotic nature and should be able to escape the Great Tribulation of the Era, but why no one does this? The gods of life and the gods of poison fall outside this treasure , Are they dying to fight for this treasure?"

Xing Tian was thinking, and when he was thinking, Xing Tian instinctively moved forward, as if his body was being affected by the'chaotic pool of good fortune', and was instinctively reacting to the core of the planet. Xing Tian didn’t notice at all at this moment, and Xing Tian’s mind was affected by external forces, and he lost control of himself. That's not a good thing!

auzw.com For a strong man like Wuzai, if he loses control of himself, it is very dangerous. Under this situation, one who is not careful will fall into death. In a crisis, a mind that is not careful will be controlled by external forces, and the origin may also be damaged, causing one to fall into a terrible unknown danger.

Xing Tian was not aware of his own fault, his body was constantly advancing under the influence of instinct, but every step forward, Xing Tian himself would absorb a huge amount of chaos, and Xing Tian’s original treasure, Chaos Good Fortune, Qinglian, was also crazy. Earth absorbs the Qi of Chaos, and interacts with its own Chaos Road of Good Fortune, as if under this instinct, Xingtian's Road of Good Fortune of Chaos has exerted a more powerful ability than his own control, allowing himself to have greater potential!

Xing Tian moved forward step by step, and under the influence of the huge chaotic good fortune where Xing Tian passed, countless genius treasures appeared, but Xing Tian turned a blind eye, as if he lost his attention to the outside world. The whole person is immersed in his own thinking, immersed in his own world, it becomes very strange!

The more Xing Tian kept advancing, the more powerful his own chaotic good fortune aura became. The endless chaotic good fortune continued to nourish his own chaotic good fortune and strengthened his own chaotic good fortune. Fortunately, Xing Tian possessed two great treasures of origin. Even if he lost his attention to the outside world and was affected by external forces, the two origins, the treasures, can also rely on the instincts of the treasures to balance their avenues. Otherwise, when this happens, Xing Tian will be transformed by his own chaotic avenues. The body exploded, after all, so madly absorbing the huge chaotic energy, it puts great pressure on my body, and has a huge impact on my own chaotic destruction avenue. Fortunately, this most terrible situation did not appear. All crises have been eliminated by the source of treasure!

"Perhaps I think too much. Now I just stepped into the planet. Thinking too much is not a good thing for me. I may seem to be chasing the avenue, but I actually meet. To the more terrifying danger!" I don’t know how long Xing Tian finally got the answer from that meditation, but when Xing Tian figured out all this, when he raised his head, he was in serious trouble. I feel that I have gone far before.

"Damn, what's the matter, how could I go so far?" For a moment, Xing Tian lost his voice, and after a moment after his words fell, Xing Tian also figured out the problem and understood why he was Having walked so far, when I was thinking about problems, I was unconsciously affected by external forces, my mind was falling, and my body was instinctively moving in the direction of the'chaotic pool of good fortune', if it wasn't for myself to be sober Early, I'm afraid I will step into a terrible danger unknowingly, and fall into this weird planet unknowingly!

"What a terrible method, what a strange magical power, can actually affect my mind without knowing it, and can not arouse my reaction. This power is really terrible. Does this power come from the planet itself, or It stems from the mysterious supreme treasure "Chaos Creation Pond". If it is the former, it's okay. After all, facing a powerful planet, it is normal to be restrained by it. If it is the latter, it shows that I am very concerned about the Chaos Creation. Chi's understanding is still too little, and he didn't even get his fur. The information he had obtained before may be a calculation to confuse himself!"

Since entering the secret world, Xing Tian has been affected by external forces all the time, facing terrible calculations and dangers all the time. Is this just the crisis he is facing, or the whole beings stepping into this secret world? If it is the latter, Xing Tian can still accept it. After all, Xing Tian has nothing to care about under the same treatment. If it is the former, his trouble will be great, and the danger he will face will be extremely terrible!

"How could this happen? What should I do now, whether to move on or stop!" Looking at the many treasures of the world, looking at the many strange flowers and plants, Xing Tian's brows were tightly closed, and his eyes revealed There was a touch of anxiety.

Although the treasures are currently present, Xing Tian didn’t have any excitement and did not take it rashly. Even if these treasures of heaven and earth are no matter how attractive they are, Xing Tian will not be moved, because what Xing Tian sees is not huge benefits but Endless danger, in this endless treasure of heaven and earth, there is a terrible crisis, the greater the temptation, the greater the danger, the greater the cause and effect!

Although my trip was a treasure hunt, when such a huge treasure of heaven and earth appears in the planet, will this be another consideration? Will it be another big trap? You must know that any treasure has it. Cause and effect, this is the case of the'Chaotic Creation Pool', and the same is true of the heaven, material and earth treasures here. If you put your mind on the heaven, material and earth treasures in front of you, and madly take these treasures, will you consume your own luck and consumption? Own opportunity, let me pass by the'Chaotic Good Fortune Pool'.

Greed can exist, but it cannot be endless. Appropriate greed can, but endless greed is the way to die. When one's own luck cannot carry one's own blessings, all that waits for oneself is destruction,'Chaotic Creation The chances of the pool are already huge enough. If you can't stand the temptation of the natural treasures in front of you and take them madly, this will definitely weaken your own air luck, and the loss of air luck is too heavy, I am afraid that the "chaotic good fortune pool" The supreme treasure will be completely missed by himself!

It’s not that Xing Tian deliberately thinks everything in the worst direction, and he must not deliberately want everything to be so evil and terrifying, because this world itself is so dangerous, he is a little sloppy, and what is waiting for him will be death. , Whoever allows one to practice is the Great Way of Heaven and Earth, a creature that is not liked by the Will of Heaven and Earth. As long as there is a chance, the first person that the Will of Heaven and Earth will obliterate is naturally a creature like himself, because his own existence is for the Will of Heaven and Earth. It's a threat!

Xing Tian’s first reaction to any creature that threatens him is to destroy it, and he is still true to this, and the will of heaven and earth is naturally the same. Based on this thinking, Xing Tian dare not take the slightest care, for fear of being under the care. Will kill one’s own life, cut off one’s own path of practice, and cut off one’s own future. No matter how good the world is, it’s not worth mentioning with the "Chaotic Pond of Good Fortune", let alone it is very likely to be related. When it comes to his own life and death, Xing Tian has to be more cautious. He has to plan for the worst and think about everything in the worst direction. Only in this way can he have the greatest opportunity to retreat and have a chance. Only by fulfilling my wish can I hope to get the supreme treasure "Chaos Fortune Pool"!

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