God of Destruction

Chapter 3895: Time and space

Chapter 3895: Time and Space God Forbidden

"Go forward, now I have no choice. If I hadn't stepped into the depths of this planet due to external influences, hadn't gone to the chaotic pool of good fortune, everything can be put down, but now I have the arrow on the string and have to send. It’s impossible to retreat, and it’s even more impossible to stop. When you set foot on this road, you can’t help yourself!" Soon Xing Tian smiled bitterly, because when Xing Tian stopped intentionally, he could have felt death. The threat of, he is now being forced by the co-op, and there is no possibility of stopping at all, unless Xing Tian is willing to risk his life!

Under this situation, at this moment, Xing Tian did this in the end of the world. Xing Tian still believed in his own telepathy. Since it is dangerous to stop, he can only move on, and only this. Only by choosing can you relieve yourself from the current pressure, so that you can gain enough time!

Yes, Xing Tian needs to fight for enough time. Although he says he can’t stop, he can advance slowly. In the process of advancement, he can constantly restore his own origin, restore his own combat power, and accumulate more strength. There is more vitality. If you can fully restore your own origin before reaching the "Chaotic Good Fortune Pond", you will have more chances of success, and it is possible to refine this "Chaotic Good Fortune Pond" directly, or even directly Pull into your own inner world!

If it is possible, even if it is to interrupt the evolution of the inner world, Xing Tian is also willing to use the power of the inner world to refine the'chaotic pool of good fortune', directly income into the inner world, and perfect the origin of the inner world, if there is' Chaos Fortune Pond' this supreme treasure, the origin of the inner world will be greatly enhanced, and the little loss that interrupts evolution is not worth mentioning!

Concentrating calmly, sticking to the heart, no longer affected by external forces, and not tempted by the countless treasures around him, Xing Tian calmly moves forward step by step, every step forward, Xing Tian is absorbing the chaos of good fortune. Qi restores its own origin. When Xing Tian himself practices consciously, the huge source of chaos is continuously absorbed and digested by Xing Tian and turned into his own source, allowing Xing Tian’s breath to increase rapidly. The world-destroying black lotus is rapidly ascending. With the endless accumulation of origin, these two original treasures quickly reached the pinnacle of the first rank, and now only one chance can be directly transformed into the second-rank original treasure. , Let Xing Tian's cultivation base go further!

Of course, this opportunity is not difficult, but Xing Tian is not willing to break through so quickly. Knowing the background is very important. If you accumulate more, regardless of the source, your original treasure will have greater potential. Now Xing Tian's original treasure has reached the pinnacle of the first grade. , But that is just a general peak, and it has not been refined and compressed. Under this situation, choosing a breakthrough will not have much benefit to your own practice. Such a transformation can increase your combat power in a short time and let yourself be There is more security in this planet, but the price is too high, and it will sacrifice the potential of one's original treasure, which Xing Tian cannot accept.

compression! Under Xing Tian’s guidance, the origin of his own Dao began to compress bit by bit. It is necessary to know that Xing Tian’s original origin is huge enough. To complete the compression, even if it is only a compression, it will take a long time and a huge source of consumption. Fortunately, Xing Tian is on this planet, and there is an endless flow of chaotic energy around him. Although there is no chaotic destruction source, under the balance of the two great sources, even if there is no chaotic destruction source, Xingtian’s practice will not be affected. At most, it just consumes a little more time and a little more chaotic good fortune energy. For chaotic good fortune energy, no amount of consumption is nothing. What makes Xing Tian tense most is the consumption of time. After all, time does not wait for people. There is not much time for Xingtian!

Although he does not have much time, this is not an excuse for Xing Tian to ignore his own potential. Although strength is very important, the foundation is more important, and the potential is more important. Even if it consumes more time, as long as he can consolidate his foundation, as long as he can improve The potential of the two great treasures of the source is worth it. The early practice is acceptable even if the price is paid. After all, the more you pay in the early stage, the stronger the source of accumulation, the stronger the potential of the future. !

Step by step, each step is not only Xing Tian delaying time, but also measuring the planet, understanding the changes of this planet, and every step taken, Xing Tian is feeling the fluctuations of the planet and feeling the aura of chaos. You can feel the changes in the surrounding heaven, materials and treasures. It can be said that Xing Tian is comprehending the changes of this planet with every step forward. Only when he understands the nature of the planet, can he face it' There are more opportunities in the Chaos Fortune Pool!

As for the treasures of heaven, material and earth, Xing Tian doesn’t care at all. As long as he can collect the "Chaos Good Fortune Pond", he will have as many as he wants in the future. With the inner world of the "Chaotic Good Fortune Pond", it can be cultivated. If you produce any natural treasures, you can't waste time collecting these'ordinary' treasures!

Time waits for no one. I really don’t have much time left for myself. I don’t know how long it will be for the enemies outside to come here. If I fail to collect the'Chaotic Pond of Good Fortune' before these enemies appear. There is a great danger, even if you can successfully escape from the enemy’s siege, you will rarely be quiet in the future. After all, no one can resist the temptation of the supreme treasure of the Chaos Fortune Pool. The more powerful it is , The more crazy it is!

Xing Tian is concentrating and heading towards the'Chaotic Pond of Good Fortune'. Although he is trying to control the speed of advancement, there is a limit to everything, even Xing Tian's advancement is the same, no matter how hard Xing Tian tries to control With his own speed, but still can't really completely get rid of the influence from external forces, his speed is still not completely controlled by his own, and it is still beyond his own imagination, even if Xing Tian delays it, he will not be able to satisfy himself!

For Xing Tian, ​​to make himself satisfied is to restore his own origin before reaching the'Chaotic Pond of Good Fortune', and even to be able to compress his own origin avenue to make his original treasure essence more pure. It is a pity that Xingtian is not in charge. No matter how hard Ren Shi Xing Tian tried to control, he was still fast moving towards his destination!


After a long time, Xing Tian still arrived at the core area of ​​the planet and came to the location of the'Chaotic Pond of Good Fortune'. He saw that it was a huge independent space, covering the nuclear area like a sphere, and in this place In the core place, what is emitted is no longer a strong chaotic good fortune, but almost condensed into the essence of chaotic good fortune, here is a qualitative difference from the outside, it can be said that it is a world of difference. It's just that unlike the Qi of Chaos Good Fortune, this source of Chaos Good Fortune is not so easy to absorb, because the existence of that sphere prevents Xing Tian from being absorbed!

Of course, even with this barrier, Xing Tian was shocked. With every breath he took, he could feel the changes in his body and soul, and he could feel the evolution of soul and blood. This came from the'chaotic pool of good fortune'. The effect of, although separated by the shield, this powerful source of good fortune can still act on Xing Tian's body.

Powerful and extremely powerful, this is Xing Tian’s first impression of the “Chaotic Pond of Good Fortune”. There is no doubt that this place is definitely a holy place for cultivation. No matter what path you practice, it will have great benefits here. For people like Xing Tian who practiced the Great Way of Chaos Good Fortune, let alone, if not for the transformation of the inner world had not been completed, Xing Tian had the heart to open the door of the world and take in the source of chaotic good fortune to nourish his inner world.

Shocked is shocked. Xing Tian will not forget his purpose because of shock, and will not forget about it because of this. Once again under the influence of this external force and lose control of himself, even if his mind shocks everything in front of him, Xing Tian will That firm will overcame the influence of the'Chaotic Pond of Good Fortune' on one's own soul, freeing oneself from the influence of this force!

Across the shield, Xing Tian still conveys a terrible thought deep in his heart, and he has been persuading himself to step into the shield quickly to collect the supreme treasure of the "Chaotic Pond of Good Fortune", as if it were As long as you take one step further, you can achieve your wish, as if it is the supreme treasure of the'Chaotic Pond of Good Fortune' and let you collect it!

Fake, this kind of induction is fake, this kind of thought is fake, all of this is the influence of the'chaos fortune pool' on oneself and the confusion on one's own soul, as long as one has to do this, there is only a dead end waiting for oneself One, Xing Tian is not stupid enough to do such an ignorant thing and plunge himself into the crisis of death!

The more at this time, the more you have to be calm, and the more you can’t be impatient. Acting recklessly will only make you die faster. Such a powerful and incomparable supreme treasure is impossible without defense, without danger, even beyond the planet. There are horrible divine forbidden formations, Xing Tian doesn't believe that the shield in front of him is just a display, just to trap the huge chaotic origin!

In the face of the huge temptation, Xing Tian calmly activated his magical powers, a powerful sacred light was transmitted through his eyes, and the magical eyes opened with all his strength, exploring the secret of the shield in front of him, although the shield seemed Very ordinary, very simple, just to prevent the loss of the origin of the chaos, but Xing Tian dare not take the slightest care!

"Sure enough, there is still a terrible divine forbidden formation here. I know that things are not that simple. If the'Chaotic Good Fortune Pool' has no defense at all, then there will be ghosts!" Xing Tian squinted his eyes and looked at him like this. An independent space like a ball of light. This independent space is surrounded by dense divine forbidden formations, like a chain of order, enveloping the entire space sphere, which is simply airtight. These laws of order are in operation all the time, endless, exuding tyrannical The ultimate power of the laws of the universe. It seems that if they are a little closer, they will be shocked by these orderly formations, and those with weak strength will die or be injured!

This is not a normal divine forbidden. The divine forbidden formation here has a powerful origin of time and space. It is based on the creation of chaos and evolved into the divine forbidden of time and space. Facing this terrible divine forbidden formation, even if it is the time and space of the soul A finger can't tear apart the defense of this shield, and wanting to directly force the shield condensed by God's forbidden formation, there is only a dead end!

It’s not an exaggeration to call such a forbidden array of time and space. Not only can it block the void, but even a long river of time is locked in this forbidden array. This is one of the highest levels of forbidden. The most important thing is that the core of this divine forbidden is a supreme treasure that can provide an endless source of origin. As long as the'chaos fortune pool' is in, it is very difficult to break the divine forbidden.

For such a divine forbidden formation, there is either a magic trick to open the divine forbidden, or find the node of the divine forbidden, destroy the power of the node, and cut the connection between the divine forbidden formation and the'chaos fortune pool', otherwise it is impossible to break It is almost impossible to open the ban and break it with violence, unless you have dozens of times more power than the ban on time and space, and can crush time and space and lead time and space! Such power is not available to Xing Tian, ​​and it can even be said that there is no such a strong person in the entire boundary battlefield world, even if there is no such strong person in the remote supreme chaotic world. After all, this Is the supreme power of the last era!

"Damn it, it's the power of God's Forbidden City, and it's becoming crazier and terrifying every time. The previous God Forbidden Formation is crazy enough, but the time and space God Forbidden is even more terrifying. It directly makes my time and space magical powers completely useless. In front of the Time and Space God Forbidden, my Time and Space One Finger is not comparable at all. This is not because my magical powers are not strong enough, but my own strength is too weak to exert the true power of the Time and Space One Finger [Zero Point Reading], unable to penetrate the time and space God Ban, break time and space!"

Soon Xing Tian understood the essence of the divine forbidden, and understood that the power of the time and space magical powers branded with his own soul to know the sea cannot be restrained. The power of the same attribute is just as powerful as the original source, let alone Xing Tian has not recovered yet. , Even in the heyday, even if it is to mobilize the power of the inner world, it still cannot break the defense of the time and space forbidden. As long as one failure, it will cause the full fluctuation of the time and space forbidden. At that time, it will be more difficult for oneself to succeed. The space-time **** forbidden underneath is still unable to break through, let alone the space-time **** forbidden under a full-scale outbreak, the defense is not something Xingtian can break! Therefore, for Xing Tian, ​​there is still only one opportunity. If he fails, he will completely lose this great opportunity and pass by the ‘chaos of good fortune’!

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