God of Destruction

Chapter 3896: Time and Space Treasure

Chapter 3896: The Treasure of Time and Space

Through the eyes of supernatural powers, Xing Tian saw the internal environment of Time and Space Divine Forbidden. Although Time Space Divine Forbidden was extremely powerful, Xingtian's supernatural eyes could still penetrate it. Nothing could be hidden in front of Xingtian's eyes. There is a huge space in the center of the forbidden city, and in that space there is a huge and luxurious palace. Above this palace, Xing Tian feels the powerful origin of time and space. It is obvious that the origin of this law of time and space is the treasure, just like himself. Like the city of thunder punishment, it has a powerful and unmatched original power, but this original treasure is different from the city of thunder punishment in that its origin does not originate from itself, but from the whole body of the palace center. The "Chaotic Good Fortune Pond" made of the **** of good fortune!

Under Xingtian’s magical powers, you can clearly see everything in the palace and the connection between the'Chaotic Creation Pool' and the palace. Although the two can exist independently, they are different here. The two are closely integrated. A terrible state of symbiosis and resonance is formed. In the huge space of the palace, there are endless chaotic origins and time and space origins. The powers of the two origins are perfectly combined to support the external divine forbidden formation. As for chaos In the pool of good fortune there is endless liquid of good fortune, that is the liquid of good fortune that is completely condensed and purified from the origin of chaotic good fortune, and every drop of the liquid of good fortune has great power.

The qi of chaotic good fortune is rare, but it is nothing in this planet. The origin of chaotic good fortune is rare, but at that time, it is still nothing in the forbidden of the sky, and it is also readily available, and the liquid of good fortune is even rarer, and it has endless With the accumulation of years, there are still endless liquids of good fortune in the'Chaotic Pond of Good Fortune'!

A drop of chaotic good fortune liquid can change the essence of a creature, and it can even be a great help to ancient gods and demons. If the chaotic good fortune liquid is absorbed for a long time to nourish the body, even the ancient gods and demons can evolve their own blood. The power of this chaotic good fortune liquid shows the value of this chaotic good fortune liquid.

It’s a pity that Xingtian is now visible and intangible, and the guardian of Xingtian God’s ban, even if Xingtian’s magical eyes can see through everything, there is still no way to crack it, and he can still only stand outside of the time and space God’s ban. , And dare not attack the defense of the time and space God forbidden!

"Damn it, isn't it true that Time and Space God Forbidden has no flaws, it really cannot be passed, and can only rely on the original opening method of Time and Space God Forbidden? But endless years have passed, and the last era has long been shattered, and no one knows. At this time, the opening method of the time and space divine forbidden, is it possible that all of this can only be seen, but not touched?" Xing Tian squinted his eyes, letting his sore eyes relieve fatigue a little, knowing that such a fully opened eye of magical powers Power is also a huge burden for Xing Tian!

"No, no power is perfect, and no **** forbidden is unbreakable. No matter how strong the time and space forbidden, there will still be flaws, but I still can't figure out how to break it, and I can't find the way to break it. That’s all, as long as I can find the right direction, I will definitely be able to break the power of this time and space divine forbidden!” Soon Xingtian gathered his mind, and was not affected by the time and space divine forbidden, and let his mindset return to calm. In this situation, no matter how excited or unwilling you are, it is useless. If you want to break the forbidden, you can only have a chance if you calm down!

Xing Tian knows that it is impossible to break the power of the time and space divine power with the one-pointer of time and space. Xing Tian naturally branded the supernatural power on the soul to give up directly. Without the supernatural power of time and space, Xing Tian can only mobilize his own chaos. The Great Way of Good Fortune and the Great Way of Chaos Destruction, as for the Great Way of the World, Xing Tian also gave up. It is not a last resort. Xing Tian will not interrupt the transformation and evolution of the inner world, and will not destroy the good fortune and opportunity of his world tree clone!

"The power of time and space ranks in the top three among all the avenues. Such a avenue’s original condensed time and space forbidden, it is difficult to succeed with ordinary means and strength. If I want to succeed, I have to find another way and cannot go. On the normal road, otherwise it would be impossible to break the defense of the time and space forbidden, and it would be impossible to step into that palace!"

Xing Tian, ​​who calmed down, quickly figured out the problem before him. He understood that normal methods are impossible to succeed. Only extraordinary methods have a chance. It is just what this extraordinary method should be and what power is it composed of. Use the origin of Chaos Good Fortune Avenue to attract the origin of the'Chaotic Good Fortune Pond', and use a trace of the origin of the'Chaotic Good Fortune Pond' to enter the time and space **** forbidden. After all, this time and space **** forbidden is the chaos of the'Chaotic Good Fortune Pool'. The origin of good fortune as a nutrient!

Although this idea has the possibility of success, it’s just that the realm of the avenue of chaotic good fortune is still too far away, even if he has condensed the original treasure of the avenue of chaotic good fortune, the first-grade chaotic good fortune green lotus, but I want to attract the “chaotic good fortune pool” The supreme treasure, the original power of this quality is still inadequate, even if there is a chance, the chance is pitifully small!

"Undesirable, the Primordial Chaos Road of Good Fortune cannot achieve its purpose. After all, this probability is really pitiful. I can't risk such a big risk that the Road of Chaos Good Fortune will not succeed. Although the Avenue of Chaos Destroy has powerful destructive power and destructive power, But it is not enough to shake this time and space **** forbidden. Even if you add the city of thunder punishment in your hand, it is still difficult to shake the power of this time and space **** forbidden. Perhaps even if you explode the city of thunder punishment, it is difficult to break the time and space **** forbidden. After all, the environment here is of great help to Time and Space God Forbidden, and external forces tear the Time and Space God Forbidden frontally. This may be very small!"

When Xing Tian gave up the chaotic destruction avenue again, after giving up the thunder punishment city, he found that he no longer had the power to grasp. Now he is no longer the self before. The one who has the origin of the three thousand avenues, can There are countless ways to face many environments, and there are only two avenues at hand. This means Xingtian has a lot less to deal with crises!

auzw.com"Damn it, this is the flaw in the choice of avenues. Everything has both pros and cons. Refining the avenue of chaos for good fortune and the avenue of chaos for destruction, although you can concentrate more energy on practice, My own practice speed has increased, but when faced with a strange crisis, I have relatively fewer coping methods. If I have 3000 Dadao in my hands, I can still make other choices without being as embarrassed as I am now. , So at a loss!" When thinking about this, Xing Tian couldn't help but sighed slightly, but even so, Xing Tian didn't have any regrets in his heart. After making a good choice of Taoist practice, he must go on with all his heart instead of regretting halfway through. , Hesitated, it would only ruin my own practice, and only make my own mind feel evil!

"Do you really have to follow the crazy way of fusion, and evolve the highest chaotic origin avenue from the chaotic good fortune avenue and the chaotic destruction avenue, but the essence of the two avenues that I master now is still a bit weak, the first-grade chaotic good fortune Qinglian and the first-grade chaos? The World Extinguishing Black Lotus is really possible to control these two Dao origins. Can these two Dao origins be combined?"

Xing Tian thought of a way to solve the predicament, but he still had some worries and hesitations in his heart. It is necessary to know that the two avenues of Xing Tian are still inadequate, and these two avenues are only initially compressed. Even the first compression has not been completed. Under this circumstance, it is a bit rush to merge the two avenues and condense to the high chaos avenue!

Soon, Xing Tian smiled bitterly again, shook his head and sighed: "But do I still have a choice? Time waits for no one, and there is not much time left for me. Although the chance of success is not great, this It is already my best choice. Apart from this, I have no other choice. Even if it is to interrupt the transformation and evolution of the inner world, it is difficult to use the power of the world to tear the time and space forbidden!"

Yes, today’s Xing Tian really has no choice. To succeed, he only has to take a risk, and only let go. And this is the best way to break the time and space forbidden. If his two original treasures can merge into the Supreme Chaos Avenue , Even if there is only a trace, it has the ability to tear apart the defense of the time and space God forbidden. After all, the Supreme Chaos Avenue is the root of all avenues. Even if your own Supreme Chaos Avenue is insufficient, you can also tear the defense of the time and space God forbidden. .

However, the only thing Xing Tian worries about is whether he will provoke the counterattack of the Sky Origin Supreme Treasure if he is head-on attack on the Temporal Divine Forbidden, will it provoke the counterattack of the "Chaotic Creation Pool", even if it is the masterless origin supreme treasure. With terrible instincts, the powerful Xing Tian of the city of thunder punishment has also been seen, and the city of thunder punishment he faces is still incomplete and incomplete, and the treasure of time and space in front of him is completely different. It hasn’t been eroded by the years, and the source of chaos is the nourishment. This primordial treasure always maintains its strongest strength. Once this primordial treasure counterattacks, can he resist it? My two great primordial treasure will It will not be damaged because of this. If the two source treasures are damaged, the price will be too great!

Faced with such a situation, Xing Tian had a lot of hesitation in his heart, but if he let Xing Tian give up like this and turn around and leave, he would be unwilling. After all, he paid a huge price to rush into this planet before leaving. At this point, if you give up in this way, the price you have paid before will be turned into water. This is also a result that Xingtian cannot accept!

"If you do it, don't you just give it a go? I can afford this danger. It's a big deal to waste some time. If it succeeds, the gain will be too great!" Xingtian has never lacked determination, especially in this way. Under special circumstances, Xing Tian has no lack of decision, and Xing Tian has no choice. As long as he doesn't want to give up this great opportunity, he must take risks!

After making a decision, Xing Tian stopped compressing the power of his two sources, but slowly began to merge the two sources. Under the guidance of the treasures of the two sources, the Great Way of Chaos Destruction and Great Way of Chaos began to merge, saying Everything is not as dangerous as Xingtian thought. You must know that the two great treasures of Xingtian can be converted to each other and can balance the two avenues. On this basis, it is not too dangerous for Xingtian to integrate the avenues. Be careful, success is the inevitable result!

Under the guidance of the two great source treasures, the compressed source is slowly fusing, and a trace of terrifying supreme chaos aura begins to exude from Xing Tian's body. Although this breath is still very weak, it is only just now. At the beginning, as Xing Tian continues to merge, the supreme chaotic aura he condenses will be even more terrifying and terrifying!

When he has this trace of chaos, Xing Tian can feel the changes in his body and soul. Under the influence of the supreme aura of chaos, Xing Tian’s deity is fully evolving, but this trace of evolution is somewhat Slow, after all, Xing Tian does not have a huge supreme chaotic source as a nutrient. The most important thing is that the traces of supreme chaotic source that Xing Tian condenses are used to attack, not to nourish himself. In this case, Xing Tian’s comprehensiveness Naturally, evolution has slowed down, which is the expected result, but this slight change has also opened a new realm for Xing Tian!

unfortunately! This time Xing Tian missed another chance, an opportunity to make himself temporal. If Xing Tian can use the supreme chaotic origin of himself as a nutrient to nourish his body and soul, he will surely get an amazing harvest. In this supreme chaotic atmosphere Under the effect of, his own blood will also evolve and evolve, but Xing Tian can't do this, otherwise he will only break the great opportunity in front of him, and will only pass by the supreme treasure'Chaotic Good Fortune Pool'!

In contrast, Xing Tian is still willing to get the'Chaotic Good Fortune Pond', and if his plan is successful, he still has the opportunity to obtain the time and space treasure. Compared with his own comprehensive evolution, Xing Tian is more willing to obtain these two original treasures for consolidation. Self-foundation, strengthen one's own background, so that one can have more potential and good luck!

When he saw the treasure of the origin of time and space, a trace of inspiration flashed in Xing Tian's mind. Unfortunately, Xing Tian's current mind was almost focused on the integration of the origin, and he did not explore that trace of inspiration at all, but he could instinctively. Xing Tian felt that this treasure of time and space in front of him was very important to his future practice, and the appearance of this feeling made Xing Tian naturally even more impossible to let go!

Xingtian is still unclear about the importance of Time and Space Treasure to himself, but even if he can’t figure out the root cause, Xing Tian would not be so stupid to give up on it. Although this hint of inspiration flashed by, he did not grasp it, but Xing Tian I believe that as long as I spend a little time and a little energy in the future, I can still find the feeling before and understand the source of this inspiration!

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