God of Destruction

Chapter 3897: Festival success

Chapter 3897: Success

As long as there is time for self-transformation and evolution, it is an inevitable result. After all, I have seen this direction now, and I only need to find the right direction and have enough time. Naturally, there will be no accidents. Under this situation, if Xing Tian is Choose one's own transformation and evolution, and give up the pursuit of the treasure of time and space and the "chaotic pool of good fortune". That is a stupid decision. That is an ignorant choice. For the transformation and evolution that can be done at any time, it is only once to give up The big chance of opportunity, this kind of stupid decision, as long as a little sensible person will not make it, Xingtian naturally cannot make it!

"It's mine after all. I don't need to waste my energy in this aspect. At least at this time, I can't do it. Give me full integration!" Xing Tian quickly recovered his calm and fully integrated the two main avenues. After seeing hope, Xing Tian no longer wanted to distract him, because if he did so, he would be irresponsible for his future!

The crazy fusion of the two great primitives has made Xing Tian’s own consumption intensified. If it weren’t for this treasure land, Xing Tian’s own origins would have been exhausted in a short time. The consumption is huge, even if Xing Tian’s own background is so profound, he can’t afford such a huge consumption. Fortunately, in this treasure land, there is endless aura of good fortune, which can be used for Xing Tian’s recovery, so Xing Tian can be so crazy. Fusion of the two sources.

"Quickly, I will soon complete the integration of the two sources of my own, and when all the integration is completed, that is when I launch an attack!" Feeling the increasing strength of his own, Xing Tian muttered to himself, knowing that With a trace of the fusion of the supreme Chaos Dao origin, Xing Tian’s own power will be increased several times. It can be said that under such a crazy fusion of the two Dao origins, Xing Tian’s combat power is geometrically advancing by leaps and bounds, although this is only temporary power Strengthen, but such a powerful force can easily make people lose themselves and immerse themselves in the temptation of that powerful force.

Under such a huge power, Xing Tian can still maintain a calm mind and not be tempted by power. It has to be said that Xing Tian's will is very strong, incredibly powerful, and all this is due to Xing Tian. His own experience, the gains he has endured from the endless tempering, without that time after time of tempering, without that time and again insight into life and death, how could Xing Tian have such a powerful willpower today!

There was a crisp sound of'boom', Xing Tian's body trembled, and his soul was also turbulent. The last trace of the origin power finally merged successfully, and a powerful supreme chaotic avenue origin appeared in Xing Tian's hands, although this origin did not How much, but the power it radiated made Xing Tian moved. Under this source, Xing Tian could feel his own trembling and the desire of the soul. This is an instinctive reaction from the body, whether it is the body or the soul. Desire to swallow the power of this origin, eager to use this power of origin to complete the transformation and evolution of self.

"Finally succeeded, it's time to give it a go, I hope the result will not let me down!" Faced with his own instinctive reaction, Xing Tian was not moved by it, but remained calm and began to make the final preparations. The Eye is opened once again, searching for the forbidden node of time and space in front of him with all his strength, and finding the place where he can start!

The time and space **** forbidden in front of us is not a normal **** forbidden formation. Its power is constantly rotating and circulating. Only when a specific node is found, can it successfully interrupt the operation of the entire time and space forbidden, and then it can let He has a chance to break in, and the time for this chance is very short, so Xing Tian must make comprehensive preparations.

"Found it, it's this time, it's this node, break it for me!" With Xing Tian's deep cry, the source of the supreme chaotic avenue in his hand flew out, directly submerged into the time and space forbidden, and with this The Dao origin flew out, and Xing Tian's body also turned into a stream of light and disappeared in the sky at the time.

It succeeded. After the origin of the Supreme Chaos Avenue attacked, there was a gap in the space-time **** forbidden. Xing Tian seized this opportunity to break in directly, and at the moment when Xingtian turned into a streamer and disappeared, the time and space **** forbidden. The power of the gods was restored again, and the power of the forbidden was working again, protecting the supreme treasure in the residence.

However, this time the power of Divine Forbidden is much stronger than before. It seems that Xingtian’s attack has awakened the sleeping power of Space-Time Divine Forbidden, which instinctively feels danger and improves defense. Power, if Xingtian missed his hand before, I am afraid that the entire time and space of God forbidden will oscillate and will erupt with full force, strangling Xingtian in God forbidden!

"Is this the internal space? It seems that this place is stronger than what I saw with the eyes of magical powers! Even more!" After Xing Tian passed through the time and space forbidden, he suddenly came to another space. Although Xing Tian had known all this before, Xing Tian couldn't help being shocked when he was really in it.

At this time, Xing Tian appeared among a group of powerful palaces, and in the distance stood one after another huge palaces with countless mysterious inscriptions carved on them, which seemed to exude the power of incredible time and space laws. Vaguely, these palace groups also seemed to have formed a powerful forbidden formation with each other, and the mysterious avenue imprints seemed to be combined into the lines of the laws of the universe, forming resonance with each other. If an enemy breaks into it, he will immediately be bombarded and killed by the forbidden formation. Fortunately, there is no living creature in this place for a long time, otherwise Xing Tian will immediately fall into a bigger crisis!

This is the original treasure of Time and Space Avenue. The entire palace complex is a giant city, a supreme original treasure similar to the city of thunder and punishment, and the supreme treasure "Chaotic Nature Pool" is also in the center of this giant city. Now Xingtian Only one step away can achieve your wish, get the "Chaotic Good Fortune Pool" you have been longing for, and accomplish your goal!

auzw.com was excited. At this moment, Xing Tian couldn’t bear it anymore. The excitement in his heart was on his face. At this time, even if Xing Tian had a firm will, he would do it. Excited, after all, when faced with such a huge opportunity, Xing Tian would be moved by it, and would also be affected by that state of mind, and his mind would be impacted by this opportunity.

You must know that this is not just one supreme treasure, but two. The supreme treasure of'Chaotic Creation Pool' is enough to make Xing Tian moved, and now there is another treasure of time and space, two great treasures. The Supreme Treasure of Shangbenyuan is right in front of oneself, who can stay calm, who can stay calm, no one can do it, if someone really can do this, that person is no longer a person, but more Everything, no feelings!

Does the danger still exist? Xing Tian shook his head slightly. At this moment, his instinct did not feel the existence of danger. Although this time-space avenue's original treasure has a powerful force, it did not initiate the attack of that power, and his arrival did not alarm this one. Primordial Treasure, it can be said that his previous plan was successful, and he successfully completed the previous goal!

As long as the Primordial Treasure of Time and Space Avenue is not activated, Xing Tian does not need to worry that walking in this palace will be attacked by this Time and Space Treasure, which means that he can safely resist to the'Chaotic Creation Pool', and it also means himself. Xingtian’s plan was successful. As long as he walked to the “Chaotic Good Fortune Pond”, Xing Tian would open the door to the inner world without hesitation, and use the power of the inner world to complete the collection of the “Chaotic Good Fortune Pond”. Xing Tian is not worried about the original treasure of Time and Space Avenue. As long as the'Chaotic Pond of Good Fortune' is taken away, the ultimate treasure of Time and Space Avenue will be weakened by more than half. At that time, he also has the ability and confidence to refine this treasure and make himself One more killer!

When thinking of this, Xing Tian showed a faint smile on his face. After paying such a big price, he finally saw the hope of success. At this moment, Xing Tian no longer hesitated, his figure flashed, and he quickly shuttled through the palace. As he walked, according to his previous memory, he quickly went to the location of the'Chaotic Good Fortune Pond'.

Before long, Xing Tian appeared in another huge and towering palace, and saw a huge jade pond suddenly appeared in this palace, and a mysterious mist appeared. This jade pond is indeed the "chaotic pool of good fortune" that I have been looking for. The closer you get to this place, the more you can perceive the power of the origin of good fortune. It seems that you can get sublimated by just taking a breath. Shaking, emitting the instinct of desire!

Seeing the'Chaotic Creation Pool' in front of him, Xing Tian was suddenly excited. At this time, Xing Tian could clearly perceive the greatness of this jade pond. It seemed to be communicating with the origin of the universe all the time, devouring a large amount of original energy, and then Transformed into an endless source of chaotic good fortune, and the outer chaotic good fortune is just a trace of aura emitted when the'chaotic good fortune pool' transforms the source, even after the endless years, this ultimate treasure of chaos, chaos The "Good Fortune Pond" is still intact, it seems to stay quietly in this place, waiting for the arrival of the next master.

"Yeah!" When Xing Tian just wanted to open the door to the inner world and packaged this original treasure away, Xing Tian frowned because he found out that he had found the Chaos Fortune Pond. 'Closely connected with the original treasure of the Time and Space Avenue where you are in. If you want to take away the'Chaotic Creation Pool', you will surely alarm the original treasure of the Time and Space Avenue. If you are not careful, you will fall into the crazy strangulation of the original treasure of the Time and Space Avenue. In!

You know, despite the endless years, all the forbidden formations of the Primordial Treasure of Time and Space Avenue remain intact and can operate freely. If you forcibly seize the'Chaotic Pond of Good Fortune', even if you can succeed, it will definitely arouse this. Xingtian didn’t know exactly what kind of lethality the Primordial Treasure of the Time-space Avenue’s original treasure had resisted, but Xingtian believed that once this time-space city was fully activated, he must be. Ten dead but no life!

"Damn it, how could this happen? The calculations of the **** who left the "Chaotic Good Fortune Pond" were too crazy. They connected the two treasures so closely. If you want to take away the "Chaotic Good Fortune Pond", you must solve it. If you open the connection between them, or the result will be unimaginable, this **** is really damned!" When Xing Tian noticed this big problem, Xing Tian couldn't help the anger in his heart anymore, and yelled aloud, and the treasure was in front of him. , But this kind of accident happened, no matter how patience Xing Tian is, no matter how generous Xing Tian is, he will be irritated at this moment!

Of course, it’s not that Xingtian’s inability to unravel the connection between these two treasures of origin, but that time waits for no one. Although Xingtian doesn’t know what’s going on outside, Xingtian believes that it won’t take long before a powerful enemy will appear here. On the planet, someone will discover the secrets of this planet. The corpses of the life gods and demons outside will be discovered. The original treasure of the Path of Poison will also be discovered. A terrible war will inevitably come. Very dangerous to myself!

Heartache! Whether it is the corpse of a life **** or demon or the source of the Poisonous Dao on its body, Xing Tian does not want to give up. If he can open the door of the inner world and directly swallow the'chaos fortune pool', with the'chaos fortune pool' as the foundation, Suppressing the origin of the inner world, I have the ability to directly pull the corpses of the life gods and demons into my own inner world, but now this idea of ​​my own will come to nothing, wasting time to untie the connection between the two avenues. I am afraid that there is not enough time to collect the corpses of the life gods and demons. It is not that my own source is not enough, but my own spirit cannot persist!

Whether it is to untie the relationship between the two primordial treasures, or to collect the "Chaos Fortune Pool", refining the supreme treasure of Time and Space City, it takes Xing Tian's huge energy, even if Xing Tian's will is firm, it should be the energy When the consumption is severe, it is unable to collect the corpse of the life **** and demon. After all, it is a true ancient **** and demon, the strong man who stood at the peak of civilization in the previous era, even if it is just a corpse, the power it emits is not Ordinary people can bear it. In the heyday, Xing Tian can still be sure, and the energy consumption is too heavy, Xing Tian has to give up!

Although the corpse of the life **** and demon is very important to oneself, it is nothing more important than your own safety. After all, your life is more important. Losing the corpse of this life **** and demon is nothing but less. A bit of background, and if you plunge yourself into the crisis of death for the sake of temporary greed, that is a stupid decision!

Mad **** xingtian

Crazy God Xingtian

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