God of Destruction

Chapter 3899: Rebuke

Chapter 3889

When Xing Tian once again entered the Dao of Enlightenment, his own spirit was once again connected with this time and space city. Although this was only a blood refining, the blood refining had changed, making Xing Tian's mind unconsciously constant. The earth is integrated into the city of time and space, and such integration is of great benefit to Xing Tian. It can make his spirit and his body continue to be integrated into the time and space avenue, and constantly feel the origin and essence of the time and space avenue. If such an opportunity were exchanged for a person who practiced the Dao of Time and Space, it would be a terrible opportunity to make myself soar into the sky. Unfortunately, Xing Tian Xiu was not the Dao of Time and Space, but the Dao of Chaos Destruction and Dao of Chaos.

The blood refining continued. As Xing Tian continued to refining the city of time and space, Xing Tian gradually obtained more and more chaotic origins from his body, allowing Xing Tian himself to accumulate a lot of chaotic origin power, and this Power is a huge help to Xing Tian himself, allowing Xing Tian's blood to be continuously tempered under the effect of that huge source of good fortune.

When Xing Tian continued to refine the city of time and space, he did not find that as his blood refining continued to accelerate, the city of time and space was constantly shaking, and the vibration of the city of time and space also caused changes in the outside world. The planet, the planet connected with the secret world shook frantically, as if a super earthquake had occurred, and such vibrations not only act on the planet itself, but also in the secret world. The planet The vibration caused a shock in the space, spreading to this space with a radius of millions of light years, giving a slight change to the secret world.

At this time, the many powerful people who madly sensed the opportunity and rushed to this planet were suddenly shocked by the sudden coming of the seminar. They did not understand why such terrible shocks occurred in this space, and why they were Outside of the opportunity of induction, such drastic changes will occur within such a wide range, which will make one feel an inexplicable danger!

Yes, it is dangerous! All the powerhouses who went to Xingtian’s planet felt the danger. The shock of the sky at that time gave them tremendous pressure and shock, making their hearts heavy inexplicably, and making them all be cautious about it. At this moment, the turbulence of time and space will accelerate, increase, and immediately involve yourself in it!

"Damn it, what's going on? Why suddenly the space here oscillates? Could it be that the chance inside has changed, or there is a treasure to be born, which caused the whole space to change, making this world alike? Ups and downs!"

Soon someone shook up suddenly, as if thinking of something in his heart, his expression became extremely dignified. You must know that in a short period of time, hundreds of powerful people have gathered in the vast space outside this planet. , And this number is still increasing, because with the turbulence of time and space, more and more powerful people will be able to sense the changes in this space, and more and more careerists will come in madly. Loss, the loss will never come, this is the truth that everyone who enters the secret world knows that as long as the opportunity arises, no one will shrink back, even in the face of the most dangerous environment, everyone is willing to let it go!

"No, this is not the birth of a heavy treasure, but the planet is about to explode, **** bastard, there is no chance here at all, this is a trap, a trap for all of us, everyone rewind, or the explosion of the planet will make the entire space collapse. , Once caught in it, it is ten deaths without life, no matter how strong the defense is, it cannot withstand the terrible destructive power!"

"It's that **** **** who dares to do such a crazy thing, dare to plot against all of us, this lunatic is really damned!"

Rows of anger continued to sound. In the eyes of these people, everything in front of them is a big trap, a trap aimed at them, making them want to escape frantically, and these people feel that way. , The reason is very simple, because they think too much, because their strength is not good, they are the weakest existence of all people's central ambitions, when such a crisis occurs, their first thought is that someone is plotting themselves, there is no Think deeper!

"Ignorance, really a group of ignorant bastards, this space is indeed very violent, but it is still far from the explosion, and this violent aura is not the aura of planetary explosions, but a mysterious power fluctuation, but this is also good. If these ants stay here, it will only be a bad thing. It’s a good thing for them to get out early. If they spread all this, the **** who are about to come will also shrink back. This is a good thing. These ants are alive. Still a good thing!"

For those who are powerful and determined, they all sneered in their hearts. Although they all understood how this happened, they did not stand up to stop those weak-minded people. What's worse, it is secretly adding to the flames, so that more people have fear in their hearts, and more people retreat because of fear.

All of a sudden, the evil of human nature broke out at this time. For those **** with malicious intent, they are madly taking advantage of this opportunity to constantly confuse those weak-willed people in secret, and constantly scare them back. Create man-made tragedies in the crowd, and this tragedy is naturally ***, they use such methods to constantly intimidate other people.

death! Yes, at this moment, some weak-minded people can easily be calculated by these villains, involved in the powerful shock of the space, and end in a dead end. The death of one or two people is nothing, but it is counted. The deaths of ten people became different. It was only a short time. The number of powerful people gathered here suddenly decreased by half, and some of the people who were rushing crazily retreated because of this threat, even though they retreated. The people are just weak-minded, but this also greatly reduces the pressure on those who stand at the top, letting them all breathe a sigh of relief!

Opportunity cannot be missed. Lost will never come. Although there are a lot of people who run away, there are also many who remain. And with the passage of time, more and more people will gather here, not the creatures of this secret world. More, but as time goes by, the shock of time and space no longer expands, and there is no horrible aura of destruction. This will make the creatures who had retired have a sense of understanding, let them understand that they have been deceived, and understand that everything here is just Some **** came here intentionally!


"Everyone, we can't keep waiting like this. If the time goes on, the fear caused by the shock of time and space will gradually disappear. When the ignorant **** react, they will return again, and they will hold When the evil thoughts come, all of us will become their thorns and thorns. Everyone will regard us as enemies. At that time, we will all be in great trouble. If we are not careful, we will all fall into a crisis of death!"

"Damn it, this is not caused by you guys. If you didn't do this bad thing on purpose, how could there be such a hidden danger? Now you regret it. What's the use? I knew that you shouldn't do this despicable thing. Shameless thing!" After hearing those words, some strong men couldn't help showing anger on their faces and shouted at each other.

"Hmph, now put the responsibility on us. Why didn't you stand up to stop it before? Don't say you were incapable of doing this, but you **** have the same idea. If you stopped it before, naturally you wouldn't have it. And even if we don’t do it, do you think those **** will get along with us in peace?"

"Hypocrisy, really a group of hypocritical bastards, I'm not doing this for everyone's sake. If we don't trick those ignorant ants away, can we act with peace of mind? There are those bastards, who can guarantee that they will not attack us, now These ignorant ants are gone. It is a great opportunity for us to take action. As long as we join hands, everyone can rush into this space together. I don't believe you **** will not sense the chance!"

"Well said, these **** are too hypocritical. They always want to put the blame on others. They seem to be so noble. In a word, you **** are willing to cooperate. If you don't want to cooperate, then go away. , Don’t hinder us, even without you hypocritical bastards, we still have the ability to rush in together!"

Soon there were roars and shouts, and the wicked people who “dare to do, dare to do” all behaved extremely crazy and overbearing. For them, they didn’t care about the reaction of those who opposed it, because In their view, these **** are hypocrites, they all want to do it in their hearts, but they pretend to be noble, as long as they tear off their disguise, everything is much easier!

"Damn, these barbarians are so damned, they dare to speak to me like this, don't let me find a chance, or they will definitely teach you barbarians a profound lesson, so that you can understand what you can say and what you can't say!" Although these People are swearing at each other secretly in their hearts, but just as those wicked people say, these people are too hypocritical, none of them show it, all of them are silent, and they don't seem to be angry at all!

"You hypocritical bastards, stop being innocent. We will give you one last chance. Everyone who is willing to cooperate will act together. If you don't want to, let me go away. If someone blocks our way, we will kill you. , Send you to the west!" Seeing the silence of those hypocritical people, these vicious people roared again with disdain.

"Hahaha, well said, hurry up, you hypocritical bastards, time is not waiting for people, we don’t have much time left. If we wait for more people to appear, we won’t be able to act even if we want to, if you don’t To express our position, we can only kill the killer. It is no wonder that we are to blame. If it is to be blamed, you should be too hypocritical and not cooperative. Let me give you a good word!"

When these wicked people speak to this level, what else can those hypocritical people say, and what can they dare to say? If they really have to stand up and refuse at this time, they are ruining themselves. These mad people in front of them, these wicked people. The barbarians will not show mercy to their subordinates, they will definitely hurt the killer, and even the hypocritical companions who stand with them will be able to make a big shot, plot against themselves, and use their lives as an advanced name!

This is the secret world, where there is a great opportunity. For the sake of opportunity, everything can happen. This is well known to everyone, that is, everyone is now blocked by this terrible and terrifying spatial shock. , Had to cooperate, otherwise the many powerhouses present could not help the greedy thoughts in their hearts, and they made a big shot here!

"Okay, let's work together, let's talk, how we act, how to rush in, everyone must have a charter!" Facing the huge pressure, facing the terrible threat, facing the huge temptation, finally someone Compromised.

"Huh, it's this time. I'm really ignorant and hypocritical about the regulations. In a word, everyone rushed in in a group, and everything depends on their ability. If someone is not strong enough and perishes, then I can only blame my own strength for too weak, and I can't blame it. Others, at this time, this kind of sentiment is fluttering, and any regulations are false, and no one will believe it!"

This is a big truth. At this time, under such circumstances, no one will believe other people. In the face of this great opportunity, everyone has selfish intentions. They can do anything for the opportunity, face to face. In the face of death, in the face of danger, no one will help. The reason why these wicked people will pull everyone to act together is that on the one hand, there are too many people to share the pressure, and on the other hand, they are also worried that someone will deliberately drag back. Bad luck for everyone!

"Okay, don't waste any more time, otherwise more people will show up and start acting. If anyone dares to attack when the time is right, then it is everyone's public enemy. Everyone will be punishable. Chong!" There is not so much communication. When the charge fell, some wicked people did not give in, and rushed to the front line frantically, although the charge would face more dangers and bear greater pressure at the forefront. , But the pros and cons are equal. Before taking on huge pressures and dangers, they can also have great opportunities, can find opportunities ahead of others, and even learn more!

The benevolent see benevolence, the wise see wisdom! At this time, under this situation, everyone has a different opinion. If you charge forward, you will not necessarily face death, and if you fall behind, you will not be safe. In this mysterious environment No one knows what will happen in the next moment, or whether he will face death in the next moment!

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