God of Destruction

Chapter 3900: Conspiracy

Chapter 3900: Conspiracy

"No, keep up. The behavior of these **** caused a space storm!" When someone rushed into the void, it immediately caused a change in space. A huge space storm is taking shape frantically, and terrible forces are gathering. , This kind of shock made the powerful people who lag behind were afraid of it one by one, and all of them were scolding the **** who caused this shock in their hearts, but it's a pity that no matter how much they scold, it's useless, everything has already begun. , They are already involuntarily!

When the space storm condensed, the hearts of those who charged first did not mention how happy and excited they were. For these fierce people, they never considered the life and death of other people. They charged first. Unconsciously, they have formed a huge opportunity for themselves. How can this make them unhappy? What does the life and death of other people have to do with them? If they can clean up some people with the help of the condensing space storm, this is also a good thing, at least oneself There will be fewer rivals, one more person to compete, one more pressure, and one less chance. Therefore, for these people, they want other people to die, so that they can swallow all the opportunities and get the chance. Great benefits under the guidance.

Does no one doubt that this so-called chance is just a trap, or just an ordinary change in the world? Yes, no one doubts it, because they don’t believe that anyone can do this to such a degree, can cause such a terrible change in such a powerful way, this kind of power is too terrifying, beyond their imagination, and this From their point of view, the power of cultivators would not be able to master it at all. Such power can only be achieved by the mighty power of heaven and earth, and only those opportunities buried in ancient time and space can be motivated. If someone really can do this , That means that someone has mastered the inheritance of the previous era, and someone has a great opportunity to be buried in ancient time and space, and this will make them crazy.

Facing the huge temptation of profit, after seeing the real opportunity, these strong men will be even more crazy and lose their minds, because no one can resist the temptation of profit. Under the temptation of the inheritance of the previous era, their hearts Their only reason will be lost, and they will seize the opportunity they can see at all costs.

People are not for themselves, and the earth will die! It is said that these practitioners, for these practitioners, their existence is originally the worms of the heaven and the earth, they are the lunatics who steal the vitality of the heaven and the earth. For them, there is only oneself, and they don’t care about other things. , Only oneself is the most important thing. They do anything terribly for their own benefit, no matter how crazy it is, it is not a problem for them and they can do it.

"Damn, the **** in front are rushing quickly, everyone, don't mess up, otherwise everyone will be swept in under the full-scale storm of this space, and no one will be better at that time!" An angry roar sounded from behind the crowd , This is a warning from those strong at the end of the body to other people. They are warning those **** not to be distracted, or everyone will die together. At this time, no one will believe other people, especially when they are at the end. These people, they would never believe that those **** in the front would not know to kill people with a knife, and use this terrifying space storm to plot against those who are behind!

Once such a situation occurs, it will be a devastating disaster for the strong ones who fall in the end. The result is something they cannot bear and they are unwilling to accept. For these strong ones, They never put their lives on others, let alone put them on the goodwill of others!

Do practitioners have good intentions? Maybe there is, but no one dares to gamble like this. No one is willing to use his own life to bet the kindness of others. To do so would be irresponsible to his own life, so there is this warning. They are warning the people in front not to play tricks, otherwise everyone will die together, they can't see the vitality, and these **** in front should not think about getting better, everyone should die together, and no one should try to escape alone!

"Assholes, these **** **** dare to threaten us. They think they are something, so they dare to speak with us in such a tone. If I say, we will take this opportunity to kill these assholes. These **** are dead, and we will have More opportunities, more gains!” In the face of threats, some of the people who rushed to the front could not help but express their own opinions to others, in his opinion. , Only dead people are good people.

"Kill them, we want to do this, but we can't do everything too much, and we can't be too impulsive. Although these **** are damned, we can't make fun of our lives. For these bastards, we can't take it lightly. It’s not just a warning, but their true voice. Under the temptation of interest, these **** can do anything. We can’t careless now, and we can’t arouse these bastards’ murderous intentions. If we can get rid of them, we will also pay a heavy price. Everything is for profit, and everything else can be put down for the time being!"

"Well said, the most important thing for us now is the interests, not the struggle of spirits. It is nothing to make these **** happy first, and let them get some cheaper first. When we get the inheritance, we will turn around. It’s not too late to come and clean them up. We can’t lose our first opportunity for a momentary struggle. We must know that the **** behind are eager for us to impulsively fight with the last bastards. Since then, they will There is a chance to surpass us and seize our first opportunity!"

"Yes, at this time we can't be impulsive, we can't be careless, everything is profit-oriented, so don't talk about stupid words, it doesn't matter if you want to die alone, don't drag us all. The **** surpasses your chances, if you have to be arrogant, then you do it alone, and we will not interfere!"

impulse! Would a person who can charge at the forefront and get the first opportunity be so impulsive? No, no, if an impulsive person can’t get there at all, the reason why he said such a thing is just a temptation, and other people understand this, so there will be such a thing. The confrontation over words, for those who are in the forefront, all know the real intention of this bastard, so they are not polite, and directly give each other a curse!

auzw.com "Hmph, these **** are really hard to deal with, none of them are irritated by my words. These **** are still powerful, but this time I count you guys, but the next time is different I hope you can live so well and be so cautious all the time??" Faced with that shout, the heart of the person who opened the trial was sneered!

Even though they are all members of the first group, others are in the forefront, but for these people, the competition between them is more terrifying, crazier, and even more powerful than those behind them, because they They are all standing on the front line, and once a chance appears, they will be aware of it for the first time, so for them, they are the biggest rivals!

This person is sneering again and again, why not sneer in the heart of those strong people who are also in the first group: "Damn bastard, you think you can count us this way, really ignorant and stupid, if the current situation does not allow us to make a big move , I've killed you **** long ago. We will keep the calculations in mind this time. You must pray for your life and be safe, or if there is a chance, we will definitely kill you **** and let you know that you dare to calculate How tragic our end is, no one can calculate us without paying the price, and you are no exception!"

Yes, no one wants to be calculated. These people who are in the forefront are no exception, but don’t look at these people who are secretly communicating now, wanting to separate the people who were tempted before, and want to kick the opponent out first. But things are not that simple. For such people, they can also work together. They seem to be very united, and they are repelling the people who have spoken before, but they are just verbal remarks. They should really be allowed to take action. No one will do this.

People don’t kill themselves and the heavens, no one wants to be the first bird, and no one wants to make a wedding dress for others. The first person will definitely be hated by the other party. If it really drives the other party to a desperate situation, then Naturally, the first person to pull the other person and die together is himself, precisely because everyone understands this, all of them are just verbal vents!

The first person to be tempted is not a fool. Since he dared to do this, he naturally saw through the minds of the people present and their xinxing. Therefore, the other party did not worry that someone would take the first shot, or that these people could unite. I hurt the killer. On the contrary, with these words, my situation became safer, because my performance was enough to make these **** dare not take action. No one wants to provoke a crazy enemy to himself in this situation!

Calculate, in these words, this is a crazy confrontation, a terrible calculation, it is obvious that the first person to open the test has the advantage and succeeds in making himself invincible, as long as he Don't make excessive actions, no one will kill him! Of course, this is only for the people who charge in front, and for those behind them, such a threat does not exist. For the benefit, the people behind will do everything!

Time is tight, and there is not much time left for these people, so they don’t have so much time to think about too many things, so no one can see through the calculations of the first person to speak, otherwise the situation might not be so peaceful. , You must know that no one wants to miss the first opportunity, no one wants to see their companions occupy an invincible place first, if such a situation occurs, they will all rise up in trouble, and they will be swept away first, then I am afraid it is worth paying a little price!

"No, we all underestimated the changes in this space, we all underestimated the changes in the world, this place may really explode as the **** said before, maybe there is a real danger here!" Dang felt more and more When the crazier aura became more and more violent, the look of these strong men who charged in front changed drastically.

The danger, they all felt the great danger, and everyone was caught in a terrible crisis. The explosion that was thought to be impossible had really appeared, but such a shock was caused by them!

"Damn it, maybe we are in the midst of it. We are the stupidest beings. Those **** who open to escape are the real conspirators. We are the ones who have been calculated. They have already seen the essence of this emptiness, so they laid it down. This kind of trap is waiting for us to take the initiative to jump in, and we are now jumping in stupidly!" Suddenly, someone said something like this, and when his words fell, everyone Silence, such a thing is not impossible!

"Asshole, if things are really like this, we will be in big trouble, and everyone will fall into a real crisis of death. If all these are traps that the **** have planned for a long time, then our situation will be dangerous. Even if we can escape the impact of the explosion of this space, our vitality will be greatly injured, and those **** can take advantage of the profit of the fisherman, and can take the opportunity to kill us. In this situation of mental arithmetic and unintentional, We will all face the threat of death!"

"No, maybe this is just our own guess. Those **** don't have such ability. All this is just a coincidence. Let's not scare ourselves. There is no need to lose confidence in ourselves at this time!"

"Enough, you are just as stupid as you are. Do you think that we are all as stupid as you? Many of those **** may be cowardly ants, but there are definitely gloomy enemies among them. Don’t you think Did things go too smoothly before, just relying on our strength to really be able to scare so many people so easily, in my opinion, we really got the trick, really got the trick, among the **** who retreated , Only a quarter of people are counting on us!"

"Yes, think about the previous situation carefully. All of this is really problematic. It's just that we didn't think about it carefully at the time. We were blinded by the joy of success. This time our troubles are really big. Fortunately, we are behind now. Those **** can act as a buffer for us, so that we can have time to make changes!" People do not punish themselves, the first thought of these people is to abandon the companions behind, in order to protect themselves!

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