God of Destruction

Chapter 3901: Section counterattack

Chapter 3901 Counterattack

"No, we can't let these **** do the calculations. They want to use us as pawns and they have to withstand our backlash. Now the space storm is condensing, we can use the power of the space storm to give them a fatal blow and let them Knowing that if you want to calculate us, you will have to pay a heavy price. No one can calculate us and get back!"

"You have a good idea, but it is not easy to do this, and we are running out of time. If we just use the **** behind to block the **** ants, we can still do it. We have to count them back. It is not an easy task. At least we don’t have so much time. The most important thing is that once we fail, there is only a dead end. In contrast, I would rather endure this bad breath than risk my life. Because it's not worth it!"

"It's not worth it, it's a good one to endure this bad breath. I think you have been cultivating for a long time and you have been silly to practice, and you have lost your temperament. If you don't even have this breath, you can talk about cultivation. Without the will to fight, there is only the pitiful patience left in my heart. Do you think there is still a need to live? That is not practice, that is to cut off the future, that is to create a demon for yourself, as long as your mind retreats, You will definitely become your own demon. This time you backed down and endured this bad breath. Then next time you will continue to back down, and next time you still have a chance to back down?"

silence! The former strong man a moment ago became silent, and his heart was ups and downs like turning over the river and the sea. Yeah, this time he gave up and endured the bad breath, but next time he could give up, this time Will my concession not leave hidden dangers in my heart? Beware of the devil's life, does he have a future?

No, as long as one’s own mind is born with magical thoughts, it will be difficult to get rid of it, and his own path of cultivation will be completely cut off. At that time, even if he can get the inheritance of the previous era in this secret world, in my heart, With magical thoughts, under magical thoughts, no matter how good the inheritance is, there is no possibility of moving forward. The power of the inner demon will completely cut off his own path of cultivation!

"Hey!" When thinking about this, the person involuntarily gasped in a cold breath. The expression on his face was constantly changing. After a while, he sighed and said, "Thank you for your reminder. If it weren't for your help, this time I I really have lost all tribulations, completely ruined my own path of cultivation, completely cut off my own future, and never had a chance to transcend!"

"Hmph, you don't need to thank me. The reason why I did this is for my own sake. If we can't work together at this time, we can't help each other, through the current difficulties, waiting for us is only a dead end, don't think that you can bear it. With this bad breath, we can avoid the catastrophe by retreating. By doing this, we can truly cut off our future. For the life of the heart demon, none of us want to be detached. When those **** are calculating us, they have already thought of this. One point, it can be said that they really did not leave us any retreat. If we retreat, we will be a dead end, and if we give up our lives, there will be a silver lining!"

It’s easier said than done, and it’s hard to do it. Few people can really do this. Few people can see the overall situation. Don’t look at them all have extraordinary powers, but when they know When I fell into the calculations of others, many people's hearts were inevitably affected, leaving a shadow. If this shadow is not cleared away, it will inevitably become a demon over time, and will cut off them. future.

"What a sinister group of bastards. We thought we were great and powerful. We calculated them, but we didn't expect that it was not those **** who were stupid, but we self-righteous people, although we didn't want to accept this result in our hearts. , But this is the fact, we can’t help but accept it. If we can’t bear even this bit of setback, even this shadow cannot come out, we really have no future at all. Those **** don’t give us a way out, and we don’t need it. If you hide it again, isn't it just letting go? It's just a fight for your life. It's no big deal. Even if we die, we can't make those **** feel better. We have to let them know how powerful we are and make them pay a heavy price! "

"Okay, very good. Since everyone understands our situation and our current predicament, and is determined to let go, we will try our best to teach them a lesson and let them know that we are not good calculations, and the terrible space storm Everyone understands that if we just use the power of the space storm to let the **** behind to block the **** who calculate us, it would be too cheap for them. They want us to die, we will let them die first!"

"The Daoist must have thought of a way to say this. I don't know what the Daoist's strategy is, I will listen to you!"

After taking a deep breath, the man looked terrified, and said in a deep voice, "No matter how powerful the conspiracy and tricks are in the face of absolute strength, those **** are indeed calculating us and treating us as chess pieces. We broke through for them, but they also made a big mistake. It is really great to treat us as chess pieces. The problem is that we don’t notice it. As long as we notice it, everything is different. We are not ants without resistance. Now, although we have fallen into the other side’s calculations and fell into a disadvantage, we also have our own advantages. This is our chance to comeback!"

"Advantages, fellow daoists, I can't think of what advantages we have now. We must know that we are in the bright spot, in the calculation of the other side, and the advantages that come from there can be said. On the contrary, I think we have fallen into a huge disadvantage! "

"Hmph, ignorance, if you think so, it means that your vision is too bad, it means that your mind is simple. Indeed, we are caught in a huge disadvantage on the surface and calculated by those bastards, but you have forgotten. Two sides, we can’t just see our own weaknesses, we should think about our own strengths, what our strengths are, in fact, it’s very simple, that’s the first opportunity, we are in this space, we are at the forefront, this is us This is our first opportunity, even if we are in danger, but the first opportunity is still in our grasp!"


"Well said, Fellow Daoists are really good at seeing something extraordinary in this desperate situation. Yes, we are indeed caught in a crisis, but the crisis is also an opportunity. We still have an advantage. Before we can see through each other's calculations, we are indeed in danger, but if we see through all of this, everything will change, and we have the possibility of a comeback!"

"Yes, we do have a chance to comeback. The space storm is born because of us, because of us. Under our control, as long as we are willing to pay a little price, we will definitely be able to hit those **** hard. They think To calculate us, to be able to tease us between the hands, we can also use the first opportunity to reverse these bastards!"

"Well, since everyone understands what the Daoists mean, don’t waste time. We don’t have so much time to waste. Let the Daoists clarify the plan first. After all, we don’t have much time left. Continue to waste!"

"Right, right, right! We can't afford to waste time now. Fellow Daoists, please tell us about our plans. We will do our best to help. We must teach those **** a lesson and let them know how terrible it will be to calculate our end! "

"The plan is very simple, just above this space storm. This space storm has appeared because of us, and is condensed because of us. As long as we continue to move forward, the space storm will surely break out. The opportunity that those **** are waiting for is the emergence of space storms. , If we set off this space storm in advance, what will happen, what will those **** think and do!"

"Hahaha! I understand, fellow daoists, as long as we detonate the space storm first, those **** will inevitably appear here and come to kill us, and they don’t know that we have noticed everything, and The space storm that we detonated is only a small part. When these **** enter, we will trigger the last space storm. Then they will be swept by the space storm, and if there is no intention, these **** will be seriously injured if they die. , This is our chance to comeback!"

"Yes, that's it. It's just that everyone is wrong. We don't have reservations when we detonate the space storm in advance, but do our best. Otherwise, it is not easy to count those bastards, and it is not easy to make a comeback. Those **** are not. Fools, they can't be unprepared. If we have reservations, they will not be deceived!"

"Friends, but we really have to do this. Even if the other party appears, it will be harmful to us. After all, we have suffered a huge impact. Under that situation, I can't see the possibility of a turnaround. I All you see is death!"

"Death! If you can't see death, how can you let those **** be deceived, how can you let them let go of their guards, and how can there be the possibility of a comeback? Yes, we do have to withstand a huge impact, but don’t forget it. When a space storm appears, what will this void look like? Under the space storm, the entire void will be shattered. Those **** who want to enter it will have to pay a heavy price. If they don't pay the price, it is naturally impossible. To catch up with us, if this is the case, then I feel at ease, we can have enough time to find opportunities!"

"Well, it’s better for Daoists to see all this thoroughly. It’s true. Everything has two sides. We can’t just see the side that is not good for ourselves. What we want to see is the side that is good for ourselves, as long as we do this. So, they seized the opportunity. Those **** would either do nothing and be blocked by the impact of the space storm, or venture into the space storm. No matter what they choose, it is very beneficial to us, because we Occupying the initiative, this is our greatest advantage. The first opportunity is in our hands. As long as the first opportunity is not lost, we will be invincible!"

"Hahaha! Fellow Daoists really want to understand, those **** are indeed very powerful, conspiracy and tricks are very good, but they also have weaknesses, as long as the first opportunity is in our hands, we can be invincible, although this will make us Paid a heavy price, but for the great opportunity, even the great price is worth it. If you don’t pay the harvest, you must have the sacrifice. It is impossible for us to get the great opportunity and get the chance without paying anything. Great interest!"

"Well, if this is the case, then we will take action. Detonating a space storm at this time is the most beneficial for us. Now everyone is taking action and exploding with all of their strength, triggering this dramatic change in the world and making this space storm explode ahead of time. Well, let those **** **** enter the game. The opportunity is not to be missed. The loss will never come. This is the only chance for us to come back. I hope you don’t have reservations. Otherwise, the enemy will see through and we will be in a real despair. Among them, I said the ugly words in front. This is not a matter for one of us, but is related to the life and death of all of us. If someone wants to save their power, then don’t blame me for waiting for my cruel heart and sending you on the road first. You fool, understand the importance of this matter."

Yes, no one is a fool. Those who can stand here are all human beings. Even if some people didn’t see the overall situation and didn’t think of a solution before, but after hearing these exchanges, they all understood the sinister situation. , I also understand that under this situation, if anyone dares to have selfishness and reservations, then he is an enemy of everyone, and is everyone’s public enemy. Once he does this, he will definitely die without life. Keep it, and it's hard to resist other people's strangulation!

Although this situation may not necessarily happen, after all, everyone is not a fool, but for the sake of safety, I still put this statement in the clear, and try my best to prevent the most dangerous situation from appearing, otherwise it is for everyone. It is really a great danger, it will make everyone fall into a terrible death crisis, and make everyone have to face death!

"Get started, try your best to arouse your own breath, connect with the origin of this world, make this space storm more violent, don't care about it, don't care about the **** behind, at this time we have no choice, those **** want to stop We also have to go through the space storm first, and open it for me!" With the sound of this voice, a terrible breath rose to the sky, and with the appearance of this breath, the fluctuation of the space became terrifying. , The origin of the terrifying space has become more violent!

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