God of Destruction

Chapter 3905: Festival shock

Chapter 3905: Shocking Change

"Fifty percent, half of the time and space city has been refined, but the harvest after refining is not as terrifying as imagined, and the inheritance obtained is still a little too small. Could it be that the time and space city has also been affected? The damage does not completely carry all the inheritance information of the ancient strong. If so, I am afraid that the Chaos Fortune Pool is not as powerful as I thought, and there is no complete ancient information retention. This will have a great impact on future practice. !" When thinking of this, Xing Tian frowned involuntarily. Complete ancient information is very important to Xing Tian. In Xing Tian's eyes, complete ancient information is more important than the inheritance of the ancient strong, the inheritance of the ancient strong. No matter how good it is, it is only the way of other people’s practice. It is only a reference for oneself, while ancient information is different. Complete ancient information can enable Xing Tian to truly understand everything in the ancient times, understand the true situation of the previous era, and understand the era. The real danger of the robbery is to find a way to crack it!

After a while, Xing Tian sighed lightly, and muttered to himself: "I hope that things will not be as I imagined. I hope that the information retained in this time and space can be as complete as possible, even if it is a city of time and space. There is a loss in the inheritance of the origin, and don’t lack information in the ancient times. The information of the Great Tribulation of the Era will play a vital role in the next Great Tribulation of the Supreme Chaos World, and it is also vital to your own cultivation!"

Xing Tian has been able to basically manipulate the original power of this time and space city, and has been able to master most of the power of the time and space city, but even so, Xing Tian still did not want to separate the chaotic good fortune pool, did not think By opening the door of the world, the chaotic pool of good fortune was collected into the inner world, and it was refined by the power of the inner world.

The more the origin of refining the city of time and space, the more Xing Tian can understand the horror of the city of time and space. Even if he has half of the origin of the city of time and space, Xing Tian still dare not take risks. Even if there is a slight mistake, the consequences will be unimaginable. The damage to the origins of the different chaotic good fortune pools Xing Tian was worried about was not the damage to the origin of the city of time and space, but the ancient information retained in the two treasures, the imprint left by the great catastrophe of the previous era. Is the most important thing!

"Well! What's the matter, the whole planet is in turmoil, could it mean that the outside world has changed?" After Xing Tian cleared his blood for a while, he immediately noticed the turbulence of the planet, and this situation made Xing Tian immediately think of the outside world. The change of, thinking of the powerhouses that suddenly appeared in the secret world, after all, I made such a big movement on this weird planet, even if this planet has great protection power, it will cause the outside world. Pay attention to the changes caused by the outside world and attract countless enemies. If the enemy notices the changes here, they will naturally make a big move, causing changes in the world!

At this moment, Xing Tian had a thought, he wanted to be distracted to investigate the changes in the outside world, and wanted to know whether those powerful enemies from the outside world had already arrived outside the planet, and he was about to touch his defenses left on the outermost part of the planet. Imprint! However, Xing Tian soon gave up this idea again, quickly gathered his mind, and dispelled his idea!

At this time, even if you are distracted to check everything, if the enemy really has arrived, checking it by yourself will not help you. It will only waste your time in vain. Instead of wasting your precious time, it is better to hurry up. The power is invested in the blood refining of the time and space city, and strive to complete the blood refining of the time and space city before the enemy perceives the corpse of the gods and demons and the source of the road of poison, and even complete the collection of the chaotic good fortune pool.

When faced with a big turning point, how to choose is the most difficult thing. A mistake in choice will greatly affect his future practice and future. Although Xing Tian's heart is very worried about the external situation, it is this time. Under such circumstances, he still knows the priorities and what he should do.

Time is running out! Although only the planet is trembling, this change still brings tremendous pressure to Xing Tian, ​​making Xing Tian even more pressured by the urgency of time, so Xing Tian has to increase the speed of blood refining again. For blood refining, there is not much. Xingtian has to speed up his speed, only to increase his own blood output and enhance his own hematopoietic function. Although doing so puts a lot of pressure on Xingtian himself, it will bring some harm to himself, but at this time, Xingtian has already taken care of it. Not so much. Time waits for no one. Xing Tian didn't use this big opportunity to gamble, and he didn't dare to underestimate those outside enemies.

Although there are all kinds of **** forbidden formations on this planet, he has the ability to break through the gods forbidden formations. Xing Tian is not sure whether those strong people have such abilities. After all, this realm battlefield world has too much There are too many things that I don't understand, and there are too many ancient powers hidden in this secret world, the inheritance of the previous era.

Don’t mention it, just in this secret world, there are too many ancient powers, and these powers may tear the defenses of the God Forbidden Array, allowing those enemies to enter the planet. , As long as they tear up these many gods, they will naturally see the corpse of that ancient **** and demon, and the path of poison above the corpse.

Fortunately, although Xing Tian speeds up the blood refining, the power of the chaotic good fortune pool can make up for this damage, so that Xing Tian will not be affected too much. Otherwise, Xing Tian will speed up the blood refining so madly, he will be affected. Huge trauma, but since then, the original power of this chaotic good fortune pool has been devoted to the repair of Xingtian itself, so that Xingtian’s two great sources cannot absorb enough to continue to grow and consolidate itself. If you have gains, you will lose!


After the evolution of the Primordial Supreme Treasure was restricted, Xing Tian’s own practice of the two great avenues also came to a halt, so the evolution of Xing Tian’s own evolution has also been affected, and this influence naturally drags down Xing Tian’s all-round enhancement, whether it is physical or The soul, or its own avenue, stopped at this moment. If it is said that the only enhancement is the imprint of the time and space supernatural powers in the sea of ​​consciousness of the soul, just such enhancement is not necessarily a good thing for Xing Tian, ​​because with The continuous enhancement of time and space magical powers will greatly increase the pressure on the soul of the sea of ​​consciousness. After all, the evolution of the soul of the sea of ​​consciousness is limited, and the original power that it can carry is also limited. The imprint of the time and space of magical powers is too strong and will definitely suppress the soul of the sea of ​​consciousness. the power of!

As for his own situation, Xing Tian knew clearly in his heart. Although such a situation had greatly affected his own practice, Xing Tian did not give up the acceleration of the blood refining because of this, and was still frantically doing his best to speed up the blood refining. , Xing Tian’s heart is worried. If he can’t use the fastest speed and the shortest time to complete the blood refining of the time and space city, the external enemies will come here when he collects the chaotic good fortune pool, and when they see this When the two origins are the most precious, the consequences will be serious, even if you have no amount of power or foundation, it will be difficult to protect yourself!

These two great treasures of origin are known. Xing Tian believes that he will be an enemy of the entire world. Everyone in this realm battlefield world will hunt for themselves at all costs, and once the realm catastrophe is over, wait for the realm The battlefield world is integrated into the highest chaos world, and this news will surely spread among the major forces in the highest chaos world. At that time, my situation in the highest chaos world will become extremely dangerous, even my own sect. The door couldn’t believe it, because Xing Tian didn’t know if they would bear the temptation, so Xing Tian had to do everything he could, because once he failed, the serious consequences would be beyond his ability, and death would come directly to him. On the head.

At this moment, Xing Tian thought of the will of the world in his mind for some reason, and wondered whether all this was a trap set by the will of the world. The purpose was to lead himself to destruction and the road to the public enemy of the world. At all costs, speed up the refining of the city of time and space and complete the collection of the Chaos Fortune Pool!

"Damn, this blood refining speeds up, and the pressure on oneself has been invisibly magnified several times. This is a heavy pressure on oneself, whether it is the body, the soul, or even one's own will. Impact, one who is not careful will fall into a state of immortality!" Not long after the blood refining speeded up, Xing Tian noticed the danger brought by his accelerated blood refining. The degree of danger exceeded Xing Tian’s imagination, but at this time , Xing Tian could not stop.

It’s not that Xing Tian didn’t want to stop, but Xing Tian couldn’t do it. When he tried his best to refine the city of time and space, the mutation happened. The city of time and space seemed to be alarmed by his actions, and instinctively began to absorb his own blood, let Xing Tian If you want to slow down, you can't do it. Such a change casts a shadow on Xing Tian's heart!

With such an abnormal change, the blood refining of Time and Space City has undergone such a change, and the power of the origin has taken the initiative to absorb its own blood and help itself speed up the blood refining. How can such a strange situation occur, how can Xing Tian be shocked? If there is no conspiracy, no calculation, Xing Tian would not believe it, and only the original owner of the city of time and space, or the will of heaven and earth, only they have the ability to make such a terror Counterattack!

Yes, this is the counterattack. For the counterattack of the invaders, if the strong of the time and space city cannot meet the needs of the time and space city, they will be sucked up by the origin of the time and space city, and they will end up dead and dead. In the end, the power of the original source becomes the nourishment of the city of time and space. Perhaps in this weird planet, in this city of time and space, I am not the first person to enter. Those people before have not completed the city of time and space. Refining, was directly emptied of its origin by the City of Time and Space!

Such a situation is not impossible, even if Xingtian now has two great treasures to suppress himself, coupled with the back-feeding power of the Chaos Fortune Pool, it can only barely satisfy the power absorption of the city of time and space, if it is not for Xingtian has a powerful soul , Has a firm consciousness, a strong body, a powerful source of treasure, I am afraid that at this moment I have already been emptied of myself by the city of time and space, it can be said that the four powers, as long as one of the powers is insufficient, will bring death to Xingtian!

Is this a backlash from the source? Is the city of time and space counterattack Xingtian? Yes, in Xing Tian’s eyes, this is the greatest power hidden in the city of time and space, the greatest danger, and people with a little insufficient strength will end up in death, although there is endless shock and anxiety in his heart. , But Xing Tian did not dare to be distracted, because Xing Tian understood that as long as he was slightly distracted, his situation would be more dangerous, and he would end up in a dead end!

The tremendous pressure and impact are constantly forming terrible attacks on Xing Tian, ​​making Xing Tian’s situation more and more dangerous. Even if his own hematopoietic function is fully activated, Xing Tian still feels the pressure of his body and soul. The greater the refining speed of the city of time and space, the more time and space origin it condenses, and the stronger his perception of the time and space avenue. Such enhancement is not acceptable to Xing Tian, ​​because of this. Strengthening brings too much pressure on itself!

Stop all this development? Xing Tian couldn’t do it, because Xing Tian was already unable to do so. His mind had to devote all his energy to this terrible confrontation. Even at this time, Xing Tian didn’t even have the power to distract and open the inner world, even if it was forced. Interrupting the transformation of the inner world and allowing one's own world tree clone to open the channel of the inner world can't be done. This shows how dangerous Xing Tian's current situation is, and how terrible the dark hands left in the city of time and space are!

I knew that speeding up my blood refining on the city of time and space would cause such a shock. Xing Tian would not do it rashly and would not let himself fall into such a terrible crisis. Of course, it is too late to regret it now. Everything has happened! Speaking of it, if all this is really just a trap, even if Xing Tian does not take the initiative to speed up the blood refining of the city of time and space, such a shock will occur, but it will exist in another situation at that time. After all, this force has always been They are all hidden in the city of time and space, maybe 50% of the origin of the city of time and space, this is the condition to touch this dark hand, as long as oneself has more than 50% of the city of time and space, it will arouse this Hidden dark hands will allow this terrifying side to appear. This is the conspiracy and trick that the original owner of Time City has already set, or this is the test of getting Time City, the Chaos Pool!

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