God of Destruction

Chapter 3906: Festival crisis

Chapter 3906 Crisis

If Xingtian can resist the backlash of the city of time and space, Xing Tian will be able to fulfill his wish, otherwise he will kill his life here. This is the real crisis facing Xing Tian, ​​and it is also the most hidden counter-killing method for the city of time and space and the pool of chaos. In those endless years, this terrible method did not know how many powerful people were killed. At the moment, Xing Tian’s ability to survive this catastrophe depends on his own background and his own will. After all, this is only aimed at him. One person's killer!

Pay and gain are directly proportional. Such crazy acceleration of blood refining, Xing Tian also has amazing gains when he pays a huge price. Not to mention the savings in time, his own perception of time and space is also accelerating. Of course, There is also the enhancement of the avenue of chaotic good fortune, and the continuous blood refining of the city of time and space is also constantly unlocking the original power of the chaotic good fortune pool, subtly enhancing the improvement of Xingtian’s own chaotic good fortune avenue, but now Xingtian’s chaotic good fortune The power of the Dao’s origin is consumed on its own hematopoietic function, and the balance of chaos destroys the Dao. This accumulation of Dao’s feelings can only stay on the perception and cannot strengthen itself, but wait for Xing Tian to get through this The catastrophe, this accumulation will be released, and Xing Tian's practice will advance by leaps and bounds. After all, the deeper the accumulation, the stronger his own potential!

With the rapid increase in blood refining, Xing Tian also continued to receive ancient information, as well as ancient inheritance. It is a pity that so much inheritance and information can only be temporarily placed in the sea of ​​soul knowledge. Xing Tian is fundamentally divided. Without the energy to absorb and digest, who made this blood refining speed up to bring tremendous impact and pressure to Xing Tian, ​​so Xing Tian did not dare to be distracted.

"Damn, I knew it was not that simple, and I knew that the will of heaven and earth would never give me a loophole to borrow!" When Xing Tian's blood refining the city of time and space reached 60%, new inheritance insights and information poured in. Wu is in the sea of ​​soul consciousness, and at the same time, the pressure and impact Xing Tian himself endures has also become more terrifying, because the backlash of Time and Space City is increasing. How can Xing Tian not be shocked by this result? Can not be angry. It can be said that such a result has completely dissipated Xing Tian's heart of fortune, and he no longer holds any hope. This is the terrible power left by the original strong in Time City!

If it was just the previous acceleration, I'm afraid that many strong people can barely persevere until the end, but under this situation, Xing Tian truly understands the terrible inheritance of this secret world, and understands the horror of the inheritance of this last era. Under 60% of the blood refining, the pressure on myself has increased a lot. It is conceivable that when 70%, 80%, and 90% of the blood refining, I will bear the terrible impact, and this situation makes Xing Tian's heart Can not help but cast a shadow!

give up? But now Xingtian has no such opportunity, because now Xingtian is no longer dominant, everything is no longer in the control of Xingtian, and the initiative has fallen to the city of time and space. Now Xingtian can only passively accept everything. It can be said that Xingtian is not now. Success becomes benevolence, and there is no retreat, and his life and death are completely affected by the city of time and space!

Although there was endless anger and unwillingness in his heart, Xing Tian had to accept this result. Accepting this fact, he had to quickly gather his mind and devote himself to this horrible blood test. As for everything else, Xing Tian left behind. Behind his head, what external pressure and the appearance of enemies are no longer under Xingtian's consideration. For Xingtian, the most important thing now is to survive this terrible panic. Only if he survives can he consider it. For other issues, if you can’t even survive, and no matter how much you think about, it’s just a fantasy, and there will be no results!

Time is passing fast, and Xing Tian’s own pressure is constantly increasing. Whether it’s his body, soul, or his own will, he is suffering from inhuman torture. Such torture makes Xing Tian’s own breath continue to grow. Weakened, this is not Xing Tian’s lack of ability, but Xing Tian’s instinctive response under such inhuman torture. It is impossible for anyone to face such a terrible situation to keep his energy and spirit at all times. In a perfect state, Xing Tian couldn't do it, and such a situation increased Xing Tian's own burden and increased the danger Xing Tian faced.

Under the threat of death, under the horrible pressure, Xing Tian gradually forgot what he was doing. Under the terrible pressure and under the horrible impact, Xing Tian’s mind and spirit had completely lost what he deserved. The spirituality is replaced by instinct, the instinct of living creatures, the instinct of living creatures is only to live, the real survival instinct, it can be said that there is only one consciousness of Xingtian today, and that is to live, do your best to live, regardless of your face For what kind of pressure, what kind of impact!

When Xing Tian fell into this terrible state of survival instinct, Xing Tian had forgotten everything, even when his blood refining touched the limits of the time and space city again, Xing Tian still did not wake up, as if it were this terrible The pressure and impact of Xing Tian did not bring any change to Xing Tian. Under such circumstances, Xing Tian used this terrible survival instinct to overcome this terrible test, allowing himself to rush to a higher peak again, and making Xing Tian himself happen. A new change!

Under the instinct to survive, Xing Tian could not feel his own changes. If Xing Tian wakes up at this time, he will see that his physical body has become dry, although under the action of the Great Way of Chaos, his own hematopoietic function is It strengthens rapidly, but the origin of the physical body is still affected. The flesh and blood begin to dry up, and there are cracks in the soul consciousness sea. That is the trauma caused by the enhancement of time and space magical powers to the soul consciousness sea. Only Xingtian's will has not been changed. , This is also a great fortune in misfortune, allowing Xing Tian to continue to stick to it.

auzw.com Today’s Xingtian, every step forward, every little blood training, has great pressure and impact on himself, and he will endure huge trauma. Fortunately, Xingtian’s body is only in Changing towards dryness, instead of cracking, or the result will be more serious, if the blood of the flesh is lost at this time, then Xing Tian will not see the hope of success! Fortunately, this worst situation did not appear on Xingtian's body, and Xingtian's body did not collapse!

Time passed bit by bit, Xing Tian also fell into a state of dying, everything is driving himself with instinct, with the continuous enhancement of blood refining, gradually Xing Tian's body has become dry, and at this moment Xing Tian The blood refining of the city of time and space has reached more than 90%, and it is gradually approaching the realm of Dzogchen. It can be said that as long as Xing Tian persists, he will succeed! Of course, when he finally completes the blood refining to Consummation, whether the impact of the inheritance he has received and the information of the previous era will cause devastating harm to himself, Xing Tian is not clear about this, after all, everything is Is unknown!

When Xing Tian moved towards the Great Consummation of Blood Refinement step by step, the power of the physical body could no longer fulfill the demand for blood refining. Under this unavoidable situation, Instinct could allow Xing Tian to start extracting the power of the source of his own avenue to relieve it. Own pressure, under this crazy situation, Xing Tian’s original treasure has been continuously weakened from the first-grade perfection state. If the two major original treasures can not convert each other, I am afraid that only the first-grade chaotic origin of Qinglian will not be enough. Let Xing Tian complete this journey of blood refining. With the help of the two great origins, Xing Tiancai has survived this disastrous blood refining, step by step, pushing the blood refining to the realm of Dzogchen, and at this moment, the two great origins are the most precious. The light is already dim, and the origin is greatly damaged~!

With a loud noise of "Boom!" Xing Tian's whole person was awakened by a terrible impact. Both his body and soul, as well as his own will, were shaken by this terrible loud noise. A powerful force of vitality is washing Xing Tian's body and soul. When the blood refining is complete, the worst situation has not occurred. Although Xing Tian was hit by the huge inheritance and information in an instant, the impact of the soul and knowledge is not No harm was caused to Xing Tian, ​​on the contrary, in the impact, a powerful vitality was washing Xing Tian's whole body and repairing Xing Tian's own wounds.

Under this powerful scouring of vitality, Xing Tian's body and soul are recovering quickly at a speed visible to the naked eye. In just a few breaths, the trauma of the body and soul on the sea of ​​consciousness disappears, and the will is here. It can evolve under the powerful scouring, but unfortunately, although this vital force is huge, it is not enough to complete the restoration of the two great origins that carry its own road. After all, the foundation of the two great origins is too deep, such a huge Consumption takes a long time to accumulate. However, there are two sides to things. When the essence of the two great source treasures is consumed to the limit, Xing Tian unknowingly completes the first compression and tempering of the source treasure, so that Xing Tian's essence treasure has been qualitatively transformed!

When the time and space city completed the blood refining, Xing Tian also felt the huge information in the sea of ​​consciousness in his soul, as well as the magical powers of the Time and Space Dao that had been enhanced several times, but this was nothing. The blood that made Xing Tian happy most. After the refining is completed, the connection between the time and space city and the chaotic good fortune pool is already in my control, and I can cut off this connection at any time!

Time waits for no one. After he refining the entire city of time and space, Xing Tian can clearly feel the shock from time and space, and can perceive that this planet is really going to be destroyed, and such changes will definitely affect the outer void. Changes affect the changes in the secret world, and there is not much time left for me, so I can't hesitate anymore!

Although at this moment, Xing Tian felt that his inner world had not completed the transformation and evolution, but Xing Tian had to forcibly open the door of the world, and had to forcibly awaken his world tree clone. Only in this way could he take away the chaotic pool of good fortune. Only by receiving the Chaos Fortune Pond, can one's own deity receive the Time and Space City into his body.

I have to admit that even if I have completed the blood refining of the time and space city, I still underestimated the calculations of the original master of the time and space. There is a chaotic pool of good fortune, even if Xingtian has completed the control of the time and space city. It is also impossible to income it into itself, because the Chaos Fortune Pool rejects this collection, unless Xing Tian also succeeds in refining the Chaos Fortune Pool, and Xing Tian cannot do this at all, not to mention that the refining requires a huge amount of energy and blood. , Even in terms of time, Xing Tian did not allow Xing Tian to do this.

With a heart move, the world tree clone was awakened, and a world power emerged in this time-space city. In an instant, the door of the inner world opened, and the root system of the world tree protruded from the door of the inner world and turned into one. Zhang Pangda’s giant net firmly locked the chaotic good fortune pool, and then the origin of the inner world exploded. The powerful suction burst from the root system of the world tree, forcibly pulling the chaotic good fortune pool into the inner world, and At the same time, Xingtian deity also manipulated the origin of the city of time and space to push the chaotic good fortune pool. With the full cooperation of the deity and the clone, the chaotic good fortune pool was pulled into the door of the inner world bit by bit. When the pool of good fortune fell into the gate of the inner world, the entire planet had a terrible explosion, and the planet was heading for destruction!

"Damn, I knew that after losing the chaotic pool of good fortune, the planet would no longer be able to withstand the forbidden power, and it would definitely go to destruction. The city of time and space was closed, and time and space pointed out to me!" In an instant, Xing Tian will be the world The city received itself, and then instantly burst out the supernatural powers of the time and space above the sea of ​​consciousness of his own soul, tearing open the barrier of the gods under one finger, and disappearing into a stream of light in this destructive planet. Disappeared in that divine forbidden.

Although there is still a huge chaotic aura on this planet, Xing Tian has no time to collect these chaotic auras. No matter how important this resource is, it is not as important as his own life. Compared with his own life, Xing Tian will naturally give up. These chaotic good fortune auras, with the chaotic good fortune pool, this resource is no longer seen by Xing Tian, ​​as long as he has enough time, no matter how much resources he can condense!

Now that Xingtian has received the chaotic good fortune pool, resources are no longer a factor that bothers him to practice. Relatively speaking, Xingtian lacks time. As long as there is enough time, Xingtian can complete his own evolutionary transformation and make himself stronger quickly. , But Xingtian doesn’t have so much time right now. When the planet is destroyed, a terrible space storm erupts once again in that secret world, and this time the appearance of space storm is not caused by those explorers. It was caused by Xingtian's collection of Chaos Goods and Chemicals Pond. As soon as this terrible storm appeared, although it brought a terrifying impact, it also shattered many restrictions!

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