God of Destruction

Chapter 3908: Meet

Chapter 3908 Encounter

"Is this a trap, everything before is just to lure us into this big trap!" When faced with such a situation, people with gloomy psychology could not help but give birth to such thoughts. Perhaps there is a big opportunity here. But before seeing it with their own eyes, they would rather believe that this is a big trap, a trap for people like themselves!

"No, this is impossible. If this is a trap, the price paid would be too great. Don’t say that it’s just the rich vitality and the God’s forbidden formation we have seen before. This is enough. It proves that there are great secrets buried here. Now what we are facing is only a test. No treasure, any opportunity can be easily obtained. If we want to get this opportunity, we must face the test in front of us. Everyone is calm. Come, don't be too anxious. The more anxious and impatient, the more we won't get anything. Only by calming down and carefully looking for clues can we pass the test!"

This is easy to say but difficult to do. If there is no external pressure, everyone can do this, but the current situation is different. Everyone has to consider external pressure and consider those that can appear at any time. Under such circumstances, let them calm down. This is a bit difficult. You must know when you are about to face a terrible war. Under such circumstances, how can everyone calm down!

This is the real situation of these people. They have found the planet where the chance is, and set foot on the planet, but this kind of resistance has appeared again, making them really unable to advance or retreat. Impossible, let’s not say that everyone can’t let go of the greed in their hearts, even if their own way is blocked. At this time, if you retreat, you will meet the enemies who are coming. If the two sides do not meet, there is nothing. There will be a terrible death battle. The reason is simple. Benefits. At this time, if you withdraw yourself, you will surely make people later believe that you have a big chance, and the guess in the other party’s heart will leave you with no room for explanation. Such a situation Under the circumstances, how can everyone retreat!

"No, this is a trap. What we encountered before was the game deliberately set by the other party. Otherwise, how would you explain the destruction of the God’s forbidden formation, and the extremely rich vitality in front of us, which can shield our mind’s vitality. The power of is too strong, it is not something such a planet can carry, I absolutely believe this is a trap!"

Disagreements quickly appeared. Under this pressure, it is normal for people to be unhappy. However, when such a situation arises, these people now cannot think of a solution, because no one dares to truly be sure of their own. The speculation is correct, the most important thing is that everyone is trapped in this planet now, and there is no way to break free!

Just when everyone was at a loss and didn’t know how to face all these things in front of them, suddenly bursts of howling sounded, and in an instant, a group of powerful people also followed, very fast, basically They are all vying for the first, for fear that they are one step behind, for fear that the so-called great opportunity will be taken away by other strong people. But when they also arrived, they were all dumbfounded, because what appeared in front of them was not a big chance, but a group of powerhouses at a loss!

"Damn, what's going on, why are these **** standing here stupidly, all looking downcast?" When seeing this situation, some people couldn't help feeling surprised and spoke out their doubts. !

"Assholes, you **** dare to despise us so much. You have the ability to give me a break!" When they heard the words of these later enemies, those hot-tempered people could no longer bear the humiliation. The anger in their hearts was violent. By this time, they no longer cared about a crazy fight. Maybe this is just the right way to eliminate the anger in their hearts and help calm their mind. After all, this anger has been suppressed for too long. It is also a big harm in itself!

"Damn! These **** took gunpowder, they were so hot, but just casually said, they became so violent, what kind of situation these **** went through to make them feel so angry. You can't fight these **** at this time, or you will be unimaginable, these **** have reached the extreme point of breaking out!" Seeing the hot reactions of those who came first, the shrewd people who came later immediately warned others not to be here. Time to provoke these **** in front of you, lest one accidentally ruin his life here!

"Dear fellow daoists, what is going on, what have you experienced, why are you so hot, can you explain it to us so that we can prepare for it?" Although I can’t wait for these people to die early, but At this time, under such circumstances, these latecomers had to pull their faces down and ask!

"Huh! I want to know what's going on here, don't you know if you go and test it yourself, I hope you can calm down next!" When they heard the other party's inquiry, those who came first sneered disdainfully , There was a hint of sarcasm on his face, and in this sarcasm there was also a faint look of gloat. After all, someone fell into this unknown danger like himself, and his fiery temper dissipated the anger in his heart. What a minute!

"Damn, I knew these **** weren't worth our face to ask, you really lost your face!" When he heard the other's answer, some of the latecomers couldn't help but whisper, although he was right in his heart. This kind of behavior is very disdainful, and he is very angry at the answers of these bastards, but he also understands that this time is not the time of war with the other party!

"Enough, don’t say more. Although these bastards’ reactions are hateful and nasty, we are not without gain. From this bastard’s words, we can know that this planet is not as simple as what we have seen before. What we see outside the planet is only an illusion. This planet is so dangerous that these **** have to stop!"

"Dangerous? But I don't feel any danger here. On the contrary, there is a strong vitality here. If it is dangerous, it is these **** **** in front of me. If these **** die, we will not be dangerous!"


"Ignorance, when is this? You still have such ignorant thoughts in your heart. Do you think these **** are so stupid that they don't even get the chance to take it? They have become so violent, you can see the danger here, and you think Do we have the ability to kill these **** without any damage? Don’t tell me, you think that only we will come here, and there will be no other enemies behind. At this time, the war will only let the **** behind take advantage of the profit. The ignorance in your heart is not a trifling matter, it is related to the life and death of everyone, and there can be no slight mistake!"

At this time, under this situation, any mistakes will bring devastating blows, and will plunge everyone into a terrible crisis. Although the person in front of you said these words very seriously, they got almost everything present. People's approval, to stimulate those **** at this time is not worth the loss, instead of fighting, it is self-defeating!

"Wait! Since these **** say nothing and do nothing, we are just like them, standing here waiting to see who can't bear it in the end, we won't make wedding dresses for others, we just stand here and wait When other people appear, when everyone arrives, no matter how dangerous it is, we can fight together!"

Although this suggestion is very cautious, but for these latecomers, this cautious decision is the most suitable and safest for them. Facing unknown forces and unknown places, no matter how careful you are , After all, when you are exploring the unknown, you can still be distracted to guard against the sneak attacks of these **** in front of you, and pin your life on a group of hostile bastards, that is irresponsible to yourself, and is self-defeating!

Soon these latecomers reached an agreement, and they all became cautious, and no longer paid attention to these'jerks' in front of them, but stood together quietly, carefully guarded, one by one, there was nothing before. The impatient appearance seemed to be that they had given up the fight for chance in an instant, and the changes of these people made the people who came before one by one annoyed and shocked them. This result was nothing they did not have. Thought-of.

The previous people wanted to say something more, but they couldn’t help but swallowed it back, because when they saw the calm face of these latecomers, their anger instantly soared, making them want to wait. I rushed forward and grabbed the opponent's body and asked them why they are so calm, why not look for the results they want?

If you want to return to thinking, but if you really want to do this, it is triggering a war. This is undesirable. As long as there is a trace of reason in their mind, no one will make such a move. After all, at this time, war is going on under such circumstances. I won't get any benefits, I will only make wedding dresses for others, and will only make the enemies who are coming from behind get cheap.

Wait! In this silent confrontation, whether it is the previous ones or the late ones, they are waiting quietly. At this time, they are competing with patience and will compete with each other. See who can't stand it first, but This situation seems to be a bit disadvantageous to the first comers before, after all, they are the most affected! Of course, this is just a superficial situation. In the real situation, both sides are on the same line, and there is no difference between superior and inferior.

With the passage of time, not long after, another group of people appeared on this planet, and the arrival of these new people, their reactions were the same as those before, they were shocked by everything in front of them, and they didn’t understand why they were here. There will be two groups of people standing there and waiting quietly. If everyone could not feel the vitality of these people and could see the changes in their expressions, they would think that these are two groups of puppets and that this is a trap for themselves. !

For these newcomers, the previous two groups just raised their heads and glanced at each other gently, without words, and continued to wait quietly, as if they were treating the newcomers before them as air, when they did not exist at all. I didn’t care about their appearance at all. Such a weird reaction caused a greater impact to these newcomers, and their minds were greatly impacted. After all, faced with such a weird reaction, anyone would instinctively. Thought this was a big trap!

"Damn it, who can tell me what is going on, why there are two teams of people in this land of chance, they can't see any killing intent, and they don't care about their arrival, even more Don’t want to speak?” Like those people before, some people couldn’t help the fear and anxiety in their hearts. They opened their mouths and shouted in low voices at others, venting their fears and anger in their hearts. Please calm down your mood!

"This is the first time I have encountered such a weird situation. Under this great opportunity, in this opportunity planet, there are such two weird teams. This is indeed difficult to understand, difficult to accept, and it is difficult to understand these bastards. What do you want to do?"

"You guys, do you think it's possible that these two teams of **** have already won that great opportunity? The reason why they reacted so strangely is that the great opportunity they got through refining in secret is to deliberately confuse us and help them To buy time?"

I have to admit that when faced with a weird situation, people have all kinds of ideas, even this crazy conjecture has appeared. I have to say that when there are many people, everyone will appear. Such ridiculous ideas appear. What else will not appear!

"Impossible, they are not fools. If these **** have really gotten the chance, and they have reached an agreement, they have already escaped one by one, how could they stand here stupidly, waiting for our arrival, this is not clear Are you self-defeating? Anyone who is a little bit sensible will not make this stupid decision. Maybe they are cursed, or maybe the planet is dangerous and they have to stop!"

"Perhaps this is the truth of the matter. The reason why these **** have such weird expressions is to wait for the arrival of other people, wait for newcomers to be cannon fodder, and travel for them. This can also explain why they have such a strange expression. There is no intention to kill, because they have no intention to kill us from the beginning to the end. They long for us to be the **** in their hands!" As if they had figured everything out, someone couldn't help but exclaimed, his expression became extremely solemn!

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