God of Destruction

Chapter 3909: Section compromise

Chapter 3909 Compromise

"Wait, these **** can wait, and we can do it. They want to use us as pawns. They don’t have the ability. See who can’t stand it first. We have just arrived. They don’t know how long they have been waiting. On our side, as long as we can calm down, we will be able to win the final victory!" Facing the weird situation before us, these newcomers soon made a decision. Like those before, they too patience!

When these newcomers recovered calmly one by one and watched them coldly, the hearts of the previous two teams were cast a shadow, and the situation was worse than they thought. These newcomers did not think of themselves. So stupid and so urgent, they made the same decision as themselves, not willing to make wedding dresses for others, and not willing to be pawns in others' hands!

"How can the **** situation be like this? If it continues like this, I'm afraid there will be more and more people here, and when there are more people, everything may happen. At that time, our troubles will only be even greater. We must Hurry up and come up with a solution!" After watching the reactions of these newcomers, the hearts of the first group of people who arrived began to become nervous, and the pressure on them was also increasing. If the current situation continues to deteriorate like this, yes. For them, it was a huge blow.

It’s not a big thing if one team or two teams don’t respond, but the impact they bring is huge. With these bastards, I’m afraid that later people will react in the same way. At that time, the situation is really out of control. , It’s really messed up. One person can’t bear to take a big shot. As long as one person takes a shot, it will mess up the whole situation. It will make the current situation out of control. It will make this calm collapse directly, and a terrible **** battle will happen. Broke out.

When there are too many people, everything will happen. When there are too many people, there will be chaos. Under such a situation, no one wants to see the emergence of war and no one wants to see the collapse of the situation. That is not for everyone. What a good thing, it is difficult for them to accept such a result. Under such a situation, the first people could not help but have a hint of compromise in their hearts!

At this time, under this situation, although the act of compromising was a bit weak, they had to do it. Who made my situation get out of their grasp over and over again and move towards the unknown, and the unknown is The most terrifying, but also the most difficult to control, as long as everyone still has a trace of desire for opportunity in their hearts, they have to compromise. Of course, compromise is not without a bottom line, the other party also needs to pay a price, after all, in this overall situation, they still have an advantage!

"Dear friends, we can’t go on like this anymore. At this time, we have to react. Time is waiting for people. If more and more people appear, our situation will become more and more dangerous. These later **** have a good talk, otherwise the situation will be completely out of our grasp and it will be out of control!"

"Yes, we are all too arrogant and too self-righteous. The previous plans were only centered on ourselves, without considering the outcome of failure. Now we have to make changes. The reason why these **** stopped and waited was Because they can’t figure out the situation and the weirdness of this planet, we can tell them everything we know, but the chaos also has to pay the price, vowing not to be an enemy of us, so that we can reduce the pressure!"

"Yes, this plan is feasible. As long as these chaos swear not to be an enemy of us, then we can have more assurance. At least we know much more about this planet than they do. We understand that there is a **** in this planet. Forbidden formations, and they are afraid that they have not seen the destruction of the forbidden formations. This is our confidence and our opportunity!"

"Okay, since everyone agrees, then we don't bear it anymore. Let's talk to these **** in a straightforward way. All fellow daoists are ready. If there is an accident, you should not have reservations. Don't be defensive. No, for these **** bastards, we can't be too cautious. After all, the opportunity is tempting. Under the temptation of huge profits, these **** can do everything. It is very important for us to be careful! "

When the first group of people came to reach an agreement, they did not hesitate and immediately stood up and said: "Everyone, there is nothing we can do to wait. No one is a fool. Now we have a lot of people gathered, and there are more An endless stream of people are coming. If they all come, how likely is it that everyone thinks we can get this opportunity?"

"Huh! Just say anything if you want, but don't want to use us as cannon fodder. We will not be stupid enough to make wedding dresses for you. We can join forces. We need to know the real situation of this planet, and you are the first to come. !" It is impossible to say that there is no tension in their hearts. When the second group of people saw that the third group did not respond, their hearts were extremely heavy. When they heard the words of the first group, their hearts naturally I also made a trade-off, not willing to wait for a long time!

Seeing the reaction of the second group of people, the first group of strong people nodded and expressed their approval, and then turned their eyes to the newcomers, waiting for their answer, just to settle the second group of people. No, if you want to unite, this third group of people must also express themselves. Otherwise, it is also a huge hidden danger for them. Of course, if these people dare to oppose, they will naturally not sit still and use violence to solve this problem. All problems, eliminate the threat!

Although I don’t understand the hidden secrets between the two groups of people who came before, but when seeing this situation, the newcomers are not fools, and naturally understand the dangers involved. If they don’t express their views at this time, they will wait for them. It will be a terrible war, a war of death, and the opportunity is right in front of them. At this time, they don't want to take risks.


"Well, we also recognize your suggestions. As long as you are willing to tell us everything you know, then we are willing to unite. You can raise the price, but don't go beyond what we can bear!"

When the newcomers also expressed their opinions, the first group of strong men finally breathed a sigh of relief, but now they are not happy yet, time is not waiting for anyone, who knows when the next group of people will appear , I don’t know what will happen in the next moment. The sooner you reach an agreement, the better for everyone, and you can regain the initiative!

"This planet is not as simple as what everyone sees. Although the vitality here is rich, it is also very weird. Their existence blocks our mind and soul power, so that we cannot explore the true situation of this planet, and Under the influence of this huge vitality, we could not find the direction to move forward at all. We could not find the opportunity. The vitality blocked everything. According to our push, this is the first test we have to face. Breaking through this huge vitality barrier requires a strong force. If we join forces with the three parties, we may be able to break this barrier and find the right direction! But before that, I need everyone to swear that they will not leave the secret world. Before, we can never be an enemy!" Without so many concealments, the first group of strong men said everything straightforwardly!

I have to admit that this person’s wisdom is amazing. I didn’t put the requirement of swearing at the forefront, but put it at the end of the words. In this way, the face of these people in front of them was given enough, so that their faces could be preserved. Let the other party have nothing to say, if they still refuse under this situation, then there is really nothing to say, and war will inevitably come!

"Okay, we agree!" Time waits for no one. After hearing these words, the two groups of people immediately took an oath. Although they can still compete with each other for a little profit, these people know how to advance and retreat and understand this situation. What can be done and what can't be done, and wasting your precious time for the sake of that little benefit is a stupid performance!

When the three groups of people on the planet reached an agreement, Xing Tian, ​​who was rushing out of the space where the Chaos Fortune Pond was located, also returned to the forbidden place. He saw the corpse of the gods and demons that he had been reluctant to let go before. The corpse is obviously different from what I have seen before. A terrifying aura is spreading, especially the aura of the Poisonous Avenue, the source of the treasure, that is more terrifying, making the entire space tremble, as if it is poison. The great source will tear up the entire space!

"Damn it, how could this be? The corpse of this **** and demon was shocked, and the original treasure of the road of poison was also activated, as if it was going to break through the air from this forbidden place. What is going on, this corpse Why would the power be alarmed? Why did the Poison Avenue's Origin Treasure break through the air? Is it just because I took away the time and space city and the chaotic pool of good fortune?"

"No, it's impossible. Neither the time-space city nor the Chaos Creation Pool is used to suppress the original treasure of the corpse of the gods and devil and the road of poison. On the contrary, the original treasure of the corpse of the gods and the devil and the road of poison is to conceal that. The existence of two treasures, even if the two treasures disappear, they will not change? Yes, it must be the will of the world, and even the origin of this secret world is in action, otherwise it is impossible to be so short. Time, there will be such an astonishing change!" When he saw the astonishing change in front of him, Xing Tian felt a little more pressure in his heart. It seems that he has been targeted again!

In the face of such a shocking change, Xing Tian also had to treat it with care, otherwise an accidental person would be swallowed by the power of the corpse of the gods and demons, and would be swept by the power of the source of the poisonous road, once he was swept by the two great powers. The power is shrouded, even if Xingtian protects the city of time and space, it is difficult to retreat. After all, the corpses of gods and demons and the path of poison at this time have undergone a qualitative transformation. That power is not what Xingtian can bear now. , Falling into it is almost dead!

"Give up this opportunity? Anyway, I have already obtained the two great treasures of origin. I don't have much loss to give up this opportunity in front of me. Moreover, if you leave these two opportunities, you may be able to give the enemies outside. Attracted, so that they have no chance to find other secrets, can they hide the information of the two great treasures in their hands?" For a moment, such a thought appeared in Xing Tian's heart, making him think this plan is very feasible!

Soon, Xing Tian's expression shrank, and his eyes revealed a dignified meaning: "No, you can't do this. This is a trap, a trap that deliberately lures me to be fooled. Even the city of time and space hides big secrets. The great information of the era, how could there be no information left in the corpse of the gods and demons, and how could there be no information left in the corpse of the gods and devils, and the avenue of poisons, the source and treasures? There is information about the city of time and space and the pool of creation of chaos. If this is the case, you really have to give up, and you will definitely leave yourself with serious hidden dangers!"

Mobilize the power of the inner world, forcibly open the door of the world, pull the corpse of the gods and demons and the path of poison, the source treasure directly into the inner world, and seal them, waiting for their own strength to increase, and waiting for the inner world to grow stronger before refining them?

Soon Xing Tian shook his head again. Although this idea was good, it was impossible to realize it. He opened the door of the world before and forcibly collected the Chaos Fortune Pool, which had already hurt the origin of the inner world and affected the world tree clone. In such a short period of time, I opened the door of the world again. This is not worth the loss. Perhaps a person who accidentally lost the "Chaotic Pond of Good Fortune" he had obtained before, after all, without the powerful suppression of the World Tree clone, nothing will happen. It may happen, and the most important thing is that the path of poison in front of you, the source treasure, obviously has the ability to tear the void!

After pondering for a while, Xing Tian sighed lightly and sighed: "It seems that I can only make a trade-off. It is impossible to take the corpse of the gods and the devil and the source and treasure of the path of poison into my hands. It is also unrealistic. With my current strength, I can't do it at all. I can only make a trade-off between the two, so I might be able to change the situation!"

Although there are only two choices, for Xingtian, the choice is difficult. The corpse of the gods and devil is the body of the top powerhouse of the last era. Even if it has no vitality, the value is still amazing. The practice of this is still of great help. After all, this is the body of a **** and demon. If you can understand the original power of this body, it will be of great benefit to your own physical practice. It can make yourself soar on the way of the physical body!

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