God of Destruction

Chapter 3910: Section

Chapter 3910 Choices

"Perhaps this corpse of the **** and devil is my best choice. As long as I can collect the corpse of this **** and devil, and can refine the origin and information in the corpse, my own practice will be faster, and the lack of harmony is time!" At this moment, Xing Tian almost had an impulse to choose the corpse of the **** and demon, but at this moment, a vigilant reaction appeared in Xing Tian's heart. This was the instinctive reaction of Xing Tian's soul. This choice may not Not the best, but the worst!

"Damn, how could this happen, the soul is warning, could it be said that my previous impulse was actually affected by external forces? This corpse of the **** and demon is affecting my mind? A corpse that has already died still has such a powerful force, it seems This time I really aroused a backlash of the will of the world. If you want to bury me here at all costs, maybe there are already many enemies gathered outside at this moment, waiting for me to go out and give me a fatal blow, if I don’t Fight back, only death is waiting for me!"

Xing Tian, ​​who was awake, soon discovered the danger of his situation. When the situation reached this point, under normal circumstances, it was almost impossible for him to retreat all over his body. Only by taking an extraordinary path can he have it. Only a glimmer of life can break the trap laid by the will of the world, and allow oneself to get rid of the death breath that envelopes oneself!

At this time, Xing Tian naturally understood how he should choose. The corpse of the gods and demons was a big trap. He had only to choose the path of poison, the source of the treasure, but Xing Tian also understood that perhaps these two choices are traps. Without complete preparation, I can’t act rashly. If I take the Dao of Poison’s original treasure from the corpse of the **** and devil, I am afraid that the corpse of the **** and devil in front of me will be immediately alarmed. Can I withstand the blow of the corpse of the **** and devil?

No, Xing Tian does not have the confidence to be able to withstand the terrible blow from the corpse of this **** and demon, even if the opponent has no strength in its heyday, and it is not something such a small'ant' like Xing Tian can resist. After experiencing endless years of obliteration, the corpse of this **** and demon still retains a powerful force, which is enough to destroy the entire secret world, and even the entire world of battlefields, to startle it, and he is still dead. Bureau!

"Haha! What a sinister calculation, as long as you are a little careless, you will be waiting for death. This choice is basically a dead end, but if I haven't seen all of this, nothing can be changed, but it is different now. I have seen through all the calculations hidden behind this, so things will not be so terrible, I want to see who of us can laugh to the end, what is the mortal situation, as long as I have a heart against the sky, A firm will, no force can stop me from moving forward, it will become my stepping stone, let us use this'great opportunity' to compete!"

In the face of heavy pressure, Xing Tian not only did not surrender or fear, on the contrary, the endless fighting will in his heart was thoroughly aroused, and he wanted to have a real confrontation with the will of this world, Xing Tiansheng, in this secret world There is no more power to restrain him. Failure is naturally a dead end. Life and death are only in the line. This is the dangerous situation Xing Tian faces!

Wanting to escape under the attack of the corpse of a **** and devil, Xingtian’s current power is almost impossible to do. No matter whether it is the avenue of chaos for good fortune or the avenue of destruction, it is not enough for Xingtian to resist the attack of the corpse of this **** and demon. And the only thing Xing Tian can rely on is the time and space supernatural powers above the sea of ​​consciousness of his own soul. This is the only opportunity for him to make a comeback. However, his current situation is not enough to protect himself from the full power of the supernatural powers. As for the city of time and space, the treasure of origin, Xing Tian didn't dare to take it out for protection, otherwise he would only die faster!

Timing, strength, there can be no mistakes, a little mistake, and there is only a dead end waiting for him. After some careful thinking, Xing Tian made a decision, and this decision is extremely dangerous, and he collects the source of the poisonous road. At the same time, time and space Shenkong broke out, tearing open a channel to let oneself escape from this forbidden place. It is very important to grasp the timing. This is a huge test for Xingtian, but Xingtian does not have so much time to waste thinking. Above other methods, time waits for no one. This is the only opportunity for me to get rid of the current crisis. I must face all this!

Regulate your body, adjust your mind, and restore your energy to the strongest period in the shortest possible time, so that you have no weakness. Only in this way can you implement this crazy decision and be able to die without life. A **** path has been broken through the death, so that you can get rid of this terrible death crisis, and fight back against the will of the world!

Just being beaten and not fighting back is not Xing Tian’s way of dealing with people. When he perceives this terrible crisis, Xing Tian must counterattack and give the world a strong counterattack, otherwise the danger will always be with him. , Planning Xingtian has already thought of it, but whether you can succeed, everything depends on your grasp of the timing, and the reaction of the enemies gathered from the outside world. It can be said that the plan lies in the people and the success lies in the sky. Everything that can be done is done well. The next result depends on the will of God and his own destiny. Although Xing Tian is unwilling to let his own destiny be in the hands of others, under such circumstances, everything cannot be controlled by Xing Tian. Call the shots, after all, this is a battle of life and death!

After Xing Tian made a choice, made a choice, and began to make the final preparations, the outside world also ushered in new changes. Although the three groups of enemies have reached an agreement and compromised with each other, it is just as Xing Tian faced. The situation is the same. When entering the secret world, the fate of these people is not in their own control, and everything is not in their hands. Although they reached an agreement and compromised with each other as quickly as possible, But nine out of ten unsatisfactory things in the world, and they are also encountering them, just when they are preparing to burst out a strong attack, tearing apart the huge vitality blocking them in front of them, accidents happened, and the fluctuations in the space instantly Appeared, at this critical moment, a group of new people appeared.

"Damn it, how could this be, why these **** **** didn't come early or late, they appeared at this critical time!" When they saw this sudden change, everyone was angry at it and they wanted to kill it directly. These newcomers, but they did so but made some trivialities, wasting their huge attacks for nothing. You must know that in order to succeed in one blow, they all aggregate their biggest attacks. If this blow falls on these new ones, The person who appears is really not worth the gain, but if you don't do it, these **** **** will become a huge hidden danger for everyone.

auzw.comOf course, this is not an unsolvable situation. For these people, they still have a chance to change. It is a small group of people who will kill these new people. But everyone The condensed strength will be weakened. Whether they can achieve their wishes, tearing apart the huge vitality that is blocking them, becomes an unknown. The most important thing is that no one is willing to accept this task, because they have each other's hearts. Selfishness, are not willing to offend others and provoke a group of enemies for themselves!

"Chaos, everyone, be careful, there are traps!" When seeing the group of people in front of them, they are condensing a terrible attack, the new ones reacted immediately, instinctively making them think that this is a huge trap, someone is waiting They cast themselves into the net. Under this instinct, they all responded fiercely and acted to protect themselves!

Attack these enemies who are ready to go? No, no one is so stupid. Even if they fight back hard, they don’t think they have the possibility of success. Counterattack will only make them die faster. Their first reaction is to do their best to defend. Waiting for the time to fight back, waiting for the arrival of others, only Hezhong can have a ray of life!

"Assholes, these **** **** want to take advantage of the chance, and they don't give us a chance or even a way to survive. These **** are too vicious!" Seeing this terrible situation suddenly appeared, some people couldn't help but become angry. Roaring, endless resentment in his eyes, I can’t wait to strip these **** **** in front of me alive!

"Wait, things don't seem to be what we think. These **** don't seem to attack us, as if we think too much, they have other intentions!" Soon some savvy people discovered the abnormal situation. These people are really malicious, and they should attack as soon as they appear, instead of giving them a chance to stand on their heels!

"Yes, this situation is indeed a bit abnormal. These **** really didn't mean to attack us. We should talk to them. Maybe we can change the current situation. Otherwise, over time, there will be an uncontrollable situation!"

In such a terrible situation, everything can happen over time. Even if these people have no intention of killing, who can guarantee that over time, someone will not be able to resist external pressure and will miss out for a while. Under the terrible and dangerous situation, as long as there is a little accident, it will be out of control. As long as one person takes the shot, war will inevitably occur, because no one is willing to die and must make a counterattack. There is no possibility of resolution!

"Everyone, are there any misunderstandings between us? What do you want to do with such a terrifying force? If it is possible, can we put everything down and talk about it. Under such a situation, there is a slight mistake. There is only war, and war together, I think it is not a good thing for anyone, you are not willing to let this happen!"

As a newcomer, you have to bow your head first. Whoever makes the situation the most dangerous to them, if the other party is willing to take action, these people will die without life, even if they fight back with all their strength, they will not cause much harm to the other party. , The only thing they can rely on is the other party's plan, and under the last resort, the other party is unwilling to take a big shot against them.

"Talk? Do you think we have anything to negotiate in this situation? There is only one choice for you, and that is to do what we say. We don’t want to make a big move, and we don’t want to go to war with you. , This is not the result we want, but we have to take precautions. If you want to survive, you can only do what we say, give you ten breaths of time to consider, don’t challenge our bottom line, the consequence is not you Can bear it!"

Negotiations must be done on an equal footing. In the current situation, these latecomers have no bargaining power at all. They are truly in desperate situation. Although these people are unwilling, they have to be under the roof. Bowing their heads, the dangerous situation forced them to compromise, otherwise there is only a dead end waiting for them, and no one wants to risk their lives!

"Okay, we agree, what are your conditions? Just say it directly. As long as you don't do everything, we won't have any resistance!" Without waiting for ten breaths of time, the newcomers immediately made a decision to survive. , They have no choice.

"Okay, very good, I like your decisiveness. We will not do that stupid thing. Our request is very simple. All of you immediately gather the most powerful force to strike the huge vitality in front of you, this vitality. It has blocked our progress, and we want to continue looking for opportunities. This is a barrier that must be broken!"

When these words fell, those latecomers instantly understood the situation in front of them, and understood why these people condensed such a huge attack and did not take action, because their goal was not their latecomers, but the huge vitality ahead. , Seeing the existence of that huge vitality, these people instinctively understand the terrible vitality.

Resist? Don't work hard? Such thoughts flashed in the minds of these latecomers. Perhaps this thought looked good, but no one dared to do so, because they didn’t want to risk their lives. The chaos in front of them is not a fool, and you won’t fail to see it. Whoever doesn’t attack hard, once they make such a provocative move, they will surely provoke a terrible attack, and they will die. In this situation, the other party cannot have the slightest bit of mercy, and it will be for them. A devastating blow! Bet your own life that the other party will be merciful, will not dare to kill, and dare not take it lightly, so stupid people do not exist, life is more important than everything, this is the same for anyone, no one wants to fall here , Die in front of this great opportunity!

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